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Everything posted by feater

  1. just called West London CC and my "hearing" is still going ahead on Tuesday..... Not sure if this is because i put in an amendement form with my Bundle so my original court date was changed to a hearing to discuss the amended claim. Really really really hoping that I can try to get the defence struck off with abuse of process order... Here's hoping.
  2. Hi Madoldbat... I'm also mad now too! Can't believe they are allowed to do that 2 days before the court date. Bet Abbey didn't send you their bundle either did they... Would it be worth asking for judgement in your favour because of this.. I'm going to call them tmr and find out if mine has also as surely the judge can't do this without giving us a chance to reject their request?
  3. Hi Madoldbat, I'll give them a call tmr, think it will be really out of order if they do allow a stay considering how close the dates are... I did have a proper court date but I amended my claim to include more money so now it's been changed to a hearing to discuss the amended amount. If Abbey do not turn up I'm hoping i will get a judgement there and then rather than wait for another date... Good luck and I'll update my post if I find out any differing info.
  4. MADOLDBAT... Saw that you are at West London CC tmr. Just wanted to wish you good luck. I'm there next Tuesday also against Abbey. Do you have a thread that you will be updating after your hearing as I'd really appreciate knowing what happens....
  5. Thanks Welshcakes. The POC has t&C and I wasn't sure if these would be the same as the Woolwich ones from 1998 or not
  6. Another quick question.. just about to do my POC to get started on claim.. Do I use the new Barclays one or just the standard one?
  7. feater

    Feater v Abbey

    Got a letter today from abbey saying that they have asked the court to stay my claim pending the test case. My court date is in 2 weeks and I have not received a bundle from them though I did put mine in in plenty of time. Is it likely they will get a stay when a date and time has already been set by the court?
  8. Really doens't make any sense at all. Did Becca find out anything for you regarding the limitation that seems to bear no relevance to the amount insured?
  9. Quick update... Got loss adjuster for contents coming out tmr. They did want to dispose of items but said that I would prefer to do this myself when the work is being done and skips are available outside my flat. In the meantime items can stay out in the garden. Thanks to another thread on here I would have agreed without much thought for how much this would have cost so hopefully have saved some of my claim on that. Buildings adjuster coming out in 2 weeks to ascertain what work should be done (thought this was already covered but apparently this was just a recommendation).. They wanted to start stripping out that day but advised that I was getting my own quotes so that wouldn't be happening until I had spoken to NU and agreed who was doing the work. After reading other sites and being advised off the record to get my own workman in, I would much prefer to do this so I'm happy with the quality of work and would be able to let my contractor come and go with a key. Hopefully this will all work out but feel like I'm constantly telling people they can't just assume that they can do what they like!
  10. Good luck with the move, seems like we are all packing for one reason or another!
  11. Thanks Becca. Restoration co probably assumed I had high insurance, when I explained it was severly limited for contents they agreed it would be beneficial to work out what was cheaper, repair or replace. Thanks for your help, just knowing that someone is on here checking our claims is reassuring.
  12. update: Spoke to NU yesterday and they have confirmed that walls, flooring, electrics, fitted units will all come under building. Spoke to restoration company and they are going to give me a price for dry cleaning, sanitation and repair based on the details I have sent over to them. Feel more in control of where my money is going now and releived that restoration company were very helpful and accomodating this morning.
  13. You might want to check out this link http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/publications/ombudsman-news/30/30.pdf.. it looks at flooring, fitted units etc so this may help reduce their contents claim and get more from buildings claim, especially if a new kitchen is required. Also have your parents been offered alternative accomodation in the meantime.. this is seperate so shouldn't be part of their claim amount. My previous insurance was for 55,000 for contents..which I cancelled in feb.. NU is only covered for 15,000.. must have been having a optomistic day when I agreed to that.. you can imagine how gutted I am! Must be the same for your parents. It's like being burgled but your stuff still being there.. it's very weird and not something I'd wish on anyone. Going to keep an eye on your thread but hopefully things will work out for them. Good luck
  14. 3k just for clearing the house, how much did they deligate to recovery and if they are unable to will you get that cost back? These are things I will most certainly be asking. I asked about hacking off plaster etc as I'm going down the route that I'm trying to push some of my claim onto buildings insurance and this is obviously a much higher payout than my contents... I was also advised to get my own quotes for the building work rather than use NU's sub contractors. I know what you mean. I was advised by Rainbow to just pack up all of the damaged clothing and they will dry clean. Got very stroppy and refused to do that even though they said "you'd be suprised at what we can restore.." Yep I was thinking and if you can't then I have to claim to replace it anyway and you still get paid! Why did you need seperate buildings loss adjuster by the way?
  15. Hi there. I'm in exactly the same position as your parents.. When you say that rainbow cleared the house do you mean to remove all the furniture and hack off plaster, etc?
  16. So to have them replasted due to flooding should come out of buildings rather than contents or would this be considered a wall covering? I'm also going to query built in units as I have read on this site that anything that cannot be removed without damaging the item would be considered integrated into the building.. Also think Insurance Ombudsman covered that point too. If I moved I couldn't take them with me without damaging them so effectively they are part of the building...
  17. p.s restoration company attended today and have advised that clothing that has been sitting in the water should be disposed off.. I think the drycleaning was more for items that have been exposed rather than direct contact. Phew!
  18. Hi Becca I have another querie (I know, I'm a natural worrier!)... I have checked on the NU website which says the following : "As an approximate guide, if you were to turn your home upside down, everything that fell out would be your contents, and most of what remains would be buildings. " Does this mean that walls and flooring can be claimed from my building insurance rather than my contents? Floors are wood so are therefore integrated into the building and obviously the walls are part of the building structure. Any advice would again be appreciated. Rgds Sue
  19. Hy Dylon If you mean Summary of Charges then yes, I'd put them in. I have just done a bundle for Abbey and have included them all again... for the sake of a couple more copies it's not worth the risk of not including them. Good luck.
  20. Haven't put in claim yet. Does the OFT test case include woolwich via Barclays cos there's nothing on the woolwich website and they aren't listed on the OFT site...?
  21. Hi Becca Firstly can I say how fab it is to find you on this site! My property was flooded last Friday with the flash flood rain. So far insurance Co have been extremely helpful in paying out emergency funds for hotel and trying to get restorator and loss adjustor booked in what can only be described as bedlam for insurance companies! My question is that I have been contacted by the restroration company and without even seeing the damage they have instructed me to bag up all clothing that was affected so it can be picked up for dry cleaning next week. I probably have over 200 items of clothing and some bedding that has been sitting in sewage water for over a week. I asked them how they could guarantee they will be as good as new without seeing items first. I was told by NU that they (restoration co) would go through everything and determine what could be saved and what couldn’t…… now it seems they don’t want to do this groundwork but just send everything to dry cleaners after I have bagged it all up. I would rather ask NU to replace smaller items which didn’t cost much as a lump sum and only put in the more delicate/expensive items into dry cleaning to see if they can be restored as I’m getting the impression that this company are trying to get the max claim out of my insurance. I’m worried that if they can’t restore all items I will then have to claim for replacements anyway but they will still be quids in and this amount will be part of my contents total.! I’m not comfortable with being told I have no choice by this restoration company and having read on the government website re flooding their advice is to dispose of any soft furnishings, clothes affected by flood water esp if the water came up from the drains/sewers and has been left for over a few days. Any advice would be appreciated in this really stressful time as I’m feeling bullied by this company and I’m hoping to report this to NU and sort something out with them as they have been so helpful so far.. Thanks again
  22. Thank you. Have spent over a week getting bundle together using previous version and then changed it to reflect your version which is fab. so thanks again
  23. Congratulations. You can have that belated bday drink now!
  24. Thank for you the clarification. So does that mean we don't need to include 4.10 printout? Have already printed so eitherway is fine
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