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Everything posted by lenny100

  1. 192 dont you get the piont we are all makeing your service is not poviding a service to anybody exept yourself and your bank ballance my police liasion officer hit the roof when i contacted them today expect a call
  2. 24 hours since she was last on here think she has found out about the power of the people?
  3. Thanks 912.com you have put my family in danger i used you site when i read this story on this site as i have never herd of your service before and with out spending a penny or registering myself with your site i found myself and my wife listed in our postcode area. my family are living in hiding from her ex husband how has been twice convicted of assault on her and the children, so thanks to you he can now find us yet again, so it looks like we will have to move out of our house yet again. i complaint about your service will be sent in the morning to all the relevant body's and my mp and i will also be informing our police case officer about this development, doubt they will be happy either i always say i dont wish to be listed on any database wither it be the electrol role or anything else so i dont know were they get the data from although it say its the 2003 role
  4. don't know if this thread is still relevant but i have now received my new data and my claim is now worth over £9,000 without interest as i am getting charges every month now because of charges on my account and am ready to do anything necessary to help other members of this site
  5. that explains a lot in my own case and i will try to bring this up if i have to go to a second tribunal
  6. i just got mine also but i dont understand themits not clear at all from lloyds , the best thing a almost identical pack came through for my 14 year old son for his child account!
  7. recived the first part of my data request from my bank today and amongst the forest of paper is a print out of my hardship request back in 2007 giving my complaint ref and converming its a harship request but its states simply its been put on hold pending test case decision the reason for the decision to be rejected is given as "huntswood-andovercsr-initial responce letter sent-gogw no -ld"
  8. Capital one agree to give me back a amount of charges BF were claiming which in 2007 could have been the right amount but due to interest etc, in the missing time was now outdated,they then payed the refund into the account although by this time i had no way of recovering the cash and the closed the account writing of a balance of 245.32. my account limit when the account was ion operation was £ 500
  9. more info on above after looking through my records i started this action when i received a email stating that BF had issued a letter to capital one 14/06/2007 but according to my complaint letter received from the fsa capital one did not get a request for the money back until march 2009. Can anybody help me out in setting out my complaint letter to BF and should i report them to the FSA etc.
  10. 2 years ago before i found this wonderful site i signed up with what was then called conkers to recover both my bank and credit card charges. I stop paying my credit card as all the amount owed was in charges and in my estimation was worth £1400, which was more than the amount owed of £1010. Now after two years Conkers who have now become Brunel Franklin have recovered £828 from capital one who payed it back into the account then closed it down saying they would not try to recover the outstanding amount of £200 as they don't hold a valid CCa for the account after i complained to the oft as capital one had sold the account to a DCA. Now Brunel franklin have invoiced me for £199.46 as a fee of 25%of recovered compensation +vat. Now since capital one have closed the account they can not recover the amount owed so straight away they are going down the DCA route, ignoring the fact i am now living on disability only, and unable to pay in one go insisting i set up a 6 month payment plan of £ 55. I need help on this one as all i can afford is £ 30 at the most, and i don't know were to turn now except to you good people. I tried to cancel me clam for bank charges but they need it in writing, although a few week ago i found it hand =t even been put on hold in the court system even though i sent the paper work in months before the hold was put in place
  11. My friend was injured in February in a car crash in which she was a passenger, in the no fault car, she started a claim with a local solicitor but he is taking a age with everything and now claimed he cant do anything until the doctors say my friend is no longer in pain due to whiplash etc. then he will claim for the accident. If she pulls out and goes with a specialist firm will she need to pay this first solicitor anything for his poor service?
  12. why ? it will not change a lot if anything, arnt they all the same. I have tried to become a local councillor but around here is not truly democratic, as for the last 6 years we have had no elections as the same people get in again and again. Most people vote for just the party they have always voted for, and no mater what they will not change as they are against the other partys because they did ........If you try to stand as a indipendabnt you have no chance of getting in. To jion a local party is almost inpossable as they are all real old boys club for the local "Right place right time business men"
  13. you started down the right way with you request for a copy of your agreement as i beilive they should have sent you a copy of the argreement that you signed and not a copy of the lastest wich they seem to change every few weeks at the moment. i did not pay after i sent the acount is in default and took it to the FOS minewhile they sold the account onto four difrent dca untill i managed to get one that held it long enough for a complant to go into the FSA and the FOS over the handeling of the account, were they backed down. just keep pulging allong
  14. don't worry thats the usual crap one way of doing things. they will next sell the account to a DCA (Leeds losers). I have just won my case after 2 years with all my account wiped out, but it needed a complaint to the fsa to get there. Don't worry you are among friends here.
  15. Keep going It took fos eight weeks for them to deal with my case reliantly and I won
  16. Thanks thats just the way i envisioned it but yours is a lot better to read Iwill put it in the post today and i will keep you all updated on progress
  17. I forgot to as this little tit bit i put in all leters i sent to them I must admit that I am rather bemused as to why this account has been passed to you, as it is in dispute with Capital One and has been since November 2007 and I have already sent a letter to Frederickson on the 26 February 2008 and Bryan Carter & Co. on the 23 July 2008 after which Both Company’s acknowledged this fact when i have complained to them about collection activity
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