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  1. hi all i have received a hand delivered letter today from resolvecall asking that i ring them is there a letter i can send to them so they wont do dooorstep vists again thankyou
  2. please can someone help me i have read on here something about credit card agreements taken out before 2007 do you need to have a copy of you agreement i dont or can you ask the card company to send you one also how do you know if the agreement is enforcable i am really sorry if this as been asked and answered before but any replies would be very welcome thankyou
  3. I was in tesco and was caught shoplifting. I took a pen worth £5 which I put in my pocket. I needed to write something but was talking to my wife and put it in my pocket without realising. After we did our shopping the alarm went off and the security guards pulled us to the side. I emptied my pockets and they saw the pen. They asked for photo Id but I didn't have any. Only thing I had was bank cards. They said if I didn't produce photo I'd they would call the police. I didn't have anything but they saw my tesco clubcard and took it away. Then they asked me to confirm my name and address and date of birth. They gave me a pre written letter notice of civil recovery compensation. The police were not called. Then the security guards let me take my shopping and allowed me to leave the store. What will happen next? Will the police be contacted? Will I get a criminal record? I've never ever done anything like this before. I'm sick with worry. Will my employers be notified?
  4. A few weeks ago a bloke knocked holy hell out of my front door. Wondering what the matter was I went and answered. He started ranting on about something, I only caught part of it. Then I saw his jacket, the word Scotcall caught my eye and I saw red. I told him to go away and shut the door. I am registered disabled with COPD, a condition made worse when exposed to cold air, so there was no way I was going to stand at the door arguing the toss with him. It was a very cold day. I have clear 'no cold caller' signs on the door, including one issued by the Police which reads "No appointment? Don't bother knocking'. He banged on the door again, I just ignored him. after a while he went to his car then came back a few minutes later and shoved an envelope through the door. Knowing that it was nothing to do with me I put it straight into the recycling box, unopened. As we are a no cold calling area, and the signs on the door are quite are clear, I notified the local police neighbourhood team and trading standards. A couple of weeks later and he was back, banging on the door again. I was ready for him,. I had prepared a nice little note and had the copy by the door. I thrust it at him and told him clearly to off. He shoved the note back through the door. Ignorance like that annoys me so I opened the door again, told him to get off the premises or the Police would be called. He started to argue and said he was at liberty to call as often as he liked, I corrected him and shouted quite loudly at him, mainly to alert my neighbours of a potential problem. He backed away on to the street and carried on trying to tell me he had the right - I stopped him, pointed out that he had no rights at all, He knew that I was not the person he wanted to see so he was clearly wasting my time. I said that I was not a messaging service and that I would not discuss another person's financial matters even if they lived there. After he had left I was quite shaken and was in a bit of a state, to put it mildly. My inhalers were not bringing my breathing back to normal and my chest was tight. I suffered a lot of pain through the rest of the day and eventually got a taxi to A&E. They prodded and poked about and gave me pain relief. I had an EGC and x-ray, was sent up to a ward and left to rest a while. A doctor saw me at about 6am, I got no sleep at all that night. The main doctor saw me about 10am and by then the pain had gone, possibly due to the drip and being put on morphine. I was discharged and sent home at lunchtime. Thanks to the unwelcome caller I was unable to do very much for several days. I don't work, I'm not able to, but simple things like making a sandwich or a drink were difficult. I was still very uptight about his visit. I contacted trading standards again. They sent a complaint to Scotcall, I know it's all the same company. I've since had a letter to acknowledge the complaint and I've sent the person who wrote that an email with my side of the story, so there is no doubt about who called and what happened. I managed to get the car registration number last time, so was able to pass that on to TS and the Police. The letter mentions someone who may or may not live here who I am not responsible for. Regardless of if they were here or not, it was me he saw, me he hassled and me he put in hospital through causing me to be so stressed. This has been mentioned to Scotcall. I await their reply. I've repeated that i am not a messaging service and have no reason to speak to their agent at all. I consider his actions to be harassment. He's not been back since. If he does I will be calling 999 straight away as he will be causing a breach of the peace just by being there. He's been told, very clearly, to stay away. Had I been any fitter I would have happily marched him back to his car and shoved him in it. I will not stand for little Hitler's like him barking orders at me as he tried to. I know what Scotcall are about and they now know what little regard I have for them and their agent. I do not bow to threats and intimidation. I'll let you know if I hear any more. If anyone else gets a call from and agent Scotcall or Resolvecall, shut the door on them. If they hang around, call the Police.
  5. Hi All, I've been paying Arden Credit Management for a few months now (after Moorcroft passed the debt on to them). This was in relation to a Lombard Direct loan. I've not been missing payments, but I get a letter every month, stating: "We wrote to you recently to advise that payments are not being received in line with our request for you to commence repayment of the remaining balance. We now require payment from you." I've paid by the due date and every time, I've requested the authorisation number for the payment. I've seen in another thread that Lombard have ceased giving out loans. They do, however, send me a statement once a year and notified me in writing that Arden were taking over the administration of my account. I am currently paying them £15 per month, although I'm on JSA. I'm going to phone them - I know everyone says don't, but I'm confident enough to do so - and inform them that the account is up-to-date and they should stop wasting their time, as I have proof of all payments. I will then offer them a new repayment plan of £5 a month. If they refuse, this will be reduced to £2 a month and then put in writing. If they don't want to accept it, that's their tough luck. My question, however, is this: If Lombard have ceased trading (as stated by Cerberusalert in another thread) then presumably the debt has been bought by Arden. Is it worthwhile me sending a CCA request if they refuse my payment offers? I'm not trying to avoid paying, just trying to fight incompetent bullies, using their own tactics - I want to legitimately clear any debt owed, but I cannot afford to do it on their terms. If the worst comes to the worst, I own no property, have no appreciable assets, no savings and my only income is JSA, so if they wanted to take me to court, my response would be, "Go on, then." I have nothing to lose, but would a CCA request be a waste of time and what little money I do have? Any advice gratefully received. Thanks
  6. Hi I managed to get my hands on a small lump sum (315.00). I have a debt that scotcall are 'managing' for my old friends at Lowell. The debt stands at around £945.00. I've had a CCA and they have provided the paperwork so it is fairly clear the debt is enforceable so I thought I'd use the cash to make a full and final offer. I wrote to them offering the £315 as full and final with the debt marked as satisfied. The reply I got is as follows:
  7. Hi all I have recently had the delightful Scotcall get in touch with me about a former MBNA debt of 5K+ Some time ago I got a letter from MBNA stating they could not locate a credit agreement so would not be pursuing the debt. It was then sold to Aegis who backed off and now some years later Scotcall. After requesting a credit agreement they have sent a photocopy of an agreement signed in a supermarket- not an agreement as I would define one. Any ideas on where I should go with this??
  8. Hi Everyone Hopefully someone can help with this. Last week I had a card pushed through the letter box from Scotcall saying it was a first visit and that I had to call a number etc. No more info on the card stating what it was about. I called the number to find out what it was about and was asked a heap of personal/security questions. The call went round in circles as I would not confirm my details so they could not tell me anything. I told them to put the matter in a letter so I could consider it. I heard nothing via letter. Anyway since then Mr Scotcall has visited my house no less than 4 times. Twice when I was not in so I just ignored that as no point calling them for the same nonsense. When he actually caught me at home the first time in he asked me to confirm who I was and I would not. He then gave me a sermon about his role for Scotcall and how he was to put us in contact with each other etc. I said tell them to put whatever their issue is in writing and I will not have any discussion with you. I politely closed the door and told him to leave. He stood there for a good five mins and then eventually left. He has now just been back again and I repeated what i said the first time that i will not talk to him and i want it in writing. He has a fleece type jacket on with scotcall on it and a badge with scotcall so basically the world and his wife walking past will assume I owe money and think they know my business. Anyway he stands there again after I politely say 'jog on' and after a while sticks another card through which says 'resolve call' on it and that he will call again. Twice now I have told him not to call again and i am sick of the humiliation of it...after 4 visits you would think he would give up. I believe this may be part of a debt I disputed some time ago and it is not a huge amount of money either - around 700-800 quid. I asked some questions in a letter to the original company re evidence of this supposed debt and heard nothing back so left it but I guess the debt has been passed on to these scotcall/resolve call people now. I really am reluctant to engage in any discussion with these people now, debt is probs around 5 years old anyway. I just want to stop this man turning up at my house all the time - can anyone give me a clue as to how I do this?
  9. Morning, I recently sent Fredrickson International a CCA request for a Capital One account. I've received a letter today advising they do not accept that they are the creditor but are willing to assist in obtaining the request and will be contacting the creditor to obtain it and will revert back to me. They have suspended all further action for the time being and have returned my £1 postal order. Should I sit back and wait for their reply or is there anything or any response I should send to them. Thanks
  10. Hi, At a previous address I lived at, the tenant received a letter from Vodafone on 11 Aug stating an outstanding balance of £652.03 had been transferred to Lowell Portfolio l Ltd. Outstanding call charges/line rental of £199.48 Early termination Fee: £452.55 They received a letter from Lowells the same day, nd there had been nothing from Vodafone prior to this at that address. I have been overseas for 3 years now. Before leaving the UK for Greece I spoke to Vodafone and requested that I transfer my contract to Vodafone Greece. They said it wasn't possible as it was a different company. I sent in a termination letter. I should have done something about this as soon as the letter from Vodafone/Lowells came, but have been busy with work. The tenant of my previous address has now received a letter from Scotcall of Notice of an impending debt collection visit. Apparently Lowells passed it off to Scotcall. The tenant is understandably upset at this, and fearful of credit issues. I dispute the early termination fees, which seem exorbitant given I had no choice, and tried to transfer my account. I am happy to accept the outstanding line rental/call charges, and would have paid them if I'd ever received a letter from Vodafone at the time. What should my next steps be? I am in France currently, and need to stop Scotcall from harassing the tenant of an address I don't actually live at. I would like to pay my outstanding debt, but dispute the termination fees. Should I email Scotcall, and send them a letter regarding the fact that I am disputing the debt with Vodafone, along with informing them that they should stop harassing people who are not me, at an address i don't live at? I have just emailed the Vodafone address listed in this forum, no automated response yet but when I do hopefully the Vodafone rep (Lee?)can advise me? UPDATE: Just got email back from Vodafone with #8350027 appended to the subject. Assume this is the reference?
  11. Hi all, I'm looking for some advice in regard to a very old Barclaycard account which my husband is being chased for. We sent a "prove it" letter to Bryan Carter solicitors, and have now received a letter from Fredrickson stating that if full payment is not received within 48hrs, Fredrickson will recommend that Lowell commence legal proceedings. Am I right in thinking we should now sent a CCA request to Lowell?
  12. Hey Everyone,let me take you back to October 2013 when all this began. First off I'd had been with T mobile for many years but I was looking to cancel my contract with them to change over to o2,my contract with T-Mobile at the time was a two year (iPhone) contract,which was coming to an end either September 2013 or the start of October 2013. I decided to ring them up and explain the situation,that I was moving and there was no chance of me staying as one of my friends was getting me a great deal on an o2 contract,from what I remember from the phone conversation all I had to pay was the last months phone bill which I did and then the contract would end as it would not be renewed. I then purchased my o2 contract on the 16/10/2013 and transferred over my number from T mobile to o2. From this point I thought Id never see anything from T mobile again,until I get a bill on my doorstep of £91.57(£56.38 for line rental,termination penalty £13.78,notice period change £24.25)on the 27/10/2013,I chose just to simply ignore this probably not a good idea,but the employee on the phone said nothing about any of these charges. I then get an overdue balance reminder on the 13/11/13,same again on the 04/12/13,after the second one I decide to ring T mobile and explain,what i have explained to you,the women says i must write to head office so they can deal with it. Which I did not do,which probably was not a good idea. Then I get a letter from capquest on the 17/12/13 explaining that they now control the debt from T mobile and that the line will be terminated that really made me laugh as it had been canceled 3 months ago,so anyway I ring capquest and explain to them that I am still in depute with t mobile about the case and I am in the process of sending a letter to head office,he says no problem I well put a stop on the account. At this point I am thinking ill get round to it when I have time,which I don't,I do not hear nothing for 3 months so at this point I think that i have won and they must have removed it from the system or something. Until on the 21/06/2014 I get a letter from Wescot in big red letters with all the usual stuff,outstanding balance blah blah,so anyway I am now thinking well I am just not going to reply. I have now had letters from them on these dates. 01/07/2014 Reminder notice. 11/07/2014 25% Reduced settlement offer £87.22 that made me chuckle. 27/07/2014 options tailored to suit you. 07/08/2014 As we have not been able to contact you directly it is our intention to instruct a doorstep collection agency,Scotcall to conduct this face to face meeting. This is where I now have the problem as I live at home with parents and I do not really need this coming to my parents door step when I am not here to basically say well you're not coming in. So yeah I am not sure whether to just pay it or actually write to T mobile this time,or call up wescot and explain the situation. Help is greatly needed as soon as possible sorry for the long round about explanation but wanted to give you the whole situation. Thanks for reading. Mark B.
  13. A friend whom used to live at my address recently had a letter in post from Scotcall, but was sent to my address as was last known here. It was regarding an alleged specified amount owed to a mobile phone company about 3 years ago. I guess my friend should send the 'prove it' letter, but do you think my friend should include their new address on the letter? Probably a stupid question! Also I presume this will not affect my credit record?
  14. Hi Guys Any advice / help would be very much appreciated. A few weeks ago i returned home to find a hand posted brown envelope from a field representative from Scotcall asking me to phone him urgently on a mobile number. I have also had numerous phonecalls from Scotcall to my work mobile number which are becoming more frequent. As i didn't know what the debt was for or who for i ignored them. Tonight i was at work but my wife returned home from the weekly shop to be approached by a man from Scotcall asking for me, she explained that i wasn't in and didn't know when i'd be back. He once again left the same card and left. Am i right in thinking they are not allowed to do this, for one it was dark and my wife wasn't best pleasede to be approached by a big balding man wearing a high-vis jacket in an obvious attempt to look official. This time he had written the debt details on the card, its showing as £806.11 on a TOPMAN storecard which i had years ago (for my sins). This is an old debt that i stopped paying a few years back as with interest the debt just wasn't coming down. For example i think the original debt was for about £300, i paid £20 per month for over 2 years and a few years later the debt is now over £800. I appreciate that i stopped making payments but how i see it i've probably already paid back the original debt amount, its just the interest and lack of payments has now ramped up to a stupid amount. Where do i go from here ? Any help would be very much appreciated,
  15. Hi all. Ive suddenly had calls from Scottcall,about 1 a day for a debt with hSBC form 2006. £462.00 This debt has never appeared on my credit file and last payments were made in the end of 2006. I guess they are trying there luck as i imagine they have recently brought the debt. Can anyone tell me the procedure to go through to tell them toprove or stop calling? Kind regards Chris
  16. I'm aware there are tons of topics relating to this company, but I'm just after some advice regarding them. I received a phone call off these guys today, regarding a 'personal matter', and they asked me to confirm my address. I asked them to confirm it, and I'd tell them if they were right. The man on the phone said, "Look, if you don't want to confirm it, just say and we can end the call here." So as I said I wasn't going to confirm anything, he put the phone down. Now, the thing is, it hasn't actually been said why they're calling. I've Google'd the company, and seen that it's a DCA, so I'm glad I didn't give them my address. Now, looking at my credit report, everything is absolutely spot on and up to date. The only thing I can think of is a very old loan default that was statute barred two years ago. Since this occurred, I've got car finance, a small personal loan and a credit card, all to help build up my credit file. The loan just sits in an account and pays for itself (I know I'll be adding the interest), and the credit card just pays for petrol and gets paid in full every month. I've also passed a credit check to become a private tenant in my house. So if the reason for the call is this old default, which they haven't confirmed, how can I approach this with them? I don't want to give them any info that I don't need to, and don't want to cause problems for myself. Also, after this phone call I had with them today, what's normally next? Any help with this is much appreciated. Thanks!
  17. Hi just wondering if I can get a bit of advice as I've no idea where to start. I stupidly took out several loans with lending stream to which I've buried my head in the sand and ignored paying for about 12 months, theses have been handed over to CRS. CRS have sent several txt messages yesterday saying they will be sending their 'field agents' Scotcall out in the next 5 days, what's the likely hood of them actually turning up? I want to get this sorted and offer a monthly repayment, whats the best way of dealing with this? Email? letter? and do I speak to Lending Stream or CRS. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm actually terrified of them turning up at home. Many Thanks
  18. I received a phishing letter from Scotcall addressed to my address but in my previous married name. I ignored it. I have been remarried and therefore had a different name for 12 years now. I am only 4 months away from being Statute Barred and my credit files are completely clear. Now Scotcall have started calling at least twice a day. I have put the numbers on choose to refuse so blocked calls from those numbers. They are still phishing, but I know it is just a matter of time that if they don't get any response then there will be a doorstep call. They do not know if they have the right person. Would responding to a call and denying I am the person they are looking for stop this harassment? I am very concerned about this, my husband (who knows nothing of this) has mental health problems due to military service and some debt collector turning up at the door really could tip him over the edge. What should I do?
  19. Hi All Been on these forums for years, now need advice please. I had a halifax credit card I defaulted on in Sept 2005 for £3500 (although I as far as I can remember I never saw a default notice issued), this was handed over to BOS, with whom I agreed tp pay £10 a month. I kept this up right up to Dec 2012. I missed a few payments and called up BOS, who said they would need to review the case and would get back to me. Around sept I started getting calls/txts from Capquest which I never picked up or responded. They had sent letters to an old address from which I had moved over 2 years ago. I recently, by accident got hold of these letters. They are as follows: First one dated Sept 2013: From Capquest stating I owe £2770 and to pay up immediately Second dated 8th Oct From HL Legal stating if I do not pay by 22nd OCT then Court Proceeding may be issued Third dated 23rd Oct From Capquest, stating that Scotcall Limted, doorstep recovery agents will visit you Like I said I have moved from the corresponding address over 2 years ago. Another DCA did send letters to another old address I lived at 5 years ago, but current occupiers sent them back to sender. I dont know how to go about this, because they dont have my current address and obviously I dont want to give it to them. Any help would be helpful.
  20. Received an email from Scotcall threatening doorstep collector as according to their client I had made no attempt to settle blah blah blah. They say I owe an amount to Hutchinson 3G which I'm disputing as I cancelled the contract giving 30 days notice at the end of my 2 year contract. I have a default listed on my file and plan to challenge as I believe it's unfair and incorrect. I responded to Scotcall with the harassment letter and doorstep visit letter and began putting together details of why I dispute this debt. Scotcall responded within half an hour with the following. . "The case you have referred to is not applicable to your circumstances. As part of the credit agreement that you signed and entered into, you agreed to repay the full outstanding balance and that where necessary, the creditor could recover the debt by outsourcing the debt to a third party, which included by way of doorstep collection. We are entitled by law and under contract to recover monies outstanding and we are allowed to take reasonable steps in accordance with regulatory guidance to recover such monies. Please advise us of your repayment proposals " Is a mobile phone contract a credit agreement ? Plus the contract has ended and I dispute the debt. Help !
  21. Lost my job for health reasons, Nothing life threatening but would make working a set routine impossible. I had major debts on credit cards which i didnt really think about as i could easily make the minimum payment plus extra. What i did not know or think about was the fact it would take manymany years to pay them off at that rate. I only found that out after reading posts on the internet. The credit card companies were a right pain in the backside to try and arrange payment plans. Insisiting i paid them a figure i just did not have to give them. I snapped on the phone and told them to get lost in a few choice words. A day or two later i get a letter saying they are trying to help me and are not there to wind me up. That was it i flipped. I sat there with scissors and cut the cards, bills, letters up into tiny pieces. Letters arrived i tore them up. Phone calls go so bad i had to turn the ringer off. They sent text calls to the landline as well. So the calls arrived later than they are legally allowed to call you. I had fake parcel cards. Promotional leaflets, emails offering me cheap items & loans. Obvious they were from these people as i used single email accounts for each company. Mix up with useless staff at the social office who never gave me all the correct paperwork. I ended up owing council tax and rent. I took advice and everyone said these must be paid at all costs. I offered them £2 a week. Which sounded silly to me but having nothing left at the end of the week broughteven that amount into reality. They called me into an interview and said they could get £3 if they took me too court, I gave them a list of my incomings and outgoings and they said thats fine carry on. I am ebarrassed to admit but i have debts with 8 different companies totalling around 50,000pounds. These have been passed onto countless different companies all offering to help but asking for figures i just could not afford. I read that whatever i pay one companmy i should also pay to the others as you cannot pay them with a preference. I think thats right. Some of the debts are far in excess of the original credit limits. Things went quiet for a while, phone calls for a few days then the odd letter. I was advised to file for bankruptcy but cannot afford to pay for it, I was told let them make me bankrupt which is no worse. I dont care about my credit file as i have learned a big lesson here. I never want credit ever ever again. This has been going on for nearly 4 years now and nobody has yet taken me to court, In the past week i have been getting letters every day sometimes more than one letter from mackenzie hall, The phone has started ringing at all hours again. They are threatening to send people to my door to collect on these debts. What am i to do. I just cannot see a way out of this situation, Living on IB and income support. No other income. ANything of value has been sold to pay bills. Help please what do i do next.
  22. hi all Just a bit of advice please Out of the blue I have had a visit from Scotcall in relation to Nationwide for £359.84 I wasnt in when they called but they have left a postcard for me to call them I used to be with Nationwide a long time ago, having a current account with them I had no credit cards/loans or even an overdraft on this account so Im aonly assuming these are bank charges So how do I play this ? Its not on my credit record, well not as far as I can see. But obviously they are braying on my door for the money What the next step for me please ?
  23. Firstly I would like to thank the community of CAG as it has got us out of a mess a few times. Currently; we are dealing (or in our case - not co-operating) with Scotcall. On all their letters they put only a 0844 number, their non-0844 number is: 0141 248 7400. It won't let you do 141 in front but I called and made sure that I said I didn't want correspondence from them except in writing. I did of course deny any knowledge of the debt and demanded a copy of the original CCA (which I doubt that they have. Wescott (The original DCA offered a 50% discount on the debt on the second letter which tells me there is a good chance of them not having the full paperwork. Just though this may help people dealing with these. Michelle
  24. Any advice here would be much appreciated... Long story short I have received a letter today from Scotcall stating that the client has requested that they stop taking payment from me and that the client will be in touch to make further arrangements. Has anyone else had this? Why would the client request Scotcall stop taking payment? Thanks in advance
  25. Hi Everyone, I had a letter from Lowell ages ago, regarding a debt owed to Argos. I have since been on Noddle and seen that there is a debt on there saying owed to Lowell. Lowell have written again stating they act for Argos offering ways to pay their client. Am puzzled why its showing on Noddle as a debt owed to Lowell?
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