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  1. A relative's carer helped themselves to her bank account. This was discovered by the executor who stopped looking back through the bank account when the amount topped £11k in the five months prior to her death and handed the matter to the police. It is going to court and there's little doubt there will be a conviction. It will however be for considerably less than the amount taken because the criminal case is sensibly concentrating on those withdrawals and purchases which can be proved without any doubt. The direct victim was the now deceased relative and if she was still alive she could sue the thief. Can executor or beneficiaries?
  2. Hello All New user here so bear with me. My parents travelled on a National Express coach to London Gatwick for a holiday in October, and gave the driver a bag (Hand luggage containing medication and a laptop), which when they arrived at London Gatwick, was found to be missing. This was reported to the driver and also to the National Express office at London Gatwick, and they continued to check in for the flight. On return to the National Express office, the agents recognised my parents and said straight away that the driver had found the luggage but as had moved on, my parents could not be reunited with the luggage before the flight. After many phone calls, it turned out that the bag which had been identified as being found and belonging to my parents, actually belonged to another passenger who had been allowed to take my parents luggage. I tmade the point that as my parents handed the luggage to National Express, it should be expected that National Express be responsible for handing the luggage back, but they have taken a very hands off approach as below. Each item of luggage is loaded into a separate compartments depending where the customers are travelling from, in your parents case they boarded the coach at xxx which is the same location as Mr xxxx The driver has no way of knowing which luggage belongs to individual customers, the driver offloads the luggage and expect each customer to identify and claim their own property. We cannot be held responsible for another customer actions. As they now knew who the customer was who took the luggage, National Express asked for permissiton to hand my contact details over to the customer who wrongly took the luggage, so we could basically work this out ourselves. After not hearing anything, I am losing faith in national Express and to see the luggage returned. I asked National Express on the 30th October to chase up urgently, and if they could provide the details of the customer who took that luggage. Today, I received a very unexpected text message from National Express, containing the customer's mobile number who took the luggage in errors. Also suggesting that if I don't hear anything back, I contact the police. I will be honest, I was not expecting them to hand out personal information. Rather than act in haste and repent at leisure by phoning the number immediately, I have sat back for 5 minutes and asked a couple friends for advice, and remembered the stories on here I had read about people in similarlaat situations. So I have the person's number who has my luggage. National Express have washed their hands of this. The simple answer is phone the person who has my luggage who has been ignoring any attempt by National Express to contact me, so I have to be wary of who I am dealing with and how this could escalate. Not looking for excuses, but I am recovering form serious illness, been off work for 8 months and am just about to start reduced hours work, so this is going to add uneeeded pressurs on me at at very important time of my life. Basically, I want National Express to pursue on my behalf as they allowed the luggage to be taken, including contacting the police if it is found the luggae has been stolen. I am going to contact National Express to disclose what personal information they sent to the customer who took the luggae, but looking for advice in my next steps, bearing in mind I think National Express shopuld be progressing this case to closure as the luggae was handed to them and they then allowed someone else to take the luggage. It looks to me like a process problem by National Express which sounds really easy to fix, but I can't acceopt that they can't take any responsibilty in this situation. Thanks for any replies and hope to hear from someone soon. Any questions please ask.
  3. Hi, Someone has damaged my car and left a note saying sorry here is my number. I have spoken with the guy and he wants to make a claim through his insurance company. He is asking for my details etc. Question is - does this affect my no claims and will it raise any premiums for me next year? Having spoken with my insurer (XS and their £3k excess) I can not trust them and want some advice. Thanks
  4. Hello, I would really appreciate if someone could give me some feedback as to whether to appeal the PCN. Yesterday I parked down a road with a school on, outside housing which is very busy with cars. I parked on a high kerb between two driveways which my car did not over hang onto either of the driveways and i was not obstructing pedestrians or either houses. My car is slightly over onto the dropped kerb, we are talking cm. I have attached photo's for reference, if someone could please let me know what they thi, I would be very grateful. This should be it, thanks. Car PDF.pdf
  5. The Issue One of the neighbouring offices at my place of work has recently added an EE signal booster box to their office, which effectively acts as a 3G mast which then routes all calls though their internet connection. You can't opt in or opt out to this like on Vodafone or other networks, if someone has one on EE, your EE phone will simply use that connection when in range. I used to get a moderate 4G signal in my office without any call quality issues, but now my phone has a full 3G signal instead. Their internet connection is terrible and my mobile internet often cuts off and calls drop off frequently. Ofcom I've done a bit of research regarding these boosters, and have found that 3G booster boxes are only legal for consumers if provided by a service provider such as EE, as long as they don't cause interference to other people / customers. My complaint with EE I called up a few times, and was told that there is nothing I can do about it, apart from turn on WiFi calling. I can't use WiFi at work. Eventually after speaking to the cancellations department, I got through to someone who seemed to be genuinely interested in helping me. He said I can't cancel without paying the rest of my contract. I quoted the Ofcom document I found, he literally read half of it while I was on the phone to him. We ended the call with him saying he would find out more information. The next day, he calls and says he's spoken to lots of people internally but as it's a brand new issue they've never faced, they went away to look into it more. Eventually coming back with that there is nothing I can do, and nothing they can do about it. They did suggest I speak to the people that have the signal booster, but there is literally around 20 offices that it could be. I suggested about proving me with a signal box but they said they wouldn't because that would cause interference (My phone cut out around 5 times while on the calls with EE due to this bloody signal box and WiFi calling) Possible resolution As my job requires me to be contactable at work, I got permission to use WiFi at work, and so I could use WiFi calling at work, the next time EE called, I told the guy this, and he agreed to end the complaint, and credited me with 1 month free. WiFi calling simply doesn't work I've made several calls at work, and with WiFi calling on, the line is dead on my side, but the other side's phone rings, and is also dead when picking up. I miss a lot of calls now where my phone just doesn't ring. Why I'm posting this I cannot use my mobile phone in the one place I use it the most which is in the office. I need to be contactable as often as possible. I feel like they are breaking the law by having providing a signal box which is causing interference to other devices. I feel that EE should have an opt out feature to allow my phone to avoid using other peoples signal boxes on bad internet connections, otherwise there is nothing stopping anyone from connecting a signal booster to a internet connection designed to drop out every few seconds. Am I overreacting or are EE breaking the law?
  6. Hi guys Earlier his morning I got caught using a relatives bus pass on West Midlands Network Buses. Completely my fault, I held my hands up and apologized. I was in a rush to get to the job center as I had an appointment to tell them I was going to be starting my new job next week. As I got off at the stop, the inspectors were checking the tickets and as I didn't have a photo card, they pulled me over, ran a few checks and I admitted it wasn't my pass. I am completely broke and couldn't afford a ticket, literally. They asked me to pay £40 there and then, but I had nothing on me. The inspector said they would send a letter through the post and I would have to pay the £40 fine. However, looking at online forums, there are some people saying they've been summoned to court for the same offense. This worries me a lot as I have a suspended sentence for a motoring offense earlier this year. Does this mean that if I get summoned to court, and they convict me of using someone else's bus pass, I could be sent to prison?
  7. There's no point in whining about them. We know they're ripping the public for all they can, any way they can. 58% rates, 28 day account periods when almost everyone gets paid monthly nowadays. My wife has a debt of £2096 with Marisota and I don't know how much with Very. (She says she doesn't know the password! I'm resetting it.) And a credit card, and who knows what else hidden. She doesn't work, I have to pay everything. I want to work out a prediction of where this will all go unless dealt with now. I can use spreadsheets but I'm not sure how they calculate the minimum amount. T's&C's say: The word is INITIALLY. That insinuates there will be something different later. Or is it so simple as 4% of the £2096? That is £83.84 but they are saying amount due is £251. How is it worked out? Thanks.
  8. I am struggling to close PayPal and EBay accounts of my late Husband. Using the contact us forms doesn't appear to produce any contact from either of them. Has anyone had experience of closing these accounts - thank you.
  9. Hello there Utility company is billing me for tenant’s usage – I have rented a house that I never actually ever got to live in! The first tenants registered the utilities in their name, the next tenant who moved in did not. The Tenant moved into property for approx. 12 months and did not register with Gas and Electricity provider. The tenant moved out of the property and EON I assume have found my residential address from land registry and wrote to me in February advising that there is a £1400 outstanding bill. I contacted them and advised that the tenant was responsible and provided them with her details I had on file. I heard no more from them in July 17 I received another bill from them and then a money claim online order for the outstanding amount. This time billed up until June 2017 so I assume that a standing charge is being added. I have looked at a few sites and think that I might need to do the following, I wondered if anyone else has had this problem and if so how it was resolved. I have completed the response pack to advise that I will defend the claim and I now have a further 12 days to file a defence, I was thinking the relevant points for the defence would be; I have notified them of the tenant’s details that I have Name DOB and time at address. The tenant is responsible for the utility bills as stated on the paperwork the tenant has signed. (This was a single family let and not shared accommodation) Is there any further relevant information I should include? Has anyone used a good solicitor to deal with these issues or do people normally file their own defence? I have also seen that a few people with utility issues have submitted a subject access request to obtain the actual readings that have been taken at the property should I need it later bearing in mind it takes up to 30 days to receive the information. Thanks for reading and any input gratefully received.
  10. I'll try to be brief and not ramble. My daughter and her family came to stay with me early last year after selling their family home and were waiting for their new family home. For one reason and another myself and my daughter's long term partner didn't get on, it ended up much to my embarrassment that he ended up staying elsewhere, his friends, his car, hotels etc. This caused issues between myself and my daughter He was sent a few items of mail from Asset Collections I called them and explained that he didn't actually live here, he had for a brief time and had moved on but I didn't have a forwarding address. They said they would amend their records. A few months later another letter was sent - I called them again, they apologised and again said they would amend their records. My daughter and her children officially left here in March and it wasn't on the best of terms. I am slowly trying to build my relationship back with her. I don't know why I have done it (probably because I am too nosey for my own good) but I opened some mail of my son in laws yesterday and it was a CCJ Claim form from the company I have previously told twice that he isn't a resident here. What can I do? I just cannot tell my daughter - she will be so mad at me. Iv done some terrible things over the last 18 months - 2 years and I don't want to lose my daughter again. He doesn't live here and I honestly don't have an address for him and the company had been told he didn't live here what should I do? I have read that the courts won't believe this?
  11. Not sure if this is the right thread so apologies if not. In April 2014, I moved into a shared accommodation property with two other girls. As lead tenant, I organised everything, all bills etc were in my name. In April 2015, one of the girls moved out. In October 2015, I cancelled my virgin media account as I was going to be travelling for work and the flat was really just a 'home base' for when I got a week off etc and so that all my bills were still going to the same place. Work was paying for my travel and accommodation in other places so it wasn't too big a deal to pay rent on a flat I wasn't staying in. I had closed the account early and so I'd paid a bit extra and whatever. My account was closed but my remaining flatmate took out a virgin account in her name. I moved out in March 2016, informed all the utilities that were still in my name that I'd be moving out and they issued final bills etc . I couldn't cancel VM as it was in my flatmates name. this week, moving into a new place with my bf, I try to set up virgin media, only to get a phone call telling me that I can't be given services because there's a £76 debt at a property I once lived at. (My ex-flatmate moved out at the end of April 2016 but apparently didn't cancel her account) I've since had a discussion with 3 different departments (orders, collections and customer services) who have all confirmed that unless I pay off a debt that is not in my name and nothing to do with me, I cannot get my services. I'm expecting a call from senior management tomorrow afternoon after I kicked up a bit of a fuss but legally, can I be held accountable for someone else's debt with them?
  12. Hi all. I had an accident at work and was off for four weeks. My employers usually pay SSP for the first week of absence and then the 90% sick pay scheme kicks in. Because my accident was effectively their fault, they agreed to pay me full pay for the first week. However, I received my payslip, which included a lot of overtime, and I really think that I should have received more than I did. Before I post it (with my private details deleted), please can I ask if there is someone who works in Payroll who can help with the calculations?
  13. I hope someone can offer some advice regarding a huge problem myself and my family are having regarding a nuisance who is constantly removing and covering up things on my sisters grave. To cut a very long story short, my sister used to be in a relationship a long long time ago with a man who during the time they were together was very violent and abusive towards her, resulting in various injunctions and arrests. When their daughter was 12 (she's now 30) my sis finally managed to end it once and for all and started to move forward with her life. Over the years that followed he reared his ugly head every now and then making various threats towards my sis and their daughter but nothing came of it and he was just ignored. Sadly after fighting breast cancer for 7 years she lost her battle and died last August. Shortly before she died she was really concerned that once she'd gone he would start causing trouble for her daughter and husband (she had been in a very happy relationship for 9 years) and asked me to do all I could to prevent this happening. Not long after she was buried my niece and brother-in-law started receiving vile threatening message from him and tributes left by family and friends on her grave were being moved and hidden. The police were contacted last November and details taken regarding the messages but nothing was done, my niece was just advised to block him (there are reasons she's reluctant to do this which is another story.....) The messages have continued and over the past month have got worse as has the messing with the grave. He's hiding the tributes her husband's left, usually thrown behind the headstone and as there's a picture of my sis on the stone in her wedding dress, he's moving the vase my mums bought with a tribute to her daughter on it, in front of the pic on the stone to hide it. Today I went up there and he'd removed my vase and placed it in someone else's grave!! We spoke to the police yesterday regarding all of this and the officer said that even though the messages are vile and unacceptable it doesn't amount to enough as an arrestable offence, but he is going to go with a colleague to have a word with him and tell him to stop or he will be nicked. He also advised to get a civil injection regarding the threats but was uncertain if anything could be put in place regarding him moving stuff on the grave. This is my question (at last!) is it possible to obtain an injunction preventing someone from touching items placed on a grave even though he's not damaging it? I've spoken to my local council who own the cemetery and as the plot isn't owned outright it's not classed as trespass but could be perceived as anti social behaviour. Is this correct and if so is this enough to get an injunction? Thanks for any help Lisa
  14. Hi-a company has essentially not paid £300 of mine. I recently sent a final demand letter via tracked post and i can see that it was not sign for at the other end, it is actually being sent back to me. They are also not responding to emails although they were responding before. Can someone please tell me how i would go about suing the company. thanks!
  15. Please help. I have made a horrible mistake in not informing tax credits that I resumed a relationship with my partner in early 2015 and started living together. I had every intention of doing so but I became dependent on the money I was receiving and it's become harder and harder to admit to them What I've been doing! I have recieved letter asking whether I am living with mr .... (my partner) and to send documents such a bank statements, mortgage statement, car insurance, council tax. My husband is on my council tax as I always intended to tell them he was living with me again. He is also a named driver on my insurance. They want information and docs dating between 1st Nov 16 to 31st Jan 2017. Do I just send them Ono for those dates and see what they say? Or should I come clean about everything straight away. I have already updated my status online yesterday as I wanted to make sure I stopped receiving anymore payments. But instead of giving the actual date he moved in I said he moved in 6th Jan 17. I am now regretting this as I think I've made things worse. I am terrified that I will be sent to prison for fraud and that I will give birth in prison (i am due 1st may) I also have a 2 year old and a 15 year old. Please tell me what to do. I can't sleep eat and I have been physically vomiting all day!!
  16. Sold house in December 2014, exchanged in early January 2015, spoke to EON, took meter reading and took photo of meter. Weirdly we had no bills from EON since 2006. Heard nothing. Today get letter from EON demanding £109.57. Turns out actual energy usage was £31.45. But that relates to a bill from October 30th 2015 to December 30th 2015 So somone else's bill They also claim that there's a £55 call out fee and a £10 extra fee. But refuse to provide an actual bill, and are stalling when I ask for a breakdown of the £109.57. Oddly the lack of bills from 2006 to 2010 is because we were in credit and 2 payments from the Government (??) - why would the government pay our electricity bill? The story keeps changing. Asked why no bills had ever been sent prior to this, despite asking for one. Spent the whole day on phone trying to sort this out. Despite having the photo of the meter and proof of sale, which EON wanted earlier in the day, they now don't want it and are not prepared to discuss the issue any further. I assume a court date is next and my credit rating has been trashed? Any ideas how to resolve what should have been an easy to resolve issue?
  17. Hi, I'm wondering if anyone knows anything about longterm parking leaseholds? We have just bought a house which owns a carpark on 999yr lease to a man who lived next door and has died. The lease was refused to be transferred to the new house owner when they moved in a few years ago, yet they park here and have the carpark registered in their name, even though they were denied permission to transfer the lease into their name- is this legal? The lady who lived here before us was elderly and did not drive, she was taken advantage of by the sound of it. Can I cancel a lease to someone who has no lease yet parks on our land? We really just want them to move to a spot nearer their land and have offered to put it in their name, and they agreed before we bought the house. Now we've bought the house, but they have changed their minds and will only move their car park if we move it 1 metre into our backyard- for free! Any ideas? Thanks in advance:-)
  18. I am in very real danger of being attacked or worse by a friends ex boyfriend, he has sent me a death threat on facebook which I am taking very seriously. Having been attacked very badly once before I still suffer from PTSD, Depression and the fear for my life I am experiencing has driven me in to psychosis. I became friends with this couple just at the time they were going through a relationship break up, having met him only a couple of times I found him to be a very unpleasant person, he talked about snuff movies which he enjoyed watching and his love for Death Metal, overall he was very intimidating and aggressive , now he has taken exception to my friendship with his former partner and has taken to threatening me on facebook. I'll paste the message that he sent me below. Removed I have no idea what he is talking about but contacted the police immediately, I was given no help what so ever, they said that they couldn't do anything because he wasn’t on their database even though I provided his name and the borough of London that he lives in. I would welcome any advice on bringing about a prosecution against him, I believe his threat is unlawful and that he should be prosecuted also for the emotional and mental distress he has caused.
  19. I am currently receiving ESA support group which i appealed over a year ago and won. I have recently moved back to my mortgaged home ( it was empty due to pending repossession process), I am currently pregnant but we are not together, we have never been in a long term relationship, he has his own property and doesnt live with me, he will pop in on occassions to check how the pregnancy is coming along, we dont get on and know that being in a long term relationship just for a child would not work. The DWP advised that an allegation has been made that he lives with me and i have to attend in two weeks. Can anyone shed any light on what they will ask me? Thanks in advance
  20. Hi all. I am in desperate need of some help I'm afraid. I just received a county court claim from Lowells in regards to a debt I had with Littlewoods. The debt goes back a few years, I stupidly bought from Littlewoods when I was out of work and desperate for clothing. I tried my best to pay off as much as I could but then Lowells got involved and started demanding way more than I even borrowed from Littlewoods. Earlier this year I emailed them a demand to show me proof of the debt, they took over a month to do so and all they sent me was a standard Littlewoods credit agreement with my name printed on. There was no breakdown of the what the debt was for. I also argued that they took way too long to send this to me and it did not have my signature on it, but they said none of that mattered and I still had to pay. I asked for time to seek legal advice but today I received the court papers. The debt is £1326.01 plus £70 court fees plus £80 legal reperesntives costs so the total is now £1476.01. I cannot afford to pay this at all and I am now scared and worried sick. Please could someone advise about what I might be able to do? If I admit the debt will I still get a CCJ and get my credit rating ruined? Can I contest the debt? And if so how should I approach this? The issue date on the letter is 28th of October 2016 and it arrived today so I assume I don't have long to respond before I lose by default. I suffer from very severe depression and anxiety and this is having a terrible effect on me. I would just pay it if I could and I don't want to get a CCJ and have my credit ruined. Please can anyone help?
  21. Hi, I am seeking some advice and will try not to rattle on or confuse. My story: Had mortgage with the woolwich, and handed keys back in 1996, they sold house on at a huge loss in 1997. Parents received one letter for me which they 'signed for',then realised it was in my name so sent it back. I had moved away. 2002 bought a house. 2004 changed mortgage provider. 2006 changed mortgage provider. 2009 sold up and now back in rented. So for the past 20 years since i defauted on mortgage i've been self-employed, had 3 mortgages, a bank account, mobile phone account, car insurance, council tax, utility bills. I am now for the first time about to go on the electoral register. Twice in the past i have paid £2 for my credit report and never saw a ccj, so i presume i've never had one. i am wondering if i never received a ccj, if going on the electoral register will change things or, as its been 20 years without any obvious attempts to find me that, there are no dca's seeking me? Thanks in advance.
  22. Monday 19th I opened a letter from hm revenue and customs saying that I paid to much tax and they owe me some money it said go online and claim the money back so I did and it said it can take 3-5 days I've logged in and it said HM Revenue and Customs paid you a refund of ... on the 22nd Septrmber 2016 and it's not even the 22nd and I have not got the money
  23. Hello I hope you can help - I have someone who is a decent human being but has been put is a difficult situation. Someone else was helping him before but I’ve been called on-board as the other person hasn't got the time. He has been on ESA for a long time, He suffers from severe social anxiety, depression, body image issues and also post-traumatic stress due to many issues; most of which are childhood-related, whereas the traumatic stress (I believe) was relatively recent (5 years ago) due a severe facial injury that required intense facial- reconstruction; (were talking hours of surgery and many surgeons) He has been on a continual downward spiral since as he has no support network and his heavy drinking with which he has used to cope with his social anxiety! This has now culminated with him having a psychotic episode a few weeks ago that resulted him being imprisoned for 6 weeks on remand. He received a suspended sentence plus counseling for drink. No one was hurt, though I’m assuming the experience hasn’t been pleasant for anyone that was involved. I cannot stress enough that the person Is decent human being that hasn’t had the help he’s needed for years. His ESA was such that even wrote him off (never needed a tribunal etc) but since coming out of prison he has found that his ESA has been stopped. Im assuming it was because he went to prison the last amount paid into his account was june 6th! and nothing after this. He doesn’t have the skills to get it reactivated on his own! I have done some homework, and found that he is classed (still) as a remand prisoner as just being locked up from June 6 to approx 5-6 later! I believe from my own research (limited) that..... 1 There is a 12 week period within which the EAS can be re-activated / or linked) is this correct? 2 and that this means that there is not major/ substantial extra information needed to be sent to the dwp? And that it is merely a case filling in a new form and re-activating the claim? 3 However he hasn’t been in proper contact with a DR due to him slipping off the radar in terms of doctors notes (he hasn’t needed them for over three years, so you can imagine that someone who suffers from such conditions has simply let things continue!) will he need one now? 4 Or is it simply a case of filling in the correct forms etc? He has no money since coming out of prison- his rent was paid by housing benefit but the short-fall which was made up by himself with the ESA which obviously means the current situation is-not sustainable 5 he will not need to see Atos, surely if it is simply the case of linking the claim? In conclusion I’m unsure which type of ESA he was on but I’m sure it falls within the category of not needed to attend any support group. He hasn’t needed to supply an updated Dr’s note to Atos or the dwp. I have not phoned the ESA yet on his behalf as I’m not sure if I’m up to the task. But the idea is I would like to get the ESA up and running the way it was before, but obviously to try and get him some type of support group as well. Can anyone help? As the 12 week cut off period is looming? Thanks
  24. Six years ago I found the details of someone else with the same name (almost as she is a Miss and has a middle name unlike me) and dob on my credit report, I was able to have this removed and have an excellent credit score. However, over a year ago Lowell started ringing me and sending me letters about this woman's debts. I've not had any accounts or involvement with any of the companies who have passed on these debts. The first one I ignored and they subsequently passed it onto a debt collection agency who told me they had proof that the goods were delivered to my address. Action Fraud took this on as a possible fraud and Lowell's response was to write off the debt but still imply that it was mine. The next three debt letters arrived a few weeks later and I sent the template 'prove it' letter. They wrote one off still insisting that it was mine, I'm still waiting for a response to one and finally got a copy of the original credit agreement for another. This clearly gives the other woman's address and actually includes a copy of a letter to her, at her address, stating that she had asked for a copy of the agreement and they are still asking for repayment. Lowell have also done a search on my credit report and found nothing (that must have been disappointing for them!). I'm getting really fed up now of having to do all the work here to prove that these debts are not mine and this other woman is having her debts written off and I don't know what else to do at this point. Is there any point in complaining directly to Lowell or should I take it to Trading Standards.
  25. Hi We recently moved and went yesterday to our old place to collect any post I was given 4 envelopes, 1 of which contained a letter from Tonbridge Wells Borough Council about a PCN from October 2015 in my husbands name for a vehicle he has never owned and he's never been to Tonbridge Wells, ever lol Anyway, the other 3 letters are from a company called Jacobs Enforcement Agents for the same car but the enforcement agent reference number is different on all 3 letters, the dates are different and the amounts they are chasing Anyone know if these are a ligit company? Should I write to the council or ring them?
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