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Everything posted by Gogivit

  1. I once booked a flight with BMI and was told my card payment was not accepted (plenty of funds) however this was advised to me via a BMI caller! I tried again to give my card details on the phone but to no avail! I then said I would not bother booking the flights. Four weeks later my bank statement showed they did get paid!! during the on-line booking. I contacted customer services and spoke to a very nice lady who refunded my ticket costs. I suggest you contact BMI customer services for refund in relation to the wrong advice you received.
  2. From an outsiders point of view, I would merely ask HR to advise me how I should re-charge the battery when I am not insured to do so at home and what facilities are there for me to do otherwise? Simply ask what they recomend. Do not stoop to your managers level-just be calm.
  3. Regarding the bread, this was an issue going back to the late eighties (I know old issue) but interesting because the shop (not store)was not allowed to open on a Sunday? Weird but true event.
  4. Too many times we all threat over issues-we get stressed-we think the worse scenario! Aint worth it.
  5. Ive complained to food manufacturers on three occasions... 1) Bread had about 4 days to expiry date but was mouldy (bought same day I noticed). Shop would not refund as I purchased the item on a SUNDAY! So wrote to manufacturer who kindly sent me vouchers. 2) Supermarket branded beans-was more sauce than beans!- They kindly sent me £2.00 tokens. 3) Bought high quality frozen family pie- but crust was stuck to packaging! They kindly sent me voucher for free family pie.
  6. Just over a year ago, I worked at a place where one collegue was a sp---al, then became a full time p----e officer and another collegue was taking on by transport po--ce. Well one was very immature! And the other lied on their application and subsequently pretended not to be living with their partner who was claiming benefits as a single parent! So be aware that the f--ce may not be what you think it is, so be careful what you say and who you say it too!
  7. Many years ago I had A CCJ however its since gone, but extremely recently I had to declare having a past CCJ, but I am not worried. If yours is still current, don't let it cause you stress. If your at any stage asked to declare it-just do it. I have EXTREMELY recently had to complete an MOD form and believe me, I aint shied away from declaring anything! Though with regards to my CCJ, I was given 30 days to pay the outstanding loan and I would not get the CCJ, however I sent of my cheque about 20 days before 30 days was up and the company had closed for Christmas which meant I got an unfair CCJ though I stated this on my MOD form! MOD forms are far more intrusive than general but I believe tell the truth and if I dont get cleared-then hay their loss not mine-you should consider the same! Good luck at the PO.
  8. How many CAG members are there? We could each pay £2.20 with 0.20 going to CAG Just a thought mind.
  9. I wonder how many have paid and how much interest is accruing on these court fees?
  10. Many thanks for your response, I will have to look into this and make sure my code is correct.
  11. This is an interesting thread! I opted out of serps back in 1988 period. My current wage slips show my NIC Letter as being A. Are you saying this is wrong?
  12. Your contract states minimum 35 hours, then you should be paid for 35 hours, unless it states average 35 hours!
  13. Simply state that in the 6 weeks that she was employed in your dept. blah blah blah. Just be honest. If they need someone who has known her longer then they will tell her.
  14. Firstly I welcome the Polish (so no racist comments thank you)! My reason to write is to ask- My next door neighbours house is rented out. It is officially a 4 bedroomed house, however with some of the down stairs reception rooms converted to bedrooms, this house now has 6 bedrooms. A total of 10 Polish live there. As the house has been operating with 6 bedrooms for a minimum 4 years, does this house become officially a 6 bedroomed house? Does anyone think I should address this with my local council? My main concern is, am I paying the same band as them even though there are 10 of them and 2 of us? Please note our semi is valued at about £30,000 more than the terraces.
  15. Shared tenancy agreement may be the key. I would suggest sending your share only. Dont worry about the others, they will be eventually caught!
  16. During the last few weeks we have noticed that when we make a cash deposit via the cash machines, that gone are the next day when your account would be credited with the amount! But now we have to wait at least 4 days minimum before the cash put into the machines is handled, counted and credited into the account! What has happened that it now takes 4 days to count the cash and credit the account?
  17. For anyone that may be wondering- I have recently had some feedback in relation to the stir that I caused very recently with my companies group HEAD OFFICE. I have in fact received positive feedback which to me proves the point, be brave and tell HR what you are experiencing and im sure they will help!
  18. Firstly I want to say sorry that you lost your mother. I too lost my mother about two and a half years ago to breast cancer. The reason I wanted to write to you was because several weeks ago,I sent an email to my companies head office complaining about the way managers treat their staff. In fact I was so blunt that afterwards I thought would I end up losing my job over it. I hi-lighted many issues of greivence- none of which was related to myself but in fact my collegues being mis treated, underpaid etc etc. Interestingly HR are persuing several of my complaints. Well head office contacted my division of the company and believe me everyone seems to be on tip-toe! One thing I can not and will not tolerate is bullyish managers mis treating staff! Sometimes a person has to build up courage and say what they really want to say. Speaking to many of my collegues the one thing that always seems to transpire is that they want to complain about issues but are too scared to do so. I appreciate that, but from my own experiences throughout my life time of working, you may be so surprised to hear that the HR departments are very good and once they get involved you generally find yourself protected from those mean people who think they are un-touchable! In particular one job from many years ago that I had, we had a bully manager who through my complaint resulted in him resigning. They think they are untouchable but no one is un-touchable. Please stop doubting your attributes and capabilities because again from my experience of bullies, is that bullies themselves tend to put staff down because usually it is they that is not capable of doing the job themself! Please do not keep this to yourself, share it with HR because if people do not hi-light bullies, then how can HR know the bullies exist!
  19. From my experience, she is entitled to a minimum 1 week notice or 1 weeks wages. No pay slip but deductions made! Get your g/f to check this out with the tax office as just maybe her employer never really paid it? And finally, the shop is being re-fitted but gone bankrupt! Are you sure? Don't be fobbed of...
  20. With your ex landlord demanding you contact his solicitor, then FINE send your letters to his solicitor (always registered post). Do not be intimidated by your ex landlord. His solicitor will respond to you probably advising you to get your own solicitor also. Having experienced solicitors myself- don't be afraid and again, YOU DO NOT need your own solicitor. When writing to his solicitor- make sure your letters are factual- do not write anything defamatory. I can't imagine how you personally feel about going to court, but me- I would relish it because : It shows I mean business, it demonstrates that I believe I am being wripped off. I once had a landlord who wanted to keep some of my deposit! Well when I first moved into the house the neighbors told me she had a history of making excuses for keeping back the money, so I took about 300 photos on my digital camera and made sure the house was maintained to perfect condition (in fact the neighbors used to take the mick out of me-because the house was maintained to a much higher state than when the landlady lived there herself) anyhow she decided to with-hold some money -no surprise there:) So I responded to the Letting Agencies break down list of faults and PRODUCED MY OWN LIST COUNTERACTING EACH COMMENT they made!- Which I returned to them with a cover note explaining that having been advised about her history in relation to her letting the property and with holding money, that I had specifically allocated several thousand pounds to cover any legal costs in relation to me not receiving my full deposit. A week later I received full payment. If you have not caused any faults in the property and what faults there are either prior to your living there or due to your landlords appointed representative (caretaker) then youv'e not a single thing to worry about. Good luck.
  21. Out in town this morning I couldn't help but notice that several more of the banks in my town have spent what must be considerable amounts of money on enhancing both their interiors and exteriors. With my own bank publicly admitting to a £500k refit and then seeing these others, makes me wonder if the credit crunch really exists!
  22. Vincentfan, I know the moderators are looking for people who have kept their original terms and conditions with the banks. Do you have these for Yorkshire Bank?
  23. Having commuted to London for two and a half years via Thameslink and then First Capital Connect train services and enduring stress from the experience, even 7 months later and no longer using the service I feel still scarred and therefore just can not read any threads regarding train travel! Delays-cancelations- extortinate ticket prices... Makes me ill! Good luck and god bless anyone using train transport in the UK!
  24. Back in September 2005 my landlord decided to with-hold £120.00 from my deposit due to several comments on check out (please take note that the property was maintained to the highest level with me treating the property as my own and relacing scraggy nets with new ones) however having been advised of the £120.00 I responded by saying that I had put £3000 a side to cover legal costs against the landlord as I had heard from my neighbours that she always kept part of the deposits! I suggest you try same.
  25. Being only 5ft6 tall, doesnt matter where i sit because all seats seam like first class travel to me however in defence of the airlines they do advertise seat pitch. For you taller people seek seat pitches minimum 33 inches but I suggest paying that bit more to get extra legroom.
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