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  1. Hello, Well the annual SLC hell arrived - deferment. I sent everything off in good time, recorded delivery, email, fax and also telephoned as every year they deny receipt so thought this year would be extra careful. I'm self employed and like many people at the moment, I on paper made a small loss overall in the previous tax year. I thought at least I don't have to pay the SLC. But no. They have rejected the application to defer on the basis that "the law states you need a minimum of XX per week to live on" and stating they will not defer my loans! I've communicated in writing that, as I am below the threshold for repayment, there are no payments due and I have no further information to give them. Now threatening legal action and accuring arrears at a scary rate. I've tried to complain to the Financial Ombudsman, who have so far in three months failed to respond at all. I'm actually considering letting them take me to court for the alleged arrears as I think there is a very good chance that they would loose on the basis that I am below the income threshold and also they have treated me unfairly and breached the CCA, I have a chance to have the loans written off. Any advice please? I would rather resolve but they are adamant that they will not defer on the basis of my tax return, accepted by the Tax office! Getting quite stressful really. Many thanks.
  2. Hello! I have an ongoing 10 year nightmare of SLC failing to send out deferment forms. loosing them etc, then attempting to default accounts, passing to the laughable in house DCA Smith Lawson then after I have CAG'ed the idiots, they always relent. However, on my 11th year redux of all this now and I am seriously bored of wasting my time with their lies and fabrications, especially as I can prove they have lied and attempted to chase disputed debts time and time again. I have a case file with all letters and emails for this time, I would like to recover some of my "goodwill" payments and consider claiming my time at the £9.25 per hour litigant in person rate. While I can go through the small claims recovery for the "goodwill payments", (they always backdated my deferment in the end - except this year but that's too long to go into today), I was wondering if BCOBS covers the SLC and then if I can take them to court using the unfair treatment arguments. Provable payments of over £1k over the last 12 years, plus interest. On that front, I was wondering if I can claim the compound interest I have had to pay on those payments, (as they came out of cards and overdrafts which are still not paid off), for these payments. They have stated in writing that all account were "replayed" to remove back charges and interest relating to alleged non deferments so I would say it follows that they should have refunded my goodwill payments. I could publish a book on these people. Thankfully I have always refused to speak to them and have everything in writing. Any help very much appreciated.
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