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  1. hi hope someone can help i had my pip renewel last tuesday/ i had one 2 years ago lost my mobility but kept standard care element my astmah and artitis was really bad the male receptionist pushed me in on a swivel chair/ the assesor said i could leave and have another appointment if i wanted i said no as i couldnt bear the throught of going back again/ my son was with me, i was in pain with my legs and im sure you could hear my chest weezing /she was very nice and kept asking if i was ok / i am concerned i might get zero points and lose my pip i didnt go for appeal as i couldnt stand the stress of having to explain all over again /i also suffer from anixity/ will the dm look at the assesment i had 2 years ago as it was a different situation and i am a lot worst now/ sorry for long post my assesment was with capita not atos
  2. Came home today to a letter shoved under the front door of the flat (I live in a house converted into self contained flats) from Equita. White window envelope saying "urgent - for immediate attention notice of attendance" "private and confidential" and "by hand" with two boxes "left by" and "on" left blank. Inside was a letter with correct name and address headed "delivered by hand" with client debt and court fee then a total outstanding scribbled in hand (which is £310 higher than the client debt). The letter is undated and is an enforcement notice saying they called today to execute a Liability Order issued by their client (the debt is for Council Tax, the client is the local council) and saying they are authorised by the Court to remove goods/vehicle to satisfy the outstanding balance of ... the figure has been left blank. The letter asks for contact "immediately by return" or they will re-attend. It's signed off by an enforcement agent and gives a mobile number. The letter itself is not signed by hand. What options do i have? The debt is due, I've had financial issues, I can't afford to pay the debt in one lump sum, I don't have goods to cover the debt, I don't own a car, I can't ask for a loan or help and I don't get paid for two weeks. Even then, my wage won't cover the whole debt. Any help appreciated.
  3. Hi, Thanks for having a look at this. In hindsight I'm a bit confused about what happened earlier when a bailiff turned up at my door. We moved house 3 years ago. My other half didn't update the address on her car's log book, only her driver's licence. She got clamped/fined in September 2016 and updated the log book address. Fair enough, our mistake, it's a pity that we didn't have warning letters forwarded to us but hey ho. Today a bailiff turned up regarding a PCN for driving on a taxi only street in June 2016. Again, we hadn't received any previous correspondence regarding this. I paid up in full but have since become confused about the £235 Attendance Cost. The bailiff came to our current address at 10am, but we have subsequently found out that he originally went to our old address at 8am and handed an identical notice of fees to our the people who moved into our old house. What bugs me is why have they didn't trace our new address before leaving the office and send us a letter regarding the fine thus saving us £235? I did phone the Bailiff on his mobile to ask this and he said that the £235 isn't just a fee in relation to attending an address, it is a fee that was added to the fine because the fine had become a warrant and that process incurs the costs (and that calling it a fee just for attending an address isn't strictly true?!). We have been on the electoral role ever since we moved house, we have a traceable credit history linking our old/new addresses, and what surprises me most is that Kirklees Council must have contacted the DVLA with her vehicle registration and we had already updated our address with them (drivers licence but not log book). They could've searched the electoral role via 192.com for as little as 40p and found our new address as soon as they were asked to chase the fine, or ideally Kirklees could've done this before passing it onto Marston. I've read that the Attendance Cost is limited to £235 to prevent unreasonable charges but surely £235 is unreasonable given the ease and low cost of tracing someone that isn't trying to hide from anyone? I've also read that we should've received a Notice Of Enforcement prior to the Bailiff attending our property and given the fact that he initially attended our old address the address on the warrant would have been incorrect? Would you feel that we have grounds to contest the £235 Attendance Cost added to our fine? Any advice would be gratefully received. Many thanks, Dave
  4. Hi all Background My 12 year old son has a condition called Sinusitis. This is where he has severe Head aches, in the morning, gradually decreasing through out the day. He has been off since late January. He has been for a M R I scan to check his brain, all came back clear. So now it has been referred too County, Missing Education and Child Employment department. We have a meeting scheduled,on May 9th. 1- Has anyone been through one of these meetings and can Offer advise. 2- I have been informed that at the start of the meeting, We will be cautioned, 3- Do I have to accept this caution, ( I assume this is a caution the Police use ) 4- Would it be prudent to Record the meeting, either covertly or in the open. I would appreciate any advise as I have a feeling we will be stitched up. all I want is a resolution, and help for my son. Leakie
  5. Hi, Hope someone can help, we applied for attendance allowance for my 85 year old mum, she had to send her PO details on the form, but unfortunately when she got the details of her account from the PO help line, the last number of the sort code was put down wrong, whether they told her wrong or mum put it down wrong we don't know, her account number was correct, £411 was paid out in back pay to her, but obviously didn't get into mum's account, when I phoned DWP they said because we had put the number wrong, and mum had signed it there was nothing they could do and suggested calling the PO, on calling the PO help line we were told, there was nothing they could do and it was up to the DWP to sort it, I believe that this money has been sat in limbo for the past 2 weeks as it hasn't been sent back to DWP. Can anyone help my mum is getting very distressed about this, and both sides seem to just wash their hands of it, I cant understand why the DWP are happy just to leave £411 going nowhere!!!
  6. Hi, wondered if anyone can help please. I intend to appeal the decision made for my 19 yr old son's mobility (he was awarded enhanced care but just 4 points mobility). We have had a reconsideration, but the original decision still stands. I am his appointee and know there is a better chance of appeal if we attend, but he suffers so badly with OCD and anxiety that he really has trouble getting out of the house. I'm wondering if I would be allowed to attend alone on his behalf, or whether he would need to attend too? If I can't attend instead, I shall have to take our chances on an appeal without attending. Thanks
  7. Can anyone offer me some advice on this please. I was speeding on the A4 near Bath and doing 76 in a 50. I recieved the court papers and they state I can write in or attend. I can do either but attending is more difficult as I am 150 miles away. Does anyone have an opinion / exeperience on how the court might view either with a better light? I can't decide whether not going and therefore pleading by post would be viewed positively as saving the court time, or the court would rather see mebeing embarressed, contrite and apologetic? I currently have no points but did recieve a 6 week ban and £900 fine 4 years ago for a similar offence. Like most people I can't afford a ban as I have my own business and employ 10 staff who rely on me to bring in business for them to earn. As well as general advice, has anyone any idea on what the range of outcomes might be. Thanks in advance.
  8. Just 3 months ago I started a new thread on here to highlight the problems that debtors face when taking advice from the internet to issue court claims against bailiff companies or local authorities. In that thread (a copy of which is below) I highlighted the outcome of yet another court failure where the debtor once again lost his case in court and was ordered to pay the local authorities (London Borough of Southwark) legal costs of £4,399. In the above case it was revealed that the debtor was charged £2060 in fees by this highly unqualified McKenze Friend who has an appalling history of court failures behind him. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?452784-More-legal-cases-against-bailiff-companies-lost-in-court-after-taking-legal-advice-from-the-internet-!! It would seem that during December he has been involved in two further court failures. Interestingly in the very latest one, he claims to have represented the debtor at the Magistrates Court hearing in relation to a criminal complaint. It would seem that the Magistrate refused to allow him to either address the court or to 'cross examine the witnesses'!!! According to the written report from the McKenzie Friend the Magistrate was extremely critical of the defendant and considered that he was lying to the court and that consequently, the McKenzie friend: "executed the procedure to force the trial to be aborted and be re-listed for a new trial" and that: "Im due to Mackenzie again for him, but if I'm declined a second time, then I have a solicitor ready to be pulled from a hat there and then and execute the defence structured on a crown court appeal" What is particularly alarming about this is that with very limited exception, the use of a McKenzie Friend is restricted to County Court proceedings !!!
  9. Looking for some advice. I've got a first formal attendance meeting coming Tuesday 3rd November unsure if this is actually a stage 1 meeting at this point or just a formal meeting. As I work for the NHS I'm above the Trust's 3.5% threshold over the last 12 months. my sickness stands at 4.7%. I was off sick in April for about 2 weeks putting my sickness to 5.5% from an earlier episode that had my just under the 3.5% cut off point. The Junior sister had a back to work meeting on the 7th April but because it was 5.5% had to refer this to the Senior sister. this can sometimes take a week or 2 depending on how busy the ward is. however the meeting didn't take place till late June where my sickness had dropped to 4.8% She set a target of 0% sickness until our next review date end of September putting this in writing what our meeting was about however she put 5.5% instead of 4.8% on the letter, an oversight of course that I pointed out.. However September came and went and the week we were supposed to meet never took place as she had decided to book leave for a week. I reminded her when she came back start of October that our meeting never took place and she said she'll sort something out but this never happened. towards the end of October I was off 2 days with D&V. She had a back to work interview with me on Friday 23rd October apologised for not having the review meeting and talked about my sickness again. But because of the 2 days it took my sickness from 4.8% to 4.9% So she said it hadn't improved and that this would have to go to a Formal Meeting. but I pointed out that it had improved as it was 5.5% in April and now only 4.9% and that I only had 2 days sick in 6 1/2 months. She didn't even respond to that. She did point out that 5 days sickness was about to come off the rolling months soon and would contact HR to find out what to do next as once the 5 days come off my sickness would have dropped below 4%. She knew I was on holiday last week so I returned home yesterday to find a letter had come dated the 27th October for a formal meeting to take place 3rd November. They want a meeting because. My attendance remains unsatisfactory despite the recent monitoring period My level of absence for the last 12 months remians above the trusts policy of 3.5% I feel they haven't given me enough notice knowing I was away on leave not even giving me a chance to contact a Union as I am with Unison (will contact these on Monday) I don't even have a copy of my sickness record for the last 12 months to look at which I assume would have been inc in the letter. I know this is no big meeting but these can easily escalate to something bigger if not dealt with sooner.
  10. I have received a hand delivered letter from Excel Civil Enforcement regarding a Non domestic rates arrears from two years ago of £1665.73 including £235 for delivery of the letter. I am living in a kind friends house and dont own anything here. Excel are threatening to apply for a Taking Control of Goods warrant to use 'reasonable force to enter the property'. I called them to explain nothing is mine but they wouldnt acknowledge this at all. I did initially write to the council offering them a small amount every month but they refused my offer. I am not working and cant offer them much but I am extremely worried they will break into my friends house and take their goods. Is this likely? If I move from here I will be homeless.
  11. I received a PCN which was issued by a CCTV vehicle instructed by Havering Council in 19/04/2014. When I received the PCN I appealed it on grounds that I was dropping off my heavily pregnant wife - 'Person alighting from a vehicle' The appeal was rejected but I did not receive a 'Notice of Rejection' letter. I then received a 'Charge certificate' without any reply from my appeal. I emailed Havering Council parking but was told that because a charge certificate was issued there was no grounds of appeal nor could the fine be paid at the lesser amount and I could only wait for a witness statement to be posted and filled in. I received a letter stating I needed to pay or fill in the witness statement by 02/12/2014. I submitted a TE9 Witness Statement on 18/11/2014 by email to an email address printed on the letter on the grounds that I hadn't received the rejection notice. I was told a decision could take a few months. On 13/02/2015 my wife was home with our 8month old daughter and had a knock on my front door from a bailiff stating that he had a warrant to seize my vehicle on behalf of Havering Council for an unpaid PCN. I had not received any letters from Havering Council, nor a 'Notice of Enforcement' from the bailiff giving seven clear days before his attendance. Had I received anything, I would have sorted this out ASAP, without the threat of my vehicle being seized especially as I need it for work. His attendance was a total shock to my wife and I. I contacted the court on 13/02/15 and was told that the email address on the letter sent out was incorrect. Therefore I have submitted a TE7 'out of time request.' and a TE9 'witness statement.' to the correct email address. I have an acknowledgement email for the submission and was told any bailiff action will be put on hold. I have informed the bailiff and they have said they have not received any notice from Havering Council to suspend any action. I feel that I can't be penalised for a letter having an incorrect email address, I had submitted the TE9 within the time limit. I believe the procedure after my appeal has been unfair and by not receiving letters in the post, I am being issued a higher fine and bailiff costs. I haven't received a 'Notice of Enforcement' therefore the bailiff turning up at my door is a breach of The Taking of Goods Regulations; regulation 6. He also didn't give me a copy of the warrant or a break down of supposed charges. I have been told that I need to supply evidence that I didn't receive any letters before his attendance. How can I do that? Usually it's proof of postage - confused. I am awaiting to hear if my TE7 out of time is accepted or rejected. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Currently I am receiving Attendance allowance as I am disabled and require care. The company that handle my care are independent organisation who were provided to me by my local council. Presently, I receive care from the company twice a day, however I am unhappy with their workers and the level of service in general. What I would like to know is whether I can withdraw all or part (i.e. receive care once a day) of the service from this care company without affecting my 'Attendance Allowance?' Additionally, would it be possible for me to cancel this care service and select another private organisation of my choosing? Do I have to inform the DWP? Will my attendance allowance be affected? Thanks
  13. Hi, am new and looking for support to know have done the right thing. Problem is my younger brother (with whom have never seen eye to eye) thinks otherwise! Briefly, our mothers health deteriorated since middle of last year. Since then, mother has been under mental health services and orthopaedic surgeons. The mental health services were obtained 4+ years ago due to her memory. She has since being going downhill and been recently diagnosed with Alzheimers. Bearing the above in mind, contacted welfare rights advisor from ageUK to ask their advice in applying for Attendance Allowance (AA). Informed by advisor that it probably worth applying for AA. Advisor duly attended at my mothers to complete AA application which was sent with documentary evidence had to hand. Received notification that AA awarded (higher rate). Younger brother is of the view that because our mother does not actually receive physical help she is not entitled to AA. I tried pointing out that a claimant did not actually have to be physically receiving help, the 'need' of receiving such help is what counts. What do you say to a sibling who thinks like described above and effectively doesn't think his mother is not entitled to AA? Francis1306.
  14. Hi, Help needed pls. I popped out the other day and my kids were home, and when i got back my kids are all upset, scared and distraught. The kids told me that someone was banging on the door , window and garage doors very loud and hard for about 20 mins. Obviously i was upset too, and not very happy that my kids felt terrorised in their own home. A enforcement agent from marstons had clamped my car which was on the drive, and also posted a letter. This is the first time they have called regarding this matter or sent any letters about this pcn. I was not the driver of the vehicle at the time when the parking ticket was issued , and neither was i aware of it! I have not received any letters from them regarding this matter previously, until they came the other day banging down the door. They are saying i need to pay in full 392.00, which consists of debt of 82, compliance stage fee of 75 and then an enforcement stage fee of 235.00. I did call the agent and he says i need to pay it all before he takes of the clamp. He want take any instalments. I told him that the car is on hp, and he is using it as leverage for me to pay it all, but he says i just need to pay it all before they take the clamp off. I spoke to the office to tell them i know nothing about it , they would not listen, and told me i need to pay it all . I told her that why have they clamped the car because they can't take it as it on hp, she told me that she has spoken to the hp company, and they are happy for then to take the car. Which is so untrue, as firstly she does not even know who the hp is with. She was very rude , and then hung up saying she is going to terminate this call. Are they allowed to clamp my car on my drive, and then leave a letter saying taking control of goods on a highway? Are they not supposed to give me any notice they are going to come, or the fine has been passed to them, and why are they adding compliance fee and enforcement stage fee at the same time. I was not the driver, i knew nothing about this ticket until last week. I have never had a parking ticket, and if i did know i would have paid it whilst you pay only half the amount. Please help, and advise greatly appreciated.
  15. Hi Everyone. I would like some legal advice about letter i recivd from my work. I'm working from almost 9 years in waerhouse for big internation company. The rulase about offsick is that you can take up to 4 times in one year off sick and still get paid. Fifth time will be unpaid and process to verbal warning. Couple months ago i find our that apparently my company change rules and now you still can get 4 times off in a year and get paid but verbal warning will be after second off. To clear that warning you need to not taking off for more than one year becouse every warning stays for hole year in your records. I'm not sure if thats clear so i will write my exaple. I was off one day in may2013 (me my kid and wife had stomach flu) then i was off 2 days in october2013(I had very stong cold which is easy to get when you work in cold warehouse) after this off i get verbal warning Then i was off for 2 days in february 2014 and i get letter about hearing for written warning. Can they change rules without telling me about that?How now i should defence my self? I did not signed anything about those changes. Now i'm scared that if in hole year me or my family will get sick i can lose job. Can you help me with some advice? thank you
  16. I was wondering if there is anyone that is able to offer me any assistance. I received a PCN from the council last year which I appealed against and lost. It eventually went as far as bailiffs contacting me for for the payment. I offered an amount I was able to pay each month which they refused. Some time passed and recently a bailiff from another company arrived at my house and posted a letter through my door saying 'Attendance notice the clearance of goods'. The letter stated he would be back in 48 hours to remove goods and hand written my friends number plate. I managed to get a breakdown of costs which are as follows: Debt - £82.00 First letter fee - £11.20 Visit fee 1 - £28.00 Levy - £40.80 Attendance / Van - £120.00 I managed to get the levy fee removed but was unsure if the other fees are correct. Are they able to charge for attendance/van on the first vist and without a levy? Thank you in advance.
  17. Would like to know the likely scenario if one were to decline a Customer Compliance Interview with the DWP. Realise that benefit would be suspended and ultimately terminated,but after this would there likely to be any further action?
  18. Hello All I regulary visit these forums for advice and have always been able to find answers to any issues I have had, however I am having difficulty in getting a clear understanding of my current options. I currently have an outstanding Council Tax debt which is now in the hands of Ross & Roberts Ltd. I, like many others, am long term unemployed (18 months) and although I was claiming council tax benefit until March, upon receiving what I thought was a solid offer of employment I closed my claim. That position fell through and after months of continually trying to find employment I found that my council tax debt was spiralling out of control. In July a liability order was made by my local Magistrates Court and has now since been sent to the bailiffs. I had a visit from the bailiff (I did not answer the door or have any communication with him) on Friday 11th October @ 7.45am. He posted through a 'First Notice' and left. This morning (although the form has been dated from yesterday) I was visited again, and again did not have any communication with him. He posted through a Form 7 - Notice of Seizure and Inventory of Goods listing my vehicle (big thanks to whichever neighbour told him it was mine). There are a few issues that I require clarification on: 1. The total outstanding (handwritten) on the 'First Notice' was £293 higher than the amount sent to the bailiff in June. I believe this is not the first time this bailiff has inflated the costs and whilst I acknowledge it is happening a lot I would like to know what my options are here. 2. I have not had any letters or visits that would constitute a 'Second Visit'. It has gone straight from First Visit -> Notice of Seizure. Is this allowed? 3. There is a handwritten note on the Notice of Seizure that says the following: [Details of Car] Registered Keeper - TBC Viechle will be siezed clamped + removed unless contact made. [sic] Is the clamping allowed? The car is parked on a private car parking space (owned by the property but not attached). 4. Does the Form 7 constitute a Levy? or is there a seperate notice for this? The Form 7 is signed by the bailiff but not signed by me. It is important to note that I have written provisional letters to both the bailiff and the council requesting for the debt to be returned and have requested that the bailiff provide a full breakdown of charges. Any help or advice that you can give will be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks
  19. Hello. Im looking for advice regarding bailiffs and their charges. Last year in December I sold a car and posted the logbook to the DVLA after taking a photocopy (sent standard 1st class not recorded). I have since been traveling due to a relative being unwell and have not been receiving my mail. I have just returned from a trip to Spain to find a warrant of execution - unpaid penalty charge and a receipt from a bailiff stating they attended with a van to remove goods up to the value of 489.64. Now these bailiffs have no Levy of goods and have never gained access to the property. I have been told that they have charged for attending twice leaving a letter and twice with a van to remove goods. Now i fail to see how on earth they can be charging me this much. I have contacted the DVLA regarding this incident as its not the first time i've been fined for them not receiving a log book (which i have definitely posted) and I have been told to submit the letters received by the local authorities to an address and i should hear something back within 2 - 6 weeks. they have told me all they will do is confirm who the registered keeper was at the time. I have contacted the enforcement agents today and told them this assuming they will suspend any further action but i don't want any more charges and i cannot understand how they can charge so much even though I have never spoken to the Bailiff. I look forward to any advice and apologize for the length of this rant. Kind regards. Jpritchard.
  20. Hi all, I have had an extremely bad day. I got into Council tax arrears when my husband walked out on us ithought bills were being paid when they wasn't. long story short I set up an agreement with ross and Roberts to pay £58 by the 4th of every month. Me being stupid have always made a payment of £61.50 every month. 3 weeks before the 4th. I have never missed a payment with them. I always like to just pay my bills when the money is there so then I know they are paid and I do not have to worry. being a single mum I need to be organised and I thought I was doing ok. Anyway this morning a ross and Roberts ballief came knocking on my door demanding £160 to be paid today or they will take my stuff. he said a late payment was received. I argued this I knew I was up to date, checked my emails and theres the proof I paid it on the 6th of last month. iv been paying like this for 5 months I thought it was ok to make a payment any time between the 5th and the 4th before its due as long as it was paid before midnight 4th. I spoke and argued with the manager over the phone he Demanded £190 instead of the original £160 the ballief had slammed on me. Apparantly I cannot make a payment 3 weeks before the due date and apparently I signed a piece of paper stating that I understood this. When the ballief came back to collect the money he explained the part of the sgreement that has caught me out . "If an overpayment is received it will not be taken as payment in advance. " ok I get that, But I paid £61. 50 instead of £58. An overpayment of £2 if you take off the visa card charge they take from you. This was paid on the 6th of Aug which was due on the 4th sept. The £58 isn't an overpayment that's a payment. There is nothing in the agreement stating that I cannot pay this bill 3 weeks in advance. "if your payment is not received by the due date" doesn't this mean I can pay on any date in that month before the 4th as long as they get their payment by the 4th. anyway I have paid them the money I aint happy because I was doing so well with it making regular payments and yet still have bullies at my door. Its disgusting how they treat people how they change their charges to suit themselves how they can just demand you to get that sort of cash within hours or they will get your stuff. I wouldn't mind so much if it was a late payment or if I didn't pay but I did I have all records and reference numbers. I have always paid on the 6th of every month so I know it has been paid before the 4th of the following month. I thought I had between the 5th and the 4th to pay. Apparantly not.... payments have to be made between the 1st and 4th. I was never once told that and there is certainly nothing on the agreement that I signed that stated that. iv been doing it my way for month why now have they decided it aint right. Can they really justify their actions today. rant over .... please excuse the bad spelling.... bad day and im all worked up. Any one else had any problems with these pests or is it just me.
  21. A friend of mine has just been dismissed from his job due to breaching the attendance policy. The trigger for the first stage is 3 times in a roling 12 months. With that there is a 6 month period with no periods of sickness allowed. If breached you move onto second stage with the same 6 month period. Third stage is the same. Then dismissal. He says the first stage was fair, in that the reasons for sickness were flu, back injury and toothache. But the second which was within the 6 month review period was for an operation on his leg, which was planned with the full knowledge of his supervisor and operations manager 2 months ahead of time. They arranged alterations to the amount of work for his section and did not inform him that if he had his operation he would then be in breach of the policy and would then be issued with the second stage disciplinary. The next absence also included an operation on his shoulder. The fourth a tooth abcess. My question is, should the operations, which were obviously fully known to management and therefore authorised have been taken into account. Or is it just that this is a particularly nasty company to work for if you need to have any sugery. I understand someone who needed to have a biopsy done was also given a warning.
  22. Hi, I don't know if this has been posted before, but having recently been issued with an ES19 warning for my first instance of lateness in 6 months, and a threat of a DMA sanction should it occur again, I located the government policy document online, which someone else had requested under a FOI. I also recorded the JC office manager stating that they issue them as a matter of course i.e. whenever they want, which led me to believe they are using them as part of a policy to increase DMA suspensions. My warning was issued 8 days after receiving a compensation payment for being escorted off the premises for exercising my legal right to record my interactions at the JobCentre. Please note part 11, which states: ''11. The ES19 should only be used in exceptional circumstances where all other measures have been tried and failed.'' Unfortunately, I do not have sufficient posts to be allowed links yet, so to locate, type: ''Freedom of Information request 1829/2013'' into a search engine to locate. I hope this helps anyone who has been unfairly penalised.
  23. I owed £1000 to bedford county council for last years council tax (this years is now DD) We recieved a letter at the begining of may asking us to contact the bailiff directly due to a missed payment to Jacobs, which ended the payment agreement. i tried to pay through jacobs website but it wouldnt let me, it just came up with a message saying 'ring the bailiff' I rung the jacobs call centre who said i needed to speak to the bailiff, , i rung him but got his voice mail so i left a message stating who i was and to contact me. I didnt hear back from him. A week later theres a knock at the door and the bailiff wants £1110. I explained that i didnt have that sort of money, im on maternity leave. He said that he could split it into three monthly payments but that was it. He also stated that he was having problems with his phone and wasnt always able to hear what his voicemail said which was why he hadnt returned the call. I managed to get £1000 together, rang the bailiff and managed to get through to him and payed him over the phone. The plan was to pay them the remaining £110 on payday this month (26th) However i received a letter today stating that they are coming to take goods to the amount of £110. I rang the office, spoke to a very rude guy who said you need to pay the amount and wouldn't listen to a word i said. I rung back and spoke to a lady who explained that as the bailiff had come to my door that i had to pay the £110. So all in all, Do i have to pay this £110 bailiff fee? even though he never stepped foot in my house and it was his fault that he didnt ring back? If he had returned my call i would have been able to pay him the £1000 that they were asking and it would have closed the account.
  24. Hello guys, I hope you can help me with this, it's all new to me. My mother is 90 and we had a bit of a crisis last week after a fall and some other stuff. She's in hospital now and waiting to go into a nursing home for at least 6 weeks. After that, we don't know if she'll go home and have help there or will need to go into a home permanently. There isn't all that much help available to fill the form in, but I'm going to try to fill it in online. My first question, will the system let me input it on her behalf, do you know? Second question, she doesn't use a mobile phone and wouldn't hear the other person anyway. Do I put a member of the family as a contact number? I shall be very grateful for any help you can offer. Thanks, HB
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