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  1. My Mother is 96 and has had a M&S CC for many years, used for phone and online shopping which also gave her a feeling of independence as she rarely left the house. She began displaying signs of dementia late last year following a stroke, then fell at Christmas suffering a v serious head injury and was not expected to survive. She was eventually stabilised, though only after two scary doubt-filled relapses. It was then immediately clear that her dementia had deepened v substantially, and to make a long and very evil story short my Mother has in just a few weeks been replaced by someone who looks like her but has no memories, doesn't retain anything she is told conversationally for longer than 30-60 seconds, has no retained awareness therefore of her circumstances or where she is, who never has a yesterday to help her understand today, is confused on a good day and distressed on a bad one, doesn't recognise friends/some-family, and only occasionally recognises me when I tell her who I am. She is now in permanent residential dementia care where we continue to visit a very frail stranger unable to look after herself and needing help with all aspects of daily life, and that we love very much but can do nothing to help, only ... observe. Anyway ... I am dealing with her personal affairs. I would like to know please whether a card-issuer - M&S in this case - has legitimate recourse to family if the card-holder is neither competent nor capable and is unable to settle an outstanding balance, in this case just under £2K. Today the State takes all of Mum's pension and benefits to offset some of the £900+ p.w. cost of her Care, with the exception of a few pounds as so-called pocket-money to provide "personal treats" like toothpaste and replacement clothes/undies etc. Treats? There is no longer any possibility of the outstanding balance being settled by Mum from any source at all, she has no assets and had been getting by just okay on her State Pension+ small benefits whilst in a sheltered-housing bungalow since my Father died. I have been far too preoccupied to bother with the M&S reminder-letters over the past three months, but should take control before things escalate. I don't have any problem ignoring DCs if M&S moves it along, however I'd rather put the brakes on with M&S before that stage. So, to repeat my question ... I assume that in Law M&S would have recourse to income or assets, however there are none and I am wanting to know if In Law there is then permitted-recourse to family for the debt? If they try to make noise instead of writing the balance off, I am perfectly capable of berating M&S very robustly about pursuing a 96 year old woman in residential care with dementia! However, before then I want to be clear in my mind about the legitimacy of any other channels they may claim to be entitled to pursue for recovery. In reality they would actually be unsuccessful that way also as I am 71, retired with no assets and only state pension income, and with debts and obligations of my own already after a past business-collapse. I'm not concerned with that just now however, just in knowing whether M&S would be on solid ground if they should respond by saying that in these circumstances the debt becomes the responsibility of someone's family to settle if their assets/estate isn't able to cover it. So can someone advise on that one point please? Thanks! Howard
  2. Hi everyone My first post here. I’m seeking advice on being asked by Cabot for an MBNA credit card debt of £2300, opened in Dec 2005 and defaulting in May 2011. They have history of most of my addresses and I received a letter from them recently to my current address. They say they have no documentation to clarify the amount owed nor are they able to request any from MBNA. Apparently the account is on hold for 30 days and then they want a direct debit arranges for repayment. Any advice welcomed thanks
  3. Hello, Your advise is needed pls.. I Was receiving the chidcare costs, My Son had to stop the Nursery last year July 2016 because he fell very ill and had been in and out of the Great Ormond Strreet Hospital with lots of surgeries, His Consultant also advised that he stays at home away from viruses . I am a single Mum , My work suffered as I can not work as I used to , So relied on the childcare as income to sustain myself amd 3 young kids. I have Never been on Benefits from the DWP so don't even understand the process, besides the thought of being on "Benefits" via DWP makes me feel low self esteemed. as I never bargained to be in this situation, Always been working. This year June 2017 I got a letter to provide last year Nursery payment evidence, So i called and told them that My son stopped the Nursery this year March 2017 as opposed to last year July 2016. But they called the Nursery and the Nursery told them the actual date. I know I was WRONG .. but we just had to survive My son has been very ill , I have had to look after him , not being able to work as such, being self employed. The payment has drastically reduced.. Now because I am too ashamed/scared to call them , return their calls I got a letter that they are investigating and I might have to pay back all overpayment and also be liable for a fine. Please advise.. as i do not know how to handle this.
  4. Good afternoon all. New member here seeking some clarification on a couple of things. Story so far. Collected a brand new vehicle from Land Rover dealership on 30th September 2017. Car developed faults and went to same garage for repair on 19th October 2017. It is still there 3 days later and I will get an update on Monday and maybe the car back then. I have lost confidence in the car and looking at the Landrover forum, this fault and others appear common and are likely to repeat at some time in the future. I am concerned that if I do not reject the car within 30 days then I am potentially left with a lemon. Questions: 1. Can I still reject the car even if faults are fixed (albeit they may only be temporary)? 2. Does the 30 days expand to include time in the garage (four days so far) i.e. do my rights hold for 34 days? 3. I purchased the car on a PCP, who do I reject the car with (dealer or LR finance co - or both)? I see there are a number of letter templates for this but please forward any proven ones pls. 4. My old car was traded in and now gone from the dealer I assume. It was on PCP and was in negative equity. The new PCP rolled up the neg equity and financed the new car. What is likely to happen to the repayment of the PCP. Is it a new contract and relates directly to the new car only or am I likely to have to cover the old neg equity to exit? Not sure how I stand legally here. Shame because I do like the car but I do not want to have a problematic car. I would consider exchange but I have lost confidence with the brand and these problems appear to be widespread to the vehicle. Any guidance/help would be appreciated
  5. Hi, received a cheque from Halifax for CC PPI from 2001-2011. Total premium paid was £2900 and they z have paid me £2200 interest. Im guessing this is simple interest when I should have argued for compound interest? Is it too late for me to pursue this any further as I have not signed anything they just sent me the cheque? I'm guessing I have missed out on a good few grand because of this as the card always had a big balance:|
  6. Hi all, I hope your well. Just a quick question please. I am a tenant in North London and the Landlord stopped using the estate agent in 2015, two years after we moved in. I now require a copy of the original tenancy agreement but the estste agent say as they are no longer managing the property, the records are no longer in the office and I would need approach the LL. The LL also says no. I thought the estate agents are required by law to store securly personal information belonging to a customer for a certain period of time, or is that not the case? Any help will most appreciated , Thank you
  7. Hiya i got yellowbox junction ticket .. Council uploaded the video evidence . I entered in YBJ while next car moved from junction but then eventually got stopped cos of signal. Can you guys pls have a look on this video and advise me if i worth get to do appeal against this PCN You guys can check my contravention video on viiemypcn.com cos i m new user so I can't attach link or video with my post Pcn number :FR24296226 Reg number: fd55xvx Thx
  8. I just bought a 2007 Mazda MX5, 42000 on the clock and in good nick. After having it a few days - I called the guy as its pulling to the left on acceleration. Also - Diff noise is audible too. He picked it up - took it to Mazda for a health check and the report says: Front tyres are low changed battering in key fob slight corrosion to front discs and I was spot on about the Diff so when he's back from hols in 10 days time - he's gonna get the diff fixed and sorted. to be honest - I'd be expecting him to put 2 new tyres on it at £100 a piece for Bridgestone tyres (recommended) Does that sound unreasonable? L.
  9. Hello all, Just need advice, My ex employer who i have left 4 months ago called me. my ex manager phoned me yesterday to ask me if i can write something down regarding an accident that happened to an employee when i was on shift and it was me who wrote the accident report backed by photos of injury and location where it happened in the employer's place. That employee has taken the company for a claim and ex manager called me to ask me if i can write my version and has provided me with email of a person from an insurance company who i should send my brief email to regarding our discussion on the phone. The thing is I wrote a thorough accident report on this accident when the person who had the accident reported it couple of days after the injury at work. My question is why am i called to send a brief since i have already written the report and do not work for the company anymore. Is something i should be aware of, by sending a brief am i putting myself into something unknown, is it advisable. what do you think. Thanks in advance. regards,
  10. Hi... I booked a ticket through flight centre with an agent. This guy was hurrying me up for a week to offer me this special deal which apparently closed by 6pm on Friday. I eventually booked it on the day...and paid over the phone. Prior to that I received a terms and conditions note, then paid for the ticket. I received the itinerary confirming the flight and ticket two days ago. The agent then asked me if I was still looking for hotels and I said I was, asked if he could help with that as well... a day later he sent me an email saying: "I only ask because the airline informed me that the special price I gave you can only be offered if booked with a hotel , if you don't book a hotel I will have to refund your ticket as it will be invalid ". Now at no point did this agent mention anything about the price being linked to a hotel booking., and he knew I was seeking hotels but made no mention of it,, instead he was calling me all week to get this special offer. can he really cancel my ticket? I have received it, the money has left my account... Shouldn't he have been aware of the ticket conditions. .that's if he's not just trying to scare me into booking a hotel ( I don't need a hotel and its in NY so it will be very expensive.) If I booked a ticket and changed my mind I would never get a refund. What advice does anyone have for me to pursue this. .as I do not want my flight offer cancelled. Nothing in any paperwork or ticket conditions say it must be booked with a hotel. Thanks very much
  11. Hi all looking for some help.i work in a book makers been there for around 3 month still in training. Today after I finished I got a call telling me I had been put on suspension with full pay due to breach of rules. I was seen on cctv eating at the counter using my mobile.phone and then the low blow was possible fraudulent sign ups to a certain card we have. These aren't credit they offer punters best odds and the sign up deal is bet 5 get 20 free in bets etc .. I'm to meet up with a manager on Tuesday but cannot take anyone with me so they can get the facts before putting it forward. I was told you can't eat or use phones at the counter but never thought it was that much of a big deal as most staff have their phones and eat at the counter in my shop. As for the fraudulent claim my parents and my daughters boy friend gave me permission to sign them up so that they can use the services that are offered . They weren't present but are willing to write letters to state that they wanted me to do this . I've never been in this m situation before so any help would be great full many thanks fiora
  12. Hi all I need some general advice, or just someone to help with throwing some thoughts and ideas around. Trying to cut a long story short, i work as a mobile engineer for a firm travelling and repairing all over the UK. Back in October i was seriously injured in a freak accident (not at work i should point out!) and was hospitalised for weeks with several operations on my legs carried out. I have been signed off sick ever since then. My wounds are now healed over and scars are healing up slowly thankfully. But i still struggle to kneel down, need a handrail to use stairs and chances of climbing ladders are not great right now due to my scarred legs, and no idea how well my legs will take to hours of driving a day. My doctors have now said no more sick notes as i am able to work again, but need to take it easy on my legs, My employer says that my job hasn't got any "light work" and is naturally demanding on my legs and they will need me to carry out all of my duties if i am to return to work. So you see my catch 22 situation. Part of me wants to resign as i am not able to carry out the job at full fitness right now, and to be honest would like to get away from the firm anyway as they not been very helpful or supportive at all. But of course if i resign i have no chance of any benefits etc whilst i search for a more suitable local job. Or would i, as essentially my inability and hence resignation has been caused by injuries. On the flip side the firm wont fire me or lay me off as they would be worried to be seen to be unfair etc. And the doctors wont sign me off anymore as they see me walking about (albeit limping) and assess me "fit" for the workplace! Im truly stuck and no idea where to turn. I cant go back to work as not able to carry out duties fully to firms wishes, cant claim sick pay or benefits as wont have sick notes from doctors and yet of course i have Rent, bills and life to pay for. So if anybody can shed some light and help please? Where would i stand benefit wise if i resigned and claimed that i had to as unable to fulfil my role due to injuries? I am of course looking for new work locally and less physical but of course that is taking time. Or can i somehow appeal against GP not signing me off as i clearly not fit my "my" particular job? Thanks all
  13. HELLO your advice would be highly appreciated please as I don't know how to handle this .. Late last year, we had a guy knocked at our door and proposed to fix our driveway, we told him we couldn't afford it as we were getting our windows replaced in a couple of weeks. . He said we could spread payments that he understands besides he has many people owing him anyway that he knows we would eventually balance him .. he said it would cost £1800 , bear in mind that we already had the cobbles kept in our garden which we agreed would be for half part of the drive way. He came 1 week earlier than scheduled! ! We just heard a loud machine outside our window. . Anyway he completed the job the following day.. to our utmost surprise he demanded for his total money!! Face changed.. no more jokes level .. we reminded him of our 6 months payment. . Anyway we paid him £800 because we had the money that day and mainly to reduce the balance. . Then he started calling almost everyday, demanding for his balance, sometimes turning up at our door uninvited. . We paid him another £500 .. But then we noticed grasses growing out of the oobbles laid part! He gave us 5 year Warranty. . Also the edge of the pavement was patched with cement instead of coal tar .. we told him that the 6 months ends at the end of March 2016 and of course not paying until he fixes the problems .. He started threatening to come over and remove bricks ... at this point I had to report to the police ... and then he called us back that the police can't stop him because it is a civil case .. then he said he is a GYPSY that he would bring his gang ( his words ) to remove the bricks .. at this point I got very jittery. . I ve got 3 young kids 7, 5 and 21 months and live in Essex. . I called the police again and they assured me to call them if he shows up with any problems. . ( I never had any personal issues with travellers in fact I always stood up for them at work .. but now ... ) Anyways I told him on one of his numerous calls that he has no right to step on my property uninvited and that would be trespassing I called his bluffs ! Then he called one day to fix the patch , apparently there was no membrane under the cobbles! They just dug up soil and spread the cobbles directly on it .. I questioned this cos all he wanted to do was ask his boys to just pick the weeds.. he went off to get the membrane and ask the boys to fix it . Then I asked his boys why they were topping up the grasses on the edge round the pavement with coal tar .. they told me the heat would kill the grass .. less than 2 weeks now grasses are sprouting through the coal tar in fact it is unbelievable within a short period of time .. I got a call from the police for update of which I explained the situation, they told me to call them when he comes for his balance at the end of the month. . To my shock, the police called and left a message for me yesterday that because the builder is making EFFORTS the case would now be dropped and filed.. I wish I could upload a photo to show the grasses. . I think it is unfair for me to just cough up £500 balance just like that .. please what do I do ?
  14. Hi there, Please help me to sort this out... really appreciated your time and opinion on it. I have come to know about this forum while i was looking for some tips for the appeal to tribunal. I was a tenant of a multiple dwelling home. I was introduced by a college mate to this house and the contract was under 3 names and we were students. The landlord come to introduce three other guys who is also living there and looking after the property, collecting rent on behalf of landlady. Every month we are paying rent and other bills which includes council tax, gas and water etc to them. I have come to know about the students get discounts on council tax and that'y why they separated contracts to only our names. We used to pay in cash and sometimes transferred to bank accounts as well. As far as landlord is happy, we didn't find any difficulty after words and didn't provide and recipe for the payments. In November, the other two guys finished studies along with me and they left the house. Subsequently i was informed the same to landlord as well as council to update on the same to the system. In may, 2012 before i go on a holiday, i informed guys about a new agreement as the old one was expired in March 2012 and i want just one for all other tenants as i finished my studies. However, the landlord phoned up and promised me they will make it ready once i come back and will update to council also. In the end of 2012, i started seeing unpaid council letters coming from ealing council under my name on it. I discussed the situation with both landlord and guys but they didn't provide an adequate information and also while was a search for job, i didn't pay more attention on that. As time went by, i saw another letter also at home under my name on it. So, i decided to call council to know the situation. They have informed about they holding the same old agreement and no new contract hasn't sent to them. In April 2013, i was following landlord for the agreement copy but didn't respond instead of merely saying she has already sent to council and they might have failed to update it on the system .Again i called up council and informed the situation of other people living there apart from me and landlord wasn't ready to make any changes on the contract. So, i informed the same to council and requested to come and view the dwelling to verify the living of other people .At last they found other guys living there and said to me this is multiple dwelling home and they will inform the landlord of this and she should be the liable person over due council tax. Even though i made couple of payments when i saw it become due and didn't have any intention for the guys to do so. In July 2013, council send a confirmation letter to me that informing my account is now closed and all liabilities put to landlords account. So, i left the house with any more conversation with both guys or landlord. But, in 2015 dec, again they sent a letter that i still owe them £1328.00 towards council tax and when i contacted them that said the landlord sent a letter of possession from county court which i never new. I phoned them again and explained the problem with landlord over tenancy agreement and unknown situation of the county court judgement. But, again they sent me a letter of final decision and i have to pay that amount though i contributed towards my share. So, i have to appeal against this decision and deceitful actions of landlord. Please advise me , what to do next as the time is rushing on..got 1 more week to appeal. with regards das
  15. Hi, I was wondering if anyone may be able to offer some advice or point me in the right direction. My friends younger brother started working for himself around 2 years ago, he didnt set things up and didnt really know what he was doing and the business never actually took off. He ignored a self certification form sent from HMRC several months later because in his mind he was no longer self employed, never properly had been and hadnt made a profit to be in a position to pay tax/vat. He had a further reminder with fees / charges added on, he then wrote to hmrc explaining the above, they refused to accept his explanation and added further charges. He continued to ignore the situation as he didnt know what to do, the debt has been passed to Moorcroft and now stands around £3000, they want him to pay £100 per month. He is unemployed has no fixed abode and is not in receipt of any benefits {he refuses to claim} his girlfriend and family look after him and in he return he does odd jobs, he has no savings or assets to be able to settle this debt. His family are looking at how they can help him but they cannot afford £100 a month either - I understand that this is an important debt, what course of action is best for him to take? Any help /advice would be appreciated - Thank you
  16. I currently have two complaints with the FOS, both have been upheld and we're at the arguing about redress stage. On both I have asked for bank charges, etc to be returned if they were incurred as a result of being without the PPI monies. I should add the bank charges could be a significant amount. On the first loan ppi, the adjudicator found against me, that the bank's offer of ppi repayments plus 8% interest was fair. I have appealed this decision to the ombudsman proper. They state that the all charges on the LOAN account have been returned, whereas I argue that the money to pay the PPI was originating in my current account and thus it should be IT that is restructured rather than the loan account, with the repayment of charges, etc. Similarly on the second mortgage ppi (this time the payments were directly taken from my current account). the (different)adjudicator has asked me for my expectations with regard to redress. I stated the same, that since the payments were taken directly from my current account, I expected it to be restructured with the return of any charges incurred as a result of being without the PPI monies, etc etc. to which she replied " I will let be taking the information you have sent me into consideration as I investigate your complaint. I will need to look into what you have told me about your current account. This is not something that is generally considered when refunds are calculated. You say in your email that this would be “as per [our] guidelines” but this would not be covered by our standard guidelines to businesses. We would need to see an exceptionally clear link between the sale of the PPI policy in question, and the fees and charges on the account, to say that the business should consider these costs. I will need to consider the specific circumstances of your complaint to see if that would apply here. I will let you know if I need any further information. I do not know at this time how long my investigation will take but I will keep you updated." What are people's general thoughts/experiences with the FOS with regard to charges incurred as a result of being without PPI monies? Are people generally getting them or not?
  17. Hi, I've just returned home after a trip away to find a Notice of Enforcement dated 3/9/15 with a deadline of 11/9/15. The debt relates to a CCJ which was apparently issued to me on the 18th June 2014 and is for about £8700, a sum relating to rent for a premisis that was rented out by a LLP I was in until June 2014. The lease required that the holder be one of the partners and not the business as a whole. Now, I was aware of the debt but unaware a CCJ had been taken out, probably because until 02 July 2014 I was resident in Scotland and not in England. I had received notice that they were pursuing me in Scotland but have not received any correspondence, to my memory, about this being transferred or brought in a County Court. In April 2014 I wrote to the creditor explaining that I was moving and giving the date of the move. I also made a repayment offer which explained that although the lease was in my name it was for rent incurred by the business and that I needed some time to collect the sum from my business partners as I was unable to afford the amount. My former business partners have been remiss in honoring their obligations to share the responsibility for the non limited debts, I set up another business, sole trader in September 2014 but it is taking a very long time to get going. My only income is the tax credits I get because of this and the child tax credits. My wife works and pays the rent and bills from her account. We have no possessions of any value. My car is £500 and is essential to my business as is my computer. anything of value I possessed was sold to prop up the partnership. So, I'm fully expecting the Bailiffs to turn up and do what they do at any time, I would pay the sum if i had the cash, I could recover it from my former partners but don;t have the funds to pursue them. I would declare myself bankrupt but don't have the money. I'm at a loss what to do. I don't ever play this card but I am effectively disabled, I have a chronic health condition that impacts my ability to work and means it is taking me a lot longer to get my business off the ground as it impacts how much time I can spend working. I never make this an issue because its giving up but I know that had I been fully fit I wouldn't be in this situation as I would have earned the money to repay the debt by now. shall I write to the creditor and explain this? They won't get what they claim from any fire sale because there is nothing to sell. The best bet they have is to agree a realistic term of payment, this is likely to be small for the foreseeable future. Or give me the time to force the funds from the business partners. any thoughts would be very welcome, am utterly depressed about the whole situation, and seriously considering an overdose I put everything into that business and all I have to show for it is ruin. Lesson - if running a small business NEVER do business with a corporate, they don't pay their bills on time and don't care about the consequences for their suppliers.
  18. Hi The other half had a ccj apparently through cabot - did the ostrich act and then hes now had an attachment of earnings form - didn't fill it in (he forgot) mr bailiff said hes got to go in tomorrow morning, collect document (assume its the form) else hes going to nick ! He cant go - no work no pay no job ! ive found the attachment form and just filled it in to post and made an offer - ive just been made jobless so hes paying all the bills now (not that they'll take that in to account !) will it be ok just to post this form and ill call in tomorrow and make a token payment (or call them - hope they don't give me grief!) yours a slightly worried becky x
  19. Hi, gotta go for an IUC on tues, now our claim is joint in both mine and hubbys name, and entirely above board!! only get a pittance, anyway, only Ive gotta go,would that indicate thats its something to do with only my income? thx
  20. I have just received PCN for 'entering and stopping in a box junction when prohibited'. PCN code is not given. This is the first of this kind for me and I have no idea what chance I have to make a successful appeal against this. But I know that the overall stoppage was no more than 10 seconds near the exit of the junction when a car ahead of me stopped despite some available space in its front.
  21. Hello all, i have received claim from Drydens Fairfax for Sygma bank credit card on Saturday. Would anyone please help me. I have acknowledged it through MCOL service with intention to partially defend it. Any advice would be much appreciated
  22. Good morning all, Have been living in a Housing Association on a short hold tenancy agreement since 2011 and experienced financial difficulties in 2013. All of 2013 I was only able to get contract/temp jobs which resulted in me falling behind on rent. Entered repayment plan with HA september 2013 but after 5 months defaulted again due to unemployment. I made small payments adhoc and recently started another full time job which I informed HA about but all fall on deaf ears. They dont want to enter any agreements and as of 11th April sent a notice of repossession which I never received but was told it was sent. What can I do now? I'm very scared at this point as the Officers at my HA refuse to liase with me and the only advice I get is to speak to CAB. By the way...all conversations have been over the phone.
  23. I wonder if anyone can help with a brief question please? I was due to appear in Magistrates Court next month on a benefit fraud charge. However, my appeals (both heard together in relation to a 'living together' decision and subsequent overpayment of ESA benefit) were heard almost two weeks ago by the tribunal and both have been allowed. Can anyone please tell me what happens now with the court case and/or is there anything I should be 'doing' ? I know it seems an inane question but after after nearly two years of this being ongoing I've not had the mental or emotional capacity to consider "what happens next?" if my appeals were successful. Many thanks.
  24. Hello I have been called to HR next week on monday. i work as security officer, about three weeks ago there was incident. I am called to HR regarding this and i fear i may face some action. So few weeks ago late at night i attended to a female who was on floor, her boyfriend was with her, they had been drinking. I went there to take note and asked boyfriend to assist me to put girlfriend on chair after she began responding to us, bcz initially there was no response from her. when they sat down I remained around the area. i suggested to boyfriend her girlfriend should refrain from further drinks. THe guy stood up and became extremely aggressive and abusive towards me, I listened to him and asked him to calm own. While his girlfriend began picking on one of our female staff finger pointing at her. I see the situation getting out of control, others looking. I had two other security staff on duties so called for backup. The man want to see manager, a supervisor approached him and after listening to the guy and his aggressive intent supervisor asked security to take him out. At this moment, the guy attempted to get hold of supervisor and harm him. The security stepped in and took him. The three of us got hold of him and took him out. Outside entrance he got kicked around by one of the security. I tried to restrain him as well. The guy kept pushing forward towards us with intent of aggression, each time he was pushed back. He got kicked by three times on his approach to one of other officer. He also came close to me, stepped on my feets for which he got kick from me as well, in hindsight i probably should not have done that but he was very provoking when inside and outside as well, this is not my style as in past 8 years i have never became phsyical towards other patrons. So there you go, i have been off for three weeks since that incident but go back to work next week and have told i have to go to HR on Monday. other things to mention is while guy was outside his girlfriend who did not hang around much but did see her taking video on her mobile. While guy was nuisance for us for about 4 minutes before he also walked off. He obviously reported incident to management who have taken notice. I believe one of security who was agency i.e cover security the one who kicked the guy three times s not coming back anymore.
  25. Hello dear Forum! Can somone please take a look at this letter i received today requesting £40. This is the first i have heard of this firm and have a recollection of using a car park (NOT on The Hospital Grounds) for 5 minutes last month and left. No ticket on the car, nothing. Now this.... Do i need to pay or shall i just ignore... Thank you
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