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Everything posted by emmtay

  1. Acceptance form.pdf Thats all their revised figures, I will put my figures on next. I know you said to use the date the account was closed as the claim to date but I am trying to use the claim to date as the date they finally pay me. The reason I am trying to do this is because my argument is...I started this claim in 2009, when the card had a continual balance of around 9.5k, only paying the monthly D/D for the history of the card basically, and last year I borrowed money from a relative to pay the card off and stop paying them anymore interest. Had I not been able to do that, the card would still be running and in around the same figure. My point to them is that when I inititated the claim, and had it not been dragged on for so long, going through FOS, the account would have been still open. I am also asking for compensation due to them rejecting my claim which they knew the FOS would eventually uphold, as they had offered me over 2k about 18 months ago as a settlement amount, therefore in my eyes admitting mis- selling of PPI way back then! Plus nearly 4 years of paperwork, distress, worry, recorded delivery costs, phone calls, letters, ink, paper.....etc.! Feel better after that phew!
  2. Their letter - Dear Miss ..... Please find attached a revised spreadsheet calculating your PPI refund. The refund has been calculated in line with the guidance issued by the Financial Services Authority (FSA). The contractual rate of interest used is 18.9% and statutory interest has been calculated at a simple rate of 8%. The password to open the spreadsheet is insurance1 (case sensitive). I acknowledge that we have made errors in our previous calculations which has caused you inconvenience. Therefore, I propose to offer you a compensatory payment of £200. If the settlement is acceptable, please sign the attached acceptance form and email this back to me. On receipt of the acceptance, I'll arrange for the payment to be transferred to your bank. As you will be aware the Financial Ombudsman Service requested our case papers in 2010. If you remain unhappy with our calculations and compensatory payment you should refer our offer back to the ombudsman quoting reference 9294985, so they can adjudicate impartially on our proposed settlement. Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience that has been caused regarding the assessment of your refund
  3. cal 25.05.12.pdf This sheet was called 'Calculator - Tail' !
  4. the next section of columns for same dates Full page photo.pdf
  5. Not sure if this is ok before I upload the rest? Please can you check? Thanks
  6. hi ive taken the picture on my phone, emailed it to myself, saved it as a picture, tried to open adobe reader and it says it can't read it as something to do with email?! Tried to save it as a pfd and there isn't an option for that? Please help?! I really am not any good at theses kind of things:oops:
  7. Hi, ok so I take a photo on my mobile and then save it as a picture file etc.? Will give it a go but have a feeling the print might be too blurred to read! Could be a while....will do as quick as poss! Cheers
  8. Hi ims I have had another offer from them, still no where near what my figures are though! I have the spreadsheets ehich I would like you to look at, both theirs and mine...how do I upload them onto here? I know I have to blank out personal details but don't know how to do that either?! Hope you can help again cheers Emmtay
  9. Hi Wondering if I should tell them I will take them to court if they don't pay what I've worked it out to be:???: I was supposed to get a phone call back from Customer Relations guy yesterday, so willl chase him again today...and post later, thanks again for your help ims
  10. Hi ims Can you take a look at nortie's thread PPI Compound Interest Spreadsheet - Monthly Card payments? I'm panicking now that I maybe should stick to my guns and try for CI too? What's your take on the thread? Cheers Emmtay
  11. Hi, Im totally confused too about this, especially after reading the advise on this thread, as I've been advised to use the FOS spreadsheets as apparently the FOS won't pay CI in the redress. My case is very similar to this, if anyone could have a look its Emmtay v M&S Chargecard/Credit card PLEASE HELP, I would be very grateful, and hopefully help others too if we all follow the same route. I signed the f&f letter from FOS on the understanding that if I don't agree to the figures sent to me by M&S, which I don't, I could try and sort it out with them first, but if not then FOS would get involved again! I am totally gutted reading this thread...and hope I don't live to regret this! Emmtay
  12. ok thanks, will do and let you know how i get on, cheers emmtay
  13. Yes it was the store card transferred automatically by them to a c/c. There was about 9.5k balance on the card for the last few years of its life, but I paid it off last year.
  14. Ok, so i use the FOS CI sheet for the first part, then the total amount, (so just one figure?) i put 8% on from june 2006(when I cancelled the PPI) using the date Jan 2011 when I paid the card off? If I don't get your reply tonight will check in a few hours as normally up several times a night! Off to bed in a few mins though, and thanks for everything
  15. Hi ims Yes, I've looked at that one and wondered if that was the better one. But then that sheet doesn't work out the 8% does it? Do I do 2 seperate sheets? No, there was never any chance of the account having a credit balance! Cheers Emmtay
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