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Everything posted by emmtay

  1. Hi citizenB Thanks for replying. Yes I have been looking at the 4 sheets, you mean the FOSrunning one I presume, and its a bit confusing as from 1994 to 2003 i don't have statements, so the only columns I can fill in are the date, Card Balance and PPI premium, and these are going off their estimated figures. Also, What does the column 'Compound Interest on PPI Balance' mean? I thought FOS didn't give CI? See, I am totally confused! Really need some help please? Emmtay
  2. Hi Peony Yes I have a case against M&S, see my thread M&S Chargecard/creditcard PLEASE HELP- FOS have agreed with me, but it's a long long wait! Good luck Emmtay
  3. Hi I have a similar situation to you, see my thread- M&S Chargecard/creditcardPLEASE HELP Mine is going back to 1994, but I only have statements from 2003 until 2006 when I cancelled the PPI. They are trying to not pay me any interest either! My account was never paid off though, infact it was usually up to its credit limit. I'm hoping for some help on which spreadsheet to do, and will keep following you to see how yours progresses...good luck! Emmtay
  4. DJ or Pompeyfaith are you about? Urgently need your help with re-doing my spreadsheet so its up to date to fire back and M&S and the jokers have sent me a ridiculous offer! Please can one of you help? I was going to use the egalegal compound interest calculator and the blake lapthorn simple interest calculator like i've used over the years, but then I've seen the FOS spreadsheet in the stickies and that looks confusing! One problem I have is from feb 1994 until june 2003 the figures are estimated. They have come up with an average PPI monthly premium of £6.45 for this [eriod, which I am happy to go with, and they have used an average outstanding balance on the card as £859.12 for same period. In their words "Because there is no evidence of the PPI premiums you were charged between 1994 and 2003, we have estimated the PPI premiums in your favour but we have not freunded any interest." I know that in November 2003 the interest rate increased to 14.9%, so I am going to suggest we use that figure, up until when it increased in November 2004 to 15.9%. Hope you can help? Cheers Emmtay
  5. Good luck with these...they like giving you the run around! Was the loan direct with them or through a broker? I would be interested in seeing the pre-completed agreement if you can PM me with it as I don't have mine and they say they don't have it!It might jog my memory Emmtay
  6. Hi ims and Landy just re-found this post! I've got my own thread about this so don't know if these can be merged, but no i haven't considered the court route yet ims, maybe I should look into that, and thanks for those 2 names Landy, will be phoning them next week although i am concerned as i have just read norton have gone into administration! Unsure how that would affect things, any ideas? Cheers Emmtay
  7. Hi dx yes, FOS have told me they can't look into it until i tell them the underwriters Emmtay
  8. Hi FlySi Yes, typical M&S procedure! like i said, push them for final response, be totally transparent and tell them you want their final response so you can take it to FOS! Like i said, I will answer what i can, hope I can help you, and feel free to PM me anytime
  9. Thanks dx, but going back I paid colonial, which then became chatham, and is now paragon/chatham! Now its with FOS, and because its before their jurisdiction, I HAVE to find out the insurance underwriters for the FOS to take it further. ANYONE know who they are?? Emmtay
  10. Hi everyone, just bumping this one to see if anyone knows anything about the insurance underwriters for norton finance/Endeavour personal finance? They seem like real slippery snakes! Passing the book from pillar to post all the time!! There must be someone else who has history with similar case?! Emmtay x
  11. Hi, just bumping this one up again! Anyone know who the underwriters were for colonial/chatham/paragon finance in 2000?! Emmtay
  12. Hi, can someone please merge this with my other post- M&S Chargecard/creditcard PLEASEHELP? Thanks Emmtay
  13. Hi debbbbsy Im nearly at the same stage with Santander as the M&S claim, about a month behind, just waiting for adjudicator, but pretty sure they will uphold it as they have with M&S one, but as with M&S, its through their insurers, Financial Insurance, im claiming. Glad yours is sorted out now Emmtay
  14. Hi FlySi, if I can help I will, just ask! I'm not sure how far you have got, but if I was doing it again, I would push M&S for their FINAL response, and get it in with FOS asap as you will have a long wait! if you want to PM me re any details thats fine, however im a florist so between now and 14th i might not reply quickly! Emmtay
  15. Hi, thank you! Not going to say the amount yet, as im a little unsure as to if I get both types of interest, and if I will get some compensation too, but its been with the FOS since March 2010! and it was more than a year of messing about with M&S before that! When I know the figure I will put it on here, as hopefully it will spur others on!
  16. At last!! I have today had the letter I've been waiting for for over 2 years! The FOS have agreed that Allianz Insurance Plc have to pay me!! I have to now wait for the figures, and will update this again when I finally get MY money Emmtay
  17. Hi FOS are saying they can't help unless i find who the underwriters are, and Endeavour have told me a couple of different underwriters all of which say it wasnt them! grrrrr! I really dont know what to do now. Who were your underwriters? Emmtay
  18. Hi Landy Really pleased you got it in the end! Did you get it through FOS or Norton/underwriters? Yes, I will keep fighting....its MY money:) Cheers emmtay
  19. hmm, i know what you mean, they have had mine since last october. I have been leaving messages with the woman dealing with my case for 2 weeks and she still hasn't replied yet! grrr Will update as i hear anything, good luck
  20. Hi Tink Yes, you should definately ring them, see if they explain it any better to you about this 'test' case thing! Then you can explain it to me! My claims around 8k with them, plus interest for another 2 years+ now! My claim with m&s is for over 30k though! so i know what you mean, i really need this too! keep me updated, take care, emmtay
  21. Hi Tink I'll give you the brief version! Started claim with GE capital(evans store card)/Santander Oct 2009! Basically I took out a store card in April 2000 as sales assistant told me i could get a discount if i opened a card, i said yes, and signed form. I only signed form, she filled it in! Nothing was explained to me about PPI etc. I was self employed at the time (and still am) When they sent my paperwork there were loads of parts missing...big chunks of each year!( this seems to be the norm!) They basically told me to take a running jump...normal excuses, i chose to add ppi, i had opportunity to change my mind within 30 days, its been clearyl shown on my statements every month so i should have cancelled it at any time. I then tried FLA as Santander sent a copy of their letter to them. Absolutely useless, they passed it back to Santander who then proceeded to to send antother copy to FLA who then sent me the same letter again! What a bloody joke! I gave up at this stage and jumped off the merry go round, or so I thought, and went to FOS. They told me to find out who the underwriters were as it was before Santander were regulated, which i was initially told by Santander was Genworth Financial. I wrote to them, and they referred it back to Santander as they were unable to help! They didnt give any reasons!? Oddly, FOS then wrote to me saying they had written to Financial Insurance Company Ltd, and were awaiting their reply!? At the same time, Santander started the whole procedure of the same letters yet again, and advised me finally to go to the FLA!?! FOS wrote in June 2010 to say FIC hadn't replied within the 14 days, and if the case wasn't resolved to fill in and return the questionaire, which I did. February 2011!- letter from FOS- sorry for the delay- they will be intouch by 31st march! May 11th- they wrote referring to 'my clients complaint'?!?! and they were unable to identify who the underwriters were... unbelievable... I replied saying firstly i am not an agent, but i AM the person complaining, secondly, if they had read the 18 letter I had enclosed with my case they would see on letters 11 and 12 that I had found out who the underwriters were, wrote to tell them, and they had written back to confirm who they were!? really unbelievable... May 27th- they wrote to say unable to investigate against santander but there a possibility that i may be entitled to pursue a complaint against underwriters, they are unable at this point to give indication as to whether FIC has, or is willing to accept responsibilty...having reviewed my complaint papers(have they read them this time??) it would appear that FIC has not yet issued its final response even though they appear to have had the required time to do so! They have contacted FIC and requested their final response within 14 days...on receipt of FIC's final response letter if im still not happy please complete enclosed questionaire...and send it with any supporting evidence...unreal. 16th June- FOS wrote saying note the 14 days were up, hope matter resolved! 18th June- I sent questionaire! 24th June- they received my correspondence 'safely'! 5th July!-they 'will now ask FIC for further information about the case'... 2nd september-their next step is to hand the complaint to one of their adjudicators....... 31st March 2011!!!!!-writing with an update....they are expecting a response from FIC within the next 4 to 6 weeks!! 29th June- this is word for word... I am writing with a further update on the progress we are making with your complaint. Since my last letter, FIC has replied to us with its view about responsibility for these complaints. We have now considered its response, and will be going back with our reply to the points it has made. It is likely that we will be having more of this type of contact with FIC because of the complex legal arguments involved. We will write to you with a further update by 30 september 2011! and thats the short version...! I have phoned them and eventually after several attempts managed to get a little more information out of them! Apparently, as they have so many similar cases, they are groupling them together and putting forward some kind of test case, and so if FIC admit 1 case, they will be admitting the lot! She seemed to think the cases against Santander were more than likely to go in our favour though. I also have the same going on with M&S c/c ppi, and its at exactly the same stage as this one, with the exact same letter as this sent on the same date! Lets hope this means things are finally moving!? So Tink, whats your story?! Emmtay
  22. Hiya Im still in same situation. Norton giving FOS the runaround too, and not telling who the underwriters were in 1996. How is your progressing?
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