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  1. Hope this is posted in the correct section. We own a property which we rent out, there is a problem with the next door gable end as the rendering has been falling off and has been crashing down onto the kitchen roof of our property causing broken tiles. We have repaired this in the past but the problem has got much worse and now our tenants are suffering with water seepage. We have managed to contact the landlord of the next door property and even though he accepts (on telephone) that it needs addressing he has done nothing but offer excuses as to why he hasn't had it newly rendered. Our insurance say it is a civil matter which is fine, we would take him to court for any more expenses to repair the damage caused. We are good landlords and don't like our tenants having to live in a property that continually needs repairing because of the next door landlords refusal to accept his responsibility to maintain his property even though he has tenants living in it. The problem we think we may have is that he lives in the Isle of man, does anybody know if we can issue a claim in the county court or is there another procedure we must follow, one that hopefully doesn't involve costs that would outweigh the cost of repair? Of course we would expect him to also be liable for the cost of repair to our roof. thank you for reading
  2. Firefighters have warned of the dangers of mishandling tools after a man's genitals became trapped in a ring spanner. Crews were called to assist A&E staff with a patient at Royal Gwent Hospital in Newport, south Wales, on Wednesday. They had to use their cutting equipment to remove the steel tool. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/firefighters-free-mans-genitals-spanner-145900336.html
  3. Rich was attacked and had his head stamped on by 2 kids. They threatened him on the bus the day before and he saw them the next day on the bus. He not thinking straight and took the bus ID off one of the kids and whilst doing so got him in a headlock. The Police said this was assault and theft. The kids chased him down and called friends to join in. They stamped on his head and punched and kicked him to the ground. He had grit in his head and he had a seizure. The police has said he needs to write a letter of apology to the kid he took the bus pass off. He was part of the group and was bragging about it on FB and the local paper picked up the story. These kids will have to do community service. A more detailed version is below. I don't feel he should write a letter of apology and I think these kids should have something on their record saying they hunted down a disabled man who couldn't walk and stamped on his head. Monday 26th at 6pm Richard phoned me at work to say he was threaten and is worried and didn't know what to do. He said 2 girls and 2 boys were there and they had kicked his sandwich and put their feet on his seat. There was one behind him and one in front of him. One of them stared at him and said he was going to cut him, "I will kill you" "I'll cut you from here to here" "I'm gonna stab you". They kicked his seat and were threatening. He said he stared back as he was worried they would attack him if he turned away. He said he had just come out of hospital and isn't well. He heard another passenger say leave him alone he isn't well. He said he told them it is on CCTV. But they didn't care. He got off the bus at Stanmer Villas which is a stop earlier than he normally gets off as he didn't want them following him to his 4 year old daughters school. I contacted the Bus company who advised me to contact the Police which I did. They call me back the next day crime reference 47170090324. They advised they would take a look at CCTV. Tuesday 27th. Richard was with me till 1pm at Portland Road Hove. I had to take my son to Water Babies so he left. I got a call from Richards wife to say Richard was missing and something had happened on the bus. I immediately drove to Hollingdean phoning the Police on the way. My girlfriend contacted the Bus company. I arrived at Surestart and heard kids laughing about an ambulance in Roedale Road and "it was kicking off". Then my girlfriend called me to say he had been found in Roedale Road. I drove down and saw Richard in an ambulance he was having a seizure and was unable to control his movements. Due to the Huntingtons Disease, stress exacerbates the condition. Richards movements are usually unstable but under stress he can't control his movements. Please speak to the officers who dealt with him and escorted us to the hospital. They will confirm this. Richard told me he had seen the boys who verbally assaulted him and tried to get off the bus. He saw one had a bus pass and made a grab for it for ID for the Police. He tried to run away and got to the Surestart Centre but accidentally went through a wrong door and ended up outside. He ran away but three of them saw him and chased him. He tried to barricade himself behind a gate in someones garden. But they caught him. He said he remembers being punched and kicked and they were laughing calling other people on their phones. Then he can't remember anything until the hospital. My Mum was attacked in a park as people thought she was drunk ( she had Huntingtons ) my other brother Andrew was attacked in BP Petrol Station, he also went back in after being attacked to get the Taxi drivers ID badge who attacked him so the Police could identify him. I would be logical and think that is a risk and you would get ID from CCTV but Huntingtons affects how you think. Huntingtons is a horrible disease. My brother is worried about picking up his daughter and doesn't want to be scared to walk around. He isn't allowed to drive and buses are the only way he can get around. He doesn't claim any benefits and you can speak with the ladies at the Surestart Centre and his daughters school - he is a nicest person ever. Prob repeating myself but here is more information. Since this the kid said he was attacked by Rich. The Police said Rich took his bus pass and got him in a head lock before running away. This is considered theft and assault. He was part of the group that attacked him on the Monday but wasn't the actual one that threatened him. I tried to explain he was trying to identify them as the Police and bus company weren't interested. The police said he needs to come to the custody centre and be questioned. I went to the custody centre and police station and begged them to speak with the officers when he was attacked as it put him in a seizure and this wouldn't end well. They wouldn't take any notice and so we went to the custody centre. He got so anxious he couldn't stand and it took another two police officers to help hold him still. The senior officer said get a wheelchair he has to come in even though he couldn't walk or sit and was all over the place. It took another 2 people to hold him in the wheelchair and try and wheel him into the police custody. He fell out in the hallway and the Sargent said this is a custody centre he can't do this here (have a seizure) he said get him home or to a hospital. The officer helping called an ambulance.
  4. This is a nice story and should give hope to others with similar health issues. Read More : -
  5. Looks like Jon Platt has been found guilty https://www.theguardian.com/education/2017/jun/23/school-holidays-row-isle-of-wight-man-loses-legal-fight-over-daughters-absence
  6. The snoopers charter which ALREADY allows the most extensive spying on its own citizens outside of China or North Korea (and possible actually worse given the higher levels of connectivity here) is intended to be increased by the Tories. Much of the justification is these 1 man in a van attacks which horrendous as they are, are no more than occurs on a daily basis in most major cities by alcohol or mentally ill people. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/19/technology/britain-encryption-privacy-hate-speech.html?ribbon-ad-idx=15&rref=world/europe Given that the existing snooping powers in the UK "Recent legislation already gives Britain’s law enforcement officials some of the world’s strongest powers to read and monitor online chatter" have done NOTHING to stop these man in a van or man with a knife attacks, DESPITE a number of them being on international watch listsm it beggars the question of How would increasing these powers actually make a difference given that even the attacks by KNOWN Islamist extremists on UK and international watch lists were not affected in any way ? How is policing and monitoring of those spying on UK citizens going to be carries out and reported and properly policed - including reporting to the public what is occurring or has occurred? http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2016/25/contents/enacted Worth noting: In the US spying on the nations OWN citizens is treated differently to foreign nationals. Do we really want the UK to be the envy of North Korea - for all the wrong reasons?
  7. hi looking forward to finding my way round this forum we have debts and i am looking for advice via the information i can find on your forum thanx
  8. You just couldn't make some of this stuff up, Why is this man who is also 60years old and registered Blind even being mandated to submit to the F2F farce WCA ? What is the point in it, He is extremely unlikely to ever regain his sight ,? So apart from it benefiting Maximus in another fee they can charge the DWP it's a waste of tax payers money this is an example of how flawed the system in place is http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/blind-man-benefits-axed-after-9380033
  9. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3652449/Irate-father-pays-60-fine-taking-son-eight-school-Majorca-holiday-one-two-pence-pieces.html I thought this was amusing. The following is a video of the moment. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/watch-priceless-moment-irate-dad-8246247
  10. Im not sure where to post this but was looking for a bit of advice, my gas boiler started acting up last month, got onto this mybuilder network thing about trades men looking for work ,had a gas boilerman call me, said he would look at it on the Saturday, told him I wanted the boiler servicing and it wasn't working, left him to it. He said the spark initiator wasn't working right after servicing it, he went away to get it, came back twiddled around with it, got the boiler working and asked me for £165, this was for the service, the part and a years warranty. Like a mug I paid him cash, then I spent the rest of the week chasing up the receipt for the money, eventually someone came round with a receipt. The boiler worked ok that week, I went away for three weeks, switched everything off. came back last week, wasnt able to switch the boiler on, sent him a message sunday night, called him Monday morning he tells me its too late to send someone round, he sends someone round Tuesday night, bloke doesn't seem to have much of an idea, says it might be this that or the other, as hes going out the door he tells me he will call me today sometime (Wednesday), no calls at all. where does this leave me, hes got my money, warranty don't seem to be worth nothing. What can I do???
  11. In January this year I received a letter from a company called Sigma Red informing me that they had passed my account with premier man to Lowells. Which was interesting because it was the first time I was aware of having an account with premier man! So I sent the standard letter to Lowells saying prove you have the right person or bog off. On 9th July I received a letter from Lowells with a photocopy of an unsigned credit agreement with this company, the name including the middle initial is the same as mine but the address is somewhere in South London that I have never lived at. The supposed debt is for £268.34. So, either there has been a cock up and there is someone out there with exactly the same name and initial as me (highly unlikely) and they think I'm going to pay their debt for them, or somebody has stolen my identity and some kind of fraud has taken place. I am not sure what the best way to proceed is. Should I just tell them to bog off again or will they just think I am avoiding paying and take proceedings further. Your advice would be much appreciated. I should add finally that the account was apparently opened on 9/7/2011 which happens to be around the same time that I did actually buy some trousers for my partner from the said Premier Man, they were paid for in full at the time, and they were so horrible I vowed never to buy anything else from them!
  12. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/this-driver-had-his-parking-fine-overturned-after-091032871.html The most important part of the article is the last sentence from Athena;
  13. Interesting article appeared on BBC news website in the Scotland section with regards to parking. Just wondering if instead of reaching a settlement and had actually gone through with the court hearing would the outcome have been different. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-35772704
  14. Hope this forum is still active and I can get some answers Im not getting any kind of help from LLOYDS OFF SHORE except run a round on the phone which is becoming tiresome... .in the nutshell Im old LLOYDS customer with about 24 years . .last 16 years off shore bank account also.. Im not UK citizen nor do I pay UK taxes.. .I just happene to open LLOYDS account while I was brifly living in UK and later just continue to use it .. .till recently I did not have much of a problem with LLOYDS OFF SHORE on ISLE OF MAN because I did not really touch those funds there ..I did not need to. .I was mostly working and funds kept on off shore account where just sitting idle . .till this december when I decided to move all the money to INSENTIVE MONEY SAVERS ACCOUNT . ..about month after that action I received mail from manager of the branch I guess asking me where are all those funds came from. .I replayed that he can check my account history and that all will be there ..money came from OFF SHORE MONEY MARKET CALL ACCOUNT a,d that I simply shifted funds around off shore and on shore accounts searching for best interest rate. ..second question he had for me was bit strange ..well it appears that at one point whili wisiting UK last december I put cash money on my off shore international account . .not much maybe 640 pounds all in all but he asked me about the receipt and proof from where that money came from. ..I told this the truth that I dont remember anymore and that I did not keep the slip nor bank statement ...all in alll I thought that he understood the situation and that s the end of the matter but .. a=one month later I decided to pay some insurance premiums back in my country I made a transfer back from SAVERS ACCOUNT to INTERNATIONAL PREMIER account si can write cheques to mu insurance company. ...I wrote one check no problem and then I wrote 3 more on smaller amount -in my country I can not deposit large cheques on bank accounts I had to break the amount on 3 smaller cheques ...well one of those actions triggered my accounts to be blocked /suspended and placed under investigation .. .now same manager is asking again about those 640 pounds bill and source of money and also he is asking in advance to see my insurance policy before I even paid for it . ..really strange and I should say bordering on harassment . ..does anybody here on this forum has any idea what happened to me , my accounts and where the problem is. .oh just for the general info my account is rather modest 5 figure amount nothing fancy its just at the moment all my money . .all my saving since I wasnt really working last few years due to illness
  15. This is why we say 'size doesn't matter' and to take on these companies no matter how big they are and how much above the law they think they are. A man from Ceredigion has successfully sued Apple after his watch broke - forcing the company to change its product description. Gareth Cross, 32, from Aberystwyth, paid £339 last July for his Apple Watch Sport, but spotted a crack in the glass face 10 days later. The technology giant said work to fix the watch was not covered by warranty, despite its official claim it was scratch-resistant. Apple has been asked to comment. Mr Cross took the company to the small claims court in Aberystwyth for breach of the Sale of Goods Act, and has won the case after a six-month fight. More
  16. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/man-writes-letter-john-lewis-152212297.html Well done John Lewis
  17. Daniel Head can’t take credit, move banks or even secure a new mobile contract because his bank mistakenly put a fraud flag against his name and refused to remove it Daniel Head has worked hard to build up a strong financial base and an excellent credit rating over the years. He has never fallen into debt or suffered financial difficulties. But he can’t take out credit, move banks or even secure a mobile phone contract because Barclays (LSE: BARC.L - news) , his bank for 12 years, mistakenly put a fraud flag against his name and refuses to remove it. Financial institutions (NasdaqGS: FISI - news) have almost unfettered powers to share concerns about customers with other companies through credit reference agencies and fraud prevention registers such as Cifas and the National Hunter database. https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/paid-us-cheque-barclays-account-080751591.html
  18. I remember this even as it was in 1984-Do you. WPC Yvonne Joyce Fletcher (15 June 1958 – 17 April 1984)[1] was a British police officer fatally shot during a protest outside the Libyan embassy at St. James's Square, London, in 1984. Fletcher, who had been on duty and deployed to police the protest, died shortly afterwards at Westminster Hospital. Her death resulted in the Metropolitan Police Service laying siege to the embassy for the next eleven days, and the United Kingdom severing all diplomatic relations with Libya. Two years later it became a major factor in Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's decision to allow US President Ronald Reagan to launch the US bombing of Libya in 1986 from American bases in the United Kingdom.[2] PC Yvonne Fletcher shooting: Libyan man arrested in UK http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34867860 Murder of Yvonne Fletcher https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Yvonne_Fletcher How strange,early days yet but i remember watching the siege for days and felt so angry. Absolutely hopping mad,felt helpless as we watched this unfold for day after day. Back in 1984. Just went back in my mind to those days.The weather was clear for many days while the siege was ongoing. In April. Following the shooting, the embassy was surrounded by armed police for eleven days, in one of the longest police sieges in London's history. Meanwhile, Gaddafi claimed that the embassy was under attack from British forces, and Libyan soldiers surrounded the United Kingdom's embassy in Tripoli in response Commander Richard Walton, head of counter-terrorism at Scotland Yard, said the force had never given up hope of finding PC Fletcher's killer. For those that cannot recall this day. Libyan Embassy open fire on protesters 1984. Who can remember this from the 80s The Day the SAS knocked on the windows of the Iranian embassy.Strange worrying days as they are now.
  19. I never get a cold. Worked outside most my life and always thought as i do not mix with many people that is why i have never been struck down. But my throat is sore,my beak is running and my eyes are streaming,so i have taken to my nest. For a few days at least. It must be a strong one to catch the owl out. I have just wondered how it is in your area.Are you struck down by the virus from hell. Many maybe are laid low as perhaps a cold virus is running rampant Have you any remedies wise ones out there.Even my ears are itching. Good grief it may be a door that gave it to me,can you believe such a thing. Or maybe a supermarket trolley. Everything may be contaminated.Putting protection on. Oh,it is to late i am contaminated already. From a scientist at Cardiff University. Have you caught the virus and who gave it us.Who was the little devil who caught it first. And how did they catch it.There is a question to answer for the wise ones out there. OOPS I hope it was not me,going undercover in my nest.Pulling twigs over me and some down feathers.
  20. Whilst helping out with the paperwork after my Brother-in-law's recent death we have come across a so-called Accidental Death Insurance policy taken out through Barclays Bank, we know he made 141 payments @ £8.50 per month. We've been in touch with Stonebridge asking for details of the policy and we're still waiting for the info to arrive but have reservations as to their selling techniques. We know he went to buy a policy that would specifically cover his funeral plan, he had already been long-term diagnosed with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder) with Emphasyma had fully explained this when buying the policy in Barclays Bank, his daughter was also present during this process. Does anyone please have any advice as to how we should proceed with this, if at all, or wether we have a case for misselling?
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0SVzqxG8b4
  22. Can anyone please advise the name of the CEO for Hyundai UK Ltd.---might need to have a "Friendly" chat.
  23. Hello Firstly, what a great site this is. You significantly helped a friend of mine, who was in a mass amount of debt due to a failed marriage and a life-changing illness. I truly believe you saved her life! My complaint is in relation to Xercise4Less. My husband and I cancelled our gym membership by written notice (within their stipulated 30 day time frame I may add) as we have hit some financial difficulties and also we are not using the gym as much as we should as we are utilising our local park in the summer months. This was on the 27th May (direct debit payments come out of our account on the 25th of every month). Anyway, to cut a long story short, I panicked! I read some reviews on various websites that stated that Harlands (the company that collect Xercise4Less' direct debits) continued to take people's gym payments despite them cancelling moons ago! As a result, both my husband and I have received administration charges. My husband owed £40 and I owed £30 (no idea why they were different when we joined at the same time and cancelled at the same time). Panicked, we have paid up as whilst we thought they were unfair charges, we didn't want anyone banging our door down, especially as we are already stressed due to financial worries. I have since read that an industry body has stamped down on these unfair admin charges and I was wondering whether anyone could tell me who I should complain to. I have just written emails to Xercise4Less asking for an explanation, but I am not hopeful, so I was wondering whether anyone knew what the next step may be or whether I should just let this go and let it be a lesson learnt! Any past experience or advise would be greatly appreciated. P.S. Also, I don't know whether this is worth mentioning or not, but I will go ahead anyway. This solely relates to my husband's cancellation. My husband and I sent letters of cancellation on 27th May and we were told they were received on 1st June. On the 1st June, my Xercise4less branch called my husband and stated that if he rang the head office and paid £9.99 there and then, then he would not be liable for charges. My husband explained that he wouldn't have any spare cash until Friday. As promised, he rang on the Friday and explained that he wanted to pay the £9.99 to clear the account. This was accepted and his bank details were taken. It was only after he mentioned that I (his wife) had been charged considerably more to cancel the membership, did the advisor on the end of the call said "Sorry, I have taken £39.99, what did you think I had taken?". I quite clearly heard my husband state £9.99 at the beginning of the call, so I have no idea how the advisor didn't. The advisor refused to accept this, so we immediately rang our bank, who said they would contact Xercise4Less and request a refund, but I am not hopeful that Xercise4Less would accept this! I can't get over how Xercise4Less think it is fair to charge £20 per failed direct debit payment! Surely, a letter does not cost £20 of anyone's time! Also, the advisors at the head office are the rudest and incomprehensible advisors I have ever encountered. They talk over you at 100 mph and just shout you down. It's atrocious.
  24. I have an issue with a work program provider regarding MAN ( mandatory activity notifications.) Appointments. I am using as my source : https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/417141/wp-provider-guidance-chapter-3a-cpa18-v2.pdf the relevant section : Annex 1 –Appointment MAN (JSA ONLY) The pdf has this section highlighted in red [Please Note: the following template must be used and the structure must not be altered or added to] The section where my issue lies, At: (Start and Finish time) Further on the guidance states. "Consequence The Labour Market Decision Maker (LM DM) will make a decision based on an assumption that the MAN meets requirements. If you fail to mandate correctly any sanction imposed would not be underpinned by the legal framework." Now this document is a recently revised edition, I believe, updated to reflect the amendment made to "THE JOBSEEKER’S ALLOWANCE (SCHEMES FOR ASSISTING PERSONS TO OBTAIN EMPLOYMENT) REGULATIONS 2013 " http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2013/276/pdfs/uksiem_20130276_en.pdf This amendment I believe was the result of an application for judicial review in the case of Reilly and Wilson v DWP, although DWP won the case my point lies in section, "4.3 However, the Court of Appeal found against DWP on two grounds: Specifically this is the relevant part. b) The Court upheld the High Court’s ruling that letters sent to claimants when they were mandated to an ESE Scheme did not comply with the regulations. " So it seems to me work providers when mandating an appointment have to stick to the legal framework and use the template provided as highlighted in red due to this ruling. So from this I have rightly or wrongly come to 2 conclusions. If I failed to comply with the MAN for whatever reason, I am on solid ground, because they failed to provide a “finish time” (If you fail to mandate correctly any sanction imposed would not be underpinned by the legal framework.) the case would be thrown out, as in, I would have nothing to appeal against. Secondly if I have taken the correct complaints procedure, adviser , office manger , head office and they still refuse to include a finish time then my next step would be the Independent complaints examiner (ICE) again taking into account the above they would have no choice other than to uphold my complaint on the grounds of maladministration. I know it might only seem like a small thing but apart from the technicalities of my argument and sticking it to the man, my primary objective and all that I ask at this point is, when I am mandated to attend an appointment I am given a “Finish time”, for example say I am mandated to attend at 9:00 AM without a “Finish time” they could keep me at the offices 5 seconds or until who knows how late into the night, if I did receive a “Finish time” I could plan my time more effectively and know if I should take a packed lunch or not, not make any other arrangements for that day and so on. I am flexible, just a rough indication of the length of time would help, surely it is just plain common courtesy regardless but it seems like they only road they are leaving open to me is to take my complaint to ICE. If anyone can pull me up where I might be going wrong here regarding the legal side of my argument before I begin the fight or point to other resources that might be useful I would be most grateful.
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