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  1. Sorry if this is out of place but I don't know where else to ask! Any help would be much appreciated. I am about to buy my first place; a small, 2 bed, split level (ground floor/lower ground floor) 'apartment' with small garden in South East London (Charlton, SE7). There is another flat on top. The building appears to be in particularly good condition. It's going to cost 220,000 GBP Now, here's the rub! The ground rent is 600 GBP per annum and their is a compulary 450 GBP per annum insurance charge. -Does this sound like a normal ground rent for the area and type of property? I'm having trouble finding examples for similar local properties. -And does this sound like reasonable insurance? I hadn't realised this type of insurance ('structural', NOT contents) would be compulsary, however it makes sense and I have no problem in theory, but 450 GBP sounds like rather a lot. Is it? All help much appreciated
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