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  1. Hi Guys, A claim with an employment tribunal has been going through, and on Friday 15th 2016, and agreement was arranged as an out of court settlement to pay a fixed sum of £9,000 by Friday 22nd 2016. I have now been informed that the company is unable to make the payment as it does not have the available funds in the bank. the company is still active, does anybody know what I should be doing to get the funds paid? The agreement was set through ACAS. Thanks Guys
  2. Valuation Office Agency – Rent Officers Handbook (Note: This is used throughout the UK not just England and Wales) Rent officers Handbook – ROOMS http://www.voa.gov.uk/corporate/publications/Manuals/RentOfficerHandbook/Other/Procedures/r-roh-rooms.html Rent Officers Handbook – SIZE CRITERIA http://www.voa.gov.uk/corporate/publications/Manuals/RentOfficerHandbook/HousingBenefitReferral/Determination/s-roh-size-criteria.html Court of Appeal Decision England and Wales – Burnip vs Birmingham City Council http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWCA/Civ/2012/629.html Public Sector Equality Duty Government https://www.gov.uk/equality-act-2010-guidance#public-sector-equality-duty http://odi.dwp.gov.uk/disabled-people-and-legislation/disability-equality-duty-and-impact-assessments.php Equality and Human Rights Commission http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/news/2013/january/commission-publishes-guidance-on-the-public-sector-equality-duty/ Equality Act 2010 http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2010/15/contents https://www.gov.uk/equality-act-2010-guidance The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities http://odi.dwp.gov.uk/disabled-people-and-legislation/un-convention-on-the-rights-of-disabled-people.php European Convention on Human Rights –Specifically Article 8 and Article 14 (Note –You need to download the booklet containing the Articles is in PDF Format) http://www.echr.coe.int/ECHR/EN/Header/Basic+Texts/The+Convention+and+additional+protocols/The+European+Convention+on+Human+Rights/ Department for Work and Pensions (Note –The following Link contains sources for, HB/CTB Guidance Manual, HB/CTBOverpayments Guide, Debt Management Offices by Postcode, Discretionary HousingPayments, ESA Operational Guide, Local Housing Allowance Guidance Manual). http://www.dwp.gov.uk/local-authority-staff/housing-benefit/claims-processing/operational-manuals/ Inside Housing – Knowsley HousingTrust Reclassifies Properties Article http://www.insidehousing.co.uk/tenancies/tenants-avoid-bedroom-tax-after-knowsley-reclassifies-homes/6525752.article National Housing Federation Article –Bedroom Tax Some Home Truths http://www.housing.org.uk/media/news/bedroom_tax_home_truths.aspx National Housing Federation (NHF) –Bedroom Tax New Impact Assessment http://www.housing.org.uk/policy/welfare_reform/welfare_reform_news/bedroom_tax_-_new_impact_asses.aspx Scottish Federation of Housing Associations – What are the latest updates for March 2013 Article http://www.sfha.co.uk/sfha/welfare-reform-latest-updates/what-are-the-latest-updates-for-march-2013/menu-id-326.html Govan Law Centre Bedroom Tax Blog http://govanlc.blogspot.co.uk/ Liberty – Promotes Human Rights Article on seeking a Judicial Review on Bedroom Tax http://www.liberty-human-rights.org.uk/media/press/2013/liberty-bedroom-tax-breaches-right-to-family-life.php Shelter England Only http://england.shelter.org.uk/get_advice/housing_benefit_and_local_housing_allowance/changes_to_local_housing_allowance/housing_benefit_changes_2013 Scotland Only http://scotland.shelter.org.uk/get_advice/advice_topics/paying_for_a_home/housing_and_council_tax_benefit/changes_to_housing_benefit_for_council_and_housing_association_tenants
  3. Yesterday, I received a renewal form for my driving licence photocard. Nothing unusual in that you would think. Wrong! The reason they want to issue a new card (apart from the revenue) is that they need an updated photo however, if you have a current passport, you can use the online service and they will get your photo and signature from your passport. What if you got an updated passport 9 years ago? The photo will be much the same as your driving licence from 10 years ago but that doesn't matter to the DVLA, I'm still trying to get my head around that! As it happens, I only updated my passport two years ago.
  4. Hi All, I was involved in an accident last week, where my car has been classed as a CAT D write off, im buying it back and fixing it. However the thing that is most confusing is my finance settlement figure. My finance started July 2013 for 47 months at 115.07 and 1 at 265.07. I borrowed 3200 at %35.53 (i know but bad credit) and 29 payments done out the 48. Insurance paying out 2830 for the car buy back at scrap £400, Finance advised to my insurance company that 1995.99 as a settlement figure. Ive negotiated with my finance company to take 1500 to leave me that extra 495 to get the car sorted, and they have agreed to continue my monthly payments until the 495 is paid off. However to me the settlement figure is off, seems a bit high for whats left. i would of put my settlement figure around 1500-1600. I mentioned it just to my finance co and they told me trading standards can provide me the info if i wish to look into it.! Maybe im confused on my numbers so can someone clarify. Thanks
  5. I have been on a DMP with the charity Step Change for a number of years, the original debts being a Lloyds Bank loan I was encouraged to take on as a "consolidation" during a bad patch back in 1999, and a credi card still with Lloyds going back the same period, totaling about 20.000 plus couple of "minor" cards and an overdraft, totaling around 25k. After few years of re-payments, I managed to bring back the balance which currently it's around 12.000, however I have recently separated from my wife and this has had a pretty devastating effect, on the financial aspect of things as well as everything else, I have 3 children and things just don't add-up. I currently have access to a relatively small amount of money which is the result of a share of the sale of an old property, about £6'000 and rather than seeing it disappear as they will I am thinking of trying to offer a settlement to the various creditors, who are Akinika Debt Recovery (5.500.00) Pira Group Barclays (1000.00), Npower 707.00), Lloyds PLC (397.00) plus Cabot Financial, who just took over from Allied International Credit and is not currently included in the DMP. As I haven't test spoken to them but they are writing about their acquired balance of £6'321, it seems a bit of a long shot to put an offer to each of them totaling £6000, but the truth is I will have to ty, failing that, due to my new circumstances I wouldn't be able to keep up the £357 monthly payments to Step Change and the only other option I can see would be filing for bankruptcy. With all the consequences of the case on my job etc, in any case I wouldn't know where to start with offering settlements, and above all without risking losing the sum, or how to make sure that they would actually agree for it to be a final settlement and not just an extra payment, and would it be better to approach them myself, as I suspect Step Change wouldn't enter any hard- negotiation of this sort on my behalf? Is there a template letter I could use to get me started? Have I got any real chance here? any help would be greatly appreciated, sorry to be so long
  6. After years of paying back debts I've finally got myself into an ok position. I'm now looking to get a mortgage and so I've been subscribing to credit expert. On friday my credit score was 31 away from being good and this was great because I have paid down a couple of accounts and so when updated I was hoping this would push me over the edge! However yesterday I updated my address as I recently moved in with my mum so that I'm free to move quickly when I buy somewhere and I want to ensure I'm still on the Electoral register etc. This morning my score had gone down by 49, but as you can see from the attachment the comment bears not relation to the score going down! I know lots of people think credit scores are a fallacy but I know when mines been good I've got credit and when not so good I haven't! I called Experian and they said the score had gone down because of my new address pulling through a new account- this is a bank account I've had since 1998, no overdraft, no borrowing and always in credit. How is that a negative?! The person I spoke to could offer me no reasonable explanation! Does this seem right to you? Thanks.
  7. Hi-I was just wondering if anyone knows how far they can actually make you travel to these appointments, at the moment they are making me travel 30 miles just to do job searches on the computer etc. its an hours drive at least cos the traffic is awful or 2hours on public transport. Also, am currently on a sanction because my wonderful "advisor" sent me an email telling me to attend the wrong office for my appointment so obviously I missed it (they have one 12 miles away from me as well but she reckons they only see esa people there...?) so obviously I have no money whatsoever until my hardship payment comes through in 2 weeks-my mum spent her last money filling up the car so I could get to my stupid appointment and so there was nothing left for parking,I was running late cos I had to drop her off at her work on the way over there and I didn't have time to park far away where it's free so I parked in a pay spot without buying a ticket thinking I'd only be quick and I could buy a ticket when they gave me the petrol money back- I told her I needed to be quick or else go and move the car and then come back but she deliberately kept me over an hour and then surprise surprise I got a parking ticket-so I went back to the office,dumped it on reception and said it was a present for the advisor,the reception lady called after me saying she cant pay it and I shouted back that I don't care it's her problem now and I can't pay it. (I then bought a parking ticket-I'm hoping if I write to the council with the ticket and an explanation they'll let me off the fine) I can't get into trouble for like harassment or something ridiculous for this can I? I was just making a point lol Its not like I was acting in a threatening way.probably the wrong thing to do though cos now she knows shes upset me
  8. After realising there are many craftspeople about.I thought it would be nice to open a thread for many that work this way. Whether full time or part time if there is such a thing. I realise many put many hours in perhaps for little return,but are happy to create. If you do such a thing whether for profit or fun tell us what you do and maybe send a photo or two that shows your craft. I do not know what many do but would like to know. You could make cakes,you could bake,you could embroider,knit,carve.I have not a clue what you may do but would like to know. Are you a craftperson.Working away somewhere in your home,outside perhaps.Where do you do this craft.And tell us how you are doing. What it makes you feel like.Does it stress you some times,does it fail some times,have you succeeded someway,made a few pounds perhaps. Have you because of the economy or other related things had to create there has been no other way to survive.To make a few pounds. Well let us see how many are about.If nobody another thought out of a cluttered mind.Made some space. Have some fun myself,but just starting so will wait and see what others create out of anything.And how you do it and made that first step maybe years ago.Maybe months ago,days ago,hours ago. Come on in and tell me. Wherever you are in the world come here tell us your story.Otherwise i will be failing and wondering where it all went wrong. And will not sleep for days. I am hoping to hear some Tales Of The Unexpected. If you are outside looking in just register here.We are a friendly lot.Only take a minute or so i do not want to tear you away from your creations. Link here. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/register.php Hoping to hear from someone. Tawnyowl.
  9. " The Department for Work and Pensions has admitted using made-up stories from fictional claimants to demonstrate the positive impact of benefit sanctions. A DWP leaflet featured one welfare claimant, "Sarah", who said she was "really pleased" a cut to her benefits had encouraged her to improve her CV. " But after a Freedom of Information request by website Welfare Weekly, the DWP said they were not real claimants. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-33974674
  10. My son who is a student has been working for a pub a couple of nights a week (cash in hand) His employer told the staff last night that they are now "self employed". Shouldnt he have to sign a contract or something to this effect and how does he go about informing HMRC many thanks
  11. We have 2 barclaycards both we have had for many years, 1 was originally an Egg Card. Both cards in my wifes name. Current Balances: 5311.19 8405.12 We have received a default notice for both cards as we have paid very little in the last 6 months. I have just written to them asking to freeze interest and charges and give us 2 months to respond back with a payment offer. Is there anything else I should be doing yet?
  12. Does it annoy others that when using Apple iPads etc that when you want a free app, they are never really free of catches that look to make you pay for something. And it is not always made clear when you download the free app, that you will regularly meet with requests to upload some extension for which there is a charge. I just wonder whether people using mobile devices end up paying more for their online experience compared to laptops, even when using home wifi networks.
  13. A DCA paid money onto account to make me liable for a debt , I now have the proof that they did this , what can I do , as its showing I made a payment, and by doing so its implying I accepted that I owed the money.
  14. First things first—and let's make this very clear—Apple Pay has not been hacked. It does, however, appear that Apple's introduction of the contactless payment system has helped some [problem]mers commit credit card fraud. If you have never used Apple Pay, here's a video made by The Verge last year showing how you set it up, and how you make mobile payments with it. Seems simple, right? And, unfortunately, the way that [problem]mers can take advantage of Apple Pay appears to be remarkably simple too. Did you see the part in the video where the guy adds a new card to Apple Pay? He chooses to do it the way most people will choose to do it—by taking a photo of a card and allowing it to scan in the credentials (such as the long card number, expiry date, etc.). However, you can also choose to enter those details manually, which means you don't have to have physical access to a card to add it to Apple Pay. Charles Arthur, writing for The Guardian, mers"]explains the issue further: Apple’s support pages for the service says: “When you add a credit or debit card to Apple Pay... Apple sends the encrypted data, along with other information about your iTunes account activity and device (such as the name of your device, its current location, or if you have a long history of transactions within iTunes) to your bank. Using this information, your bank will determine whether to approve adding your card to Apple Pay.” US banks are using a “green path” for cards they approve straight away on such data, and a “yellow path” for cards requiring more checks. But some banks have made the task too simple by asking callers to verify their identity with the last four digits of their social security number (SSN). And therein lies the problem. It appears that the authentication methods used by the bank to confirm whether a credit card should be added to Apple Pay is proving too easy for fraudsters to waltz around—whether it be via requesting digits from a social security number (which online criminals may also have been able to steal, as they are frequently grabbed by hackers) or having the iPhone owner ring a call center to authenticate themselves. Mobile payments specialist, Cherian Abraham, writes that fraud enabled by Apple Pay is "rampant." Ironically, according to Abraham, Apple Stores are frequently targeted: These are organized crime rings that are handing out pre-provisioned devices to mules that are then being used to commit fraud – with much of fraud (for some issuers) – occurring around Miami,FL and Dallas,TX. Prepaid cards unsurprisingly are a tool of choice as they can be quickly converted to cash or goods – and subsequently, untraceable. What was surprising to hear was how many times Apple stores themselves popped up as the store of choice for the fraudster – and yet unsurprising, due to its nature as a luxury retailer. There is a certain irony in one compromised Apple Pay device paying for another – only to be drafted subsequently in to the fraudsters service. The answer, therefore, seems not to be to beef up the security of Apple Pay—but for Apple and the banks to ensure that stronger methods are used to authenticate a card holder really *is* who they say they are, when they try to add a card to Apple Pay. Until that happens, chances are that fraudsters will continue to find ways to make purchases using your credit card, with a little help from a (no doubt stolen) iPhone.
  15. I can't make an interview for a course and I'm worried about what to do? I doesn't say on the letter that I got from the jobcentre that this is mandatory that I attend. I quite happy to change the date.
  16. Hello, I bought Modern Combat 5 for my galaxy S 2 in September, which was listed as compatible when I bought it. I downloaded it and it ran fine. Seems somewhere down the line though, they released an update that made my phone incompatible with the software. Google won't even let me search for it on their store anymore. When I it find on my computers browser, Google won't let me download due to not having any compatible devices. This is a fully released game btw, and not an early access. So I was curious if I should email their CS about a refund, or would it be a waste of time? Thank you.
  17. There is an opportunity for each and every CaG member to feedback to the FCA on issues that they have faced with Lenders handling of any regulated mortgage here: http://www.fca.org.uk/news/dp14-2-fairness-of-changes-to-mortgage-contracts No feedback = No Voice! The deadline is the 30th September 2014. Apple
  18. Apologies if this has been asked before but I need to send a complaint to Orange PCS Limited that will get some action. Does anyone have a contact name and address for someone that I can write too. Thanks
  19. so i have had the gas disconnected permanently because the standing charge has got too expensive, i still have a water supply and electricity, how can i make 100 litres of 40 degree hot water in 20 minutes? i cant change the instant gas water heater thats screwed on the wall to an electric one bcause i dont own the property
  20. Had an appointment at the JC on Saturday - first time I've been asked to attend at the weekend - and was annoyed that my JC didn't have a cash box available to pay my (and others) travel expenses. I can get it next time I sign on but this is totally unacceptable. Now I wasn't in dire need of the £6, but there's plenty who would have needed that money reimbursing immediately, especially younger people on lower benefit rates. If you're normally paid expenses in cash at your JC and are called in at the weekend, best to get confirmation that you'll get your expenses on the day. I have 2 emails to write now; one to my District Manager (who I know) and a copy sent to the PCS Union - may as well rattle their cage too. Will also report the adviser I saw who didn't offer expenses at the start of the interview as per guidance and ended the interview without mentioning them, also against guidance.
  21. hi i recived a letter from mortimer clarke solicitors say i owe them £750 i cant make a payment online, cant pay over the phone and as i dont half a cheque book would i be able to send a postal order to pay?
  22. Don't Know What to Make Of This https://www.facebook.com/groups/beatthebailiffsandthebanks/
  23. Hi This is my first time of posting so please bear with me. My daughter, who lives in Cornwall, recently moved house. She is with EE for both her phone and broadband so rang them, giving enough notice, to say that she would be moving on the 28th March. No problem said EE. EE then contacted her to say that her new address didn't exist! As it is the presbytery of a church she found out that the Post Office had it listed under the church but said that they would separate the two. She contacted EE to tell the this and they came back to her to say that it would need a new line put in but that BT couldn't get there until 17th April. When she moved in, she found that the existing line was still active so contacted EE to tell them. They said BT didn't have an active line showing so she offered them the number but they said " it doesn't work like that" On 17th April the BT engineer didn't arrive. When my son-in law phoned BT they said that the engineer had been unable to find the house and that nobody had answered the phone. This might have been because EE ( in spite of having my daughter's mobile no had given BT the landline number which was still connected at her previous address!!! Another visit couldn't be booked until 20th May. I have had my daughter on the phone almost in tears. Yes BT have been and fitted a new line but when she contacted EE today and asked why they still had no broadband, their answer was basically "What broadband it wasn't ordered " She now has to wait until 19th June before her broadband goes live!! When she said that she was paying for a service that she wasn't getting, the person from EE said that she has been compensated. They gave her a £30 reduction on her bill but as she has been without a phone for 8 weeks and will be without broadband for 12 weeks (providing that EE actually get it live on the 19th June) this doesn't cover it. She has also been told that she now has to wait until the broadband goes live before she can apply to get her original number back. (She was told by EE that she would be able to take her number with her) Sorry to have gone on for so long but I can't believe EE's attitude and the fact that they have made the stress of moving even worse!!
  24. Hi, May 2006, we received a document from Land Registry, stating that an ICO had been applied for, and that a COPY of the ICO had been sent to them by the applicant should we wish to see it . Neither myself nor my O/ H were familiar with the Company or the Solicitors involved. We then received a letter from the solicitors acting on behalf of the Company, a few weeks later dated June 2006, upon reading the contents of the letter, we were disgusted to find that the alleged debt had already been before the courts on 3 separate occasions, without our knowledge. A FCO had been obtained just 5 days before the letter was drafted. Once again we were completely oblivious to the alleged debts existence. A sealed copy of the FCO had been enclosed within the letter, both the ICO and FCO were obtained Many many miles away, it also stated that an ICO had been obtained in April 2006, again without our knowledge. It also stated that a Default Judgment had been obtained back in 2005, by way of a MCOL, We have never seen any documentation for the Default Judgment , or the ICO order, to say I was fuming was an understatement. I sent a letter in reply, to all the comments within the letter, I stated that as far as we were concerned the alleged debt was nothing at all to do with myself or my O/H, I stated that they were the lowest form of life on earth after deceitfully obtaining judgment on an alleged debt, without any chance to enter a defence. I stated that I required valid documents to prove the ownership of the alleged debt and until the valid documents were produced the Debt would remain in dispute Letter Ping Pong with the company whereby in 2008, after receiving another letter, it was stated that the alleged debt was ascertaining to a "Credit Card" in my O/H name and with a company called the Associates. The letter then went on to state that as no payments had been made to reduce the debt, they were going to instruct their solicitors "LCS" to take further action through the courts, the letter went on to offer a consolidation loan which would be arranged by LCS. Once again a letter was sent in reply stating that as far as We were concerned the alleged debt was still in dispute, as the requested documentation back in 2006, had never materialised, and until the requested documentation was produced the debt would remain indefinitely in dispute. cutting A LONG STORY short, in 2010 a stat demand appeared for the alleged debt, but the information entered on the demand was totally different to the information I had on the Original documents, EG; Incorrect Company stated as the owners of the debt, incorrect Case Nos: and reference Nos: Used,, I thought that they were just trying to coerce me into making pmt on the alleged debt with their antics. I was also unable to understand why again another Solicitors were involved now acting for this other company who were claiming that the debt belonged to them. Contacted the Court re the claim no's and owners of the debt, Only to find that the case had been transferred to" Reigate County Court" and that they had got "LCS" as the Solicitors. I then explained that I had solicitors [1] and company[03752940] registered by way of a restriction against O/H beneficial interest since 2006, and they had got Company[03752940] and LCS as solicitors, and now 2011 lo and behold company No;[04140507] and Solicitors" Welbeck LAW LLP" WERE STATING IN THEIR STATEMENT THAT THEY WERE THE SOLICITORS WHO HAD BEEN DEALING WITH THE ALLEGED DEBT, AND HAD made a statement of truth to that effect. I was told by the lady at court that each time a new solicitor was engaged then the courts and myself should have been informed this was a requirement of CPR rules and practice directions as set out in the cca 1974 legislations. In 2011 we received a Bankruptcy order for my O/H, upon visiting the O/R we explained that the debt had been in dispute since 2006, and that a diferent Company and different solicitors had otained the Bankruptcy order, whilst the courts had a company and LCS as the solicitors. I had Company[03752940] and a completely different solicitor, registered against our property, I told the O/R that we had requested valid documentation re the alleged debt, but none had ever been produced. I stated that the alleged debt did not belong to my O/H, the O/R completely ignored the fact that the debt was disputed and that no valid documents had ever been produced, and when I asked him about the different companies involved and the different solicitors being used I was told that the companies were one and the same. upon quizzing him re the different claim no's being used I was told that it must just be an admin error, I stated that the charge was still against the property although a secured creditor should not be able to make you bankrupt, without giving up the security on the property. after phoning Companies House myself I was told that if each company had their own unique reg no then they were classed as separate entities, I told the O/R this and also told the Insolvency practitioners, but once again it fell on deaf ears. I got in touch with the FOS in October 2012, as I was fed up requesting valid documents, and the Insolvency Practitioners were being incooperative after I had an argument with them over data protection issues which were explained as small admin errrors, in which some of the documents in my husbands name have never been located, they stated in their next letter that all office staff had been told NOT to discuss annulment anymore as they were going ahead with the bankruptcy, this was purely a vexatious move on their part . The FOS contacted them and I am going to let you see their final response letter, which abuses most of the legislations within the CCA 1974 act, and completely goes against all the sanctions imposed upon them by the OFT in 2009, and have ignored and abused the CPR rules and directions that are in place to protect the consumer. The default judgment was obtained by deception by way of MCOL which states that the agreement is still needed at the court, hence we were not told of the alleged debt, as if a defence had been entered they would have had to produce the AGREEMENT. ALSO AFTER STUDYING THE CCA 1974 ACT FOR QUITE AWHILE I CAME ACROSS THE After requesting for valid documentation for an alleged debt in 2006,
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