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Found 15 results

  1. With a no deal Brexit looking possible, food and drink manufacturers are taking action. Are people stockpiling at home if they can afford it? https://www.thegrocer.co.uk/finance/brexit/food-suppliers-start-stockpiling-amid-fears-of-no-deal-brexit/571634.article
  2. Drink drivers face swifter justice with new roadside breathalysers READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/drink-drivers-face-swifter-justice-with-new-roadside-breathalysers
  3. Hi everyone!!! Hoping some of you might be able to help. Will try and keep this to the point as I know there are other posts that I have spent a long time reading but everyone's situation is different. I have been convicted of DD twice now and on the first time I served 14 months with doing the DD course. Second time was 2 years later and was given a ban of 4 years, 150 hours community service, thinking skills and another programme. I have now served half my ban and have hired a specialist motoring solicitor and a barrister (not cheap) to hopefully get my license back early. Due to go to court on the 8th September 2017. I know I am just taking a chance but have to try. As I will be classed as a HRO I will be required to do the medical and know as I have had an alcohol problem in the past things might not be quite as they should due to the amounts I used to consume. in theory if I am granted my license back by the time I do my medical I should be totally abstinent for about 9-10 weeks, does anyone know if this would be enough or if you have any thoughts or comments regarding the process? Just looking for help please, no hated comments, know I have done wrong (partly wasn't my fault) but yes I was driving. Been the worst time of my life and looking to get back on track to find employment and by knowing I will never go back to the way things were. Thank you all for reading my post! Best Regards,
  4. I like to find quirky rules and laws and I have a strange one to share. Story >> 'Having been a practising solicitor for over 16 years, I like to think that I have seen my fair share of quirky cases. But imagine my surprise when I was recently asked to represent a severely disabled man who was being charged with drink driving while on his mobility scooter. I joined the case late in the day. When I met the client he had already been charged with the offense and had attended court and ultimately pleaded guilty to a charge of driving a mechanically propelled vehicle whilst unfit through drink'. Although this story is now a few years old (2014) it still raises several issues in regards to the use and control of mobility scooters. Story can be read here >> http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/salome-verrell/mobility-scooters-raise-legal-loophole_b_5958516.html
  5. Hello, Earlier this month, I was arrested in Central London for drink driving. I had attended my cousin's wedding reception near the Old Bailey and as is typical of the limited parking options in the city, after a tedious and lengthy search for parking places, I eventually managed to park my car a considerable distance away from the venue and walked to the event. Later that night when there were parking spaces available at the venue, I went to get my car so I could park it there. As it happened, and not being that familiar with that part of town, I ended up taking a wrong turn and in no time at all got lost and was struggling to find my way back. Unfortunately, I got stopped by the police, was breathalysed at the scene and ended up spending the night in a police cell, having been charged for drink driving. My reading by the way was 75mg. I had never been in any trouble with the law until this incident. I now have a court hearing in just over a week's time and I'm desperate for advice on whether it is worth seeking a private solicitor or simply use the services of the duty solicitor on the day. Secondly, if the general recommendation is for me to employ the services of a private solicitor, could anyone recommend some solicitors who aren't too expensive to use? Finally, what sort of punishment can I expect to receive for my offence if found guilty? Thank you.
  6. HI there, A few months ago my boyfriend got caught drink driving . He crashed his car into a wall and had only had 2 pints . His breathalyser at the scene was on the limit, but was unable to give a 2nd as he passed out. At the station they took a urine test but apparently did the test wrong which showed his urine level being higher than it should have been. They also said they took 2 samples within 2 minutes of each other and then a second 55 minutes later (even though it should be an hour?!). He goes to court tomorrow and his solicitor has told him to plead not guilty but it is going on the "police mucked up the test" Aspect rather than the breathalyser being on the limit.. Does anyone have experience of what may happen in this? OR any advice? Im pregnant and due in 7 months time and i live in the middle of nowhere. i NEED him to be able to drive me to the hospital as the nearest ambulance station is 45 minutes away. HELP PLEASE?!
  7. Hello Guys / Gals, I love coming here as there is people that give expert advice, and if followed you can save a scrape or two. I have a mate that works a 6-2, 2-10 pm shift, on this day he has gone in early at 5:45am. He has had a few beers that day before and someone has smelt alcohol on his breath. He has suggested that there is some harresment from some fellow employees. Anyway, he has started work at 6am but got breathalyzed at 6:15am. This had a reading of 36... 1 point over the 35mg limit... West Yorkshire Police do not Prosecute anything under 40mg My mate had, mouth wash and Benylin which apparently can bump up dodgy lion 500 Alcometer readings. They only give one chance on the blow meter, instant termination.... Does he have a chance? He got set on the books, but not been there 2 years.... Ideas?
  8. A friend has been involved in road traffic collision where they were hit by a drunk driver who left the scene of the accident. The police arrested the third party from his home address within the hour and has since been released on bail. My friend has tried to obtain the registration number of the third party vehicle but the police are being guarded as to what information they will share. The police who attended the scene are now on rest days. My friends relative knows the third party driver and the third party has made allegations which the police are not divulging at this moment. If the third party got home before being apprehended, can the police still prosecute for drink driving or will the third party be able to say in their defence that they only had a drink when they got home? Does anyone know how the law stands on this point? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  9. From 5 December 2014 the blood–alcohol limit is going to be reduced from 80mg in every 100ml of blood to 50mg in Scotland. In practical terms this means that someone drinking alcohol and driving could be ‘over the limit’ to drive after a relatively small amount of alcohol. As the normal method of checking how much alcohol is in your system is a breath test you should be aware that the new limits for the breath test are 22 microgramms of alcohol in 100ml of breath. This has been reduced from 35 microgramms The new limits are only being introduced in Scotland. If you are in England and Wales and Northern Ireland the drink driving limits are still 80 microgramms in 100ml of blood. If you are within the alcohol limit for driving outside Scotland and cross the border into Scotland in your vehicle you may fail a breath test. This may be particularly important to be aware of over the Christmas and New Year breaks as many people visit family and friends all over the UK. Remember that drinking the night before can mean you are over the limit the next day because it takes some time for alcohol to leave your system. http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/england/news/whats_new_nov14_drink_limit_to_be_lowered_before_christmas_s.htm
  10. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2532236/Outrage-hundreds-drink-drivers-named-shamed-Twitter-BEFORE-theyve-chance-fair-trial.html This appears to be causing quite a lot of controversy
  11. VERY GRAPHIC, BE WARNED With the holiday season upon us, i am posting this commercial on Anti Drink Driving from Australia. Do you think we need such commercials instead of pussy footing around on the subject. Say post 9pm watershed
  12. Hi folks, This is my first ever visit to this site so please be gentle My Mums rather stupid ex partner was caught drink driving (driving from pub to his house) a couple of weeks ago. I dont know what he blew, my Mum never asked him, but they went through all the normal procedures-he was arrested, charged and was up in court last week. He told my Mum, who by the way has never driven and has had her mind warped by this guy for the last 8 years, that he had NOT been banned and only received a fine. She believed him until friends and family told her otherwise. He HAD been banned but was still drink driving and the idiot got caught AGAIN 4 days after he had been in court for the same offence! Does anyone know what kind of sentence/conviction/penalty that can carry? Also is there a forum on here where i can get advice for my Mum re harrassment as the guy ive mentioned has been following her for the last 3 years since they split and is aggressive and controlling and getting worse. Shes been nice to him just to keep the peace because she scared to death of this man. She found him snooping around the outside of her house the other night and the police are involved but she is scared of any repurcussions as hes a very nasty piece of work. Thank you in advance
  13. Firstly I apologise if this thread is in the wrong section...I'm new to this forum. In January 2013 my son was involved in an accident and was breathalysed atthe side of the road. The breathalyzer registered positive and he was taken tothe local police station to be breathalysed on a more accurate machine. It was registered at virtually 0 and theyapologised and said that the breathalyser at the roadside was ‘faulty’. May 2013 – five months later - he was drivingthe same car in North London and was ‘rushed’ by two police cars swerving infront and forcing him to the side of the road. When he queried what was happening they stated that there was a noticeagainst the car registration for a drink drive offence. Mindyou this is 10 a.m. in the morning and he was on his way to lectures at theUni. Whether they thought he was drunk at that time I don't know - perhaps they don't think at all. Obviously I’m now concerned that the insurance company will attempt tocancel the insurance … My query is how do I find out whetherthis notice is still in existence, how do I get it removed.
  14. http://www.cartoline.it/pics/scherzi_150404_01.swf
  15. Drug users and alcoholics are to be forced to enter treatment or face losing out-of-work benefits, Iain Duncan Smith will announce today. Rehab will be a waste of time in a lot of cases, so he might just as well stop the benefits and be done with it, which is probably the agenda anyway. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2148449/Its-drink-dole-Go-rehab-lose-benefits-alcoholics-drug-addicts-told.html#ixzz1vfzW0bUr
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