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Everything posted by feater

  1. Finally some light at the end of the tunnel for you. Shame you didn't get the photocopy the cheque first!
  2. Hi Gonna subscribed to your thread.. I'm putting in my claim on Friday so we are at the same stage.
  3. Sooooo frigging angry. Got another letter from Debt collectors yesterday saying that they are going to arrange a doorstep collection.. So I rang Piers at Woolwich and asked if he would confirm to them that the account is in dispute, as from what I understand they cannot chase a debt on an account which is in dispute.. He said he would check with debt collection dept and get back to me.. So he calls back and tells me that the account isn't in dispute so he won't be calling the debt collectors.....I'm obviously a bit shocked by this and told him that I'm disputing the amount owed as it is about 90% of unlawful charges. He said we made you a gogw which you refused as is your right but again the account isn't in dispute..you asked for your charges back and we said no. So I ask him if I need to submit my CC Claim before it's considered a dispute and he said wouldn't make any difference...... Asked him what he would call it then if I'm "disputing" the amount is owed and they are still chasing it.. He didn't really answer that and just kept repeating that the account is fine and I still owe them money... Told him I'd go to the ombusbman and see if they considered it a dispute.. (Can I do that as well as starting my claim.. planning on starting it Friday?) Got very frustrated and put the phone down on him before I turned the air blue! Very very annoyed. Am I mad in thinking that if two sides don't agree then that's considered a dispute or am I not grasping the meaning here?
  4. thanks Reka.. I'm off now to watch the last installment of CSI and then more printing and copying tmr! Oh what joy.
  5. My Lord, your like a walking billboard for CAG! Think I've been very restrained so far, no chasing them or initiating negotiations.. maybe a bit too relaxed but have CC on 21st with up to 60 other claimants so just gonna see what they do when they get bundle next week... I just hope they recycle the masses of paperwork they must get every week!
  6. Thanks for that. So far about 60 pages without statements. Glad I didn't print them all after scanning.. printer has steam coming out! Have watched your interviews . very impressive.. Even had my mates talking about it (they aren't even claiming) and they knew who you were.. How does it feel to be famous
  7. Have no idea what that means... just jumping in to be a bit cheeky and ask a question!! When you did your bundle did you make copies of the court docs and abbeys defence and how many pages approx was each bundle? Worried I'm over copying and printing
  8. So can this only be done before you get a court date?
  9. I think some others have asked for a strike out of the case as Abbey do not intend to defend. Do a search for "strike out" and have a look as I can't remember at what stage this was done.
  10. 3 Stays.. 1 I could understand but 3!!! That's ridiculous. I'd write to Abbey again and state your intention to request a hearing as they are obviously not taking into account that most judges are looking unkindly at the banks unreasonable behaviour and I would mention the Reka case as a prime example.
  11. Is the judge allowing Stays at the request of Abbey or yourself?
  12. feater

    Feater v Abbey

    sorry, have another question.. Do I have to include court notifications, abbeys defence in my bundle? Ie. copying them 3 times?
  13. feater

    Feater v Abbey

    just getting through printing and copying.. Was anyone elses bundle over 70 pages.. ? I'm not sure I remember seeing anyone else having this much.. I've printed off the basic bundle, terms & conditions, correspondance and haven't even started copying statements yet!
  14. Did the Judge say that he was going to send a copy of the judgement to Abbey? He should do as this will be their instruction to pay up.
  15. feater

    Feater v Abbey

    Thanks, one less thing to do this week then!
  16. feater

    Feater v Abbey

    Thanks for the link. Trying to get it all done for Friday so I can hand it in in person. One more question..... Would I be able to put in a wasted costs order at the same time or would this be something I just bring with me?
  17. feater

    Feater v Abbey

    If anyone can advise would be really appreciated. I have gone through the basic bundle... on the index it has listed OFT Statement Summary... but I can't see this in the file.. Is this something that I should find and add?????
  18. feater

    Feater v Abbey

    Just looking at the Basic Bundle thread. Do I just print out all the pages and any pages which are linked and then include my own information. Seems like a lot of detail and it's making me a bit nervous now! Keep thinking I'm going to be grilled by the Judge!
  19. Wouldn't have thought so but maybe it does cover this area... Hopefully they will. Gonna get started on my bundle now as I know this can take ages to print it all off :¬(
  20. Got a bulk hearing on 21st August and was wondering if anyone else on here has the same?
  21. feater

    Feater v Abbey

    Got court date of 21st August so I suppose I better get on with my bundle as only have a few weeks before this is needed. AQ has still not been requested and neither has a request for anymore money.. is this only required when the AQ is needed? Also this is a bulk hearing of 30 other cases.. Anyone else attending West London CC on this date?
  22. Most banks do seem to be waiting till court claim has been started before negotiations. To be honest if you have been threatening court action for nearly a year and still haven't actually done it I doubt they will offer you anything until you start your CC Claim. Have you tried to go via the Ombudsman route rather than court if you can't afford the fee? At least once they're involved they should be able to hold off any debt collectors linked to the account.
  23. FoxyFiona - Which CC are you with ? Jan 08.... Blimen ages away.. well I suppose you could try thinking of the interest you'll accumulate
  24. Hi Haven't you already submitted your AQ? Maybe I read your post wrong but I'd ring your local court again and let them know that it's already been submitted and your still waiting for Abbey to submit theirs. Personally I'd ask for it to be struck out as they have not filed their AQ, you can only ask. It's also normal for CC to allow the banks to file late documents from what I've read on here.
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