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Everything posted by lenny100

  1. i have written this letter can somebody have a look and tell me if it OK to send Dear Sir Your ref Ref your letter dated I write with regards the above letter that you sent to me. In this letter you state that your second letter was “A unfortunate administrative error “and that your suspense procedure was not instigated on the account, this is a clear breach of the below Office of Fair Trading Guidance on debt collection practices From Section 2 – Unfair Business Practices 2.1 Communicating in an unclear, inaccurate, or misleading manner, e.g. 1. Leaving out or presenting information in such a way that it creates a false or misleading impression or exploits debtors' lack of knowledge 2. Ignoring claims that debts are disputed and continuing to make unjustified demands for payment 3. Failing to investigate and/or provide details as appropriate, when a debt is queried or disputed, possibly resulting in debtors being wrongly pursued 4. Not ceasing collection activity whilst investigating a reasonably queried or disputed debt. And also Breaches of the Data Protection Act 1998 Despite the dispute you also continued to record inaccurate data with the credit reference agencies, this is in breach of Principle 4 of Schedule 1 of the Act ‘personal data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date’ You also state that capital one confirmed a dispute regarding fees and charges; this has been in dispute since Thursday, 08 March 2007 and is not a recant dispute. I now require you to compensate me for your action in relation to this account as set out . Reimburse my costs in dealing with this matter:- A/ 2 letters received, 5 minutes per letter @ £10 per hour =£1.60 b/ 2 letters sent, stationary, postage, preparation time 1 hour per letter @ £10 per hour =£1.60 C/ Submitting complaint to the FOS, stationary, postage, preparation time 4 hours @ £10 per hour= £40.00 Total for costs = £ 43.20 2. Pay compensation for A/ the distress caused by the use of unfair business practices= £500.00 B/ damages for breaches of the Data Protection Act= £500.00 C/ damages for harassment =£500.00 D/ damages for incorrect information being recorded with credit reference agencies= £500 Total for damages = £2000.00 If I do not receive acceptable offer within 30 days I will continue to seek judgment from the Financial Ombudsman service
  2. I got a simmler problem from a account wich was last updeted in 2007 as settled but has a 6 missed payment flag on
  3. Just to say that today i received this letter from the Lowell group admitting they were in the wrong and a massive win for me all done with help from people on this site, should i accept this or fight on for compensation?
  4. sorry but the goverment has no cut off date they can look back as far as they wish to.
  5. You have been isinformed although the war pension is not taken into account (or sound not be) YOU MUST INFORM EVERBODY YOU ARE RECEVING IT AND MAKE SURE THIS IS RECORDED IN ALL YOUR RECORDS, I was in a simmler situation but i found somebody at my local councal office welfare department who helped me sort it out and she told me this fact. I was intervwied at the time but due to her help the situation was sorted out, and infact it was found that i had been underpayed, not overpayed but this was only backdated 1 year not the six i was owed!!!!!! See if your local concial has a benifits team and contact them for help asap also contact the vetrain office in your area and tell them what is going on, they may be helpfull in explaning the rules to the benifts office as many of the people working there do not know the rules. SAFFA and ther british legion could also help but you need to contact them all asap.
  6. fredrickson have a habit of doing that you need to get a letter of to them damanding a copy of their complants procedure and also type up your complant to the fsa etc as soon as possable as they will engnore all your attemps to do anything exept pay up even tell you that they have not recived any letters from you!!!!!!
  7. You need to join me and complain about this company to the oft. this is the only way they will stop being so silly buying debits that are uninforcable and bulling peolpe into paying up.
  8. I am now on the same bandwagon with the Leeds lot as the third company trying to collect a Capitol one card which has no CCa i must also be one of the last batch of sold accounts in November which seems to be a lot of us on this site. wonder if they are trying us all out to see just how hard we will fight them for justice!
  9. Lloyd's Tsb for 6,000 and growing every month due to their new charges which send me over the limit every month as i am living on benefits only due to ill health would pronely qualify of legal aid.
  10. sorry but that site only goes back to 05 but its a good link thanks
  11. she never recived any notifacation for the sale and they claim there is over 9000 still to pay. the whole thing is a mess as the is a tolal lack of paperwork and a lot of here say. The wife can only remember signing one pice of paper and let the rest to her ex but he is claming she did all the paperwork. The divorce was messey and my wife was left with the two kidsand untill last year he even refused to pay CSA for them. we have tried to get paperwork but are running into brick walls as the companys say the need the permision of the ex to issue them and he is refusing to talk to them.
  12. my wife and her formaer husband were talked into a morgate even though at the time they were both on benifits in 1990 they moved out and handed the keys back in 1994 they split up later in 97 she has not ever made any payments on this debit altough this company say a payment was made in 2002 by her ex husband!!!! she sent of her statment of income to just stop them harrasing her every six weeks with letters saying she will be taken to court of she does not reply to them soon, using the temlpates on this site stateing her personal income is ZERO and this was the companys replay
  13. My wife sent off a Budget plan to this company over a old house which was repossessed back in 1995 so its close She has no income as all the benefits come in my name and she receives nothing we are worried about sending of this information as its can be so easly misused
  14. sounds like its a get everybody off the sick now and into low piad work asap if they can get somebody willing to employ them, (unlikely due to the high cost of covering the insurance payments demanded to employ somebody who is classed as diabled), and make the figures look like they are going down!!!
  15. send it to them using a courier company that will take it pay on delivery why should you pay to send it back?
  16. I never have and they stop calling me in november
  17. that is far from the last letter you will receive they will eventually give you the chance just to pay a administration charge of £ 70 By the way place the credit information address into goggle maps and see their rather nice headquarters, Its a nice nice housing estate
  18. welcome to the anti Skilltrain cololation You are not alone by this companys way they operate belive me. if you would like to know more try here Scheidegger / Skills Train - Digital Trends
  19. It seams that crapital one are doing this to everybody. I to do not recall ever asking for PPI on my application but they produced a screen shot of my on-line application and the box it ticket so i don't have a leg to stand on even though i have a pre existing condition that would have bared me for ever being able to claim on the policy. They have us over a barrel with all these applications that they are finding with this little box ticked, but who is doing the ticking???
  20. I tried this and went throught to the FOS but was turned down as they said they had prove i had ticked a box on my internet aplication requesting infomation/cover on PPI so i lost as the FOS said i had been sold iy corectly even though i had proveided evidance that i was told on the phone by one of there customer sales team tyhat i would be refused a card unless i took out a PPI
  21. she has now gone with Tesco insurance for £ 200 ,who told her that their company was also looking at a profile environment risk system, rather than the address system they use now,and they will implement it within the next two years.
  22. My sister in law has found a (EDIT) by insurance company's which according to the girl on the phone all motor company's will be doing in the very near future. She asked for a renewal quote on her MG ZR car with "diamond" insurance who she has been with for the last few years, and was told it would be £600 over three times what it was last year when she paid only £180 for the same car. This is because she may transport her two children under 18 in the car and they may cause a distraction whist she is driving , and also because she is a local government worker , and their is a possibility other worker might go strike , and her car might be damaged whilst she crosses any picket lines , or is damaged in the car parks by a angry customer . If other company's are going to do this the price of insurance which we must have by law is going to force most of us low paid of the roads and out of a job!!!
  23. You should do what i did and send them a bill for all the time of work i was forced to take off to received their nice mister Brown. I billed them for £ 2500, even though they were after only £ 250. I never herd form them again!
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