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  1. Sorry if i have posted in the wrong section, by situation is a bit unique... Me and my wife are getting a divorce, nisi judgement has already been issued. The house she lives in is my sole name. I currently can only pay part of the interest, the bank has given me 3 months to sell the house. My wife wants to move, with my 3 children but cannot find any private properties as she is on benifits. She has asked me to draft her a letter of sorts, stating i want possesion of the house, to give to the local authority so she will be concidered for social housing. We have a little equity in the house, but this is getting smaller as i am not paying the full mortgage. Can anyone help with the wording ?? thnx
  2. Current supplier N Power, 728Kwh @ 23.65p then 13.90p thereon for daytime 4.5p for Ecocomy 7 New supplier (today) scottish power 225 Kwh @ 13.254p then 7.953p thereon for daytime 3.845p for Economy 7 (no increase guarantee till nov 2008 - but it can go down !!) Thanks N Power for letting me know how much u were ripping me off, and goodbye.
  3. Question Can suppliers put up prices without telling me? Answer No. They have to tell you if they are increasing their prices.You must be given notice before the end of 65 working days of the date of the price rise. You also have to be told that you have the right to terminate the contract (by switching to another supplier). You have 10 working days after being told about the rise to tell them you are going to end the contract. If you do this, your supplier should not apply the price rise to you. If you tell them you are changing supplier but then don't, the price rise will catch up with you - the transfer process must begin within 15 working days of the notification being received. This is contained in Supplier Licence Condition 23, sections 4, 5 and 6
  4. And the letter was dated 'Janruary 2008' cheeky buggers
  5. I recieved a letter today (21st Jan) telling me the hard up company will now be charging more for my electricity, i have a couple of questions... 1. they have not told me what the new rate is. 2. they have told me the increase is back dated to 5th Jan. Am i entitled to notice period for the increase ? Do they have to tell me what the new rate is ? TIA.
  6. OK, i will give it a punt i'll put another £35 on my overdraft. Is there aditional info i should sent with this (sample of thr 223 cases) ?
  7. Has this worked for anyone ? The judge is not interested in anything i wish to say, why would he even bother to consider a stay removal.
  8. I have a prelim date of 20th august, i recieved letter dated 2nd august informing me that they have been given a stay for a test case. I was not informed about an intermediate meeting between the court and barclays , so i had no chance of being represented. They seemed to have got the slate wiped with a blanket directions. Can i get my date re-instated as i have had no chance to defend myself ?
  9. I've been STAYED !!!!!! My prelim date is 20th august, got letter today :mad: :mad: :mad: dated 2nd august. Am i wasting my time and money applying for a removal, has anyone got one lifted ??
  10. Is there any way of stopping them from obtaining a stay ? If i can get a hearing for a test case they will settle .... i don't fancy a 2 year wait for MY money.
  11. Thanks for that, shall i just wait now or do i need to send anything else for the prelim? I sent my draft directions with the AQ - maybe the judge want to see barclays draft and merge them together ?
  12. according to the allocation notice the outcome WILL be one of the following 3 At this stage the court will consider either: a) to stay the claim pending the decision in a test case involving the defendant or b) to give directions for this claim to be heared as a test case, and if needed to reallocate the claim to multitrack for that purpose They could apply for a stay and kick my claim into the long grass just to Pis* me off.
  13. what docs should i send to the prelim hearing, i don't want barclays to run the show..
  14. is this a stalling tactic or is the tide about to change ?
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