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  1. After his retweet of Britain First videos and attack on the PM and British values [sent to the wrong Theresa May], there are increasing calls for him not to come here. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/nov/30/evil-racist-how-the-uk-reacted-to-trumps-theresa-may-twitter-attack https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/nov/30/britain-demand-apology-trump-cancel-state-visit-theresa-may
  2. CEOs of companies which fail to prevent problems with data security following cyber attacks face having part of their pay withheld under proposals outlined by a committee of MPs, which has also called for disclosure of data protection strategies in annual reports The Select Committee report recommended: Making advice on claiming compensation more readily available. Solicitors to provide advice to data breach victims Checking if existing measures are adequate. Clearer upfront info on cancelling contracts in the event of a data breach. Fines for companies that fail to guard against cyber hacks https://www.cchdaily.co.uk/mps-propose-tougher-ceo-sanctions-over-data-security-breaches The Select Committee's full report is here: www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201617/cmselect/cmcumeds/148/148.pdf
  3. I am not going to name names. I just read of one MP who claimed a Large amount for tidying up their constituency home and garden. Then votes for a cut in ESA of 30.00 a week. I am neutral but feel free to have a look around at MPS expenses in your Town,City,Vllage,Hamlet. For whatever year you would like to see. Does it matter that much whether the woodwork has six coats of Chelsea Blue paint or Postbox Red or whatever coulour you like. Or whether the grass,flowers look like Chelsea flower show or a bowling green. And all the rest you can think about. Aggregated Annual Expenditure by MP In addition to publishing data on the individual claims for MPs every two months, we also publish a summary of all these claims once a year. We also include some additional information, such as the salaries of MPs and their connected parties and details of reward and recognition payments made to staff. From 2013-14 onwards, we are also publishing the maximum budgets available to each MP. The business costs MPs are entitled to claim are separated into different budgets: http://www.parliamentary-standards.org.uk/AnnualisedData.aspx
  4. Now i read this-i usually research a touch but decided for you to tell me what a load of rubbish,you have put on. Let you have a go at old Tawny.Politely if you can. One persons view.Do you think these figures are correct.And their view on things. Do not make me research.I will if you insist. Wonder what MPS really think of us. What they would write in one paragraph.About us. Like this person did,about them. The revolution is coming. Oh dear where is that smiley.Putting flak jacket and safety gear on. Who is first.
  5. Cameron's good day to bury a LOT of bad news: From lost asylum seekers, rising council tax and police cuts to the PM's dinner guests, gifts and army of spin doctors Ministers rush out 36 statements to Parliament on last day of term Files on spin doctors, public sector pay and PM's gifts also released Reports published into homelessness, benefit cuts, asylum seekers Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3364581/A-good-day-government-bury-LOT-bad-news.html Many links on the article. Have your say,i know there are many wise ones who know about these things. Hoping someone is going to say just another scaremongering story,no truth at all. Just going to check some of these stories out. Especially homelessness.What is going on. Just read a article from America where homelessness is also increasing. Are the tent cities about to return or perhaps back already. 500k+ homeless in US, numbers rise in New York, other big cities https://www.rt.com/usa/322917-american-homeless-population-cities/ 100,000 children face spending Christmas in temporary accommodation More than 100,000 children in England face spending Christmas in temporary accommodation after a sharp annual rise in homelessness, official figures showed. http://home.bt.com/news/uk-news/100000-children-face-spending-christmas-in-temporary-accommodation-11364029394678 100,000 children can you believe this in 2015.Classed as homeless. How many adults . Breaks down to how many families. A disgrace.Does not matter who is in power,if you want to call it that.I would be saying the same thing. The Benefit Cap: hurting homeless families http://blog.shelter.org.uk/2015/10/the-benefit-cap-hurting-homeless-families/ Council tax bills to rise by up to 4% as government grant is cut Town halls will be able to increase council tax by 4 per cent every single year. Surely this cannot be true.People are at breaking point with their finances already. 10,000 asylum seekers have dropped off government's radar Thousands of asylum seekers have dropped off the Government's radar, an official report has revealed. Three in four families hit by bedroom tax cut back on food More than three quarters of people affected by the so-called 'bedroom tax' have reduced spending on food since it was introduced, an official analysis found. Cameron urged to scrap the power of the Lords to veto regulations following tax credits row The House of Lords should be stripped of the power to veto new regulations and instead be restricted to calling on MPs to rethink proposals, a review commissioned by David Cameron has recommended. £8.4million army of Conservative spin doctors paid for by YOU The taxpayer-funded bill for government spin doctors will hit £8.4million this year. Chancellor George Osborne alone now has 10 spads working for him in the Treasury, including a new director of communications and the aide credited with overhauling his image given a 42 per cent pay hike. Details of the army of 96 political special advisers (spads) paid using public money was slipped out by the Cabinet Office on the day Parliament breaks for Christmas. Now surely it is not true that George Osborne is advised on how to get his hair cut. Reminds me of a chap i knew who was a ex footballer,no names, who moved into the rental market. Used to work for him.Said to him one day after second hair stitching and face lifts,"why not just age gracefully." Sooner or later age will reappear.Skin was so tight i thought it would split. Looked ok but many thousands of pounds spent in different countries. Said, "well owl,it is image,i must appeal to the young and always look my best." Yes ,"but they have not seen you before,what does it matter. You are buying and selling and renting out properties." Just as George Osborne spouts on about politics. Do i care if he has a Caesar hair cut or grey hair.Not for one second. "Suited and booted you look ok". "Just image,i must have it" he replied Left it at that. Have not seen him for 20 years,i wonder what he looks like now.You can only surely stretch your skin so far. Or your ears will end up under your chin.Something like that,i feel you know what i mean. All on the article in more detail.Enough for me i am just going to have a stiff drink. First one this year.Whisky i feel is needed to take all this news in.
  6. I recently had an unfairly issued and probably illegal parking ticked from ParkingEye. Has anyone here had any success from writing to their MP? I feel that this is a matter far bigger than the small claims courts. Something needs to happen higher up... I know there are some big cases going through the Court of Appeals at the moment. The collective voice of people on-line ( can see you a positive and highly motivated group!) could make the difference to change the law and stop this abuse of the legal system happening altogether. Has anybody had any success with this so far? I can post a template letter if anyone wants to join in.
  7. Ive made a claim for ESA. Dis so begining of December 2013. I'm 22 weeks into claim (13 weeks of which is the assessment period ).....I've been told it'll take months to sort out my claim but not as long as a year I'm still on the lower rate. Everyone I see on forum sites talk about getting their appeal dates, I haven't got that far.....How long is this gonna take, anyone got any ideas???
  8. Hi Folks, My MP is still contemplating raising issues in parliament following the lack of clarity on how victims should deal with bank ransoms and be compensated. I was asked if other MPs have been approached to help fashion a solution to counter the criminal bankers that continue to terrorise our society. Let me know in this thread. I'd expect it to be quite a few but it'll be interesting to see if it's a majority or not. Cheers, Richard.
  9. This bloke was rubbish as a Prime Minister, and now he is telling the rest of us what to do. He has hit out at David Cameron and accused him of being ‘unstatesmanlike’ in attempting to stop Scottish MPs voting at Westminster, on only English issues, but he is happy with the extra powers Scotland will receive to make their own laws without hindrance from the Parliament at Westminster. (English MPs will not be able to vote on laws in Scotland that do not affect the rest of the UK). The former Prime Minister said the move could drive a ‘wedge’ between England and Scotland. (I thought Salmonde and the referendum had already done that?) He says the Tory plan for ‘English votes for English laws’ would turn the Scots into second-class citizens because their Westminster MPs would be downgraded. (you could say the same about Scottish MPs voting on Scottish only laws as downgrading the rest of the UK MPs, what is good for one is good for another). The three Westminster leaders promised to devolve more power to the Scottish parliament. This anomaly whereby Scottish MPs can vote on English matters but English MPs have little or no say north of the border is wrong. Brown criticised this approach. He said I fear for the health and unity of our country, (make of that what you will, it just makes me laugh words are cheap). He said Mr Cameron made an unstatesmanlike error when, he tried to rewrite his vow with a proposal for restricting the rights of Scottish MPs to vote at Westminster’. (He wants his cake and eat it). He adds: the morning after the referendum, allegations of foul play, broken promises and bad faith began, with a wedge being driven between Scotland and England. (I am still of the opinion that it would have been better for us all if they had got their independence, this cr*p is going to carry on until they do). Link
  10. MPs' salaries should go up by the planned 9% to £74,000 after May's general election, the body in charge of their pay and expenses says.
  11. I was surfing the MPS site today and came across this. http://content.met.police.uk/Article/Interim-Standard-Operating-Procedures-Police-and-Bailiffs/1400023687221/1400023687221 See page one bottom right hand corner named "related publications". This is a very interesting read for those of us that want more information on the MPS ANPR stops with a CEO in attendance. Its a long document happy reading. For ease I have attached a copy as a PDF sorry if it has already been posted before
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