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Everything posted by Gogivit

  1. Hello FightingBackNow, I am similar to you on the following points: I took out a loan with Welcome FinanceSpring 2003 I was told I had to have the PPI to be approved (have no proof of this mind like many people). Although I had the PPI, I have no clue who the company was that would have paid out should I have required it! Medical questions? I know nothing of medical questions by the rep! When I applied for my loan it was merely short term so I could do the final touches to my home prior to selling it, which I did, but one question I have is that having paid of the loan early am I entitled to some of the PPI back? The PPI was certainly not requested by me, I was told that the lender required me have it in order to be succesful in my application! From what I am reading about Welcome seems to be a history of people being told they have to have the PPI in order to get the loans...
  2. indebtstudent, Firstly, you should be more compassionate and realise that not all people may have the intelligence level to match your own, which is why the CAG is a great place to get help and support from fellow members. You state that you work in the banking industry, if your smart you might want to look for alternative employment because when the banks lose their case, the knock on effect will be huge staff cuts in order that the shareholders targets are met! I don't particularly want to see you or anyone lose their jobs over this issue however its only a shame that after the test case is concluded that staff made redundent and feeling bitter will they then tell the truth! What really cheeses me off though is that an ex of mine(finished relationship 11 years ago) is one of those people who in the capacity of a consultant (and now very rich)was involved in the programming of banks systems and working out all costings. Shame we no longer speak...
  3. Im still here too! I agree things gone too quiet. However it prompted me to go for mis sold PPI which is going through the motions. I for one still confident things will go our way. One thing that interests me is that the banks are lowering their charges prior to the test case:- BUT HOW CAN THEY LOWER CHARGES when they have always stated the charges covered their costs? With bank account on hold, I have ONE ppi on the go, shortly to be followed by another mis sold PPI so am still marching forward...
  4. Hello CH4RLIEB, I am not able to answer your question but recently I wrote to L & G, regarding a mortgage payment protection insurance. I was advised that I had to have it. Without it I could not have the mortgage. L & G have responded to my complaint implying I requested it! This most certainly is not true! However, of the various documents they supplied to me, the one that they are using to back up their findings / agreement shows a monthly charge of £6.25 for the insurance, but strangely enough having looked at my bank statements for the last 11 years they have been debiting £16.00 per month from me for the last 11 years so I wonder where I stand now? I have decided to go direct to the FSA as not happy with L & G'S final decission on the matter (though admitedly I have only just realised the error they have made in relation to debiting the wrong amount from me since start of cover- unless anyone knows differently why my agreement shows one cost but the debit from my bank account has another figure?
  5. Paul this is dragging on now, I am in suspense here!
  6. I feel compelled to help you on this one as I experienced a problem with Virgin Media late last year. My advice to you is to demand that you do not get charged! Ask for the address of the companies chairman so that you can make a complaint to the top! Also explain that you will take this issue to the small claims courts! It worked for me and I havent had to pay for a subscription at all this year...... :)
  7. Fender62, As per my write ups on here (somewhere) I personally write to the tax man each year (rather than them writing to me) to see that my companies are paying my correct contributions. Now taking into account I have worked for blue chip / large companies you would think my wages and deductions were correct? However, for the last few years (touching wood) I have been reimbursed for overpayments to the tune of about £3000. Now I am not saying your son will get the same, in fact his more liable to be told he owes money! The point is this... There is nothing to stop any individual contacting their tax office just to ask them to see that your contributions are correct. If he does owe any money, better to find out now rather than later as the amount could be huge and in addition will demonstrate if his employer is carrying out their legal duties.
  8. Im tagging along on this issue, is very interesting and I can't wait for the outcome:)
  9. Its very interesting that many CAG members claim (and I do too) that we could not get the loans unless we agreed to have PPI!
  10. What is it with landlords? They always seem to try keep the deposits. Only once did I rent a house (prior to moving into home i bought) and funny enough, the landlord advised me she was withholding £140.00 of my deposit.(though its worth mentioning I paid full 6 months rent plus deposit in one go). I called her bluff and said, I had heard how she always withheld her tenants deposits therefore I had allocated £10,000 of my savings for legal fees. She soon paid me back the full amount
  11. From what I understand, the legal side of this comes under the term "distress". As a landlord who is owed money, you can keep the goods until payment has been made.
  12. Don't forget to check your spellings! (one cheque written as check!) I spent many years as a retail manager and not one cheque returned. It is worth noting though, that everyones signature does slightly vary each time. I think the bank knows the guys done a runner and just fobbing you off. A gaurenteed cheque should simply be gaurenteed!
  13. As far as I am concerned, having seen what you were issued and what you should have had, I would say you should persue this with view to receiving £200.00 refund (to cover the other hotel costs) and then request compensation for having endured time in that grubby room. I don't think I would have let my dogs sleap in that room (it looks infested!)
  14. I thought the above articles were very interesting. Why don't we petition Tesco to open banking facilities! Tesco is so big, the banks would become worried.
  15. I think you should have notified the landlord first!
  16. As an observer, I can see the fault is not a result of the company but a result of very poor and inexperienced management!
  17. Hello Toffee, Just one more thing for you to consider... I was with my previous employer for 18 months. During that period I came accross an error whereby I was paying too much in tax contributions! To cut a long story short. For the year 2006 I was reimbursed £1200.00 and for the period ending March 2007 I received £420.00. The only reason I got back a total of £1620.00 was because I spent less than an hour writing to inland revenue with a simple cover note asking if they could check if my contributions were being correctly paid by my employer? In fact I think I will be sending my P60 to them each year from now on. The inland revenue staff seem very friendly and helpful. You should do the same. You might get a surprise.
  18. Last week whilst in a well known supermarket I was shocked to see 6 free range eggs costing £1.60. Yesterday morning in another well known supermarket I found 6 free range eggs for a £1.00. How can there be such a difference? I think I will forget "every little helps" and start regular shopping where "mums go to"
  19. Recently I came accross a frequent callers number on my telephone and wrote it down and then typed it into my computer. Guess where I ended up? At the CAG website! Some women was complaining about them pestering her and they were pestering me too. Funny thing was the caller often left a voice message that said " I would be obliged if you would call me at your earliest convenience! Just a ploy to phone them up. It is a finance company so I wrang them up and told them to stop pestering me. Which they have since done.
  20. Can I but in here, I was looking at an old copy I had with Welcome Finance and I see they charged me £353.25 for PPI. Thieving bum bags
  21. You need to check the leaseholder agreement as on it, it should state ground rent charges and the increments over a long period. My flat had a ground rent of £40.00 a year and building insurance of £120.oo per year. There were 6 purpose built flats. So in effect and based on todays current values the yearly charges are for whole building... buildings insurance £720.00 ground rent £240.00 I think both your figures are a wee bit too high but I am sure your leaseholder agreements will show what can be charged by the freeholder! Ok I am not talking about London prices but as the block in question value is about £700K I cant see how maisonettes with a value of about £440 k costs more to insure ie my ex block £720 as opposed to your block £900.00.
  22. In relation to bank charges, I opened up a new bank account and transfered my wages to it. My new bank arranged for all my direct debits to be transfered to them. However, I received a letter from my new bank stating that Legal and General declined to continue taking direct debits from my new account :o. As my insurance paperwork was put in a safe place (so safe I forgot where they were until very recently) I did not write to them to ask why they declined to take payments from my new account. But it has occured to me that they have not contacted me, either in writing or phone calls! Ok I have only paid about £400.00 since the start of the policy from last year but why would they do this? Has anyone else experienced this? Ive yet to write to them mind...
  23. Quite simply ask them which month period they think they have not received. However point out to them that as far as you are concerned all payments have been met and demand the money they owe you. As you are adament you owe them nothing, point out in your letter that you are more than happy for a court to make judgement in the matter!
  24. One thing to always remember! When leaseholds and freeholds are issued to properties, many state that "NO DISTURBANCE SHOULD BE MADE TO JOINING HOUSEHOLDS" You might want to look into this. Also for a about £3.00 the land registry (on-line) can show you who owns the property and if applicable which organisation has supplied the mortgage! If the owner has a mortgage complain to the bank stating you will apply to have the free hold or leasehold revolked as the nuicense tenants are causing you severe difficulties. Might get them thinking...and a bit more action. Ive done it in the past, within days the nuicance tenants were gone
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