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Found 9 results

  1. https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/assessment_of_deferment_applicat#incoming-562041 dx def process.pdf ref sheet.pdf orig def form.pdf
  2. I am hoping someone here would be able to offer some insight on my loan deferral before I tear my hair out! I have loans from 97/98/99 - originally they were partly sold off to Thesis and then later to Erudio. I have deferred payments every year based on my income. For the past 2 years, I have submitted my deferment application to Erudio via email (I live in Canada and never receive paper correspondence on time - did not want to risk missing the deadline for deferment). I followed the same procedure this year as my deferment is due at the end of March. I received an email back from Erudio informing me that they could not process the application for deferment as this was a shared loan account and needed to be processed via SLC. I have no idea what this means. I called SLC and the rep I spoke with also did not know why I was referred to them - she informed me that SLC had no account information for me and that I needed to contact whomever the loan had been sold to (Erudio, I presume....or maybe still Thesis?) I am now totally confused - who should I be submitting the application for deferment to, and how do I know who actually owns my loan accounts? Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
  3. Hi all, i am wondering if you can help me. Ive had the most distressing phone call with an advisor from Eurdio. I was completing my deferment application and become quite concerned when I came to section 9 which asked for gross total income including state benefits. I currently receive rent that is heavily subsidised by housing benefit as I rent privately, I receive some council tax benefit, child and working tax and child benefit. My wages are only £900 per month but when I added the above benefits my gross total income was above their £2398 threshold for deferment. I contacted them to see if the above benefits were included in what they considered my gross income and I was told that they were. I tried to explain that the above were means tested that were used to help me pay my rent which is £1400 per month (I live in London) and my childcare and that I could not see how these could be used. They said that they had a list of all benefits that could be used in their calculations and that both housing benefit, child tax credits and child benefits could be. Is this right?, I have complained and will escalate to ombudsman if necessary Things are so tight for me at the moment I cant deal with another bill. Please help
  4. Introduction I'd like to document the correspondence of my dealings with Erudio, aka Arrow Global / CarVal Investors in the hope it will help others; my student loans are from 92-95. Mission Objective To get written confirmation of deferment, as has been the case since loans were originated via SLC. Salvo #1 First contact was a big wad of paperwork as documented in other threads, asking for bank details, eye colour, inside leg measurement et al....and a signature! I ignored this first contact. They phoned and I requested any further correspondence to be in writing.. .they sent a second wad of paperwork, the same as the first; this accounts for three trees chopped down thus far for their thud of paper through the letterbox. This also had a cover letter saying I was in arrears for ~£200....huh? Salvo #2 I ignored their paperwork and instead scanned the original SLC document I had, with a signature and no more, I did not divulge any bank info on this form. I then copied my bank statements for the last three months into a PDF (I redacted all personal info from the statements) and along with the SLC doc, sent them via email: Dear Sir/Madam, Please find attached a signed deferment form and three months of bank statements. My customer reference number: xxxx Regards John Doe Salvo #3 They replied two days later via return email: Please be advised that the information that you provided is currently being processed and you will receive a letter in due course. Salvo #4 Almost two weeks later, they sent an email: Please be advised that the bank statements you sent were unreadable , could you please resend them again so that we may continue to process your deferral application. I resent my statements as a PNG picture on the same day as their email. This email from over a month ago, was the last correspondence I have received. Salvo #5 Today I received a letter stating another notice of arrears, this time it's gone up to ~£400. No mention of the deferment nor any other confirmation of the process thus far. It seems they are just sending generic letters with the computer regurgitating random amounts to scare the peeps; their goal is to get payment...any payment so they have your bank details. Salvo #6 Removed. Will update as and when they reply... -------------------------------------- Edit: I'm removed the email I sent in salvo #6 , as I'd prefer to wait for their response before publicly posting info; you never know who's reading these forums. He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War Txs dx - I think it was one of your posts buried deep in another thread that inspired my verbiage.
  5. How does this work? I'm actually quite late for this so they might no backdate it, anyway they failed to send the form out again last year! Every years I have to contact them to send one out but I have been so busy. Can I assume that I don't need to defer then if they don't send the form out and just ignore it, and move somewhere else? ie. where they can't trace me
  6. Hello all, Sent separate CCA requests (recorded delivery, have sigs) for separate pre-1998 loans bought by Erudio, and no response in the 12+2. Haven't yet deferred, though will easily qualify, but the deferral period is up in next few days. Having read through all the recent related threads, I'm still not 100% sure on what's best to do (or not) next: Do I... 1) Wait until they contact me [in writing] - whether that be to respond to the CCA requests, or to tell me I am not deferred and need to start paying - and then take it from there? 2) Send in the deferral form now (minus the info I'm not prepared to provide)? 3) Something else entirely. My main concern for taking option (1): should the CCA requests be successfully answered, am I given suitable extra time to defer (from a legal standpoint, or due to account being in 'dispute') and if so, how long? The concern for option (2): acknowledging the debt (via deferral info) before they've provided proof of its existence via the CCA requests. Any advice much appreciated.
  7. Hope someone can help me, my partner is being harassed by Erudio, despite giving them everything they have asked for more than once (and being subjected to a harrowing interrogation on the phone from a completely idiotic know-nothing for about half an hour!)! Are they allowed to demand (this time by post) a stamped SA302 form from HMRC to prove his self-assessed income? If HMRC electronically generates a completed form for you, why isn't that good enough? Are they allowed to change the T & C's from what he had in place with SLC since the late 90s re: deferment? Is there a form letter he can send them to tell them to knock it off? Thanks !
  8. I also have this letter from SLC about them being non compliant and giving me reduction, but it doesn't say that Eruido or anyone else is taking over. There's no mention of it being sold. I have not been informed of this. Then I got the Erudio deferment pack. A few years ago the SLC refused me my legal rights to deferment and refused over the phone to send me a deferment form, saying that I could only defer for so long and that time had come to an end and now I had to start paying it back. I argued that i wasn't earning the threshold and was told that didn't I still had to start paying it back. I was scared I didn't know what to do, so I left it. Consequently, cos I didn't defer, Got harrassed for a few years by debt companies for arrears that had built up cos I hadn't deferred. I would say that refusing my legal rights to deferment is motion enough for statute barred. Has anyone else had this particular problem of the SLC lying to them by refusing to send out a deferment form?
  9. Hello, Well the annual SLC hell arrived - deferment. I sent everything off in good time, recorded delivery, email, fax and also telephoned as every year they deny receipt so thought this year would be extra careful. I'm self employed and like many people at the moment, I on paper made a small loss overall in the previous tax year. I thought at least I don't have to pay the SLC. But no. They have rejected the application to defer on the basis that "the law states you need a minimum of XX per week to live on" and stating they will not defer my loans! I've communicated in writing that, as I am below the threshold for repayment, there are no payments due and I have no further information to give them. Now threatening legal action and accuring arrears at a scary rate. I've tried to complain to the Financial Ombudsman, who have so far in three months failed to respond at all. I'm actually considering letting them take me to court for the alleged arrears as I think there is a very good chance that they would loose on the basis that I am below the income threshold and also they have treated me unfairly and breached the CCA, I have a chance to have the loans written off. Any advice please? I would rather resolve but they are adamant that they will not defer on the basis of my tax return, accepted by the Tax office! Getting quite stressful really. Many thanks.
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