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Found 8 results

  1. A friend sent me a birthday parcel from Germany containing clothing and household textiles worth approx 120 Euros. They used Hermes Germany, and tracking showed Hermes UK delivered it this morning. I was home all morning, all day in fact, and there had been no delivery. Nor did I receive a card, saying where they left it. I also checked with the neighbors, no one had received my parcel. myHermes international chatline is no help, they couldn't even find the parcel on their system because the tracking code only works on the Hermes Germany website. But anyone using the code can easily see the tracking details on the Hermes Germany website. My worries is that because the UK Hermes driver had faked a signature, and not delivered the parcel to me, how can I prove that I never received the parcel? And enable the sender to claim compensation?
  2. I am not sure of the correct place in the forums for this post so if it is in the wrong place please move it to the appropriate thread. Story: Our disabled daughter and her partner of 20 years having being living together in housing association flats every since they got together. Over time they have moved about 4 times and in every case this has been directly due to their behaviour and drinking. It was not to bad originally but since they were moved into a block of flats (3rd floor with no lift) my daughter who suffers from hydrosypholis and is weak on her right side has difficulty climbing the stairs. We used to be able to keep them fairly well in check but because we cannot make the stairs ourselves the drinking and behaviour has gotten worse. It got so bad that she was taken to court for pouring beer over the occupier of the ground floor flat and was fined for it. Her partner however got violent during a heavy drinking session and hit her causing server bruising to her face. (not the first time) He has just been found guilty and has to pay a fine. They are not permitted to have contact as part of the court rulings. When my daughter was taken to court (beer offence) she was hit with a cannot return to her flat as part of the rulings and the judge asked if we could take her in for 2-3 days while other accommodation was found for her. The housing association she was with said they were not prepared to help and forced my daughter out of her flat as they did not want her in any of their properties. (I can understand their point due to their past). We were given a number to call to a person who helps find properties/places for people like my daughter. and we called him and he got om the case. Everytime we try to call him for a progress report he always seems to be "on holiday" and when do actually talk to him there always seems to be excuses as to where any sort of decision has been made. Currently waiting for the outcome of a interview she had with a group who deals with people like my daughter and helps them get back on the right path (so to speak). We phoned again today to find out if she has been accepted only to find out that they are waiting for a certain person to come back off holiday (yet again) and then have another interview and a decision will then be made. She really does need to have her own place with proper supervision and help. Our main problem now is that the court said 2-3 days and it's now over 3 months. In all that time we have kept her away from both drink and her partner and she is coping ok. We do have to be careful of what we say when she is around as we think she is a little paranoid when she hears people talking as she thinks they are always talking about her. Our own life has been disrupted considerably and are getting to the point where we feel we cannot do anything without her being in the background. Is their anything we can do about this excessive time span given we were told 2-3 days and something should be sorted for her.
  3. Hi all HSBC Mortgage Repayment Protector I recently submitted a PPI claim via Resolver to HSBC. I received a letter within the 8 week time frame to say that their 'completed searches found NO EVIDENCE to confirm Payment Protection Insurance was attached to any products held with HSBC'. I was surprised at this as I had given them as much detail as possible without being able to give them a policy number. Not satisfied, I called HSBC direct and started a new process giving them the same detail as I had listed in the Resolver claim. Within 3 weeks I received a letter saying I had taken out Mortgage Payment Protector and they supplied the policy number and the start date (30th May 2003). I now have the information I need to pursue a claim based on the fact at the time I took out the Mortgage Payment Protector I was self employed. I do not have a copy of the policy but understand certain policies were not suitable for the self employed - please can anyone confirm this and should I claim anyway? As a side note, the two letters I received from HSBC both have the same HSBC reference number. I wonder how many people they just fob off with a letter in this way.... Thanks in advance for any advice given. D
  4. Hi All, I have around 6 complaints with the FOS. 2 of which have already been looked at by an Adjudicator who rejected them both. When she did she told me that an Ombudsman will probably side with her? Is this right? I have complained to her Manager as I really felt that she was biased from the start. I have asked for an Ombudsman to look at them but now after what she said I am wandering if its worth it. Luckily my other 4 complaints are now being investigated by another adjudicator as I requested. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Hi Everyone, i have requested a SAR on Natwest Bank and also Barclays, so far Natwest have replied back with their first letter. The objective of my SARS is to attain my old statement, fees, transactions and charges to claim back on and also for PPI. I know I have had a lot of bank charges as I used my Natwest account when i was a student and really bad with my money! I have attached the letter which Natwest have sent back, i was hoping someone could shed some light on what I could reply via email with? They have mentioned statements now can i say I just want ALL the information and statements available or I remember reading somewhere to specifically state i want all bank charges and fees? I typed up the below to send them, unsure if it is any good? Thank you for your letter of acknowledgment to my SARS request. As my letter states, I require ALL relevant documentation linked to my name, therefore I would like all statements including bank charges and fees to be provided to me, from the date my account was opened till it was closed. If you are concerned about the environment I will consider having it emailed over to me from an official source along with a written letter confirming what has been or will be provided via email to me, this is to ensure its authenticity, it is also proof for me should matters escalate due to any data violations and unlawful SARS violations. I should be informed of any documentation that cannot be provided to me via writing or email correspondence.
  6. Hi I'll be brief but I do hope I can get some advice off anyone here! I listed my camper-van on ebay the other week. A guy contacted me outside of ebay and asked to come and inspect it. He came to my house, had a cup of tea etc, seemed a nice guy in all honesty. He did an inspection, liked it, asked me how much I wanted for it, said he had £3k to play with - I (I don't know why I'm so honest) said "I don't think it'll go to £3k on ebay, how about £2.5k". He said yes and left a deposit of 1k. He transferred another £1k on the Monday daytime and paid the balance of £500 in cash when I delivered the van to him on the Monday evening (deposit left on Saturday). Now, I've been driving this camper about all over the UK, with and without the family in it, and yes, it sounds rough around the edges, i.e. it doesn't sound like a brand new engine - it's thirteen years old, but it's been ultra reliable, never had one problem with it, even though it's done 165k. On the Monday evening he texts me to say he drove five miles and the engine cut out, and asked me "had it ever done it before?". I said I stalled it twice when I first got it, getting used to the clutch, but that no, in XXXX miles it hasn't missed a beat. He called me today, a very brief call, and says "My mechanic says the engine isn't worth repairing. I'm not going to say anymore but will leave that with you to think about because I'm at work". Then about an hour later, sends me a text to say he's sorry but he's no option but to take me to the small claims court!!! I ask him if he maybe put some bad fuel in, and said that it's been fine in my whole time of having it, and that if the van was broken before I sold it I wouldn't have been able to drive it the 25 miles to him! And I filled it with half a tank of diesel for him, and delivered for free......(why did I bother). The vehicle really has been utterly great, I even drove it 270 miles each way to Essex non-stop a few weeks ago, of course if I'd had any inkling there were problems I wouldn't even have tried that. I didn't, it was ready to drive around the world as far as I was concerned. Anyway this guy is pretty angry on text, and I do actually feel gutted for him, it must be awful. So I offered him £200 as a gesture, non-fault non-admission of fault or anything, if he sends me a copy of the receipt for the first bill he said he's got. He's since come back and has got a bit sweary on the texts, asking me if I have no shame (?). I said that to be shameful I could only be that if I had known it was going to cut out (or whatever has actually happened, he's been a bit vague). Anyway he's refused the offer, I can't give him all his money back because it's already gone to pay off some of my credit card. Plus, at the back of my mind I can't help think he's trying it on. But he seemed a really nice guy, so....argh. What are my rights, it's a private sale from me to him, I didn't offer any warranty, I'm not sure what the outcome of this is going to be if it goes to court. I've been 100% honest.
  7. Hi everyone, i'm new here! I have a few issues with Littlewoods and Very, i was wondering if you could all help? Firstly - i am on income support, and got myself into a state with littlewoods before christmas (with 3 children, and small income, it was bound to happen) anyway, they phoned me at 8am every morning until i finally caved in and answered - i shouted the odds at them as they phone at ungodly hours and they KNOW i am on IS and i have tried and tried to keep on top of things - they wanted £580, which i have tried paying to the best of my ability - anyway they told me to pay 300 a month for 3 months to bring my bill down - This is still a LOT from my pathetic income, but i figured, the sooner it's paid the better all round. i have made 2 payments, the second being this morning - firstly, can i have it dropped lower? or as i verbally agreed, do i have to stand by this? The second issue is the 'extra care advantage' - PPI - i was on income support in 2006 when they set up my account, they told me i had to have this on my account - so i did - and when i got into difficulties in 2008 i turned to the PPI to pay my bill for me, as this is what i had been paying for, correct? Well they told me no, as i haven't worked for over 6 months.... so i carried on paying, got with my partner in 2009 and everything was ok (still paying PPI) - partner left me last april, as debts mounted up, so did the PPI payments. Last week a memnber of staff admitted i was missold it, and i cancelled it. YAY! but this morning i worked out how much i actually paid them under false pretenses - between the two sister companies we are looking at £2000 + I phoned them and asked for it back, they said no but said they will send me a letter (for reasons i don't understand as the man had an accent i couldn't decipher very well) Am i right in thinking i AM entitled to this money back as i was on income support in 2006, and am again now - if i knew i didn't have to have it, i never would have got it in the first place despite being in a relationship 2 years later ? How do i go about claiming this back? sorry to ramble on, i'm in debt up to my eye balls and this PPI will clear a huge sum of it and let me and my children get on with our lives Jo
  8. hi all after some more advice from you lovely people i contacted monument who have now written to me saying they wont be paying out as they do not sell a 'PPI' they have a break plan, so where do i go from here?? any suggestions? thank you x
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