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  1. Hi, I received an email from my lease company in December, advising of a PCN with the reference number to login and view/appeal/pay etc. It was my son-in-law who had been driving and got stuck in a box junction. He logged on and paid the £65 fine. Then we received a letter from TFL that the PCN was going to be reissued to me as the lease company had provided my details. If the PCN had been paid then it would be reunded by CHEQUE. No cheque was ever received, and my son in law didn't notice the money be refunded into his account - it was a few days before Christmas. To be honest I forgot all about it as I assumed it was sorted. I didn't get a reissued PCN, but have now received a letter saying that the fine has increased to £195. I called them and was told I could submit a late appeal. I guess my position is that if we have made the effort to pay the initial fine within the time period, then that is sufficient to assume that it has been paid. And is there any challenge in that their letter stated that they would refund by cheque? The fact that they have to refund any payment must be some weird admin thing, to do with the party who the PCN has been issued to. Which seems daft as anyone can pay any fine, you don't need to enter any details. anyone have experience of this Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi I had ordered 3 dresses from an online company on 18th January. They didn’t fit so I returned them on the 22nd. The tracking code confirmed that the parcel was received by them on 25th January but they have not refunded me. I have sent numerous emails and only had one response saying they would investigate and I’ve not heard anything since. That was almost a week ago and I’ve since sent 2 more emails with no response. What else can I do to get my money back? The only phone number listed is a 0845 number and reading reviews, they’re not quick to answer so it would cost me extra to try and phone them.
  3. I know this is only small change but we went on holiday in August and put a £50 deposit down on a caravan (private owned) this was to cover costs of any damage refundable upon return home as long as there wasn't any damage. It was forgotton about till I mentioned it to the wife in late October she checked her bank and noticed it hadn't been paid back so she text the women who was away on holiday out of the country till early December and said she would check herself when she got back. We got a text message on the 17th December apologising saying she had checked and noticed she hadn't given it back and asked for bank details to refund back. heard nothing for a week then got another text to say sorry she had been working and it had been busy she would sort it over the weekend. Its still not turned up nearly 2 weeks later so my wife text her again yesterday and her text has gone ignored. Just wondering at this point if it was worth taking the matter further?
  4. I mentioned yesterday on the forum that since the new regulations came into effect in April 2014, the Local Government Ombudsman has dealt with 304 enquiries relating to a council tax complaint that involved bailiff enforcement, and 418 enquiries relating to a penalty charge notice (including congestion charging) that involved bailiff enforcement. The following decision has just been released and again, another local authority has agreed to refund bailiff fees an Out of Time witness statement has been accepted at the Traffic Enforcement Centre. The following is an extract of the decision. Bury Metropolitan Borough Council Mrs X complains the Council failed to refund bailiff costs and the parking fine following the decision of the Traffic Enforcement Centre (TEC). Background: 4 The Council issued a penalty charge notice (PCN) to Mrs X. It says Mrs X did not either appeal the notice or pay the fine. The Council continued to take action to recover the outstanding amount which resulted in bailiffs visiting Mrs X’s property. 5 Mrs X says the first time she knew of the PCN was when the bailiffs visited. She says she panicked when the bailiffs attended and so paid the fine in full. Afterwards she decided to challenge the recovery as she had never received the PCN. Mrs X made a late appeal to the TEC. Her appeal was upheld. 6 The bailiff sent a cheque to Mrs X for £310 on 17 February 2016. This was the return of their fees following the decision of the TEC. The Council retained £82 which is the original penalty charge of £50, £25 for the non- payment before the Council sent a charge certificate and £7 for the debt registration. 7 The Council says it has retained this amount because it did not form part of the TEC decision. It says at no time has Mrs X challenged the PCN and so it is still valid. 8. In response to my enquiries the Council says it will reissue the Notice to Owner to Mrs X. This will give her the opportunity to challenge the original PCN. If it is found the PCN was not correctly issued the Council should make a further refund. Final Decision: My decision is the complaint will not be pursued further. The return of the bailiff fees has provided a remedy for most of Mrs X’s complaint. When we spoke on the telephone previously, she said this is what she was seeking. In addition the Council will now reissue the Notice to Owner which gives Mrs X the right to appeal the PCN if she considers it was wrongly issued. I consider this provides a suitable remedy for Mrs X’s complaint so I will not pursue it further. http://www.lgo.org.uk/decisions/transport-and-highways/parking-and-other-penalties/15-017-156
  5. Hi I had an account with Vodafone (never again) and the 3g just would not pick up in my area along with the 70 mile train journey between norfolk and suffolk. I mean I know its rural but really in this day and age. vodafone said no they can't do anything and that I have to pay the full amount to cancel (£557) blah blah. I disputed saying hang on you're not providing a service and they just kept replying with we only need to provide a service at your home address. Hang on a MOBILE phone and they only have to guarantee service at your home address, very strange. I was told that if i didn't pay it would go to DCA etc. I'm in the middle of disputing this with Vodafone in february 2014 and I received a letter from a DCA. they have just fobbed it off to them to get rid of. I cough up and pay otherwise my credit report is going to be in tatters (which when checking they had already recorded a default against me). Fast forward to March and they refund me £185.74 for accidentally taking it when they shouldn't have. I then need to contact them in June 2014 and the first thing I am told is that I'm owed £185.74 hmmmm ok put it in my bank which they kindly did. 2 days later check the bank and £185.74. this means with my great maths that £185.74 x 3 = £557.22 (the amount the default was for) they have said yes ok you were right heres the money back but now I'm done anyway because of this default, is there anything I can do about it to get it removed Thanks Tom
  6. Hi, I placed a part payment on a used car recently and am now unable to complete the transaction and would like my part payment back. I have asked the dealer directly and they refused and now need advice on how to proceed. When placing the part payment I was not made aware verbally or in writing that it was non refundable. I was given an order form where I filled in my personal details at the top and car details on the right and the salesman signed - but I did not sign. There were also no terms and conditions on this form or on the website stating deposits or part payments are non refundable. How can I get this back? Thanks
  7. Hi Guys Long winded but will cut it down best I can, will start with the numbers loan 1 July 98 for £3000 PPI single policy of £443 added to loan (paid 46/60 payments) £144 of ppi refinanced by loan 3 loan 2 Dec 98 for £1400 PPI single policy of £198 added to loan (paid 39/48 payments) £50 of ppi refinanced by loan 3 loan 3 April 02 for £5000 PPI single policy of £1174 added to loan (paid 13/60 payments) £980 of ppi refinanced by loan 4 loan 4 may 03 for £7500 PPI single policy of £1762 added to loan (paid 11/60 payments) £1500 of ppi refinanced by loan 5 loan 5 may 03 for £11000 PPI single policy of £2383 added to loan (paid 12/60 payments) £2032 of ppi refinanced by loan 6 loan 6 may 08 for £10000 PPI NO PPI added to loan still paying Now we had a decision letter from Lloyd's stating they upheld all of the complaints offering refund of the ppi part of the loan that was paid in installments plus interest, which worked out about £7,700 according to their workings out, I had it in my head from working it out that it should have been nearer 10k but at first glance of their workings it looked OK but I still couldn't get it out of my head that something was wrong. It then clicked that they had calculated all their figures ONLY on the installments made and had completely ignored the bits that were left on refinancing which by itself without adding interest is about £4700, this amount is still being paid off on loan 6. I phoned them as the offer letter tells me to do and explained why I felt it was wrong, the guy said that I am not entitled to that bit back as the loan was refinanced, I argued and tried to speak to a manager but was brickwalled, he insisted I was wrong and that the payment of £7700 was going to be sent, I told him at this point that I DO NOT ACCEPT the offer, and under no circumstances are they to consider the matter closed, I even got him to repeat it back to me several time, as they supposedly record the calls. what I would like to know is am I wrong, am I not able to reclaim the bits that were refinanced by the new loans, or are Lloyd's trying it on Many Thanks
  8. See here >> http://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/Bailiff-tried-television-says-Derbyshire-landlord/story-28724803-detail/story.html From Scoop
  9. I appreciate any help and advice I can get on my case as I feel I have hit a brick wall with Vodafone. I will try and keep the summary below brief. In short I sought to upgrade my old 12m contract to a new 12m contract and upgrade my old iPhone 6 to a new iPhone 6s Plus. I placed a pre-order, only to receive a 6s and not a 6s Plus which was delivered around 5 weeks ago now. Phone was returned promptly as possible. Vodafone charged me for the upgrade via direct debit and have yet to refund me for the returned handset. Furthermore they have not rolled back my tariff as I was advised to ask them to do, and there has been a problem with my contract dates, meaning they do not see me as being owed a new handset, believing I have already upgraded. My old iPhone 6 has been associated with this new contract and I have had problems unlocking it as a result, to this day I have not been able to successfully unlock the phone. So to summarise, I am owed £385 plus the difference of my new tariff versus my old tariff (approx. £10 for the 2 months that have elapsed), an apology for the sheer incompetent and inaccurate customer service wouldn't go amiss either. Given the time elapsed I will soon be considering legal action if not resolved to my satisfaction. Long version: On Sep 12th, 2 weeks before the release of the new iPhone I received an email inviting me to upgrade. I called customer services and explicitly placed an order for a 6s Plus and agreed to a new monthly tariff. On Sep 24th I received an email from Vodafone thanking me for my 6s order. I queried with customer services to be told not to worry and a 6s Plus was on the way. On Sep 25th I took delivery of a 6s and not a 6s Plus. I called customer services who told me I could try and return the phone to store, but would most likely need to wait for a returns bag which I was told should be with me within a couple of days. 1 week on and I had not received a returns bag. Another call to customer services revealed a returns bag had never been ordered for me, but one would be dispatched. Extremely frustrating, but this time a returns bag did turn up. It was also confirmed to me I was due to pay for a 6s Plus and not a 6s, so appeared to be a "picking error". I received the returns pack and posted the unopened box back on Oct 7th, and can see via tracking the package was signed for on the 8th. No confirmation of receipt of return was given to me, despite customer services claiming I would be sent an email or text updating me with the status. On Oct 14th I called customer services to confirm they recognised I had returned the phone, which they did. I was informed I would be charged for the phone in my next direct debit payment. I asked if, given receipt of my handset, they could reverse this charge, but they said no. I was told the refund payment would be processed within 72 hours, but to this day there is no sight of the refund. I was given the option of cancelling the direct debit payment (including the contract payment), which I declined as I didn't want to end up in a situation where I was showing a missed payment opening a whole other issue. At this point I asked for my tariff to be rolled back to my previous contract terms, and was told this would be done. On 15th Oct I was unable to make or receive calls, despite having full signal. I thought this might have to do with a tariff adjustment. On visiting my local store to home this seemed to be a network issue that was resolved 3 days later, but over this time I could not make or receive calls via 4G. No notice from Vodafone on any network issues. On 19th Oct I visited a store local to my work to check on the process of my refund, my tariff change and my showing of eligibility to upgrade. Nothing had changed despite being more than 72 hours since I was told these changes would take effect. On 20th Oct I attempted to unlock my iPhone 6 which was now past its 12m contract date, only to receive an email saying I hadn't yet paid 3 months worth of bills on this device. It then became apparent my old phone had been linked to my new contract. A further visit to my work branch saw me have to repeat the sorry story again, and this time the sales rep sent an email to "HQ" telling them what needed to be done. I saw him type the email and it covered all the necessary points. Despite promising to keep me updated, this individual has not contacted me once with an update. The manager local of the branch local to my home has called sporadically but hasn't manage to resolve any of the key issues. On Oct 27th I sent a recorded letter to Vodafone head office, detailing the above points, requesting I wanted the above to be rectified; a refund for the handset and the excess tariff charge, to be able to upgrade my phone and to be able to unlock my old phone. It has been a week now and the letter has still not been signed for. I cant recall sending a recorded delivery letter and it not being delivered within a couple of days. I called customer services last night on 3rd Nov, explained my story again and was told it takes 72 hours for a refund and they had been promising this for nearly a month. I told her I had written a formal letter of complaint and would be seeking further action to recover monies that I am owed if not resolved, to which she hung up on me. Throughout this process customer service has been atrocious, plain and simple. Lies is a strong word, but it would appear I have been told false information on numerous occasions. No one seems to be able to help, and no one I have been able to reach in the company has any authorisation to override what is a relatively simple mistake, and a mountain has been created out of a molehill. I have spent hours on the phone to 191 and would estimate the average wait time is about 45 mins, and on more than one occasion I have been cut off. I will not hesitate to proceed with a small claims charge if need be. Vodafone have been quick to take money from me, and slow to refund, and have not refunded when they have said they would have. This has caused me some financial inconvenience as I have had to move money around to cover this handset charge that would usually be offset by me trading in my old handset. I would be extremely grateful if anyone with sufficient authority at Vodafone could contact me to resolve this (if this person even exists), and to also receive some advice on how I would prepare a case for a small claims court and what I should be looking to claim for. I would need to take a day off work, so would seek cost associated with this too. Beyond the financial aspects, I would like to receive an apology from Vodafone, for what is their error, but yet I am the one having to chase all loose ends to try and get a resolution. Thanks for taking time to read.
  10. In simple terms this is 1 of my 3 accounts, its literally used for a couple of direct debits that I want to keep separate. Having second thoughts considering I keep missing them. I had a direct debit come out this morning which I had forgotten about, checked my bank and it had been paid so I thought best transfer enough in so i'd not go overdrawn which I did. And being extremely cynical of banks I take screenshots of everything just incase. Interestingly I just checked back and that same direct debit has now been bounced and if you have a look at my screenshots from lunch time today and this evening you will see that they prized the bounced dd between the dd and the credits. Naturally i'm extremely anoyed about this and you can bet that if i'd not of credited the account they'd of paid it and charged an od fee. I will be charged £25 for this so naturally if I can get around this i'd like to. I should add that there is no charge for being less that £10 overdrawn and they do not charge for being overdrawn if you are bank before 3.30 that working day. Any ideas much appreciated. Screens Lunch : http://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af299/badgercraig/Dirt/before.jpg Just now: http://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af299/badgercraig/Dirt/after.jpg
  11. Hello! I am surprised that no customers of Acenden/Southern Pacific Mortgages Limited have mentioned the recent refund of charges from SPML? I have been battling with them for years over what I believe to be overcharges and MANY others have made comments on the forums stating the same. We received a letter dated the 2nd of July from SPML, saying that they have agreed with the FCA that certain charges made between 1st of January 2009 and 31st of August 2012 were "found to be higher than the market norm" and have refunded the difference back to my mortgage account. The letter doesn't say what the "norm" is and does not give a breakdown of the amount refunded but it does say it is for Arrears Management Fees and Litigation Management Fees . At the time the charges were made, they were still being added to the arrears balance of the mortgage and therefore several eviction attempts made by SPML were obviously based on unfair overcharges - luckily the court stopped their attempts and I still have the house today (with no mortgage arrears) - yet I am still fighting charges which at todays date total well over £20k (the majority in legal fees!). Anybody else had the same? Any thoughts from anyone on the best way to challenge this? Unsure how they have determined unfair charges between these date yet charges outside of these dates still remain at the same level?
  12. My wife put a claim in for PPI cover she paid on a loan from HSBC and also for a Credit Card. They have approved the loan but rejected the CC claim. Their reason was as follows : "Our records show that in DATE, you applied for an optional Cardholder Repayment Protector to protect your HSBC Credit Card. This policy is designed to repay 10% of the outstanding credit card balance for a maximum of twelve months in the event of sickness, accident or redundancy. Life cover is also included in this plan. The Policy Document and Product Information Pack explained how the policy worked together with the claims procedure and the exclusions that applied. The Policy Document confirmed that you had a period of time in which you had the right to cancel the Cardholder Repayment Protector. Due to the Data Protection Act, HSBC cannot keep records indefinitely. Unfortunately, due to the passage of time, the original documentation has not been located. However, I can confirm that it is not Bank procedure to issue insurance without the appropriate documentation being completed first. I would also point out that premiums paid in respect of the plan have appeared on your statements where there has been an outstanding balance, throughout the period your policy has been in force. Therefore I consider adequate steps were taken to ensure you were aware that you had Payment Protection Insurance on your credit card and to advise you of the main product features. I realise that you may be disappointed with my decision but I hope that this letter has been helpful in explaining the reasons for it and that I have been able to respond to your concerns satisfactorily. However, if you have any further information or evidence that you feel is then please forward for my consideration" My wife is certainly disappointed with their response on this. Is that the end of things? Do they have a legitimate defence? Certainly as a layperson the idea that someone can enter into an agreement without a set end date, with a limited time to cancel might fall under the scope of consumer laws on unfair terms in contracts. She claimed for several grounds. One of them was that they refused to allow her to cancel the policy. My initial thoughts are that they seem to have conceded the point she made about being unable to cancel the policy. She attempted this twice over the phone and once in branch. She took out the credit card in branch and was told to just sign at the bottom without any explanation as to the suitability of the insurance. She was in temporary employment with an agency at the time. How best should she reply to this?
  13. I recently purchased some office products from an online office supplier. The products were very cheap and the sale went through and money was taken from my account. The order never arrived and I contacted the office supplier who informed me that they have cancelled the order due to a stock discrepancy at the warehouse, and a refund had been issued. The products are still in stock by the supplier, but now at a much higher price. The question that I have are companies allowed to cancel orders once money is taken?
  14. I have been helping a friend over the past few months. They were struggling financially and asked for my help. They had been aware that I often post in various forums on CAG. But did not ask for my help until it was almost too late. The debt was a credit card from 02/02. Defaulted in 2007. Since I started to help them in early January '14 and I have written just 9 letters and 11 calls (recorded). Today I got an email from my friend stating that the account is now closed and will be marked as satisfied on their credit file, plus a nice amount of cash left in credit that was refunded by cheque... The debt was over £2.5k and had seen many DCA's trying their luck. Without success. The result can be seen in my attachment which has been redacted. The reason for this post is to let new posters know the advice given on CAG can and does work, if you follow this advice you too could sort out your debts. You may not get the same result as I did but if you don't lay down and be trampled over by the banks and DCA's then you can get in control of your debts. Letters sent were CCA SAR formal complaint official complaint a few others a LBA and finally a thank you letter lol
  15. I have just received a letter from Barclays saying they offered a PPI refund in July 2012 for two visa cards but i only queried these on 30/09/2014. One is paid and closed but the other is defaulted with them with a balance of £1800 and they are offering £720 refund but they want to pay the full amount towards this balance. I also have a transaction summary from them and on it it says this account is unenforceable. My question is o i accept the refund and advise them i am offer it to pay the account off as a full and final settlement to get rid of it, or request they return the money to me? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  16. I have recently contacted Nationwide regarding getting my bank charges refunded over the last 6 years, £760, they have written back to me asking me to complete an Income and expenditure form for myself and for my partner. I didn't include my partner in my letter as this is not a joint bank account, from my understanding I didn't think I was obliged to fill out a form of this kind unless a court has ordered it. If I do not complete this form, will it affect my situation? Thanks
  17. Hi everyone, I am new to the forum and would like some advice, I will explain the situation and see what advice others have to offer me. I moved into a flatshare in 2010. I was not on the tenancy to begin with as somebody was subletting to me. They then moved out and I was offered to take the tenancy over so I agreed. I was sharing the flat with 4 other people. When I signed the tenancy agreement with the landlord, he confirmed this was okay with him so I signed the agreement with him and gave him my deposit. The house was in pretty bad shape and I paid some money for improvements. I asked the landlord last October to paint and re carpet the floor as it was in an appalling state. He agreed but I never heard back from him so I left it. There were lots of other problems with the property in the mean time. So in April, I asked him again and he said this would be fine. I bought the materials and he gave me the money back and I done all the labour free of charge. Then suddenly my situation had changed and had to move out giving 1 month notice which I thought was the correct notice period but the landlord changed the tenancy agreement and asked me to sign it reassuring me that I did not have to look over it again as the only thing that had changed was the amount of rent to be paid. So I gave him my 1 month notice and he explained it was 2 months but said he would be fine with 1 month as it was mitigating circumstances. So I thought everything was okay. The boiler broke 1 week before the tenancy agreement came to an end and the landlord ignored my messages and never replied. So I met with him and gave him his keys back. He said he would look round the property and let me know of any issues, I never heard from him so assumed all was alright. I met with him today and he told me that because I moved out 1 month after the carpets and decorating had been done and that he apparently didn`t want to do this even though he never mentioned this that he would be deducting £450 from my £800 deposit for the re decoration and carpets. I feel this unfair. Just to point out another couple of things. The boiler has not been serviced in the whole 4 years I have stayed. My deposit was not put in a TDP scheme. I was not made aware that subletting was illegal until recently as the landlord told me this was alright and he had always done this with all the other tenants. Also there was no inventory made by the landlord or myself I wonder what should I do to get my deposit back.
  18. I bought an item (via ebay & paypal) on 10th march, which was never delivered - seller disappeared. I opened an ebay case on 29th April, which has resulted in them telling me i "cannot escalate the case to a claim for refund due to expiry of Ebay's 30 day timeframes for submission" This is not a legal reason to deny my refund and Ebay are simply cutting down on their internal adminstration by blocking people from claiming refunds after 30 days has elapsed. I intend to challenge this by submission of proceedings against Ebay Europe SARL via the Moneyclaim county court service in the UK. moneyclaim.gov.uk Has anyone ever done anything similar, any advice appreciated..
  19. More than 5,000 parking tickets will be refunded after "confusing" signs led motorists to park in bays meant for taxis, Westminster City Council said. The refunds, worth about £278,000, are for tickets incurred on dual bays along Oxendon Street, Jermyn Street and Conduit Street between May 2011 and November 2013. The signs put up in 2011 say charges apply between 08:30 and 18:30, but do not state that the dual bays become dedicated taxi ranks after 18:30. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-24950723 Details of how to apply for a refund are on Westminster's website here: http://www.westminster.gov.uk/services/transportandstreets/parking/dual-use-bay-parking-ticket-refund/
  20. Hi I'm hoping someone might be able to give me some advice. Me and three two friends moved into a property in January this year. Our heating and hot water system never worked correctly and the landlord refused to give us a copy of the gas safety certificate. After months of wrangling with the landlord to try and get him to fix the heating and hot water system we gave up and decided to move out. We were only half way through our tenancy agreement and didn't have a break clause in our contract, so we had to ask the landlord to end our tenancy agreement. At first he refused, but after taking advice from a solicitor we threatened to sue him if he didn't let us move out and eventually he agreed. We moved out of the property in August this year, but so far the landlord has only returned £1,500.00 of our £1,889.33 deposit. He has stated to us on numerous occasions via phone calls and text messages that he would refund the full deposit, but it's clear that he isn't going to. We don't hold an address for him, but we have sent him an email and text message stating we will take him to court if he doesn't refund the full deposit. He hasn't responded to this. Our deposit is not held in a TDC. We received a very badly worded email from the estate agent that he uses, claiming that the landlord has had to incur damages of more than £500, but we didn't damage anything, so this is clearly false. Can we enter a claim for the remaining £489.33 in the county court using form N208? If we lose do we have to pay the landlords legal fees?
  21. Hi, Looking for some advice/input/opinions on this little brain twister of a problem. Looked at a vehicle on autotrader that was quite a distance from us, at the time transport that far was an issue. When i spoke to the dealer over the phone i waa told that the vehicle was 'mechanically perfect'. It was this statement that convinced me to buy the car. I paid a deposit by debit card, a large amount by credit card and the remainder by bank transfer. I then paid for the vehicle to be taxed with the credit card. I arranged transport and paid for it to be delivered by a third party. The vehcile arrived the next day and it was dropped off. Upon inspection it was far from perfect, several mechanical problems with the worst being the brakes, the discs were so thin they were almost not there, the vehicle was unfit for safe use. I contacte dthe dealer and started to tell him the problems hoping to have it repaired under the warranty locally. He stopped me, told me to send it back and he would refund as soon as it was in his possession. I phoned the transport and arranged the return of the vehicle. He arrived the next day to take it back and said that the dealer phoned him too and told him he would pay for the return costs. However i had a bad feeling this guy would get messed around so i paid him cash. The vehicle was delivered back by 10am. No refund or contact for the day, or the next. I contacted the dealer and he promised a refund first thing, his associate phoned me late in the afternoon and the various refunds were returned to the cards. However he refused point blank to refund the tax and the return transport costs at £225 because the vehicle was 'mechanically perfect', he put the phone down on me. After failed contact and three letters no joy. ontacted consumer direct who said i have a case and that he owes me the tax without doubt, they have also said i can claim consequential losses under section 75 of the sale of goods act. After reading, i see this refers to credit card payments only, does this mean i cannot claim the transport cost as a 'consequential loss'? Also as a direct result of him taking 3 days to refund us we had to hire a car at cost, this is by nature must surely be a 'consequential loss'? Couls someone please clarify if a consequential loss claim can only be made against the actual item purchased, or can it be claimed from the associated costs arising from the purchase of that item? Thank you.
  22. Hi, I booked a reasonably expensive hotel in the Maldives via ebookers which required a refundable deposit. Unfortunately, plans have changed and I had to cancel the hotel booking. They have promised a refund of my deposit but 3 weeks later no deposit has yet appeared on my credit card statement despite me emailing them repeatedly. What are my options?
  23. Hello All, I have a problem with ebay. A buyer opened up a case with ebay saying the item I sent him was damaged - in the resolution process I asked for video or even just a picture of the damage so I could email it to the courier company so they could go to his address and inspect the damage.Once the couriers have confirmed it was dmaged I was going to refund the buyer and not require him to return the item as the couriers would have refunded me and paid for the item...BUT the buyer wouldnt even take a picture nor let me have his phone number etc which is strange! After being away for a week I checked my ebay account and the buyer has esculated the case to ebay and they've ruled in his favour - they havent told him to return the item and they have said they will be taking the refund from my 'reimbursement payment method' in 10 days time which is actually now only 7 days time. I have opened an appeal but dont hold much hope as ebay can do what they like and everyone is at the mercy of them Does anyone have any ideas what to do incase they still take the money without returning my item. Thanks.
  24. I sold to a buyer, buyer claims damage on the item. Buyer returns item but with expensive parts missing. I refuse to refund, ebay comes down on side of buyer despite the missing parts and now expects me to cover the refund. The buyer is dodgy as he has kept the expensive parts for himself!! what can I do about this as I am not happy having to refund ebay when I do not have the original items returned? thanks.
  25. Hi I purchased a laptop at the start of December and it developed a fault. So I took it to the retailer (Sainsbury's) thinking they would send it to the company for a warranty repair. Before I realised the staff member had refunded me with out informing me this was going to happen though their computer system. They now want the laptop and won't (can't maybe) resell the item back to me. I don't want to give the compute back because it was a very very good deal and I won't get another one like it or afford to buy something of the same spec. I currently have the laptop to remove pictures etc off the drive but I wanted to know if anyone could advise me if I actually still own this even though I never requested the refund. CAB were of no use and their consumer helpline is currently shut I should point out that I want to give them the money back and tried to
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