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Everything posted by Gogivit

  1. I hope I did not come accross judgemental but in the long term it is best to pay your share of taxes from what you really earn. Consider that in later years, your boss has saved so much money from not paying your tax / insurance payments that he can pay a private pension for himself that will result in him living in luxury, and you and your fellow workers might not be entitled to anything! You have made the right decision, report your boss cause he aint interested in you long term!
  2. I know of a situation where a member of staff was contracted to work 4 hours a day- 9am to 1pm. Then the company was asked to reduce the hours to 3 a day and a start time of 11 till 2pm. As the hours were not coinvenient she took redundancy instead. Someone else came in on the new hours / times.
  3. From my experience, if they make your job redundent then they can not replace a person in the same position for 6 months. In addition- after 28 days consultation period they can reduce your working hours however you do have the right to take redundancy instead. You could consider taking redundency but ask if they will consider / offer you a new job ( I am not sure but think you get redundency from previous role and then start afresh in new job)
  4. Z Hoque, If your employer is declaring you work 16 hours a week when in fact you work 42ish that in itself should have rang alarm bells! In addition, if you make no contributions to the system- then later in life you might find yourself with reduced pension or no state pension at all! Now, if as you say your working 16 hours a week but receive £220.00 a week net pay, then that figure is equal to roughly 3/4 of gross income!!!!!!!! Therefore: 220.00 divided by 3 = 73.33 X by 4 = 293.00 equates to £293.00 divided by 16 hours = £18.33 an hour! BUT AS YOU KNOW THAT AINT TRUE, you have to decide do you want to retire like most people with some income or continue working for a dodgy boss or pay what you should truly pay (like the rest of us)? A lot of people think cash in the hand is great, but is it really long term? You decide...
  5. This might be easy to conclude- If your wife has worked weekends previously and as such has been paid the higher rate, then this in itself should be proof! She will need her wage slips or may have to ask for previous wage slips to prove that in fact she was a weekend supervisor- She should in turn have received notification that the pay was to be reduced! Go get those wage slips.....
  6. The only advice I can give at the moment (having opted out of the working time regulations myself) is that you are legally allowed to opt back in anytime you wish to. On that basis, I can only assume your employee would have to accomodate that. There are very few individuals brave enough ( I am and did so) to make a formal complaint regarding managers to the TOP senior members of a company. Mine employs hundreds of thousands of staff Worldwide! I reported several managers to the head office located in another country- I went to the TOP! Do I regret what I did? No! As my chances for promotion have not been hampered / denied! In fact if you do complain, point out that you hold a high working ethic that will not be compromised by bullying managers! I only suggest the above, as you are brave enough to resign- why not consider an alternative route that you remain in employment-continue to have an income and stand up to the buillies! If you then find yourself in more difficulty then keep a diary, complain to HR (I personally would go to the HR Director :grin:) But please note that I waited till I has passed 12 months of employment with my company before I hit back! Oh! I should mention that my complaint to the TOP was not based on any problem relating to my own job but that of a fellow employee! In other words I stuck my head out to look after the interest of someone else!
  7. You should make sure that your employer is actually paying your tax and insurance! In all my working life- some very highly respected / companies have deducted wrong amounts from me but I question if your employer actually pays yours in! If he is not-you may find later in life that you've not really contributed to the tax system so check that out with the tax office. I have took it upon myself, several times and been refunded no less than £3000 pounds (and remember this is working for quality employees). Simply write to them and ask them to make sure your contributions by your employer are correct. I estimate you work 42 hour week at £6.97an hour (above the minimum wage) and estimate that your tax and insurance contribution should be approximately £73.00 total per week- so check this out by requesting a wage slip. If you are paying more, something may be wrong and if far less then just maybe your employer is not paying it in at all!
  8. James. I know of an individual who was actually cautioned for smashing up a police station! That person still got employed! And that person has never done a thing wrong since-and that is what counts. I know and appreciate its easy to say but so many people worry over this issue. Its also worth mentioning that senior police officials will only mention a caution if it is relevant to a job that a person is applying for.
  9. I think that only persons who have a CCTV license are the only ones who can actually act on what they see! In addition its worth mentioning that if a person watching them often is not a security officer then that person obviously is not being busy themselves which begs the question are they needed and are they performing their own tasks efficiently! I am used to having cameras on me all the time- you get used to it.
  10. Where I work and able to watch the lift doors open-its great fun to see who is admiring themselves in the mirrors that covers the lift walls before they realise the lift doors have opened!
  11. Im sorry that I have not read all these threads but lets not forget the following: Banks operate with computers that can simply stop payments and cash withdrawls that hence stop a person going overdrawn in the first place (however I recognise that gaurenteed cheques can not-but with such minimal use of cheques these days, should be a minimal problem)! Lets not also forget that banks have paid out hundreds of millions of pounds to claiments (quite simply why?) If you said I owed you money I would tell you to bu___r off. The fact they have paid out so much up to now means there is something wrong! The banks want everyone to go overdrawn that I have learnt from experience / challenged! It has been said many times that only pence covers the banks costs! This I know from someone who programmes their computers!!!!!
  12. Hi, In the line of work I do, I have to have higher security checks which entails detailing a police caution I received 14 years ago. I have done so (am obliged to do so) and you know what-I no longer worry about it. I know many people with cautions / convictions from the past but because they declared them they were not barred from the job applications or gaining employment. Your Police Caution is relatively new, if you are asked to declare it then do so. General policy is to be honest. If you hide it then you will end up worse of. I wish you luck and hope that you do not stress yourself out with worry and take note that approximately 25% of the UK working population have in their time received a caution!
  13. This reminded me of an issue a few years ago, and hence I found an article on the BBC. Customs in 'booze cruise' talks Type it into your browser and you may agree with what I read that the European Government states clearly that as long is for personal use, there is no limit! (as long as local taxes are paid) I have to add that in a past job (as a manager in a customs bonded store) I have witnessed some amazing sights one which stands out most was a shipment stated as being "personal use" tobacco's and can say that 12+ pallet loads would take at least four to five hundred years to smoke for the average person, so I at least appreciate the fight that customs officers have, but your amount I consider was for personal use only. So don't panick, its only 6 to 7 months worth. I am in agreement with butty a, the fact your prepared to fight this means youve nothing to hide.
  14. Sensible Thoughts-Have you considered that with this credit crunch the Banking Staff themselves, who are being made redundent are now in erears with their payments? I am fortunate that I do not have a single loan, no credit card or store cards as being mature in age I learnt my lesson -which was not to allow the greedy credit companies and shareholders of banks to sponge of me to feed their greedy slimy lifestyles that today I am proud to say is them reaching their "Come upance" and hopefully making their backsides resemble mamattus clouds (big and bulbous). So in effect what goes around comes around and on a final note-I for one want to see all Bank CEO'S prosecuted!
  15. A man being called darlin- jesus he must be so upset.
  16. My opoligies yes the OFT. One benefit mind is they can now access how charges are truly set Not what banks want them to see,
  17. As we all know, the FSA (a government body) is at present taking the banks to court in relation to bank charges, however the government is taking over the banks! Is there not a conflict of interest here?
  18. Firstly, any bank can if they wish refund any charges incurred! Only two weeks ago my collegue went to her bank asking for refund (admittedly was her first charges) and they obliged. Secondly, hardship cases must be dealt with- get it in writing that they accept your hardship and still refuse to reimburse you! If they are stating what you say you need it in writing. Send all correspondance via letter that is recorded.
  19. I do not believe you have a legal right to not pay them, however, in Luton I recall an incident where a father asked the judge (who agreed) that a sibling have all charges stopped until the end of the test case! So you should do the same and in fact as you appear to be sufering severe hardship should continue to make a claim (as those in severe hard ship cases can do so).
  20. Hello Cleo, As someone has already stated-it can not be stressed enough, that you make your communications by letter and send all letters via recorded delivery! It was interesting to see that a year after I hi-lighted the fact, Yorkshire continue to send out letters with no date on them!
  21. I'm only 5ft6 so any seat is the equivelent of FIRST CLASS to me:D
  22. I agree entirely with Weird Al comments. You have shown indicisivness- But personally I think it best to sit down with the worker again,explain that no further incidents should occur and make them sign a form outlining the do's and dont's and that there will be no further excuses. Failure to comply will be immediate dismisal and prosecution for theft! (with that in mind he will be unlikely to continue a career in hairdressing) if that dont knock him into shape I dont know what will!
  23. Me personally- I would send a letter to my employer (via recorded delivery) demanding my money and threatening them with Letter before Action! They have a legal obligation to pay that 1 weeks notice (that I know from experience) with regards to your commision if no mention of clause on your contract-then thats owed to you too! Write that letter today!
  24. If you have never received a caution don't bother sending of the £10 cheque. (it is a really easy procedure however)-ive done it twice over the years. In addition, due to the nature of my work, I have had 5 and 10 year checks on me. From my experience and that of many in my profession, can I say to you, that no matter how important something appears to you, it may not be to others. For example- I know individuals who have criminal convictions-that could be written on the lengh of their arms! But because they openly / honestly declare them they have not been denied employment. To summarise- you left an employer (who to me sounds as though she is very unfriendly, nasty and possibly racist) took up another position but failed to declare it on the application form (because you were worried she would be vindictive) and now you wonder where you stand for future roles? As you state above " About honesty " I would continue with that ethic and I am sure that your honesty will pay off. At my age I no longer think that when I am turned down for my dream jobs that it is my loss- I now remind myself that it is "THEIR LOSS"!
  25. If you dont mind me saying so, and being inpartial, a couple of points you have made seem a bit unusual; You say you were annoyed because you couldn't leave your feet in the aisle as customers and cabin crew were going about their business. Why would you want to do that? You also say, you were advised there would be a 20 minute stop to refuel in Canada; being realistic, do you think a long haul aircraft can land, taxi, refuel and depart in 20 minutes? It is worth noting that all airline tickets state that aircraft types may be subject to change without notice. Going back to extra leg room seating, I am assuming you flew on a Boeing 757 aircraft which has a cabin 3 seats by 3 seats. The fact you were allocated seating next to the door areas suggests to me you had plenty of leg room. However on your return flight with Omni Air, I think you have a cause to complain-not with Monarch but with the tour operator. I think you should ask for £105.00. Many people don't realise this but tour operators usually buy seats on an aircraft a year in advance, Monarchs only concern was to get you to your destination. Your tour operators concern was to honour your request for any additions you paid for, ie extra leg room, window seat etc. But remember the typical seat pitch on a charter airline is about 30 inches, your seat on your trip to USA was in an area with doors so would have been double that! No you were not at the front of the plane, but you had more room than the rest. Out of interest I once flew with Monarch on a 757 to Orlando and stopped over in Canada and was seated in the back with a 29 inch pitch! However I was just grateful to get home after experiencing 3/4 of an hour being tossed arround in blizard storms over the Atlantic I dont want to sound negative but just fair and realistic.
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