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  1. Hi Thanks for the reply, yes although it appears like that (and I am guessing it is what they must be trying to imply) they did actually occur 3 weeks apart. Would the bailiff be breaking any rules/laws by doing that? or indeed, by having no second visit i.e straight to levy? Hopefully the council will play ball, I am still awaiting reply from them so will update on that as and when. I will start getting the details of my local MP, councillors tomorrow. Is there anyone specific I would be wise to target? Thanks again and if anyone has more to add please don't hesitate to reply
  2. Hello everyone I have an update on my case and need some more advice.... Letter was sent to the Bailiff and Council on Tuesday 15th October and I have recieved a reply from the Bailiff today. Still nothing from the Council. This is THEIR breakdown: Debt: £X,XXX.xx First Visit: £24.50 Levy: £57.00 Total £X,XXX.xx Paid: £0.00 My first question is, is a second visit required by law? I could understand if the 'Levy' was made on the first visit (if thats allowed) but the date of the First Notice and the subsequent 'Levy' are almost 3 weeks apart. Secondly, the 'Levy' was made on my car, however, the 'Notice of Seizure and Inventory of Goods' listed the care as the following: 1 x Green [car] 5 Door Reg Keeper T.B.C Would the fact that the cars ownership details were listed as T.B.C give a reasonable argument that the car cannot be 'levied' until the details are confirmed, at which point a new seizure form should be issued? Where can I read up on the laws that govern these kind of circumstances? With regards to the inflated charges by the bailiff, what would be the best course of action to complain and pursue this against the Bailiff? I am willing to write as many letters as it takes so name all the relevant people that might be able to help. It's not the first time this bailiff has done this and I want to help put a stop to it. Many Thanks Many Thanks
  3. Hello Tom I believe that you are correct with regards to my local council. Their contact email address is [council]@secure.capita.co.uk which suggests to me you are right. I intentionally wrote, rather than email to them, for that reason. I wasn't aware that R&R are part of Capita but it makes perfect sense. It seems like a massive conflict of interest to me, shocking. Do you know if written letters will go to Capita or will my local council retain any kind of control over it? Thanks
  4. Hi, yeah I'm not sure if the council are likely to make a mistake on a pretty standard document. You never know but for now I will be taking an alternative route. Appreciate the reply though! Yes I would do that but given my current financial situation I have requested the debt be repayed via an attachment to my benefits. Obviously I want this to be for as little time as possible and as soon as I can start working again I am happy to pay it quicker. I just haven't had the best luck over the past couple of years. Many thanks for the reply and for anyone in a better situation than me this is excellent advice. Is anyone able to give any further advice on the questions I asked previously? Thanks in advance
  5. Hi brassnecked I have sent a completed CT benefit application form with the letter, however I think it is unlikely I will be granted a backdate as, im my experience, the council usually put the blame on the applicant for not completing the forms sooner. I will probably write a seperate letter to the council regarding zero income and ask for their advice. Thanks!
  6. Hello Yes I did although I failed to attend. I had intended to go but got the days mixed up and didn't go. That was the start of my head burying really. Thanks
  7. Thanks for the quick reply 1. Yep got you, I will see what they come back with to the breakdown request. 2. I probably can't give an accurate answer to that until the breakdown of fee's has been sent. However, the first notice gave an amount that was £293 more than the debt sent by the council. The Notice of Seizure gave the same amount. My main problem was whether or not they can jump from First Notice to Notice of Seizure (bypassing the Second Visit) ? Also, is there any restraints in timeframe that restricts the time given between notices? Even if the bailiff lies and claims he did make a second visit that would mean he would of had to visit daily. 3. Good news, I haved moved the car anyway so hopefully it won't come to that. 4. Not sure I understand what you mean. Is the Notice of Seizure mean a levy has been made? As the ownership of the vehicle had not been established at that point would that make the seizure invalid? I could go around naming all the vehicles in the town but if I don't know which is right one how can I levy against it? Thanks!
  8. Yes I believe that should be the case although I made that clear to the person I spoke to (phone) at my local councils CT department but they refused to help. In any event I will await the outcome of my letter and take it from there. I will update here as this progress'. I will look into the MP route should the council refuse to take the debt back, good advice!. Again, if anyone knows any details on these questions that would be great. Many Thanks
  9. Hello and welcome to the forum. Thankyou for the welcome I think I see where your going with that one but unfortunately the outstanding is around £1500 and the car is probably £1700 - £1800, less at auction. I am greatly hoping it will be passed back but I'm concerned about my options in the interim. Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post. If anyone else has answers to the questions I posted I would be very grateful to hear from you.
  10. Hello All I regulary visit these forums for advice and have always been able to find answers to any issues I have had, however I am having difficulty in getting a clear understanding of my current options. I currently have an outstanding Council Tax debt which is now in the hands of Ross & Roberts Ltd. I, like many others, am long term unemployed (18 months) and although I was claiming council tax benefit until March, upon receiving what I thought was a solid offer of employment I closed my claim. That position fell through and after months of continually trying to find employment I found that my council tax debt was spiralling out of control. In July a liability order was made by my local Magistrates Court and has now since been sent to the bailiffs. I had a visit from the bailiff (I did not answer the door or have any communication with him) on Friday 11th October @ 7.45am. He posted through a 'First Notice' and left. This morning (although the form has been dated from yesterday) I was visited again, and again did not have any communication with him. He posted through a Form 7 - Notice of Seizure and Inventory of Goods listing my vehicle (big thanks to whichever neighbour told him it was mine). There are a few issues that I require clarification on: 1. The total outstanding (handwritten) on the 'First Notice' was £293 higher than the amount sent to the bailiff in June. I believe this is not the first time this bailiff has inflated the costs and whilst I acknowledge it is happening a lot I would like to know what my options are here. 2. I have not had any letters or visits that would constitute a 'Second Visit'. It has gone straight from First Visit -> Notice of Seizure. Is this allowed? 3. There is a handwritten note on the Notice of Seizure that says the following: [Details of Car] Registered Keeper - TBC Viechle will be siezed clamped + removed unless contact made. [sic] Is the clamping allowed? The car is parked on a private car parking space (owned by the property but not attached). 4. Does the Form 7 constitute a Levy? or is there a seperate notice for this? The Form 7 is signed by the bailiff but not signed by me. It is important to note that I have written provisional letters to both the bailiff and the council requesting for the debt to be returned and have requested that the bailiff provide a full breakdown of charges. Any help or advice that you can give will be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks
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