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  1. parkingbill2018, where are you with this case? I've got the same problem on the same location, but mine is on early stage, have only passed to the ZZPS LTD Could you please update when you get a resolution Thanks,
  2. I parked in a no through road which leads to the entrance to a supermarket car park and a derelict building site, which after many years of standing empty is finally being redeveloped. The road is accessed from a main road, where there are normal road markings and no signs stating that you are entering a private road and there is No Parking or any charge if you do park in it. Shoppers often park in this road for a short time whilst they go the supermarket, even when there are spaces available on the store car park. One day I parked in the road because the supermarket car park was full. I parked for less than 10 minutes behind a car that was already there and didn’t think anymore of this until I received a PCN in the post from a private parking management company. I was shocked that this stated I had parked in an un-adopted road which was no parking allowed and had a £100 parking charge. The council confirmed the road is un-adopted whilst the site is being developed. The company had taken photos of the car I was driving, which was parked alongside a derelict building in the road. The signs stated Attention Private Land – The site is managed & operated for No Parking at anytime and that there is a parking charge of £100. These signs are not in the line of sight of a car driver and when you leave the car to go to the entrance of the supermarket they are behind you and there are no signs in your line of travel. You might see the signs on your way back to your car, but that is obviously too late. The signs are on the perimeter of the building site, which the derelict building is part of, and they refer to “Land” and “Site”, so you would assume they refer to the building site being developed, and not the road. If the road is included then there should be a sign at the entrance stating this is a Private Road and the terms and conditions that apply, as was in the Supreme Court case Parking Eye Vs Beavis. To make matters worse the signs on the derelict building are not illuminated and are less visible at dusk when I parked and when it is completely dark they cannot be seen at all! I disputed the charge with the management company because there were no signs at the entrance of the road and the ones on the building alongside which I parked had not been visible and referred to the building land/site. This was rejected because the IPS had approved the signs and location of them. I tried to appeal to the Site Owner/Director of the company who are developing the site, but he ignored my letters. His company finally did respond after my Father wrote to them. They confirmed that they had appointed a parking management company to control misuse of their land. I and other shoppers, unaware of that this is a private road with no parking, are hardly misusing the land by parking here for a few minutes! Even Police have been seen parking here and I am aware that at least one unmarked Police car was issued with a PCN. The management company have had many requests from the Supermarket store management and people like me to improve the signage and/or paint double yellow lines, to remove any ambiguity, but they have repeatedly refused. One store manager even complained that an employee of the Management company was parking by the derelict building, adding further to the misleading situation. In fact I am sure it was one of their employees whom was parked in front of me when I was issued with my PCN. It certainly was the same type and colour of car that I have seen driving around checking for parked cars. My Father did a study and saw 13 cars park there in one hour one lunch time, including an armed Police woman! I foolishly tried the IAS appeal process, knowing that I only had a 20% chance of being successful, because it is well known that this is not independent at all. True to form my appeal was rejected, even though I had pointed out and given proof that the evidence given by the management company was incomplete and the site plans and photos showing the signs were over two years old and not what were in place when my alleged parking offence took place. The Arbitrator dismissed these facts and still rejected my appeal and asked me to pay the charge within 14 days. I informed the Parking Management Company that I did not accept the decision of the IAS and the reasons why. I stated that I would not be paying the charge and requested that they followed the correct legal process and take me to court and not waste time and money passing this onto a debt recovery company. My letters, including to the MD were ignored and the charge was increased to £160, to cover admin charges. I heard nothing for four months then out of the blue I received a letter from a Debt Recovery company asking for the £160 to be paid. I have denied the debt, and asked them to ask their client to take me to court, so that this can be decided fairly. Their response states if the account remains unpaid it will progress to the legal stage and be passed to the solicitors. I would welcome further advice to what I have already received. This situation has been very upsetting and stressful for my family and I, especially when I am an honest, law abiding citizen, who has not committed any parking offences before. In the meantime, roll on the passing of the Private Parking Bill!
  3. Hello all, I was a university student who signed up to my local gym. My last payment to the gym was in February of this year. I believe the payment was set up at £19.99 pcm. I ran into some financial troubles in February and the direct debit for this membership was revoked by my bank (HSBC). I viewed the email sent to me by the gym group and assumed that next month when they came to debit my account, they would take the amount owed + the next membership instalment. I recently started receiving phone calls from CRS, of which I have not picked up. I then checked my emails and found one from them stating I owed them in excess of £300 due to late payments. What has gone from a (relatively small) 'admin' fee from the gym of £50 has now shot up over six fold. I will admit that I probably should have kept on top of this (phoning the gym/bank to discuss how payments should be made) but other reasons and a lack of checking my email account associated with the gym lead me to do otherwise. I suppose I am creating this thread for advice on how I should proceed with CRS with regards to this issue. I have already read that CRS have no legal power with respect to collecting debt owed. I also have read that it is not advised to answer their phone calls. However, I fear as time passes and the debt racks up, it may get to a point where I 'owe' them much more than the current £350 as they keep on adding 'admin' charges to my name. As a student who does not necessarily have those kind of funds, what would be the advised next step for me? I am hesitant to contact CRS to work out a payment plan without fully understanding my rights. If anyone could assist me, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  4. Hi, I have accumulated some relatively large charges from HSBC Business over the last few years, mainly for unauthorised overdrafts. Is it possible to have any of these refunded? I am in quite a bit of financial difficulty at the minute. I dont have any lending on this business account. I would also like to keep the account open, so dont want to do anything to harm that if possible. Thanks for reading! Jamie
  5. Purchased a 'Pioneer XCM86D' Network music player/streamer. After 2 months noticed the sound cut off, but as it came back on didn't think anything of it. This got worse and more frequent as time went on until it happened most the time. Took it back to shop , but only realised after looking out receipt that the manufacturers 1 year warranty had expired by 1 week. Shop offered to repair, however after a couple of weeks unit was returned, told it was not feasible to repair as would be too expensive. Received back today told nothing else they can do. left with item which is just over a year old, faulty and not usable. When I mentioned about rights under Consumer rights Act, shop staff said they cannot discuss it in shop and this was done through customer services only. Phoned them and told as I didn't take out 6 year extended guarantee and I had been over the manufacturers guarantee (even by 1 week) there was nothing they can do. Just feel Richer Sounds have washed their hands of it as I was just over the 1 year guarantee period, although I do realise I should have taken it back far sooner when I first heard the fault. . left with unit which can't use . . .
  6. I bought a rug from modern rugs last week. It arrived yesterday and while the pattern is the same, the colour of the rug is different. I have looked at their returns policy and they say they will refund the money if we send the rug back within 2 weeks at our own expense. It is a 116 x 170 rug and will be expensive to send back and as they sent a product that was not as advertised I do not feel I should have to pay the return costs. Does anyone know what rights I may have buying something online that does not match the pictures in the online shop?
  7. Government pulls all Learndirect contracts and funding https://www.theguardian.com/education/2017/aug/15/government-pulls-all-learndirect-contracts-and-funding?subid=19389892&CMP=EMCNEWEML6619I2 Learndirect, which was privatised by David Cameron’s coalition government in 2011 and is majority-owned by the private equity arm of Lloyds Bank An FT/FE Week investigation this week found that in the four years since it was sold off, it parent company spent 84% of its income, most of which came from the taxpayer, on payments to managers and financiers. learndirect opposed publication of the report "which gave the provider the lowest possible rating" because it would "create a risk of “irreparable damage including financial consequences”." The shape of things to come for Hunt the Hated's sell off of the NHS's taxpayer money saving Staffing arm. https://www.ft.com/content/5bc8444a-5979-11e7-9bc8-8055f264aa8b
  8. Due to recently selling my house and buying a far cheaper house elsewhere I now have a bank balance of £149,509.10 in my Santander account. Despite this they pay me no interest at all. Santander said I could obtain a different type of account that would pay me interest but only on a balance up to £20,000. I am of the impression that the bank doesn't want my money and would prefer me to transfer it elsewhere. I find this very strange indeed because I thought banks needed people with large balances so they could lend to other people and charge interest on the loans. Seems to me if you have a fairly large amount of money the last place you put it is in a bank. Having no idea where to invest my money I assume I will have to just leave it in the bank and watch it depreciate due to inflation. Oh well, such is life.
  9. Summer has arrived and Thunderstorms are around. If you would like to track Storms moving around Great Britain this is for you. You can close into your town see strikes in real time and even time the thunder before it reaches you. As you zoom in, you can even see the strikes in nearby streets. At this moment 03-14am I notice just off the coast of South East of Britain is getting a beating. Anyway the link you will soon get used to it.Just turn the sound on, and as you close in you will see the lightning strikes and track the thunder before it reaches you . Strange things interest this old owl.And what am I doing up this time of day. https://www.lightningmaps.org/?lang=en#y=53.8559;x=-3.0294;z=3;t=2;m=sat;r=0;s=0;o=3;b=0.00;n=0;d=2;dl=2;dc=0;
  10. RBS got a DCA to chase me on a 12 year old debt but I kept ignoring the letters. It's now gone back to RBS and they've instructed Moorcroft. There's nothing on my credit file, probably due to the time scale. Do I just ignore them or issue a CCA straight away?
  11. Hello, tried everywhere including sheriffs office itself.... it is a long story but i will start from getting CCJ against me, which i was paying £15 a month (in total until HCEA came £360 of £1490 original debt) just to clarify i admit the debt and i have intention to pay it in full. I had arrange £15 a month but has few hard months and debt been transferred to HCEA, in the mean time we have moved shops (this is business debt) when EA came he couldn't do anything as address on writ was wrong EA said all letters has been send to our old address and he need to go back to office and send new letter to us (not sure if i am right but i was expecting Compliance letter), we never received letter (i did even contacted EA to ask about where letter is) instead i had EA visit with Enforcement stage 1 £275 added to my bill then we arranged to pay £100 a month (£1690 at the time) from 1st of july. I was paying £100 a month in December i forgot and in the 14th of December EA came back adding Enforcement stage 2 £490 plus Sale or Disposal Stage £600 all that plus VAT and been asked to pay £500 or he will start to remove goods i did read a bit but cant find anywhere if they can charge me few stages at the same time . If someone please can check this out and see if that is all correct because from original debt they received £1130 (i am aware they got compliance fee and other fees) i since then paid (in 5 months) £1000 but still got £1950 to pay!!! I am not very familiar with debt recovery but it all looks like [problem]. Thank You
  12. Hello all, I recently purchased a new blazer from a well known mens formal clothing company for a black tie event I have coming up. The blazer was received and as I have long arms, I quickly checked it and called my tailor to collect it to lengthen the arms. She collected the jacket and returned it a few days later with the alterations being made. This is when I tried it on with all of the trimmings and noticed that the collar was different to the picture on the website - the product I thought I had purchased. I only noticed it was a totally different style of collar once I had a bow tie on. I checked the pictures online again and the cuff buttons and inner pockets were also different to the picture. I did some research and found via the brand website that I had actually been sent a jacket from last season, for this latest seasons cost. Obviously I am extremely unhappy with this and the company is refusing to exchange the item for the correct one as it has been altered. Apparently it is my responsibility to check the item "thoroughly" upon receipt - hence they have nothing they can do apart from a small refund on the price paid. I checked the item, of course, but the differences were not shouting out at me on first glance. I feel really hard done by here, as I have paid for something that is not as advertised and I have also paid for alterations on a jacket that wasn't the real McCoy. I do not think the differences were significant enough for me to have noticed straight away, but it is indeed a different jacket. What are my options here? As the company are not playing ball at all - even thought they have "99% feefo" etc etc. I feel cheated and want the item I originally purchased or a significant discount for the fact it is old stock.... Sincerely, D
  13. I have just given Foxtons my 2 months notice to end my assured shorthold tenancy. Foxtons have phoned me numerous times telling me they will be doing viewings in 2-4 hour slots across the days & that I dont have a choice to be there nor the right to find mutually convenient times enabling me to be present. I have said I am happy for viewings to be arranged at a mutually convenient times when I can be present in evenings & weekends. I have said that I wish to be present for viewings. Foxtons are being very aggresisve & bullying telling me I don't have the right to restrict their viewings to when I can be present & that I have to do as they say - I have to allow them to conduct viewings as much as they like when I am not able to be present. Foxtons are intimidating me telling me I have to do it their way or things will get very difficult for me. Where do I stand? I understood a tenant has the right to be present at viewings and they should be arranged with the tenant at a time to suit the tenant too. Any help much appreciated.
  14. The latest thing is the mis-selling of PCP car finance deals, according to the National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers (NACFB). They have said that lawyers have started to look at dealers and finance firms, to see if customers have been sufficiently informed about the higher interest rates for PCPs, and the like. With around a million cars being sold on PCP deals last year alone, if there's any deception found, this could be huge for the car industry, and indeed, very profitable for claims companies. If it is found that drivers have been poorly informed, or even deliberately mislead about PCP deals, there could be a lot of compensation flying around in the coming months. The NACFB said that two main things are being looked at. The first is that it is thought people taking out a PCP weren't warned that they'd be paying considerably more interest over the term of the loan, than the amount they'd be paying if they bought their vehicle under a hire purchase (HP) agreement. They're also looking at car salesmen, who may have told prospective buyers that, by considering PCP, they'll actually make a profit at the end of the contract, as the car they've bought is likely to be worth more than the final optional 'balloon payment' figure. http://www.bitterwallet.com/motoring/car-industry-faces-ppi-like-claims-92400
  15. Well another thread.Looking around saw a few articles on this idea and thought i would pop the idea on the forum. On this fine,sunny,crispy Monday morning in Spring to start the week off. Seems to be gathering momentum worldwide.Or the idea of. A bit rushed,maybe not that clear but a start that is all,i will find more articles as time goes on. But have a look around and have your say on what you think. Some say if companies were to invest massively in new machinery,many of our jobs could vanish. Saying the price of employing cheap labour is far cheaper than the modernising of companies,factories and the rest. But this will surely happen as time marches on. Robots are poised to eliminate millions of jobs over the coming decades. We have to address the coming epidemic of "technological unemployment" if we're to avoid crippling levels of poverty and societal collapse. Here's how a guaranteed basic income will help — and why it's absolutely inevitable. Whether working or not you would receive a basic income. Now how much the benefit system costs in this country i do not know,but obviously most of this would vanish i would think. How Universal Basic Income Will Save Us From the Robot Uprising. http://io9.gizmodo.com/how-universal-basic-income-will-save-us-from-the-robot-1653303459 So as i look around this idea seems to be interesting many countries. Paying all UK citizens £155 a week may be an idea whose time has come Introducing a basic income guarantee would be costly, but it could be the answer to a lot of different problems http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/economics/12037623/Paying-all-UK-citizens-155-a-week-may-be-an-idea-whose-time-has-come.html Canada plans to experiment with giving people unconditional free money http://uk.businessinsider.com/ontario-announces-basic-income-plan-2016-3 Finland Finland is considering a radical plan to give everybody free money http://www.techinsider.io/finlands-plan-to-give-everyone-free-money-2015-11 Switzerland Will Hold The World's First Universal Basic Income Referendum What if everyone got a guaranteed $2,500 check every month? How would society change? http://www.fastcoexist.com/3056339/switzerland-will-hold-the-worlds-first-universal-basic-income-referendum Have your say,i am sure many will, i hope.Anyone there,of course there is. Come on in and have your say.
  16. I will make this as brief as possible. Back in the day,my day.Many years ago. As a First time buyer went looking around, found a house that needed a little work then spent a few years slowly doing it up.Family came,happy days. Prices reasonable,usually a few houses around that suited the first time buyer on a low wage. Now i have talked to a few Landlords in the last few years. Worked for a few but never really enjoyed the work.Not like working for owners. Sometimes more dough but not the same. Not the people but the thought that many of these properties should be bought by young couples who have connections to the area. Old fashioned i suppose. Anyway said one day,"Hey Mr Landlord how many properties have you got." "Only one hundred going to buy another one next week".3 bedrooms needs a little work 50 k. Well i knew the house and area and thought,i am older now by the way so no interest myself,should be a first time local buyer who buys that then left it. Talked to another and gleaned a little info of a group who have 400 plus houses,estate agents and friends. So buying properties rapidly doing up and renting out. You could ask the question,cough,connections but will refrain. Now you first time possible buyers out there maybe i do not know really,if this is repeated town by town,city by city are losing out in my view. You possibly get a mortgage arranged to be wiped out by the instant buying power and connections through friends. Convinced myself that communities are being altered to much.A mix fair enough but it seems some towns are becoming rent only towns. What is the situation in your area for first time buyers.What chance have you got.Are you being beaten back by entrepreneurs who are grabbing houses before you get a look in. Any experiences. Hope this thread makes a little sense,if not ignore it. Not the first time i have opened a thread for it to sink faster than the Titanic did. Good luck anyway,first time buyers i wish you well. The end till the next strange thought that enters my head. Please feel free to say what you feel.
  17. I just thought I'd post list for your chuckles I noticed a Default on my credit file. So wrote to Lowell Group requesting CCA etc etc. Finally got a letter from Naturally Close (Lingerie catalogue) I'm a man, and not that way inclined! Anyway, Naturally Close quoted "The Account was originally opened on 18th Feb 2007" and "We are under no obligation to supply you with a signed copy of your agreement at this time. However please find enclosed a Reconstituted "True Copy" of your agreement allong with the terms and conditions..." blah blah.. Firstly, no such agreement has been signed by me, so unsure how it can be a Reconstituted "True Copy", and secondly, the address on the copy is my current address. I wasnt living at my current address in Feb 2007, nor was I for at tleast 4 years after. They sent two different copies of the "CCA" Page 1 of one "CCA" states 39.6% interest. Page 1 of the other states 36.9% Both with the incorrect address for when the agreement was taken out.. Funny how when I brought this to the attention of Lowell, and have been chasing them weekly for 6 weeks, that they dont reply. I've just opened a case with the Financial Ombudsman.
  18. Apart from world peace, what would you like to see happen in 2016 ? And perhaps we can avoid any debate on the EU in this thread, in anticipation that a few take interest in this.
  19. Hi I was drawn to an offer of two pairs of glasses for the price of one at our local optican so I took up the offer. Normally my employer pays for my test but this offer seemed good. The experience was okay until I was asked by a counter person to answer some medical questions about my parents. She asked if my parents had Glaucoma and Diabetes. I said I thought my father had Glaucoma and Diabetes. He did have diabetes. She then said I can now have a free test. I was willing to pay there and then, though she insisted that I qualify for a free test. She asked me to sign a form for the free test. I bought the glasses and have to go back next Week. Whist in the shopping centre, I asked my elderly Mother if she could recall Glaucoma in the family. She could not remember. So I went back to the opticians ( 30 mins later ) and explained to the same lady. She then replied that I had already signed the form and could be prosecuted for making a false claim. I was shocked !!! I then insisted that I pay for the test to remove any uncertainty so I paid. However, her attitude was awful. Even when I said that I hoped to save some money by getting a free test but could not ask dad because he had died. She replied, that is too bad. I feel like a criminal even though I offered and did pay the fee in the end. Her attitude was awful and now I fear the NHS will be after me next for making a false claim. I sensed she had it in for me, the now paying customer. I thought I would share this as an experience because even the customer can be intimidated. Thanks, Stella Update.... just checked with my Brother. Apparently my Dad did have Glaucoma and was taking eye drops to help.
  20. After realising there are many craftspeople about.I thought it would be nice to open a thread for many that work this way. Whether full time or part time if there is such a thing. I realise many put many hours in perhaps for little return,but are happy to create. If you do such a thing whether for profit or fun tell us what you do and maybe send a photo or two that shows your craft. I do not know what many do but would like to know. You could make cakes,you could bake,you could embroider,knit,carve.I have not a clue what you may do but would like to know. Are you a craftperson.Working away somewhere in your home,outside perhaps.Where do you do this craft.And tell us how you are doing. What it makes you feel like.Does it stress you some times,does it fail some times,have you succeeded someway,made a few pounds perhaps. Have you because of the economy or other related things had to create there has been no other way to survive.To make a few pounds. Well let us see how many are about.If nobody another thought out of a cluttered mind.Made some space. Have some fun myself,but just starting so will wait and see what others create out of anything.And how you do it and made that first step maybe years ago.Maybe months ago,days ago,hours ago. Come on in and tell me. Wherever you are in the world come here tell us your story.Otherwise i will be failing and wondering where it all went wrong. And will not sleep for days. I am hoping to hear some Tales Of The Unexpected. If you are outside looking in just register here.We are a friendly lot.Only take a minute or so i do not want to tear you away from your creations. Link here. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/register.php Hoping to hear from someone. Tawnyowl.
  21. Knowhow Coverplan is the worst company I have EVER dealt with. I bought an expensive computer in PC world as I am currently a PhD student. It was approx 1200 euro and covered it with them. It was stolen in Athens in June. I filled in the documents and had a police report etc etc and sent it all in. Weeks later I had heard nothing and contacted them. After a long wait I got a guy who said it had been processed and they had sent me a cheque but that it could take TWENTY EIGHT days to arrive. 28 days to get from England to Ireland ??? I was very specific with him about whether it was a cheque or voucher as I said I would but a new laptop now if it was a cheque as I needed it for my studies but I would be forced to wait if it was a voucher. 28 days later still no cheque - so two weeks after that again - today the 25th August - 3 months after it was stolen I rang them again. I was put on hold for over 30 minutes after which I was told there was a "glitch" in their system and I had been sent nothing. They then told me they would give me a voucher number over the phone - no cheque. A voucher is obviously of no use to me now as I have already bought the laptop. All I was told was that the guy I was dealing with shouldnt have told me he had sent a cheque as they dont do things that way. Somehow he cant be traced as he has "conveniently" deleted his login details for the conversation ! I asked to be put through to the customer complaints department whereon the person put me through to the general services department who cant deal with complaints ! He then transferred me back to the coverplan people who I had been originally talking to, but after 30 minutes no one answered the phone and it cut me off. How does a company like this manage to get away with this type of thing ? How does PC World continue to use a company like this ? Obviously a voucher for 1100 euro is no use to me as a student now that I have replaced the laptop - it looks like my only recourse is to contact my solicitor a nd sue them to have them refund me the money rather than give me a useless voucher.
  22. I looked around and it looks like Kwik Fit is very "kwik" to cancel unilaterally car policies. Obviously they must be making a good profit out of that, right? It happened to me too. I get paid weekly, and Direct Debits which are imposed as the only payment method by most insurers, are maybe good for monthly salaries, but matching a date of the month to a day of the week when I get paid weekly, is a total nightmare. So, after a text message telling me of the usual 7 day notice and asking to get in touch, I sent Kwik Fit an email via their website for customers, on Tuesday 16th of June that due to payment mismatch date, the instalment would be paid on the Friday of that same week, 19th of June. That's just 3 days away! I always get paid weekly on Friday. Kwik Fit did not bother to get in touch, but I did not expect them to get in touch because they never do. This kind of date mismatch happened on two previous occasions with Kwik Fit and it was not a problem. Anyway, on Friday 19th of June I called Kwik Fit, as promised in my email to them 3 days earlier, to pay the insurance instalment. The Customer Rep was not able to process the payment and had to investigate. I was put on hold. He then returned to the call to tell me that the policy had been cancelled. I called them again an hour later and was put through another Customer Rep and had a massive discussion about this. He did not reinstate the policy. A few days later I got a demand for £430! Now, the matter has already been passed on to the Financial Services Ombudsman. Basically, I really do not care about what the rules say! Whatever they say, it is clearly unfair to the Consumer and the rules are far too easy for the companies. It is clear they hammer the consumers left, right and centre! I actually suspect Kwik Fit did not respond to my email on purpose, then let the policy cancel in order to then claim an outstanding balance. Good strategy for Kwik Fit, maybe. But as far as I am concerned, I will not pay this. I understand that if I did not bother to contact them, then they would have a good reason to act like that. But I DID contact them and promised to settle the instalment on Friday, just 3 days away. And I fulfilled my promise to pay because I DID call them to pay the instalment on that Friday! I just find Kwik Fit utterly despicable to do this. I find those in charge of regulations also at fault for not changing rules which run against the consumers all the time. :mad2:
  23. In past versions of Windows, Microsoft has allowed users to configure how they want operating system updates to be delivered. Those looking for the ultimate protection configure Windows Update to automatically install them, while others may, accidentally or not, disable the feature or postpone installing any updates for a very, very long time. I have seen systems that last had updates installed years before I was asked to troubleshoot them. With Windows 10, however, Microsoft is taking matters into its own hands, by making automatic updates mandatory. This applies to both home and business users, unless the latter group turns to dedicated tools that allow them to have more control over how updates are installed. Basically, you have to go out of your way to keep Windows 10 out of date. The most up to date Windows 10 licensing agreement, from build 10240, says the following: Updates. The software periodically checks for system and app updates, and downloads and installs them for you. You may obtain updates only from Microsoft or authorized sources, and Microsoft may need to update your system to provide you with those updates. By accepting this agreement, you agree to receive these types of automatic updates without any additional notice. Microsoft has confirmed that this will, indeed, be the case going forward, with a company spokesperson saying that "The license terms for Windows 10 require Automatic Updates be enabled as a part of keeping our customers secure and delivering Windows as a service". As I said before, it will be possible for some users to tweak this behavior, but I believe it will be limited to enterprises, which naturally want more control over such things. Personally, I welcome Microsoft's approach, as, based on my experience, there are plenty of Windows users who need to be protected against themselves. Some can be so ill-informed that they will disable Windows Update simply because they do not want to deal with the notifications that pop up when their systems have not been updated in a long time. They will expose their systems and personal data without realizing it, then they will blame Microsoft or other parties for the performance of their system. Of course, Microsoft can expect some Windows users to have a problem with this. There are legitimate cases when having Windows Update download lots of updates can interfere with certain tasks, but, for the average user, this should not be a problem. It can also be argued that some updates need to be "proven" before they are applied, but, again, times when such issues occur can be very rare. Another thing to note is that, by making automatic updates mandatory, Microsoft will be making it easier to keep users' systems current after releasing major Windows 10 updates, not just minor updates and security fixes. If, for instance, there will be a Windows 10.1 in the foreseeable future, it could be possible to have it automatically install right after being made available. Such an approach would make it possible to avoid the Windows 8.x update disaster, where there are still lots of users -- 2.9 percent of all PC users, to be exact, which is more than Windows Vista has -- running Windows 8 despite Windows 8.1 being offered as a free upgrade. This is a problem that Microsoft does not want to deal with again, if it is possible to avoid it (and it is), because it hurts it in the long run. Source: WinBeta
  24. I think youll love this one. I am really not surprised at all... Looks like the monkeys have wised up Consequently I did later receive an email apologising that they wouldnt bother me again...
  25. Hi, I wonder if any of you IT buffs might know what the remedy to this is? I opened the PC - a Dell Optiplex 745 to change the little round battery. I noticed these capacitors (I think) which appear to have leaked. Can anyone tell me if these are replaceable/repairable or is the likely end of my motherboard? Thanks
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