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  1. Back in 2016 we commissioned a builder to undertake extensive renovation works in our house. He originally was a limited company but this company was dissolved in June 2016. He then started work for us as a partnership. His father has been involved with our job in that he came to our house a couple of times and the kitchen supplied was in the fathers name and address on the invoice. To cut a long story short, the building works went on far longer than they should and weren't completed until we sacked them. We asked for a partial refund and this was refused. In May 2017 We employed a solicitor stating our claim. The son said he did not owe us anything and was going to go bankrupt anyway. The father said he was never involved. We couldn't afford any more solicitors fees so we decided to lower our claim and decided to issue a CCJ to both father and son as joint defendants. The date of issue was the 24th November. Today was the deadline to "Acknowledge Service". The father has acknowledged service but the son hasn't. Now I don't know what to do. Can I request judgement against the son? Or do I have to wait another 14 days as I'm assuming the father is going to defend his part. The son isn't on the insolvency register yet so again I'm assuming he hasn't actually applied for bankruptcy. Many thanks oldpoyntz
  2. It is the summer of 2015, August to be precise. My wife and I have just ordered a top of the range Schreiber kitchen - £24,000 worth of all singing and dancing fittings from Homebase ( now Bunnings UK ) It was going to be a large contract and we were going to be out of the country whilst the work took place, hence we gratefully accepted Homebase`s offer to project manage the delivery of goods and installation. While we had the cash to pay for the whole thing upfront, we deliberately opted for the 12 month deferred interest free loan arrangement as this would enable us to "sign off" the work to our satisfaction before the loan was activated. So far so good. The small print on the Terms and Conditions of the loan- as laid down in the Consumer Credit Act 1974 - stated that; "After we have accepted and signed this agreement and you have received the goods or services, we will pay the loan amount to the retailer". Well, the kitchen fit s a disaster. Long delays, notifications to ourselves in Florida !! on our mobile phones of goods being delivered and, worst of all, the top end larder units which had swung our decision to go for the kitchen in the first place didn't actually exist ! Trying to co ordinate the snagging from the USA was a nightmare and when we returned home in early December 2015, the kitchen was still without the units which had to be specially manufactured in Italy. We had a succession of top level meetings with senior staff at Homebase ( up to and including Divisional and Regional Managers and the attention f the then CEO ) The final meeting with 4 Homebase personnel took place on 4th December 2015. On 7th December 2015, we received an e mail from Barclays Partnership Finance congratulating us on our purchase and notifying us that our loan agreement had been activated ! Surprised ? You bet we were ! Having to fight with Homebase to get the kitchen finished was bad enough but having the one bargaining chip I possessed being taken away was even worse. Cutting a very long, painful and tedious story short, our kitchen was finally finished and compensation agreed with Homebase on 1st July 2016. The explanation was that the sign off system is computer generated ( isn`t it always ? ) and that receipt of delivery notes - plus an allowance of time for the fitting process - triggers the loan activation. Fine, except the average time for activation bore no resemblance to the date on which my loan was activated. Basically, even though Homebase knew we were heavily into dispute over the kitchen delivery and fitting, someone, somewhere decided that it was tie they got their money. I took issue with both companies but mostly with Barclays because, at the end of the day, I had NOT received all the goods and I had most certainly NOT therefore received all of the services at the time they decided to activate the agreement. Going through Barclays byzantine complaints process ( around 15 letters from them and 8 from myself plus countless hours on the phone ) got me to the point where Barclays told me that they could activate the loan at any time and that I should read the terms and conditions more carefully. Nice. EXCEPT, they are and were wrong ( see the third paragraph above ) They can only activate the loan once the goods or services have been supplied. Finally, they acknowledged that their own wording and my interpretation of it were correct. At which point, they simply re interpreted the rules - or rather, invented a new one - by saying the following ( excuse the grammar, it is Barclays own exact words ) :- "As you had received some of your goods, we are allowed to release the funds to the retailer. As Homebase requested this and because some of your goods had been delivered, we were effectively allowed to do so which meant that your loan with us went live" Problem is that this wrinkle is NOT spelled out in the terms and conditions and was not made clear to me at the time signed the contract. I am awaiting a response to my request for Barclays to point out to me exactly where it says they can do this and to date ( one month on ) I have yet to receive a reply. Spoke yesterday with an employee who said that the person I had written or someone in her team would be responding to me. Still waiting. O yes, I did point out that I had left at least three messages on the lady`s ansaphone. Guess what he told me ? They are so busy dealing with all other aspects of customers complaints that it is their policy NOT to respond telephone messages or call back if you leave one ? Apparently all you can do is request a call back when you eventually speak to someone. Other buyers beware. If you are contemplating such a purchase, ensure that you demand a satisfaction sign off for the delivery of goods AND the fitting services otherwise Barclays will simply pay YOUR money to the retailer without any recourse to you the customer. If and when I hear from them next, I shall be asking for a deadlock letter and then it`s off to the Ombudsman we shall go. Wish me luck, share any similar experiences please and watch this space. "Activation"
  3. Hello i wonder if you can help me pls have received a pay within 7 day letter from Thomas Higgins partnership solicitors however i am of the understanding i don't owe them the debt they say i do its from a local firm of plumbers for the sum of 81.53+ vat total = 97.84. In Dec 2015 i moved house and decided to get Monthly Boiler cover from Npower they said i needed my boiler to be serviced in order for them to cover me the Local Firm was then employed By NPower and they came in to service the Boiler in Jan - this was done with an all clear and service book signed by them 2 days later on the 29th Jan the boiler wouldnt work i rang Npower who came back to me saying the local plumbers have said it actually needs an air pressure switch and they could come in 2 days later to fit it they attended on 1st Feb - to fit part when the engineer arrived he said this boiler doesnt need an air pressure switch it needs a complete new circuit board rewire - he asked if i would like a quote - i said you would need to speak to NPower - he said they probably wont authorize it as its about 600 hundred pounds - i said well i will speak NPower I did contract Npower and told them what the plumber had said , and they (NPower)said well as it now has a major fault and if i wanted to continue with their cover i would have to pay to have to repaired myself and no longer would be eligible for their service cover . 2 weeks later Npower wrote to me asking had i got the major circuit board fault fixed i said no - they cancelled my policy I heard no more till the beginning of April when an statement arrived from the local Firm claiming an invoice dated the 22nd Feb for goods and services was overdue and to be paid within 7 days - so i wrote back saying their contract is with Npower not Myself - No- Response Then at beginning of May another Statement arrived this time with a copy invoice invoice date 22nd feb for this Air pressure switch and labour charge £97.84 again pls pay within 7 days - this time i wrote back on the 9th May asking them to prove me with Written Evidence the debt was mine - i sent this letter via recorded delivery - again no response today i get the solicitors letter from this Thomas Higgins Partnership saying they have been instructed by Local firm to collect this debt within 7 days or they will issue proceedings including interest and court costs Having looked up Thomas Higgins its one of their standard £2 + vat threat letters Should I Respond to this Or Ignore it , is it just a if we talk in BOLD CAPITALS and say were a solicitors you might pay us can you pls advise - do you think they will take me to court ? ( sorry for the sermon )
  4. Please is there anyone out there that has taken the NHS partnership mortgage with Nationwide. Who has either taken them to court and won or lost their case. Would be great to connect with someone who has been dealing with them regarding the equity share as we are at the moment . thanks 123fat
  5. Hi Folks We share a car park with another business that doesn't open every day but when they do, their visitors use our spaces as well as their own. We normally park in the adjacent car park where there are always spare spaces then when some our guys go out on the road, we move into our own spaces. I parked in one of the spare spaces at 8.55am and then went down around 10.30am to move it and someone had ticketed me. Copy of both sides of the ticket are attached. The signs around the car park all refer to a "Master Sign" at the entrance which is a quarter of a mile away, obscured by a sign as you drive in and if you stopped to read it you would cause an accident. Photos of the master and small print on the master attached in another post. Can you help ?
  6. This week, Glasgow councillors are expected to agree to a new partnership with Glasgow Credit Union. The two year pilot Partnership Mortgage Guarantee Scheme will provide house hunters who can afford to pay a mortgage but cannot raise the necessary deposit. At present, lenders are demanding deposits of between 5% and 25%, which for many people on low incomes is impossible to raise. Glasgow Credit Union will allocate up to £4million in mortgage funding over the period. The council will act as a guarantor for the loan over a maximum five year period, up to a maximum of 20% of the original mortgage amount in the first year, reducing to 10% by year five. READ MORE HERE: http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/news/13584721.Deposit_scheme_boost_for_first_time_buyers/
  7. Hello, I wonder if anyone has been in a similar situation to myself. In April 2012 I started up a business with a friend. As he had traded as a sole trader before and experience of HMRC he became the nominated partner to do the business tax returns. Just as the 2012/13 tax return deadline date approached, he advised me that he wanted to stop trading and we agreed to wind up the business. During 2013 I had been assured that he had dealt with the 2012/13 tax returns, but that there was some problem with getting the right software and by May 2014 it was clear this had not been done. As he has all the accounts, I trusted him when he said he would resolve the issue. I have now received letters from HMRC since September 2014 stating that each partner is being fined for not filing the tax returns. My ex-business partner apologised and said he would get it done, it still hasn't been done and now the deadline date for the 2013/14 return is fast approaching. I have written to HMRC and called countless times, but all I get told is that the person dealing with it is someone I can't speak to. If any is able to give any advise on their experiences on how long this could go on for I would appreciate it. I am so annoyed that I trusted my friend who has let me down so badly and wont even respond to my messages or texts. Thanks
  8. I received a letter advising I owe an outstanding debt on my gym membership of £19.50 which I cancelled around 14 months ago. Is it likely they will issue proceedings or should I dispute based on the sum... Thanks, Rick
  9. Hi, I have just googled TTHP and come across this site, so I hope someone can give me some advice. This morning I received a letter from THP regarding my late mothers nursing home fees. They say I have to pay £303.25 or proceedings will commence for the principle sum and court costs without further notice to me. I did get an invoice from the nursing home a couple weeks ago, which I did ignore because my mother died almost 14 months ago. Am I responsible for my late mothers dept.? My mother did not even have enough money in her pension account to cover the cost of her funeral. I have not been in employment for several years, due to having to care for my elderly parents, so have had no income, so don't have the funds to pay this dept. Does that mean my husband would be liable to pay it. Any advice would be appreciated, thank you.
  10. My wife has received a ticket from Car Parking Partnership while parking at Kings Mill Hospital, Mansfield she has a staff permit paid for by her to park there but there was no parking available that day and she parked in a non marked parking. They gave her a ticket for "Parked as to cause obstruction or inconvenience to others". Unfortunately we have waited a little to long to address this, but hopefully we are still in a window to receive some great advice from you all. If we need to appeal or what ever. The date on the ticket is 06/08/2014. The fine they are wanting is £50 if paid in the first 28 days and 1/2 price for paying in 14 (both have passed now) My wife has photographic evidence of where and how she was parked. What is the best advice to move this forward?
  11. My cleaners are a Romanian couple. They asked me to help re late filing penalties they have been charged for their business tax return for the year ended April 13. They use a tax advisor who seems to talk a good game - he is also Romanian and goes on about how he wants to help downtrodden Romanians. But I sense he is not that reliable, as it seems my cleaners have been fobbed off by him when they have queried why they are getting chased for not filing their returns when they paid him to make the filings. When I bugged this advisor about this he did send me a summary sheet showing that the cleaners' personal tax returns for year ended April 13 were filed on time. They pay no tax as the return shows a net income of £5,000 each. But what HMRC are chasing about is the tax return for the Romanian couple's business partnership - this is clear from the letters which have the trading partnership name on them. It seems clear that the partnership tax return was not filed. Not sure how it was missed - clearly the trading results of the partnership were compiled, how else could the personal tax returns have been completed. Anyone any suggestions as to best course of action? What are HMRC likely to do about two £1,200 late fees due by two Romanian cleaners with very low incomes and no assets? Will the write them off, or will they chase them via debt collectors / legal action / bankruptcy proceedings? Can HMRC add these to future tax bills (although in practice I expect this couple and thier partnership will never have any income taxes as they earn so little)? Or can they deduct them from housing benefit or tax credits of the two partners? Will HMRC accept a lower amount in settlement of these fees, eg if they were offered £1,000 total rather than £2,400 do you think they would accept? And if we give HMRC a sob story about how this couple were let down by their tax advisor, that they thought all was fine as they filed their personal tax returns on time, that they dont understand English, that they have no money etc (all of which is true), might HMRC drop the late filing charges entirely? What is the best way to engage with HMRC on this - on the phone? or by letter? or should they find a new tax advisor who can approach HMRC on their behalf to try to sort this out? Any thoughts generally welcome
  12. A friend of mine is currently a partner in a business where the relationship between the partners has broken down and my friend wants to know if they can set up a replacement / competing business or do they have to wait until the partnership has been dissolved (it is unlikely to trade without him). I think there are assets but no written partnership agreement. Can anyone help or give their thoughts. Thanks in advance.
  13. Hi guys, I made a claim under the new pilot scheme Universal Credit in January 2014. In March I setup a Google Adsense account and linked the account to my Youtube channel, I received a one time payment as I met the $100 threshold on my very first attempt. This has since been put on hold until I sort out proof of address. I then deactivated my Google Adsense account at the end of March as I decided to switch to a Youtube Partnership, I have not received a payment for this yet. Would anybody be able to tell me what I must do with the Universal Credit Benefit and the HMRC? The network itself doesn't deal with foreign tax as they are all American based. I can't disclose the exact amounts I expect to earn on here, but it is nowhere near the amount of a Full-Time job or even a Part-Time 16 hour job per week on NMW. I need to know what I need to do? Would I be best cancelling the partnership and decline any future earnings to prevent a potential worse off scenario? Or would I be better off with the extra money under Universal Credit? I will be expecting a payment at the start of July from both the Partnership Network and Universal Credit. I need to try and sort it all out before I end up in a big mess. Thanks in advance.
  14. I really dont know where to start here but i will try and explain as best i can. The main reason for the post is to find out if the repossession is legal which is only the tip of the iceberg here. A financial adviser is contacted to source funding for a small residential development. The adviser contacts a company who happen to be a broker. The broker sources funding from a lender and charges £1,000 app fee. The application is made to LENDER which was successful, no issues. The name of the company at the top of the facility Letter is lets say "The Lender" There is no address or contact information of any kind within the contract other than the name of the company at the top. As the contract was to release the funding in stages, the first stage was released and work carried out to complete all underbuilding work. Not further funding was released after this due to the lenders demands outwith the contract. One thing led to another and the issue was unable to be resolved. The lender decided it was time to both serve a calling up notice and subsequently a court writ to repossess the partially developed land. This is where things start to open up and i find out who is who The issue is that the pursuer is a Limited Company, the same Limited company that the broker was a trading name of, effectively what this guy is saying is, the broker and "The Lender" were both trading names of the Limited Company- How was i to know that when the Financial Adviser requested £1,000 app fee payable to the lender and also there would be a £1,500 fee payable to the broker for sourcing the lender? Effectively it now looks like the Director of the limited company not only charged me to find the lender but HE was the Lender. Now, to make things clear. The Limited company using the two so called trading names had a Consumer Credit License (Legal Formation: Body Corporate) (Nature of Business- Mortgage Broker) (Category-Credit Brokerage) this is very clear from OFT. "The Lender" also had their own CCL as a separate entity,(Legal Formation: Partnership) (Nature of Business-Mortgages) (Category- Credit Brokerage and Consumer Credit) this is very clear from OFT. "The Lender" from the mass of information i found out about them has been a Partnership company for many years but the Limited company who is pursuing the repossession has only been set up for over a year. I am of the thinking that, as nothing mentioned in the contract about a trading name of the Limited Company (which would be a breach of the Companies Act) if it were the case. The limited company did not hold any CCL to be a lender. The Partnership was established at least 10 years prior to the Limited Company being set up, and most importantly, there will be litigation against the lender for breaching the contract it is simply a move to limit the liabilities to the Limited Company that seemingly does not much in the way of liquid funds. Another slight twist is that, the broker and lender have no association whatsoever with the Limited company now they are now trading names of two other Limited companies this guy has set up and the CCL status of all companies is that they are Mortgage Broker NO MORE BEING A LENDER! Again, just to add a little spice. the three individuals who own the Partnership/Limited companies have between them Dissolved over 40 companies within the last 8 years or so. Should it not be "The Lender" named within the contract pursuing repossession. Should i be suing a company not named on the contract and also unauthorised to lend? As i mentioned, this is the tip of the iceberg, Thanks in advance
  15. Hi Caggers Could you assist me with a problem. Yesterday I received a letter from the above company demanding I pay in full £164.00 within 7 days other wise I will commence legal proceedings for the principal sum,, and court costs. Will they take me small claims court i.e I have to physically attend? I have approached the company I owe to pay via instalments but they have refused. I am unable to walk at present due to compressed nerve in lower back so attending court would be out of the question. Any help appreciated. Thank you.
  16. Hello not really too sure where to post this one. I run a business (retail) and I recently opened a new shop, I am still classed as sole trader (thinking I need to go LTD soon though?). My shop was a big move and there is a lot of financial pressure on me right now and a lot of people wanting money from me. Suppliers and trade merchants. One of the trade merchants who put the shop sign up have sent a £145 balance onto Thomas Higgs Partnershop and the usual 7 day B.S that they give with it. Is this anything to be worried about? I have had letters like this before so I am not shaking in my boots, just thinking about credit scores and stuff like that?? My score is not the best at the moment.. Please let me know. Thanks. Mrk123
  17. Hi guys got my redundancy letter it says Redundancy Pay _______________ made you redundant on 16 July 2013 You were 26 and had 2 years service and therefore you are entitled to 2 weeks redundancy payment. I have actually been working for the company for around 3.5 yrs. in the 1st year and half it were a partnership. In the latter 2 years it was ltd. Does this mean i cant claim for the 1st year i were there? Or will it be a over site of the redundancy apartment and should ask for them to look into it? any help would be appreciated. many thanks
  18. I just signed up some forms down the job centre the other day to start on this scheme for starting up my own business. Runs for three months and you get assistance from these guys, meanwhile your JSA is still paid. http://www.access-partnership.co.uk/ Initially I asked about going onto working tax credits and they referred me to this place, who I met with. They then told me I couldn't join up for another few weeks because i recently finished working, then they pulled out this list of postcodes- The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation. Turned out that because I was on it I could then circumvent the rules and get onto this scheme straight away. So i went in and signed all the paper work and was all ready to go. Now today I receive an email from Access saying that it turns out their list of SIMD was out of date and I may no actually be eligible just yet. I'm being told now I have to wait until Monday to find out! I'm seriously fed up with this now and tempted to just tell them to forget the whole deal. I told them I want an answer today or the deal is off. They should have known this at the job centre from the start, and the guy who signed me up from it from Access should have had an up to date list! If I have already signed the paper work is that a done deal? Can they pull out of it now? It's just one thing after another with that place these days.
  19. Hi all I am new on here. Please be gentle with me. I have posted on other sites seeking advice. In a desperate situation and in desperate need of some advice. My mind is everywhere at the moment but will try to explained fully my problems. Just recently closed down our business. Ceased trading after nearly 16 years . Its a partnership or rather was a partnership and that is the main problem to my problems. Really did not expected it but the day we ceased trading my partner basically walked away and wanted nothing to do with the business.......leaving me to deal with a real mess of everything and the partnership debts. Because she has no assets when she sold her house 3 years ago to settle her personal debts and is now renting, I know I am in a really disadvantage position (I am fully liable as a partner). Whereas, I still own my property with a sizeable equity. She has avoided all communication and may have moved again. After getting over her treachery and shock of it all and with very limited funds raised through friends and family, I have slowly been trying to sort everything out. Managed after much negotiation to settle the debts with various suppliers. After returning the remaining stock to them, I settled only 50% of the debts owed. Result is I am no longer liable ( all this is in writing ) and the creditors retain the rights to pursue my ex partner for the other 50%. Then there is the HMRC , the VAT and other many various matters I suddenly I had to deal with. It has been very stressful for me and I do not know how much more I can cope especially the thought I might lose my house. I have 2 young children and I really cannot and do not want to sell my house My problem now, probably the biggest problem is the unsecured overdraft and loan debt with Barclays which I am hoping to find some advice here . Its about £26k which I do not have. I wrote to them enclosing a financial disclosure,explaining my situation I am in and also that I am now in a low wage employment.I offered them £7700 on a pro rata basis. Unfortunately , this was rejected This is the extracts from the Barclays reply........"In your letter the sum of £7700 is a pro rata offer but you do not say much you are raising to settle your various debts or whether your other creditors are prepared to accept a pro rata settlement. We have not received full financial disclosure from you to include full details of your property and our records suggest that you have substantial equity in your property. We would be prepared to consider a greatly enhanced offer of settlement but if this is not forthcoming......." Do you think I have messed it up with the offer? Any suggestion/ advice on how to reply......worried on how I should reply to them without making a mistake. Do I disclose full details of my property? Any idea what enhanced offer they looking for ? Do you think I can come to an arrangement with them like I did with my suppliers and that Barclays retain the right to pursue my ex partner? Also, I have personal credit cards debts which I am trying to arrange a dmp with them until I can I come up with some settlement. Just pointing out , the funds raised to settle the partnership debts was raised after the business ceased and before my ex partner decided to do a runner. It was on the assumption / expectation she would come up with her half. As you can see , I am in a real bloody mess.I would be very grateful for any suggestion or advice. Thank you Regards
  20. Hi, I've been receiving letters from Car Parking Partnership for a few months asking for payment of £80 for my vehicle being parked in a university staff car park. I was told by many people that private companies don't have a lot of power and it's often best to ignore their threats. Today I received a letter from Industrial Credit asking for £96 within 7 days and failure to do so will result in immediate issue of legal procedings. I'd greatly appreciate any advice on what to do in this situation. Thanks.
  21. A friend of mine goes to university, when he arrived on site he tried to purchase a parking ticket from the machine located nearthe entrance, it refused his money, there was also an error message stating thatit was "not in use". Apparently he was not alone, there were 5 other people trying to get tickets who were also refused. Is it right that a ticket can be issued even thought the machine was not working, apparently there are no other ticket machines in this car park either. Help for my friend would be really appreciated. Should he ignore it or not......
  22. I have a bit of a conundrum with regards to a missing PCN and NTO, plus their website showing the wrong car. I will give you the run down, please be patient I have a motability car and I have a designated driver to ferry me about when Im not well enough to drive it myself, They take the car home which they are allowed to do with in a few certain radius which is ok. This particular driver lives in a permit zone, so he calls up Parking Partners and lets them know, they tell him that its fine to use his own permit and that they will inform the local Traffic enforcement team that this is permitted. No problems, I am now able to drive myself so the car is back with me. I get an NTO yesterday basically telling me that I now owe £50. Im a little confused at this as I wasnt aware and neither was the driver aware that a PCN was placed on the car, this was in the road where the driver lives and was issued at the time the driver had the car. I can make representation with regards to this NTO on line via their website, so I did. It shows photo of the car and where the contravention happened. When I looked at the photos, it wasnt my car, the reg was no where near what mine is and the car, although the same colour as mine is a totally different make, plus the car is parked in a different road, two roads down to where my car was parked. It showed the tax disc of this car, plus a CD on the dash and a photo showing that a PCN had been placed on the car. There are about 7 photos and one is of the sign stating it is a permit area, but this was also in a different road to where my car is parked. However the last photo is my car but taken at a distance where a permit can barely been seen in the front screen on the drivers side where it is meant to be. No PCN on the car showing at all. The car was not parked there unlawfully. I have made the representation, but Im not quite sure if they can make me pay the PCN at the £50 or if at all based on them showing the wrong photos. Can anyone throw any light on this please. This parking company is council run and not a private firm, however they have been making many mistakes lately.
  23. Bit of background - we are having a bit of a dispute with the cleaning company who used to do a weekly clean at our house. We decided to let the company go, due to various issues, not least of which was the fact that, for the third time in the 3 or so years in which they've been cleaning for us, our macerator unti toilet became blocked with what turned out to be some kind of wet wipe/cleaning wipe. On the two previous occasions that this happened, we shelled out for a plumber to unblock the unit (the first time) and then replace the unit (the second time, the blockage caused the motor to burn out), at our own cost. We were pretty darn sure that we were not responsible for putting any kind of wipe down the toilet (we *know* that you can't put anything like that down there or it will clog!) but the cleaners denied all knowledge. The third time was the final straw and we were adamant that this time we were not paying for the repairs ourselves as we know it was not us who clogged the unit. when we notified the company that we were cancelling our contract, we also explained that we needed to get a plumber out to look at the unit and that if it did turn out to be clogged with a wipe (which it did), we would be deducting the plumber's fees from our payment of their final invoice. This we duly did, to the tune of £50. The owner of the company has been quite aggressively contesting this, even since we even mentioned the possibility (before the plumber had even come out and confirmed the problem) and since we paid her invoice, minus the £50 plumber's fee, has sent a snotty letter threatening legal action and demanding that we give her the plumber's details so that her solicitor can contact him (and implying, in so many words, that we never actually had a plumber come out and do any work). I sent her a letter back stating that I would ask the plumber to prepare a report detailing exactly what work he did (I also took photos of him opening the unit and removing the wipe, as I foresaw this woman being arsey about all this - and have kept the wipe as evidence!!). On the advice of CAGers, I don't see that her solicitor has any need to speak to the plumber unless things progress to small claims court. after her threats of legal action, I have now received a letter from The Thomas Higgins Partnership demanding payment of the "outstanding amount" of £50 within 7 days or "proceedings will be commenced" etc etc etc. This letter is clearly intended to suggest that she has hired solicitors to pursue things however a quick google search revealed the true nature of The Thomas Higgins Partnership and that she has purchased herself the services of one of their pro-forma threatograms for the princely sum of £2 +VAT. So my question is, how should I respond to this, if at all? Should I write to them informing them that this alleged debt is under dispute and that they therefore have no legal standing to pursue it? Should I just ignore it for the scaremongering threatogram it is? I'd like to say I'm doubtful this woman will take us to small claims court over the relatively minor sum of £50 but then again she strikes me as a rather vindictive person (and somewhat dodgy to boot, from the way she runs her company) so it's possible she might. I've no idea how such a court case might go though as it's essentially our word against hers... we can prove we had the work done and how much we paid the plumber but she claims her staff don't use cleaning wipes and would never put a wipe down a toilet but we know for a fact that it wasn't us. I'm feeling very bloody-minded about this though as it's a matter of principle and I don't want to be bullied into paying up for fear of having court costs awarded against us. Does anyone have any experience of small claims court and what the likely outcome of such a case might be? Thanks in advance for any help.
  24. I hope I have posted this in the right place. I am involved with a partnership which owns a couple of houses on a buy to let basis and one of the partners has died. We are concerned that his estate could take over a year to sort out (it seems very complex) and have tried to contact his solicitor who seems to be pretty ineffective (and that's being polite) but got nowhere - he may even have frozen the partnership bank account. Before we contact our own solicitor are there any pragmatic steps we can take to protect our tenants (as students its getting close to lease end) and make sure that they, through no fault of their own, experience any hassle as a result of this and also to protect our own interests. Thanks in advance for any advice.
  25. I completed the tax returns for my partner and myself online last year IN January using tax software recommended by HMRC, a while later I was notified that the partnership return hadn't been received and we were charged penalties, I then wrote to them and stated the date and time they were sent but still sent more penalties I then spoke to someone from HMRC who said re-send elctronically which I tried to but the software doesn't work after Jan 31, I was then told to send a paper copy which I did, by this time it was June and the penalties had escalated, I then sent in another letter of appeal which was rejected so yet again I phoned and explained the situation bearing in mind our company has never made a profit and my partner (daughter) and I only have part time jobs (the penalties are now exceding £1200 each) I have now been sent another rejection letter along with an appeal form - please help as I'm at my wits end!
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