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  1. Hi I wonder if any of you lovely people can help me? I was making a substantial delivery to a restaurant in Beverly ( Catering/janitorial supplies). I was in my 4x4 as the van was delivering elsewhere. The bay did have a restriction of 'goods vehicles only' but i did not see that. The traffic warden agreed that she could see i was making a substantial delivery but said that i was using the wrong type of vehicle and issued a ticket. I appealed the ticket giving the copy of the delivery note and explaining that the goods are too heavy and many to park in the multi story and walk with them. They have rejected my appeal. I am not happy about this and feel this is restrictive to their tenants and their suppliers. My concern is that I will need to make future deliveries in my car … how will I do this without getting a ticket or knackering my back by parking in the multi story? Does anyone have any advise or similar situations?
  2. Hi. I want to add some side windows to my Landrover Defender but cannot get any guidance on if I need to let the DVLA know re taxation class. Everywhere on the internet talks about adding windows AND adding seats which creates all sorts of trouble with the tax. I just want windows. Can anyone sign post me to what I need to do legally. My vehicle is currently registered as Light Goods Vehicle. Many thanks Kilo
  3. Yesterday morning i was travelling into work a long the road, the local speed trap van is normally parked the the lay by but this time the van was parked in the middle of the dividing land hidden in trees Is it legal for a speed van to hide within trees ?
  4. Hi everyone. Im new here and need helpful factual advice for my situation if anyone can help please. The situation is this: In October 2016 a friend of mine needed help in buying a van for his business. We are good friends so I didn't hesitate to try to help out. I lent him the money to buy the van £2500 and at the time my brother said we should draw up a contract and he would sign as a witness. I was a bit embarrassed but my friend was good about it so we downloaded a contract online that said secured the loan on the van and if he was to fail to pay then I could repo the van after giving him 30 days notice to pay. My brother also insisted I registered the van in my name at the time so I have always been the registered keeper. It was a lump sum payment with no interest agreement. He said he would be able to pay in December so that was the understanding. December came but he couldn't pay. We spoke many times and it was always uncomfortable asking for payment back. He said he was down on his luck at the moment and hadn't got the contract he was looking for, He kept asking for more time, I gave him another month and still nothing. My brother said rather than keep asking him whenever I see him what I should do is write a letter to him so he could take it serious. I wrote a letter in February this year asking for payment. He replied to it explaining it was hard and couldn't pay yet but will be paying as soon as. I wrote again in April & then May. I know he is genuinely going through some tough times and he's always been good about letting me know whats happening. He wrote in his reply that he really was trying his best and to be patient. I really need the money to pay my debts and it's causing problems with my brother and other family members. He said the van needed some work and an MOT and he had secured a contract which would bring in the money so he could pay me back. I gave him another few weeks. He then called to say he had problems when he took the van in for an mot. I t failed on brakes and 1 light and the mot said they would see what the problem was and call him to say how much. He said they didn't call when he chased up a few days later they said they had finished and gave him a huge bill of £2500. He's disputing that with them right now and they have seized the van. I wrote to the garage to see of this was the situation and it was and I asked if they could negotiate and they said they were not willing to, it's the money or they hold the van. My brother said to write another letter to him giving him another 30 days to pay finally. I felt bad doing it but I did and he wrote saying he is trying to resolve the dispute but hes not sure how long it would take but no the garage was charging £20 a day storage and to give him more time. I threatened to repo the truck as I do absolutely need the money and I could sell the truck. He said to be patient and he hoped the dispute would be resolved by then. 30 days came and went so my brother said to write him a default notice and give him 14 days to pay. I did and he replied a few days later to the letter saying the dispute is still going on and his way out is to go to court because they refused the offer he gave them for whats reasonable for the job. He said he does.t want to make any more promises of payment and break them. He said he understands it's been a long time coming and as he cannot see a way out and his finances are totally shot. He said he cannot get a hold of the money to pay & he agrees to me taking the van and selling it to get back my money. He said not to bother taking him to court as he agrees he's broken the agreement and he really cant afford any more strains on his finance. He said he is happily giving the van back to me and will pay for my troubles when he is on his feet again & agrees to pay any shortfall. He explained he would have bought the van to me but because it's in dispute with the garage and they have the keys he can't just give me the van. I don't know what to do now or what my rights are if any as the garage won't give me the van neither. My brother said to just go down there and demand the van back showing them my agreement and logbook and he will drive it out. He's a bit of a hot head and I don't want to get anyone in trouble. To date I have not recieved a single penny in payment towards the van. So my question is, am I 100% within my rights to claim the van? Can I get the van back even though there is a dispute on money owing on it between my friend and the garage? Would I have to pay the amount the garage are charging in order to get the van back? That would be pointless as the garage wants the amount of money i'm trying to get back from the van. Finally if I can get the van then what is the legal way to do it considering the garage will obviously not want to hand over the van easily? All help is appreciated.
  5. The snoopers charter which ALREADY allows the most extensive spying on its own citizens outside of China or North Korea (and possible actually worse given the higher levels of connectivity here) is intended to be increased by the Tories. Much of the justification is these 1 man in a van attacks which horrendous as they are, are no more than occurs on a daily basis in most major cities by alcohol or mentally ill people. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/19/technology/britain-encryption-privacy-hate-speech.html?ribbon-ad-idx=15&rref=world/europe Given that the existing snooping powers in the UK "Recent legislation already gives Britain’s law enforcement officials some of the world’s strongest powers to read and monitor online chatter" have done NOTHING to stop these man in a van or man with a knife attacks, DESPITE a number of them being on international watch listsm it beggars the question of How would increasing these powers actually make a difference given that even the attacks by KNOWN Islamist extremists on UK and international watch lists were not affected in any way ? How is policing and monitoring of those spying on UK citizens going to be carries out and reported and properly policed - including reporting to the public what is occurring or has occurred? http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2016/25/contents/enacted Worth noting: In the US spying on the nations OWN citizens is treated differently to foreign nationals. Do we really want the UK to be the envy of North Korea - for all the wrong reasons?
  6. In April 2016 I hired a 7.5t van from a company online. They did not deliver on the stated day and didn't tell me it would come the next. A driver from this company was waiting in a Sixt 7.5t van angry that I wasn't in when he arrived, made me sign the document threw the keys in the cab and drove off. I arrived at my destination (a few 100miles) and 2 days later 2 Sixt reps turned up to collect. They noticed old wear and cracking on one of the tires, they were very unhappy with the depot/yard in the south allowing it to be out on the road. The damage was photographed and noted as being old wear. They then saw the rear bumper was very slightly pushed in but the damage was rusted and old, photos taken and notes put on their handheld/mobile that it was not my fault. I asked them to ring their head office just to confirm, they understood why and did so to explain and then allowed me to talk to them. All was fine, notes were put against the account and it was agreed the vehicle should not have been released and they would take it up with the southern depot. Almost 12 months later 28/03/2017 I receive a call from Sixt solicitors regarding outstanding debt for the above damages. They have the wrong name but correct surname, the wrong address (old one), no email and only my mobile. I have no documents from the time and only remember signing their handheld/mobile and found out they have had a head office change since. I don't know what I need to ask for or what proof they need or if there is a precedent to void their claim as it has been almost 12 months. Please help.
  7. Hello everyone, I took out a vehicle insurance online via one of the van insurance comparison sites beginning of this month and paid the deposit of around £250 upfront with the first instalment of £130 coming out shortly after on the 10th of Feb. Now, I just got home and had a letter (dated 20/02) from the insurance company, or rather the broker as it turns out, telling me that the insurer (they don't mention the name of the insurance company) advised them that my policy must be cancelled within the next 7 days. "This is because of where your vehicle is kept overnight". The vehicle is kept on the road overnight, as I indicated on the comparison site, which based on all the information I have given listed the different insurers and their premiums, from which I had chosen this one. The letter goes on to say that I urgently have to contact them so that they can place me with an alternative insurer. Now I have a few questions: 1. First of all, I think this smells very fishy and I have doubts that this is legal? 2. I provided all the information beforehand, based on which I was given a premium. If this would have been an issue they should have not let me take out the insurance in the first place? 3. The vehicle is kept on the road overnight. I did not lie. It's not like I said it's kept in a garage when in actual fact it isn't. I mean everyone keeps their vehicle on the road, or at least the majority of the population? This would mean they would only have a handful of customers? Again, another reason why I think it doesn't make any sense? 4. Do I have 7 days from date of receipt of this letter, ie from today until the policy would be cancelled? 5. If I don't agree with this and they cancel me completely or I want to leave them as this is not a very honest start with them, can I get my money back? I haven't even been with them for a month. My installment from the 10th should at least take me up to the 10th of March, not to mention my £250 deposit I paid at the outset? 6. The premium is set up to be paid monthly through a financing deal, which I signed. Am I now required to pay the full premium every month to the Finance guys, even if the brokers or I end up cancelling altogether? I would really appreciate if someone could explain the legalities of this all to me before I give them a call as I don't want to end up playing my cards wrong. Should I get legal help/advice to get my money back? Get in touch with watchdog? I am a bit at a loss with this as you can probably tell so any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot in advance!
  8. We purchased a Vauxhall vivaro swb van on a 64 plate from new on finance from vanarama.co.uk. Since having the van we have had lots of faults with it such as: window seal incorrectly fitted internal lights not fitted correctly faulty air con faulty radio/phone pack (works intermittently) plus many more van was taken back to Vauxhall dealership who fixed all problems under warranty except for the radio/phone pack issue and the air con unit was fixed but only temporarily and is now broken again. We have contacted vanarama and the finance company to reject the vehicle or get it fixed but they have closed the case saying the radio/phone issue is a software problem for which Vauxhall do not have a fix and the dealership won't accept rejection of the van due to its age!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please help - we are paying for a van that is faulty - we use/or want to use the phone pack as this is a commercial vehicle.
  9. Dear forum memebers thank you for stopping by to check out this thread . I left a company that i was working for sometime in June. I worked there as an engineer and had a van for works use. On my last day i handed my van back in same condition as received. We inspected the van and manager was even surprised that i washed it inside out and it was all good. We had a informal meeting with the company owners , they wished me all the best and that was that. 3 months later i received my final pay payslip and discovered that they made a deduction of £350 from my final pay . I emailed the company director and he said it was for van a damage. I replied via email that i was not aware of any damages to the van and it was illegal for them to deduct that money, to which he replied that van was damaged and its a fact , stating that apparently i claimed more hours vs the tracker and also that i left to there competitor even though my contract prevents me from doing so. This was the case! they tried to legally stop me , but could not which at the time they where really bitter about. 2 completely irrelevant arguments to my query imho. But he did point out that contract does allow for deductions in case of damages to works vehicle. However as mentioned the van was not damaged as they claim! At the time of accepting the van i did not sign any paperwork which stated the condition of the van as it was second hand and when i handed the van back they didn't inform me in any formal way of there intention of deducting £350 from my wages, nor did i sign anything stating in which condition i handed the van back to them. I phoned Acas for advice and they said to take them to small claims court as tribunal claim window is 2 months. So question is what do you think Gentlemen and Ladies should i pursue this further ? Thank for any input in advance
  10. Hi all I purchased a Hot and cold sandwich van on a well known auction site for £5000. During the auction, before I made any bids, I asked the seller if the fridge and oven onboard the van had been serviced. He replied to my message and said they has been serviced very recently and all new parts had been fitted. I bid on the van and won. I then travelled to London to pay for and collect the van. The seller showed me the oven and fridge working and stated that the oven operated at a temperature of 70 degrees to keep the food warm. The oven reached this temperature, the fridge was nice and cold, after checking everything else with the vehicle I was happy with it and paid the money. On the way home the oven temperature dropped to 33 degrees and struggled to kick in again. I rang a specialist who stated that the burner in the oven heater along with other parts were probably worn. I explained the seller had told me of the service but he advised me to let him have a look. When he stripped the heater it was apparent it had not been serviced for a long period of time as it was seized into place. The oven burner had a date stamp on which was 4 years old. It cost me £580 to have the parts replaced and the oven reached a temperature of 90 degrees very fast after this which is the mean operating temperature of the oven. So in summary I asked the seller if it had been serviced before committing to buy, he said it had, it obviously had not. Do I have any comeback on this being a private sale and the seller falsely claiming work had been done when it hadn't. I have asked for the seller to provide me with details of where it was serviced but he has refused. Thanks
  11. Someone went into the side of my work van a couple of weeks ago whilst he was pulling out of a junction. It was his fault. There was some cosmetic damage, scratches etc. and the passenger door wouldn’t open. So I decided to put a claim in through his insurance company. I was given a courtesy van whilst mine was taken off to be assessed. A couple weeks later I received a telephone call to say my vehicle had been written off Cat C. I was offered a settlement and the option to buy my van back. However the offer was way below what it would have cost me to either repair or replace the vehicle so I declined it. I have now been told that as I declined the offer my claim has now been transferred back to my insurance company Hastings and the other drivers insurance company would no longer be dealing with it. I would no longer be able to buy my van back. The rental vehicle will need to be returned and I will lose my no claims. At no point was I told by Albany the implications of me declining the first offer. Otherwise I may have reconsidered taking the offer. Now I’m going to lose out. I have 3 options: · Withdraw my claim, keep my van and pay for the door to be repaired myself. · Settle the claim for below market value and buy my own van back from auction and hope that the settlement cost will cover the cost to buy it back and do the repair work. · Or Settle the claim for below market value and having to get some sort of finance to replace the vehicle. My van is sign written and has been fully fitted out for my work needs with a reversing camera so the cost of replacing all of this will be well in excess of what I will receive. And most of this would be removed before it is auctioned off. All I want is my van back and some money towards the repair cost. I don’t understand how this was an option when I got my first offer but Hastings are now saying I can’t get my van back. Poor customer service all round and the accident wasn’t even my fault.
  12. Hi everybody, I have a van Toyota Hiace from 2004. I bought it this summer (July) and from the beginning I regularly bring it to my garage. I spent around £700 in 7 months for maintenance. Initially I did a general service, i changed some mechanical parts, tyres, and recently I did the MOT. A couple of months ago the orange light of the oil turned on, i checked the oil and it was full. I spoked with my mechanic about it and about the fact that the van was doing some smoke at the start. The mechanic cleaned the filters and told me that the light was probably caused by an electric malfunction and that there was no risk in driving the van. On the 21 of December my colleague was driving the van when it stopped in the middle of the road and started to do a weird sound. After several trial the van started and he manage to reach home. When we went to the closest garage (which is not my usual) they say that we were running without oil and the engine failed and need to be replaced. I went to my garage and they confirmed that i need to replace the engine. The cost of my van is £2200 + the work done that are around £700. Replacing the engine with a second hand one is going to be around £600 work and £500 cost of engine. I would like to understand if my garage has some responsibilities on what happened. If I bring my van regularly there, I asked about the specific issue with the oil lights and they tell me that i can run without problems and after few weeks the engine get damage so badly that I have to replace it do they have any legal responsibility? Thank you. Filippo
  13. Hi Looking for some advice i returned to work on Friday 16th October after 2 weeks of paternity leave and every day from then to now i have been working over 14 - 15 hours a day due to poor management skills, lack of communication between other engineers and contruction issues on the job, your being told to wait for this person they will be this long you're waiting over an hour for them to do the job then 1 hour and 30 minutes for your job which you cant start until they have carried out their job im on pay per job and being told to wait around or get disciplined Last night after another 14 hour day i was on my way home joining the motorway from the sliproad completely my fault which ive already admitted to my company i was not concentrating was looking to the right to see if any cars was coming from the round about and didnt see a ford mondeo in front of me went right into the back of her, my van which belongs to the company i work for is a write off and her car is being repaired, I phoned my company to explain which they have been very reasonable about up to now been told ill have to pay the £1000 excess for the van which will be taken by installments on a monthly basis surely the excess cant be £1000 wasnt a bad accident everyone was ok apart from my back throbs from time to time since the crash People keep telling me to put a claim in but im not sure if you can when the accident is your fault need some advice please many thanks My misses is blaming the hours they are making me work and not having enough sleep
  14. Hi from a CAG virgin. I have a company in liquidation after our largest client went bankrupt owing us £150k and want to include a van in the liquidation. The hire agreement says the 'hirer' is my company and therefor as far as I was led to believe a company hire agreement. They (Leaseplan UK) say this is a personal Hire Agreement which is regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Who could I send this to for confirmation. Local solicitors want £600 to read a 5 page document. There is about £7000 redemption on the vehicle or 2 years to pay £235/month. Love the site and hope to be active in it. i will certainly donate regards Ian
  15. Hi all Hopefully this is the correct place to post my problem.Sorry it is a bit long winded but am at my wits end now!! My current van insurance policy began in Febuary with Commercial Vehicle Direct(CVD) and underwritten by Ageas. In May I received a letter from the motor insurance database(MID) to say my van was not on the database and for me to take action. I immediately phoned CVD who told me the problem would be sorted out in the next few days so I thought nothing of it. I was pulled over by the police in June during the day because my reg plate came up as uninsured on the police computer.I was held in the police car while they phoned through to CVD to confirm that the van was insured. I immediately phoned up CVD and was told once again the problem would be resolved.I thought OK its probably an oversight and will get sorted. I came home on Monday to find a government wheelclamping contractors large yellow sticker on my windscreen warning me to insure my vehicle or be fined/clamped/seized. So I phoned CVD on the Tuesday morning and they tell me it will be sorted in 48 hours. 48 hours were up this morning and still I am not on the database! I phone back again.They tell me it will be sorted at some point in the next few days. I have phoned Ageas the underwriters today and they have told me I will be on the database by Saturday or the will speak to their IT department. I really feel I am being fobbed off everytime. I believe it is a legal obligation for the insurance company to register my details on the database and according to the lady on the MID phoneline are subject to a "subtantial fine" if they dont within a certain time. Meanwhile DVLA have issued me with a £100 fine! If my details aren't on the database by Saturday I dont really know what the next step is for me. CVD and Ageas are not fulfilling their side of the contract as far as I am concerned If anyone can shed any light on where I can go from here I would really appreciate the advice. Sorry for the long post but feeling very stressed by this right now
  16. Hi. Im a newbie here. Im hoping someone can help, Ive got into a bit of a mess over a van hire. I hired a van through Northgate van hire about 6 weeks ago, I scraped a post that left 2 marks on the van, I pointed this out when it was returned, they advised that my deposit would not be returned for the moment. Ive been chasing them for ages about a receipt for the deposit, Ive had responses but they all basically say its in hand. Ive finally received a email from them saying they are keeping my deposit of £250.00 and they want another £750.00 of me. I didn't take out CDW damage on the van. I'm on a debt management plan, where do I stand with this. I'm hoping someone can help as I'm down about this. Thanks
  17. Hi, at the end of March my elderly parents (85 & 80) visited a caravan show. They saw a mini camper van for sale and my father was quite interested. He had a vision of being able to use it to take my mother, who has terminal cancer for days out. The van was on sale for £23,999. My parents looked around the rest of the show and on their way back as they were approaching the stand were they saw the above mentioned van the salesman had sign with a reduced price of £19,995. In parents words "he told us he was reducing it for the show" My father was attracted by this and signed up to purchase the vehicle and paid a deposit. They did not really have a proper look around the vehicle and salesman didn't offer to show them any of the features or how things worked. The van was on display with the beds made up so my father didn't even have an opportunity to sit in the vehicle. Both my parents need the aid of a stick to walk. Originally my father agreed to part ex his caravan but later decided to withdraw this as he felt he could get a better price. As the vehicle was un-registered the company selling insisted that the balance was paid before it could be registered. My father paid the balance and waited to hear from them. Communication from the company has been poor from the outset. Eventually they confirmed a date for the delivery of Friday 8th May. On the day of the delivery my father had a telephone message to say that they could not deliver because they had not received all the paperwork back from the DVLA. My father contacted the seller and left a message to say that if they planned to deliver the following week he would not be available Tue - Thurs as he had to take my mother to hospital each day. By the following Thurs (14th) he had not heard anything so with his permission I contacted the salesman to find out what was happening. Everything was now in place so a date of 21st May was agreed for delivery. The van was delivered and immediately on inspection my parents & sister noticed a number of defects, scratches, rust etc. On the sales document the vehicle was ticked as being new. Other things transpired that they were not aware of such as the fact that the engine was under the drivers seat. The procedure for elevating the roof very complicated. During discussion with the salesman it was claimed that the vehicle was sold as a demonstration model, something that my father claims not to have been made aware of at the time of sale. On the basis of the defects found my father rejected the van and it was taken back to their premises. After taking advice from Citizens Advise we wrote to them claiming that under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 the vehicle was not as described and not of acceptable quality and demanded a refund of the full amount paid. My father received a very angry response this week claiming that the vehicle was clearly marked as a demonstration model. It suggested that we had accused them of high pressure selling tactics - this has never been claimed in any communication with them. It also claimed that the defects found were minor and that the vehicle is of acceptable quality & fit for purpose. As a gesture of goodwill they have rectified the faults and they are asking him to make arrangements to collect the vehicle. Advise from CAB is that we write back and say we are not satisfied with their reply but I don't know were this will get us. Could we have any claim to cancel the contract under the "off premises contract" regulations? Sorry this is a bit long winded but any help will be most appreciated as this is causing the whole family a lot of stress with both my parents being ill with cancer. thanks
  18. worked for my company just over a year, last week i crashed my company van into the back of a vectra. The car just stopped dead, and i went into the back of it, total accident. The front of the van was a mess, due to the car infront having a tow bar. I was doing 30mph in a 50 area due to traffic About 4 weeks ago i reversed into fence and damged the back light, nothing major just the lens broken. I followed all company procedures. Today i arrived home to be greeted to a letter asking me to come in for an invistigation meeting, regarding gross misconduct. the allegations are: 1. that i have "been involved in 2 separate road traffic accidents, in a short period of time" 2. "That phone records indicate that i moments before and after i was using my company mobile" 3. the tracker for the van shows that i have been "driving my van in a dangerous manner on numerous occasion" My thoughts: 1. fair enough, this is true. 2. I have bluetooth hands free, provided by the company on both the van and phone, so always use this to call people. It is voice activatedand the phone sits on a mount. This isnt illegal, and provided by the company. Plus the wording is odd. "before and after" of course i would be using it after, i called work to say i had crashed the van. 3. This is the 1st time i have heard about this. I knew there was a tracker, and i knew it could tell how i drove, but at no point have i been told i was driving dangerously. As far as i can tell from the company polices is only point 2 can be construed as gross misconduct, as it states that using a handheld phone while driiving is gross misconduct. But i wasnt, plus i dont think they would have the means to tell if i was holding the phone or if it was mounted. And if my driving is so dangerous why am i still and have been since tuesday, driving a replacment van? I expected an investigation for crashing twice in a short space of time, but gross misconduct has thrown me totally. Should i go in all guns blazing at the investigation? Is there anything i should do? or say? Could it be a mistalke? thanks for your help.
  19. Hey guys, Quick brief for you. I bought a second hand van today from a dealer for £3700 + £740 VAT. I found it on autotrader the day before. There was no admittance of any fault in the ad. There hardly ever is on autotrader adverts. I'm 30 miles from the dealership so it isn't too far from me. It seems that the gearbox crunches in 1st gear, which wasn't present during the test drive as it was a brief one. The van is a semi-automatic so it is a very situational fault whereby it only happens if I'm crawling slowly and the van decides to drop to 1st. There was little traffic during the test drive so the fault didn't appear during this time. As I got closer to home the problem started happening. I bought the car from a trader who has 100+ cars in stock so they seemed very established. My question is, where do I stand in this? - Am I able to get a refund or repair? - I feel disheartened as the van seemed perfect during the time of purchase but 30 minutes later I'm having gearbox issues. I haven't contacted the dealer yet as I would like your advice as to how I should proceed. Thanks.
  20. Hi each and all, not a happy bunny with this one I will be as brief as I can and hope for some good advice Took out Van Insurance through one of those price comparison sites, got a fair price of £350 ish pound for the year Paid it in full via my credit card, today I get a letter stating " CLAIM DISCLOSURE PROBLEM - PLEAESE CALL URGENTLY I did just that, I thought I had got the claim date wrong or something ( I did inform them of an accident in 2013 which is still pending ), and put it down as not my fault, as it wasnt, they said I should have put it was my fault ( THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN A LIE ) long story short they said they can continue my Insurance but there will be an increase of £500 ish, ( YEA RIGHT ) if I wish to cancel the broker will want there £35.00 admin fee, then the underwriter will want there cancelation fee, plus insurance tax of£26 ish, plus pro rata something or other which I assume is the 8 days I had the van, my breakdown equates to about £7.00 off the 12 month policy I got another quote, from a diferent company, all the same details, and stated that the accident was my fault ( WHICH IS A LIE ) and they quoted me £359 for the year, obviously sensible to go with the new company, my problem is how can they charge me so much to cancel after only 8 days? or I can pay £500 ish more to stay with them, or probably over £100 to leave, is there any way round this? could I cancel the credit card payment? it doesnt seem fair to me :/
  21. van driver of 'Taylor Landscaping' van forces a cyclist off the road then 'assaults' the cyclist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRMf6HftCzM eg, http://www.theguardian.com/environment/bike-blog/2015/jan/16/van-driver-filmed-punching-cyclist-man-voluntarily-goes-to-police
  22. Hi I have just been informed by my boss that a speeding fine is coming my way , it has taken a long time to get to him as the van I drive is hired from a van hire company by the firm I work for. I vaguely recall seeing a van parked at the side of the road one night while out but it was not until I passed it I saw it was a unmarked Police Van zapping passing motorists. I always have the speed limiter set for where ever I am to make sure I stick to the speed limit and also my Sat Nav tells me as well, my question is, I always thought the Vans had to be in sight and marked? this one was not in full view but as you passed there was a Police person holding the gun! I know I had the limiter on, my licence is clean, my boss has sent the fine back to the Police with my details on so a waiting game now but any advice please? I do not think I am allowed to go on a Speed awarness course as am sure I did one either last year or just before I am not happy as the van was not visible at all, my boss said to fight the fine when it arrives? Sorry for long post Pete ( Bobcat )
  23. i received a letter yesterday with a court date for me to attend regearding a van i sold to my cousin, the logbook was sent off to the dvlas address but i cant find the proof of postage. To cut a long story short a couple of months after i sorned the van, my cousin purchased it from me and like a fool left if parked on the road while he was sorting it out for the mot. It was clamped and removed and he signed paperwork to release the van to the impound yard, as he couldnt afford the release fees stating that he was the present owner and waiting for the log book to arrive. He has also contacted the dvla to the same effect. Where do i go from here my cousin has already agreed to come to court with me and is trying to dig out the paperwork that states he owned it at the time. Not really sure what to do as ive never had a problem with the dvla before any help will be appreciated thanks
  24. hi there I am renting a white Van to help a friend move some bits. I am going to be the name driver and liable for the hired van. The cost is £65 for the day and has an excess of £500 on it. The people at the van hire company have mentioned I can reduce the excess on the vehicle to £100 if I pay an extra £15. Do people think this is worth it? Additionally are there any other things to bear in mind when renting a van? Thanks for the help BB
  25. Hello there, Over the weekend we hired a van which my husband accidentally dented on a lamp post. The dent was at the joint of 2 panels and has tarnished some of the paint. From memory I'd say it's about 15" long. My husband admitted to the damage over the phone and was told they'd probably just replace the panels rather than try to repair them. He paid CDW so our excess was limited to £400 - which they want us to pay upfront without getting quotes or doing the work. Whilst I'm not that sure about realistic repair costs for the damage caused, I don't want to pay an excess if they then don't actually repair it. Would it be reasonable to not pay the excess until we've actually received a receipt for payment of the work? And is there any point asking them to get a few quotes?
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