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Everything posted by Curlyben

  1. Remember Hurstanger only applies to pre May 2005 agreements, after that a seperate T&C sheet IS acceptable. Otherwise it does indeed sound like you have a mailer app. Also remember that it must be legible and easily readable.
  2. Well how can they default you when they haven't even complied with your reasonable request. Throw this at them: Just edit as needed
  3. Piece of pi$$ on that one mate. You'll need to file at court as they won't pay out on letters alone, but other than that nice and straightforward
  4. Awesome there HAK. Hopefully this will send a clear message to Connaught that their activities will no longer be tolerated.
  5. Told you didn't I and he didn't even blink at 10 hours
  6. NP, you forget I have a VAST and extensive library. L-space is a very weird place indeed
  7. Should be more than enough for now, but if you are feeling really evil hit them with this: Yes I'm still around, just more underground I'll always come running if called.
  8. Hey NP, still playing around with these "people" I see. So you after my , now famous, bemused letter Here you go: Edit as needed *- Delete as needed Enjoy
  9. Glad to see my famous Bemused letter put to good use
  10. Google's Chrome browser also has a porn mode and is WAAAAYYYY better and faster than IE
  11. Well if he runs true to form he'll claim for part and run off once defence is filed. Which would be all good as this will finally remove any possibility of future legal action
  12. LOL Nowt to worry about the FB as you'll likely receive a badly filed N1 which you'll be able to destroy with ease That's assuming he files at all.
  13. NO it's been modified: They are attempting to hide behind this part of CPUTR. This is what the Act says: What Cabot, and others, are saying here is that they can lawfully harass you to pay the debt as it's in a commercial interest. *Cough*
  14. What total Bovine Excrement !!! I would love to see exactly where in LoP and CCA it says these things !
  15. Try this and DON'T sign it. A simple handwriting font will do.
  16. File under ignore They clearly don't have the agreement, otherwise they wouldn't be making such a stupid offer. IF they write again report them to Trading Standards for action.
  17. In my case the final figure is overstated by a couple of K due to incorrect settlement, charges and mis-sold PPI, hence my understanding of the use of a restricted agreement. I have the consolidation settlement calculation in black and white so they are fairly stuffed.
  18. Well there you go. As you can see Cabot's semantic exercise breaks down right here. Time to have a read of all the relevant sections: http://www.fisa.co.uk/downloads/CCA%201974.pdf Might be worth throwing something like this at Cabot: Of course edit as needed. I haven't revised my letters to include CPUTR as yet, but when I get some spare time I will.
  19. Lookingforinfo, agreed, but as the preceding agreements also contained alot of charges this invalidates the final consolidation amount. Well that's my understanding of things anyway.
  20. CM, I wouldn't send that as they have simply not complied with your CCA request. You are going into to much legalise without any grounds to do so. Simply amend my previously linked letter and go from there. Also it's 12 WORKING days not CALENDAR days, can make a huge difference, hence why I still advise to hold fire for the whole time frame.
  21. GL, a NoA doesn't necessarily mean this debt has been assigned under LoP s136, and in this case it's likely to be a normal, run of the mill, OC/DCA assignment. The Goodbye/Hello letters frequently come from the same source. While this may seem underhand it is acceptable. Anyway, cassandramed, file these for now and wait and see if they demand payment. There's nothing to be done until they do.
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