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  1. Hi everyone! I am new here. Stumbled upon this forum recently and really enjoyed it. So, I decided to join the community and look forward to interesting discussions.
  2. Apologies to all I should have posted here first. What an informative forum, I have been having sleepless nights over my debt problems, thanks to the Cabot mob:x Feels like someone has my back here and help is much appreciated. Thank you.
  3. We've lived next door to them for over 18 years, they have been here since the 70's. They are an elderly couply, they are not the problem. Their 40 year old son is. He sells drugs at all hours, his Dad has to answer the door to them. The son plays loud music, games and shouts. One time, this was a few weeks ago. My mum was in the bathroom and he said to his friends 'yeah, their grandson lives sleeps in the bath'. He keeps spying on us in the bathrrom. When we reported this to the council all they said was 'He's got mental problems, he can't help it'. His mental problems are due to drugs, my nephew has learnign difficulities which he was born with. He has called my 18 year old nephew(same one mentioned above) a pervert, peado. Because he plays with his brothers and sisters. He has now got a camera which we reported today, it's pointing towards the public grass/pathway. We were told we were not allowed to record beyond our garden, not even allowed to record him if he contronts us. His dad has been to see the council, nothing. Police have been round and had a word with them, again, nothing. My brother refuses to leave the house now, he's too scared. My mum wants to move but it's hard because I have been bidding since I was 18, I'm now 31 and have gotten no where as I am on low band. My ESA (or council rent) won't cover the rent until I'm about 35. I tried to move out in 2012 but couldn't due to the council refusing me rent. I know it's a lot to take in but can anyone help us?
  4. Hi all, So after being left alone for more than 4 years despite their view that I'd be fully recovered from my genetic condition in 2 years, the dreaded envelope finally landed on the doormat this morninng. Absolutely perfect timing as it's been hanging around in the ether for 6 days so I basically have 3 weeks to return it with a family reunion event this weekend, my son's wedding the following weekend previewed by various family members arriving and wanting entertaining and followed by a 2 week holiday - we get back 2 days after the form is supposed to be in, and whilst we're away the renewal form for my PIP should arrive. For various reasons, it would normally take me 4-6 weeks to get a form like this done, and DWP know but haven't bothered to tell whatever the tossers are called now that I need an electronic version of the form, though I'm sure I'll be able to locate one online somewhere. I know I'm not going to starve if we end up in a fight over this so I'm much better off than most ESA claimants, but even so I feel sick and I'm shaking. After the last fiasco with ESA then the repeat with PIP, I feel I have every right to be scared about what this will do to me this time. For anyone interested, my previous ESA thread is here :- https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?337937-IB-to-ESA-migration/page16 and the PIP thread is here :- https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?452510-Blatant-discrimination-by-DWP-RENEWED-FOR-3-YEARS
  5. The other half's PIP is not due for renewal till next year (the end of april I believe it is) however he got a phonecall last week to say he hadn't replied to a letter he had never received saying he was to go for assessment. Now I'm raging about that to say the least as they are not supposed to contact him by phone on instruction of myself and his GP but that's a different issue. We are obviously going to have all the same issues we had a few years ago with regards to him getting a home assessment rather than going to the assessment centre. And given their 'health professional' apparently thinks he is not on any medication for mental health, only for pain when he is on max dose anti-depressants, I do not hold out hope for this going well. However my question is, given we are almost 11 months away from him actually needing this reassessment, is there any way to get it delayed even slightly? We are in the middle of moving house and I am actually off on the sick right now so the timing is just awful. We are moving out of the area we were in so that means all the health professionals he currently sees will be changing very soon. the stress of the move and the idea of moving away from health professionals he knows and trusts is more than enough for him to be dealing with right now without ATOS or whatever they are calling themselves these days joining in. Even if I could get it delayed till I have a new GP/CPN/Psychiatrist sorted for him that would be a huge help I think. is it worth asking the DWP for a delay? anyone have any experience of this?
  6. Disclosure and Barring Service - GDPR is here READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/gdpr-is-here
  7. Hello all, as the title of my post suggests, I'm new here I have lurked in some of the other advice forums and my,oh, my, what a wealth of information. I think I am going to stick around. For those of us in the UK, have a great weekend and mind the snow.
  8. Hi all, I became a carer for my parents way back in 2007. To do this I had to give up my business and as a result had my home repossessed. As my mum had dementia and declined rapidly I had little time and even less inclination to deal with it all, and dug my head in the sand. At the old property (by that point I was living with my parents) I had a lot of debt letters and just left them there. Only 2 creditors are still chasing me via debt companies. They are both credit card debts. I sent 1 of them the statute barred letter as they turned up at my door the other week. The guy was more of a friendly 'good cop' than a bailiff. They have replied back saying the debt had a CCJ issued in 2008 and gave me a case number to check. This would have been addressed to the old property which was repossessed in 2010. My parents died last year and although I have inherited the house I have yet to process it at the Land Registry. I am worried about balliffs turning up. The debt is around £7k. Thanks JM
  9. Or avoiding £8 handling charge from rm? My mum and dad gave me some money for my birthday and I went about buying a new phone through mums card. Decided on a Redmi from banggood and all was well. My friends mum told me that I should ask for the parcel to be sent via swiss post which I did. So I come home from school today and my mum has a right face on her like dragging on the floor kind of thing and whats happened is shes had a notice through the door asking for and extra 11.42 for charges £8 for rm and 3.42 for tax? dad said i cant do nowt about the tax but maybe with rm charge and sent me here to ask. Shes threatening to refuse to pay and send it back which is bonkers. The declared value was $21.94. can anybody advise please.
  10. lately I've been reading a good few pages of all the bad rep certain X4L gym's have been gotten over the membership situation, I decided to post and give some enlightenment to the situation.... When you cancel your direct debit with the bank, you are obviously going to get charged still. and debit.... Because this i the wrong way to go about cancelling.. I strongly suggest, you visit the X4L website and cancel that way. Also when the sales rep sees you before signing up, they are told not to mention the canceling option.... All the gym cares about is making a profit.... The staff are treated like rubbish. please do not take any of the issues you have with the direct debit out on the staff, they have been fully trained not to answer cancelling questions. This problem comes direct from the higher up's who actually own X4L.... If you have any questions I'll be willing to reply.. Yours A concerned friend.
  11. As I posted. I am not sure if this site is the best place for this sort of thing, but I am hoping to find out more about this so as to try to negate what I strongly suspect will be a contentious time when my mother dies. I live abroad and visited my mother in the UK when she turned 99 last month, as I have done for the last 9 or 10 years. She was pretty healthy last year but has begun to show her great age this year. Although still fairly compos mentis, she has become quite deaf and started to become more forgetful and confused. She can still get about somewhat but is now also very slow and needs help. Due to her confusion, she has invoked a pre-2007 Power of Attorney she made in 1992 so that my younger brother will be taking over her financial affairs, and I have some concerns about that, but I am 6,000 miles away and he is 10 miles from her, so it is reasonable that he takes over - with some scrutiny. However, it is his impulsive and thoughtless nature (and other issues) that he has displayed for years that concerns me and his conduct after she dies. He finds her an irritation and has voiced many times that once she dies, he will just 'go in with a skip and chuck the lot and be done with it'. As we are joint executors, we have a duty to do things properly and realise what we can for her estate (which won't be a lot) but he has refused point blank to make any contingency plans for when she does die, despite me suggesting it a number of times. Nor will he discuss anything and just shuts down, even switching off the phone mid-conversation. He just says 'I'm not doing anything and I'll deal with it all when the time comes'. He forgets there are two of us involved. This is all to do with deliberate stubbornness and not emotion about her impending death (which will be within 18 months, I suspect). As he has said many times, he would like her out of the way as he sees her an encumbrance. I'd like to be able to be prepared for any future problems, so if there is a way of discussing them on here, or a more appropriate site, perhaps other members could point me in the right direction. Thanks for reading.
  12. I'll try to be brief and not ramble. My daughter and her family came to stay with me early last year after selling their family home and were waiting for their new family home. For one reason and another myself and my daughter's long term partner didn't get on, it ended up much to my embarrassment that he ended up staying elsewhere, his friends, his car, hotels etc. This caused issues between myself and my daughter He was sent a few items of mail from Asset Collections I called them and explained that he didn't actually live here, he had for a brief time and had moved on but I didn't have a forwarding address. They said they would amend their records. A few months later another letter was sent - I called them again, they apologised and again said they would amend their records. My daughter and her children officially left here in March and it wasn't on the best of terms. I am slowly trying to build my relationship back with her. I don't know why I have done it (probably because I am too nosey for my own good) but I opened some mail of my son in laws yesterday and it was a CCJ Claim form from the company I have previously told twice that he isn't a resident here. What can I do? I just cannot tell my daughter - she will be so mad at me. Iv done some terrible things over the last 18 months - 2 years and I don't want to lose my daughter again. He doesn't live here and I honestly don't have an address for him and the company had been told he didn't live here what should I do? I have read that the courts won't believe this?
  13. Well the day has arrived.... The world is going to end they said!!! Well not quite but what has arrived are your Credit Reports for free... Essentially Experian have now entered the game, and we are a bit wiser in what these companies hold about us. No more £2 charges... For now... Each CRA updates your CRF every 30 days. Info below...
  14. https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/assessment_of_deferment_applicat#incoming-562041 dx def process.pdf ref sheet.pdf orig def form.pdf
  15. How do you Prepare for Santas visit. Do you make sure your chimney has been swept so he does not get any soot on his clothes. Of course we know if a chimney is not available a couple of clicks of his fingers and hey presto he materialises wherever he likes. So do not worry if you have not got a chimney,I feel many of you perhaps do fret a touch. And of course Rudolph and the rest of the reindeer's do you leave them a treat as they must need feeding many times on their journey around the world on this special day. Do you leave them some water,some mince pies perhaps,a few carrots. Or a few sprouts even. Perhaps a glass of non alcoholic wine for Santa As a drop of the real stuff may cause a few problems in the sky high above us. And I have heard him many times, and of course once I met a few of his elves. Sure I did. Who can forget the noise of the bells, just to remind you a video.Which continues after the first one for those that would like to hear more. Now do not be shy cast your minds back and remember what your parents did preparing for his arrival. And what you plan to do. Just wondering as I do at times. Bye for now Tawnyowl who has seen the bearded one a good few times in my life.
  16. hi cag, just signed up, looking for advice and offering it aswell.
  17. I am not going to name names. I just read of one MP who claimed a Large amount for tidying up their constituency home and garden. Then votes for a cut in ESA of 30.00 a week. I am neutral but feel free to have a look around at MPS expenses in your Town,City,Vllage,Hamlet. For whatever year you would like to see. Does it matter that much whether the woodwork has six coats of Chelsea Blue paint or Postbox Red or whatever coulour you like. Or whether the grass,flowers look like Chelsea flower show or a bowling green. And all the rest you can think about. Aggregated Annual Expenditure by MP In addition to publishing data on the individual claims for MPs every two months, we also publish a summary of all these claims once a year. We also include some additional information, such as the salaries of MPs and their connected parties and details of reward and recognition payments made to staff. From 2013-14 onwards, we are also publishing the maximum budgets available to each MP. The business costs MPs are entitled to claim are separated into different budgets: http://www.parliamentary-standards.org.uk/AnnualisedData.aspx
  18. Oh yes please, bring it on! I have a wealth of knowledge & experience waiting to be unleashed to the traitors & bullies in society. They know who they are & I can't wait to exposed them. But do remember, all I offer is nothing but truth & it could get rough!
  19. Hi, I've only just joined so don't really have any right to dictate how this site should be run, but I can't imagine many children sign up to CAG about injustices of lost pocket money or the tax taken by school bullies at the gate, so I wonder why mild cuss words like **** or *** are blocked out. Who are the moderators scared of offending? I mean, if you're over 18 and you've been ripped off and looking for justice then saying **** or **** might be understandable. What's the CAG fear? Can any site team explain?
  20. Hope we have some experts around to do with ATTACHMENT OF EARNINGS? .For Council Tax . I Have 2 at the moment , the council have now sent me a 3rd ,According to the council they not only sent me 1 set of letters , they sent me at least 3 ,really? ? they Did send my boss a form telling them that AOE would be taken until the total sum of both ,had been settled ,I DID RECeiVE 2 weeks later a letter stating the same, with a chart showing amounts allowed to be taken , Now I must admit to being number dyslexic , On a monthly wage of £867 Not exceeding £900. are they allowed to take 7%...gross pay. My wages for this mouth are £867.80 before deductions, for AEO1 They took £58.89 and AEO2 They took £54.77.Total £113.66. WITH all my other household bills, i am now left with just £23 a week ,and I also have to buy food mmmm , 1 way of loosing weight I suppose ? But are they allowed to leave you with So little money ? Rant over
  21. Hi - I got advised to log my story on this site by MBaxter who I often work with in the states. He cant sing your praises highly enough. 1. I have an outstanding debt from a Lloyds C/C for just over 6k. I received a letter before action sent to a relatives house who I have registered for my mail. I do come back home every 3 months for about 10 days at a time and I am not sure whether I will stay here or not. I own no property or assetts in the UK, so they can't touch me there but I don't know whether I will return to the UK as the industry we work in is changing fast and there is a possibility by the end of 2017, I could be back in the UK and don't want them to hit me with a CCJ by default. 2. The debt is from 2000 and I was paying said fleecers via Stepchange about £50 a month from 2008 up until June 2013 but I realized the outstanding amount was increasing. As a side note, it was Mbaxter who spoke to me about his DMP and I advised him on what I had learnt about my debt increasing so he stopped paying his too. 3. There had been several letters from them that I had asked my family member to open for me threatening to take my first born etc. But about 8 weeks ago, I received a letter which was "a letter before action" from their solicitors. Having read other threads on here and other sites, I sent them a CPR31 letter which I scanned and emailed to my relatives who sent it recorded delivery for me, with a footnote that I am living overseas and that if requested, they can have my US address or continue to write to the UK address in Southampton. 4. Tuesday, they sent a letter back acknowledging my letter, saying that they have referred this back to their client and that they will no longer be looking after this case anymore. My question is, should I send Cab's a CCA request for this now or should I await further communication from them I fear they maybe serving court papers, so is it best to get in quick with this? I am back next week for the Easter break, so I can send this myself. I'd appreciate any advice anyone can offer. Thank you.
  22. This business has just been allowed to write off nearly £900,000 in debts and £180,000 in business rates. Then 2 weeks later reopens as the same shop?!?!?! First we hear of liquidation. http://www.examiner.co.uk/news/west-yorkshire-news/department-store-peters-huddersfield-set-10809505 Then we hear of his new look ?!?! http://www.examiner.co.uk/whats-on/shopping/huddersfield-department-store-peters-reveals-10853747 Then we hear of how bad their depts were considering he has now reopened a new store with the same name??! So no doubt he is living the good life, he will still have his big house and drive those crappy tractors known as Range Rovers. So what is going on? How has he got away wit this? He's playing the game yes? Just like those we allow to be in power. :mad2:
  23. I am a 51 year old male living in Kent and really could do with some help please? Long story short, I got into trouble 13 years ago when my partner passed away leaving me with joint unsecured debts of around £10k. I foolishly turned to Spectrum in mid-2005 and I entered into a DMP where I thought I was clearing it. Sadly, I was mis-sold this and was told 2 years ago, I had not cleared any of it and the interest had accumulated. I cancelled my agreement with them, I contacted Cabot (I think as that was the only company I remembered) at the time in the spring/summer 2014, I didn't admit to anything and I never heard anymore. I have been working abroad off and on (Freelance Cameraman and gotta go where the work takes me) and was not aware of how bad the situation until Friday when I got the Northampton court letter which was dated on Feb 10th for a loan from Cabot via MBNA. I do not have any of the original paperwork as my car was set on fire in the riots nearly 5 years ago and my case with papers were gone. I am wondering what I should do? I have acknowledged the action and sent a CPR-18 letter to their solicitors asking for more info. Please can someone throw some light on this for me please? I'm quite worried this may go the wrong way and will have an impact on my new wife. Ta - Mike
  24. Hi All, I've been a member here for a few years since the original debt caused me problems, but I cant remember my log in details. At the end of 2011 I had a Tmobile phone stolen and £340 rung up before I realized and reported it missing. During the phone call to discuss the bill with their complaints dept, I was offered a goodwill gesture of £170 *IF* I took out a new 18 month contract at a higher monthly rate than I had been paying. I asked for some time to think about it and took an email address (as at that point I wanted to get things in writing). After I had done some research, probably here, I discovered that I was liable so I emailed Tmobile to accept the offer. Tmobile emailed back saying they had withdrawn the offer as it was a "one time only telephone offer", so I would have to pay in full (I still have both emails) I thought "then" and cancelled the direct debit. A few months later Sigma Red started writing to me about the debt, and marked my credit file with a default against them not Tmobile. As I have a few debts in good standing , having this one default hasn't really caused me problems and I am happy not to pay Tmobile when they are acting as "fences", but I have been looking forward to having the default drop off my file for personal satisfaction reasons. So that's the history. I have just started to receive letters from these Lowell people saying that my account was "sold to them by Tmobile". firstly, should the "sigma Red" debt now show as paid on my file? Secondly, will Lowell enter a new debt? I understand I can make them remove it but still it will be a PITA. thirdly, as this debt is 18 months from being SB'd what are my options in dealing with Lowell? is there any realistic chance of a CCJ? Many thanks for your time.
  25. Hi I'm Dan, just joined today after a morbidly disappointing realisation that credit agencies are a law unto themselves. So Hi all Hope I can be useful and hope people can help me to.
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