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  1. Hi all, VW dealer charged almost £700 first time when took the car to them for Engine management sign. This was after 70% discount . Invoice had EGR & particulate filters work done. It was on 17th Sep. A week after, same sign came on dash and took it back to the dealer. Now they saying that they need to replace rear EGR valve and wants £600 . Decided not to go ahead and requested to get the car back. Will be asking for printouts for diagnostics and quotation. Don't know what are our rights on this matter but shouldn't the dealer try to fix for free for the same fault that was charged but not fully fixed? At the moment, we're trying to write to parent company and to VW UK. But if goes nowhere, where and how can we proceed further? Car is VW Sharon diesel 2015 reg and not in the list for recall. Thanks.
  2. Two questions: A) Has there been a precedent for instances of inconsistent, incorrect or the inappropriate application of variable speed limit policy on a Motorway providing a legal basis to challenge a speeding ticket? For example: 1) Motorway road works have road side speed limit signs stating 60 mph but overhead gantry displaying lower variable speed limit i.e. 30 mph without risk factor justification. The remotely controlled gantry signs do not correspond to conditions on the ground. 2) Motorway road works end and maybe end of road works signs are displayed each side of the road but subsequent overhead gantries incorrectly displaying variable speed limit of 60 mph without risk factor justification. The remotely controlled gantry signs do not correspond to conditions on the ground. 3) Motorway overhead gantries correctly displaying variable speed limit during time period of high traffic volume but erroneously left on during subsequent time period of low traffic volume without risk factor justification. The remotely controlled gantry signs do not correspond to conditions on the ground. 4) Motorway single overhead gantry displaying variable speed limit of 50 mph immediately followed by overhead gantry displaying national speed limit without risk factor justification prior during or after. The remotely controlled gantry signs do not correspond to conditions on the ground. 5) Motorway road works reducing four lanes to two lanes having no variable speed limit applied followed by road works with the same lack of risk factor justification but with overhead gantries displaying variable speed limit. The remotely controlled gantry signs are not consistently applied to the same ground conditions. B) How incorrect or contradictory does a variable speed limit need to be before drivers should rely on their better judgement of the surrounding context to determine their progress without fear of the current judicial process automatically presuming guilt with no requirement for errors by Highways England to be accepted in defence or mitigation?
  3. Hi, hope someone can advise me on this. My letting agent is telling me that at the end of my current contract, they want me to sign a 12 month contract otherwise I will have to leave. I looked on my tenancy agreement and it states the following TWELVE MONTHS beginning 6th july 2017. If the tenant does not leave at the end of the fixed term, the tenancy will continue, still subject to the terms and conditions set out in this agreement, from month to month from the end of the fixed term until either the tenant gives notice that he wishes to end the agreement as set out in clauses 6 and 7 below or the landlord serves on the tenant a notice under section 21 of the housing act 1988, or a new form of agreement is entered into, or this agreement is ended by consent or court order" clause 6 and 7 talk about giving the landlord 1 months notice before I want to leave. Am I within my rights to ask to stay on a monthly rolling contract based on the above? Thanks
  4. Hello all. Firstly, as a first time poster I just want to say how useful this forum is, so I’m hoping you’ll be able to help me out too. I was recently stopped by a Southern Rail inspector. I was travelling on a packed commuter train and (although many of you might think this is an excuse) I suffer from really bad foot pain, which I have been to the doctors about, and sat in first class as I was in real pain. In hindsight, I shouldn’t have done it. I should have asked someone to get up for me, but being a young guy I doubt people would have taken me seriously. I spoke with the conductor who made me feel out a ‘witness statement’ I gave my name, full address, phone number and then she handed it to one of he colleagues who completed the process. He was a nice guy. He told me not to worry and that they would send me a letter in the post asking for a fine. But he didn’t ask me to pay anything there and then, he said I had to wait until the letter comes through. I later revealed some kind of gold badge and asked me a few questions which I answered truthfully. He said not to worry and that this was only ‘civil’ and that I would 100% just get a fine. I’m not a fare dodger and never sit in first class barring this one time. What should I expect? Just a fine? A court summons? Once again, thanks for all your help/advice.
  5. HMRC calls on online marketplaces to sign agreement tackling VAT fraud READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/hmrc-calls-on-online-marketplaces-to-sign-agreement-tackling-vat-fraud
  6. For PNC's received through the post [ANPR camera capture] please answer the following questions. 1 Date of the infringement 20/3/2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 24/03/2018 3 Date received 27/03/2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] Unsure as I no longer have the rear of the NTK 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] No 7 Who is the parking company? ParkingEye 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] London Road Retail Park For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. BPA If you have received any other correspondence, please mention it here ~NONE I Usually drop off my mum in the entrance to the carpark, then reverse out onto the main road. I return around 90 minutes later to collect her, this time I just swing round in the entrance and pick her up and drive out. I was unaware the car park was even controlled by a parking company due to insufficient signage. The only sign that services that side of the car park is hidden as shown in the video I made here you**tu.be/8j3Vobl81OE (Remove the **) Thanks in advance for any help.
  7. Hi I'm a little frustrated to say the least.. ..I've just made a drop off in a street in Newcastle upon Tyne (1.00am) - I noticed when I entered the side road that it was 2 way traffic but had calming area at the entrance/exit for one vehicle only to pass. It had 2 huge black and white "Sharp Deviation" or "Chevron" road signs on two black poles around 15 feet from the junction. I am pretty sure as this road is a normal road with no tight deviations that the wrong sign has been installed. I would assume when a chevron sign has been used it is informing motorists of dangers to tight bends (?) I was unfortunately distracted and forgot the road tethered into a calming area with exit for one vehicle. I parked the vehicle on the right hand side of the road. From that position, I then reversed - checked mirrors etc and haven't noticed the black pole (which is a foot into the road) as the street has extremely poor lighting (it was 1am and the road is nearly in darkness). I've caused major damage to the side of my car with damage done to the side bumper and rear quarter panel before it gets to the wheel arch. I am annoyed with myself but I'm equally annoyed that I can't understand the mentality of why the council has placed a Sharp Deviation sign on 2 black poles with each pole causing an obstruction on the path (for wheelchairs) and the road. It's baffling and I've genuinely can't remember seeing another road with this type of signage. I would like to assume the correct sign which should have been placed is the road would be the mounted yellow plastic signage (yellow and white plastic bollards with a blue arrows). There is also no coloured road surface to inform drivers its a calming area. I would like to know if I have a case to take legal action against the council for damage done to my vehicle. I've obviously made the error by not checking everywhere before moving but feel I have not been helped by the poor decisions of the Council. I have attached the files but will try to also add the photos to this thread too. Hopefully I'm reading this correctly.... I've just searched to see if there is a minimum width which councils are required to abide to for clearance for wheelchairs (as the pole is also cemented into the path). I've found this: The British Government have set a recommended minimum width, to be enforced by local Authorities. What is the minimum width? Answer: "1800mm on access routes to buildings, from bus stops or car parks with a deregation down to 1200mm around existing obstructions -'Manual for Streets 2' CIHT 2010". I do not believe the clearance is 1200mm and will check this tomorrow. If the width is less than 1200mm is the signage illegal? Thank you in advance for any help C
  8. Bought another car last friday and traded in my old car for £100.. handed over the log book but i did not fill in the new owner details. i simply handed him the papers. when he gave me the receipt for the deal, he did not put the px car details on the receipt either. he simply took £100 off the price of the car. I did no notice this until i got home. The MOT ran out on the 14th hence the need for a new car. my biggest concern is he has sold the car onto someone else and i am the previous owner, not the trader. am i panicking over nothing or do i need to send and email or letter explaining this too cover myself?
  9. Please consider signing this petition. It is a subject very close to my heart and involves the formally free(reciprocal) provision of dialysis for families and individuals when they go abroad on holidays or trips. One of the few pluses of our connections with the EU was the entitlement to foreign health care. In the case of treatment for people with chronic or long-lasting kidney failure, it meant that the destination country could provide dialysis for those families who wanted to go abroad. Dialysis is a mean treatment, it affects the whole family, the treatment has to be taken for between 6 and 8 hours every other day, the patient feels ill all the time. My family had used the service since I became poorly in 1984, my kids benefited from it every year, Young children use the scheme in great numbers, it gives them a break from the monotony of the treatment and some semblance of normality. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/200268 Please have a look
  10. Hi, I'm not sure where to post this thread but i need help with a sign guard issue. I purchased an account some months ago but can no longer access it. It wants me to enter a password i never remember entering. I have tried sending and email to consumer action admin and a private message but have received no replies yet. I need to use the sign guard signature software asap so i am getting worried now, any advice is gratefully received thanks
  11. Hi, Apologies if this is a silly question but my wife and I are thinking about buying a sofa and like the idea of buying online because of the distance selling rights of being able to send it back if it turns out to be unsuitable. Please can I ask if buying in store and then having the goods delivered is classed as distance selling or am I really embarrassing myself here?
  12. Question for a friend of mine. They have a blue badge yesterday they parked on double yellow lines, put their clock and badge up. When they got back they had a parking ticket Contravention Code 02 "Parked or loading/unloading in a restricted street where waiting and loading/unloading restrictions are in force" They then spotted on a wall sign as shown on pic, does this cover the whole street Street map view here https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/St+George's+St,+Ipswich+IP1+3NF/@52.060679,1.1502506,3a,75y,115.21h,77.56t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1suDDTJaJmBkoEZNfJIOtElA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x47d9a1d2889469df:0x1fc90e383fe79894!8m2!3d52.0606!4d1.150216 Have they any grounds to appeal?
  13. I'm looking for clarification on the law regarding Signs on a private fence. I recently nailed a proprietary "Private Land Keep Out" sign to a private garden fence after neighbours were filmed trespassing. The said neighbours quickly removed the sign and kept it, despite a letter asking for its return. When the police eventually confronted the neighbour three days later she admitted taking the sign off the fence (which involved prising it off with an edged tool) and returned it. The police have said no offence has been committed by her removing the sign "because she did not want to look at it" What's more, they have even suggested that to put the sign back up on the fence (which is NOT a shared boundary but is wholly private) may constitute an aggressive act!!! I cannot believe this is correct in law. They have suggested to me that to put the sign back up would need a solicitor to pursue civil action, not that for her to have the sign taken down would need the same! Before making a complaint about the police officers' handling of this matter, I would like clarification, if possible. The whole thing sounds preposterous - that you can remove a sign you don't like from someone else's property and the property owner can potentially face prosecution for replacing it!
  14. Hi All Need a sign that l can put on my door that tells religious people, mainly Jehovah witnesses, and political leaflets. I have a no junk mail no religious people no menus and no in invited people but l still tend to get these people and political leaflets threw. Does the old standard bog off and leave me alone notice still count. As in the rights of access common law one if so who has it please
  15. I tried to make an appointment with a very large national chain of well known opticians who offer laser eye surgery. As I'm profoundly deaf with a speech impairment I use sign language to communicate. With something as important as my eyes I would like to get the full facts with regard to the options of having laser eye surgery. I asked for a BSL interpreter and they said they would contact head office and get back to me. They have come back to me and said that it's not something that they provide and I would be responsible for providing my own interpreter and advised it would cost approx £80 - £150 They suggested perhaps bringing in a family member or a friend to speak for me. The latter is not possible as I do not have any local family and my friends are also deaf and sign language users. Are they required to provide an interpreter under the Equality Act under reasonable adjustment for auxiliary aids and services? A pen and paper would not be reasonable adjustment for me as BSL (British Sign Language) is my first language and has a different grammatical structure to written English. This post is being written on my behalf by someone else. Any advice would be gratefully received.
  16. Dont want to reopen a can of worms but we do have an interesting twist on the lender not signing the agreement which is going to court in December.
  17. Hi there guys, On a nice Sunday morning en route to work I was cycling on a designated two-way cycling path which runs along the main road in London. However after one point there was a ROAD CLOSED sign on the main road right after crossroad with traffic lights which I obeyed. Some people were cutting trees or doing some other maintenance. There was red CYCLISTS DISMOUNT sign on the SIDEWALK on which I DIDN'T go, instead staying in the cyclist lane. On the cyclist path there was a lorry parked which was taking 80% of the cyclist path but still enough space for me to go trough. I slowed down to the point of barely moving in order not to hit anyone behind and after everything cleared I, normally accelerated back to cruising speed to be scared by a policeman that jumped right in front of me shouting "why hadn't I stopped as there was cyclists dismount sign earlier". I panicked and I lied that "I didn't see the sign" which is really plausible as the sign was positioned on the sidewalk. long story short - I didn't manage to talk my way out of it and got a fine - I didn't argue with them or insult them, I just didn't think to explain that I'm one of the few student's that spends his sundays in the summer to work and catch up on money for next year. When all the others are on holidays or something. NEVERMIND, I've accepted that already lol.. Yesterday I dug into the internet and actually found out that the CYCLISTS DISMOUNT sign is not enforceable but instead is just advisory and if you don't obey it you are not actually committing an offence. Right afterwards about 6 cyclists who were riding just as me got told off but NO FINE, which was really taking, but I've accepted it as well. It's no problem to pay the fine, is just my finance is really tight and if it's just to simulate work - it's not gonna happen. I also got only Fixed Penalty Notice - Part 1 - Payment slip. Is there supposed to be something else like describing the offence or anything? As I currently have only instructions on how to pay, my address and Court hearing request at the back which is not really an option as I can't be bothered with all the other happening at the moment.. . Self sustaining student in London can make you lose your mind, I'm serious! Please advise what are your thoughts on this situation. Regards, lizzard As I didn't make it clear in the original post: according to the policeman the problem was that I didn't dismount from the bike and used the walking path for the closed section, which was really a minute-long walking. And the policemen were from the Cycling Police division so I thought they really know what they are doing and will do it just.
  18. Some time ago, when I was a studying in the UK, I had opened a personal bank account in NatWest. After I have finished my studies I have left the UK and I live in Europe now. I have not used my bank account since then until a few months ago when I have made one purchase. I have recently received a letter from NatWest where it says "We need your confirmation about where you're a tax resident". I have not received anything similar before. It starts by saying the following: "We've a legal requirement to identify your tax residencies. This is because the United Kingdom Government has signed international agreements to share information for tax reasons. This information can include name, address, tax number, account number(s), gross amount of interest paid/received and the balance or value of the account(s)." Then there is an individual tax status declaration form provided, which I have to fill in (I am not allowed to post links, hence you can find this form by typing Tax_Status_Declaration_Form_Individual.pdf in Google). I really don't like the third part of it where I must give my permission to share all the data NatWest has about me to any interested party. What can I do about it? Do I have an obligation to sign this form (in that letter it says "Can you please respond within 30 days.", so I don't see any direct obligation if I am understand it correctly). Can I just close my account to avoid signing that form? Can I do it from abroad?
  19. i have worked for this company for 16 years,this is the 1st written contract ive had,i do want to leave,i am pressured to sign a contract with these following clauses : Hours of work you normally work 40 hours each week.The company reserves the right to alter working hours as necessary.as at date of issue the company is operating on a "short time" basis.you have been made aware of this and acknowledge notification and agreement. sickness Absence the company may require you to undergo a medical examination by a medical practitioner nominated by us at any stage of your employment,and to authorise such a medical practitioner to prepare a medical report detailing the results of the examination,which you agree may be disclosed to the company.the company will bear the cost of such a medical examination.such and examination will only be requested by the company where it is reasonable to do so. changes to terms and conditions of employment the company may amend,vary or terminate the terms and conditions in this document and such change will be notified to you personally in writing or ,when generally applied ,by notice. severability The various provisions of this agreement are severable,and if any provision or identifiable part thereof is held to be invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction then such a invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions or identifiable parts. governing law and jurisdiction. in my eyes this is a zero hours contract which i have never agreed to,the medical clause seems draconian ,the changes to terms and conditions is this a unfair term ? and the severability clause is there because they know the contract is poor, thanks for you replies
  20. Well now you know why your Local Library or Swimming pool is closing down ! No money for social care - because staff are being paid to prevent whistleblowing or criticism of bosses. Local Authorities are apparently requiring staff who are taking early retirement/redundancy or leaving after a dispute, to sign a gagging order (compromise agreement). It would appear that the person leaving receives more money if they do this.
  21. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/mod-and-royal-mail-sign-new-agreement-to-keep-personnel-connected
  22. Looking for some advice, Wife works in a primary school and has been late on a number of occasions 15 in total since Nov 15. most of this has been due to our daughter now 2 having problems with nursery attached to the school she works in. Headteacher pulled her into the office about it and gave her a management instruction and told her if she was late again it would go to a disciplinary. She explained to the headteacher that she was actually waiting to speak to him about the times. she said someone had been altering her signing in times on the fire register giving and example of 9.01am being changed to 9.07am with someone altering the 1 to a 7 making it appear she was later than it actually was. She also pointed out that some times had been altered showing she signed in before 9am her starting time to show after 9am. At first she thought it was a mistake but after seeing a few of these she though she better speak to the head as the office staff didn't seem to know anything about it. She stated to the Headteacher that this was possibly fraud and he said well that is a bit harsh I wouldn't put it like that. But I think I know who has been doing it, it was the office manager but in any event the management instruction still stands and that's the end of it. My wife is thinking if getting her union in for a meeting as the head seems to think it's acceptable for someone to alter a legal document?
  23. Hi, I have received a PCN for failing to comply with a No Entry Sign in Morris Place N4 London. It's a very confusing road which splits into a No Entry two thirds of the way down the road. What is particularly confusing is that there is still a 'Turn Left' sign at the end of the road - possibly from before a No Entry rule was introduced? This 'Turn Left' sign can clearly be seen on the photographs on my PCN notice. I've done a bit of googling and can see that this Morris Place No Entry has been the cause of much discussion previously with a number of people appealing and having success. I think some of the road signs have now changed (I don't think there was a No Through Road previously at the top of the road). Is it worth me appealing again? It was dark and I did not see the sign, I also used to live in Finsbury Park and it was always OK to drive down this road, but must have changed in the last few years. It seems ridiculous for such a tiny stretch of road. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks
  24. Hello to all. I know it's Christmas eve and you are all busy, but I'm worrying myself sick. I've been an avid reader on here but have never posted myself until now. I received a ccj claim form through the post and sent back the admission form to the creditor. I filled it in fully and honestly and made an offer of monthly instalments. However, I made a copy for my records and somehow, I have just noticed that I dated it but stupidly not signed it. Where do I stand? Am I screwed? As I suppose I haven't completed it correctly. Should I email the creditor? Which unfortunately is amigo loans. Or should I ring the court or something? I am now going to be worrying all over Xmas that they will enter a judgement for the full amount and not the monthly payments or even send bailiffs. Please can somebody in the know advise me on what will happen? Thank you and merry Christmas.
  25. I am posting this on behalf of a friend so please bare with me when im answering as I have to double check before I post replys. A letter came through the post this morning from County court money claims centre giving claimants name and address and listing myself trading as my company name with my address as the defendant. I knew nothing at all about this. They are claiming £414.90 plus £50 court fees for services rendered by the claimant for advertising charges on menu booklets. The defendant has failed to make the payments due on their account. The particulars state 'The claimant contacted the defendant on a number of occasions regarding the balance however no payment was recieved'. This is where it gets a bit odd. They claim I am the defendant and that I signed the agreement , they have contacted me on numerous occasions requesting payment. However, on the agreement they have provided as proof it has my company name and my company email address (which I have only now got back because my ex changed all my passwords), my ex girlfriends address, my ex girlfriends name, her telephone number and her signature signing herself as company sec. She has never been company sec or had anything to do with my company may I add. I contacted her and she admitted taking it out and signing it, she had even paid the first two payments out of HER personal account and has offered her statements to show this, she said she was trying to be nice and get more business for me. I knew nothing of this and because we have split up she has stated she is not paying no more and refused to deal with them so this has now landed on my doorstep . Do I owe this money seeing as I know nothing of it?, I didnt sign anything, I paid nothing etc. I have sent in the acknowledgement of service stating I wish to defend this however the place where they have registered this claim is over 300 miles away from myself and I cannot travel up there so will need to do it all online. Thanks
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