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  1. Hello everyone, I have just joined the group to seek help if possible!! This morning I received two notices of Enforcement From a Company called Marston addressed to my correct name and address. Collection is on behalf of Waltham Forest Council for motoring offences in a vehicle I have no knowledge of, in a City I have not driven in for 20 years. Called Marstons this morning and they told me it has been through the courts in my name from an address I have never lived at last year, and the 2x £278.00 outstanding Sums must be paid by 10-08-17. They then advised me to get a report or Incident number from Police and Action Fraud and to relay the information to them. Does anyone know what I really need to be doing... ..Thanks in advance everyone.
  2. I checked my credit file a week or so ago as I was about to get a car-loan to discover I now have a CCJ. My previously impeccable credit file (of 999) is now decimated. The CCJ (after downloading the details from Registry Trust) is linked to my married name (I am now divorced) at an address I left in August 2014. I had a post re-direction for 3 months after I left the address the court have used, and have lived at 3 addresses since then, and have been on the electoral register at all of them (all are the same local authority). I've contacted the court (Northampton Business Services Court) who have said the claimant for the CCJ is Civil Enforcement Ltd dated 15/4/15 and the charges are £256 plus damages with a total figure of £356. This is an unsatisfied amount (obviously). I am still none the wiser as to what I'm supposed to have done here. I google CE Ltd to find they are a PCP so guess this is parking related. Thing is I haven't ever received a parking fine from this company or any related correspondence. I pay everything on time. EVERYTHING. I am scrupulous about such things. I don't ignore any bills etc. EVER. Which is why my credit score was 999. In between scouring the internet for info on what to do and what all this means, I call the court back to get some more details. There are none. It seems the claimant can do this electronically and provide no evidence? And sometimes a judge doesn't even see it?! stuck again and still none the wiser. I call both numbers for CE Ltd . One is for payment only. The other is a legal dept where I've left 3 messages on the answer phone and not had a call back yet. The court mentioned that 14 days from the CCJ a Warrant is issued and that hasn't been done yet, even though it was 6 months since the CCJ. How can they issue a warrant if they don't have any contact details for me? This whole process has happened to me, without me even knowing what I've done, and now I might have Bailiffs after me? Surely this can't be right? I'm so worried I don't know what to do next....
  3. Morning Caggers, time i dealt with this issue . . . during my move to my current address, some 130 miles from my home town, I had been served papers at my previous address without my knowledge and only after being informed by Talk Talk of the hacking that it would be prudent to check my credit rating that I saw the default CCJ against my name. It has now been moved to my local court for enforcement , however on speaking to them I can try to get this set aside . . . i have tried to do this previously and it was rejected, but i forget why They are sending me the relevant forms to fill in etc due to my low income they say it may be possible that the fee could be waived . . . that aside, i'm just wanting to start this ball rolling to defend the claim . . . I have the contact details of the solicitors who pursued the claim on behalf of Marlin Capital, should I ring them for the case details?? thanks for any help in advance guys . . .
  4. My disabled wife ordered a new car and it was agreed with the sales man and the sales manager that the car would have premium paint which would cost £450 extra however the salesman said if she signed the sales contract she would get the premium paint free of charge . A deposit was paid and a Contract was then signed by my wife and the sales manager which clearly stated the car was to have the premium paint . A few weeks later when she rang to inquire about a delivery date she was told by another salesman that the contract had been altered without her knowledge and the car was to be supplied in standard paint can they do this or is it breech of contract
  5. Hello folk, On the 22nd of August I received an email from extra energy sending me my "final" electricity bill, which included a £25 fee for exiting the tariff before it expired. I called Extra Energy and they told me that my supply had been taken over by British Gas and that I should speak to them about it. The operator at Extra Energy wasn't very helpful although I did tell him that I did not want to change supplier. Reality is I would not be a BG customer even if they were the cheapest in the market, I had a very bad experience with them in the 90s and there is no way I would ever consider them again. Since I did not ask to be supplied by British gas, not even knowing what tariff I am on, as I have not yet received any correspondence form them, would I be in my rights not to pay their bill if they sent me one? Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want to have free electricity, in fact I have opened a separate savings account and instructed my bank to transfer £70.00 every month to it, just in case I get a nasty surprise. With Extra Energy my tariff was Bright fixed price January 2017, which is less expensive than BG standard, so if I do get a bill from BG can I recalculate the figures using EE's rates? Last but not least, can I sue BG for taking over the suplly without my say so? Thank you in advance for any advice.
  6. Hi all, Newbie here so please forgive me if this has been covered off elsewhere but I'm hoping for a quick bit of advice.... I made the mistake of leaving my car for 2 hours, 20 minutes and 3 seconds in a Highview car park on 11th December 2015. I'm certain that I was still present in the car for at least 20 minutes prior to leaving the car on a call, and any CCTV would back this up, doubt that's particularly relevant though. Anyhow, I've changed address since and have received no communication, or engaged in any form of dialogue with Highview Parking Ltd. As such I've had a lovely letter from DRP arrive in the post yesterday, informing me they've tracked me down via whatever CIA / Interpol (DVLA) database, and that if payment is not forthcoming with 14 days they'll be taking my wife, house and dog hostage... I've been researching all the advice on here relating to Highview, and despite the infinite wisdom of Facebook friends telling me to ignore it I'm not totally comfortable with that course of action and intend to lodge an appeal, follow this through and defend myself in court should that day come. To the point of this post.... I'm slightly confused by the status of my PCN.... My first course of action was attempting to appeal the PCN via their own website, this redirects to "w w w. pcnphoto .com". Upon entering my PCN and registration I receive the following message.... Your PCN has been cancelled. If you have any further enquires contact us by email so that our team may assist you directly." Following this I followed the "Pay Now" link on the Highview website, this redirected me to the parking charge payment website and a table of the PCN details including, Reg, PCN number, Date of Violation, Location, Time In, Time Out, Duration, Current Fee Due.... All of the details are present and correct however, the current fee, and total payable, both show as £0.00. Arrival & Departure pictures are also "temporarily unavailable" Is this due to the PCN being passed to DRP for collection or can I take this as off the hook? Thanks in advance guys! James
  7. Hi, I seem to be yet another 'victim' of having taken out Tescos car insurance in good faith in September 2015, only to be stopped by the police in December 2015 & told that I don't actually have insurance!!! After my car being impounded, a raging rant at Tescos, letters to Tescos, etc, I was finally sent a CD with the recorded conversation with Tescos and a letter from them, disclaiming all responsibility. I now have a court date in May 2016 relating to driving without insurance and the risk of a fine and points. I'm aware from reading on the site that many people seem to have had similar experiences with Tescos. Please can anyone who has actually managed to get resolution to this situation tell me how to do it. Ideally, I would like to find a solicitor who has managed to win a case such as this against Tescos. I am not a happy bunny ... but I'm sure help is out there somewhere.
  8. Hi I have never been great at using forums but wondered if anyone had any knowledge on ccj's ? In short myself and my partner applied for a mortgage today only to be told my partners account was a problem. Checked with Equifax and there was a ccj registered in Jan 2015 against him. We have lived at the same address nearly 11 years and have never ever received any letters or demands about any type of debt. It doesn't say on Equifax what it is in relation to, just that its for £1000. My partner doesn't know what it is (not great I know ) or thinks it could be an old balance on a vodaphone bill which was from 5-6 years ago at least and it was a small balance from a business use phone and he was waiting for charges to be removed. Basically an old bill no where near £1000. But nothing has been sent or we would have paid it off especially if we had know they would send it to court. His fault for leaving it but shortly we should have been notified about this. Anyway this is a huge stressful issue for us as its a family move and it will cause problems and I wondered if we could do anything to get rid of this ccj on his credit report. We can pay it and would have oId it if we had known about it. Sadly I can't afford to get the full mortgage on my own. Please help ? Thank you
  9. i have submitted a Acknowledgment of Service via MCOL Can anybody please advice on how to defend my claim and what steps i should take please? Thank you In order for us to help you we require the following information:- Name of the Claimant ? Lowell Portfolio l LTD Date of issue Date of issue 11/1/16 What is the claim for Particulars of Claim 1) The Defendant entered into an agreement with Vodafone under account reference ('the Agreement'). 2) The Defendant failed to maintain the required payments and a default notice was served and not complied with. 3) The Agreement was later assigned to the Claimant on 10/10/2011 and notice given to the Defendant. 4) Despite repeated requests for payment, the sum of £490.08 remains due and outstanding. And the Claimant claims a) The said sum of £490.08 b) Interest pursuant to 569 County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of assignment to the date of issue. accruing at a daily rate of £0,107, but limited to one year, being £39.21 c) Costs What is the value of the claim? 659.29 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Mobile phone When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? I have no knowledge of the contract Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. - Debt purchaser Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? No notice was received too my knowledge Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? No Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? No Why did you cease payments? No knowledge of the account What was the date of your last payment? ? No knowledge of the account Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan?
  10. Hi folks, So I'm in a bit of a complicated situation, I'll try to sum it up as briefly as possible. I guess I'm just curious what people think/advice/am I doing the right thing/anything else I could do? Last year I split up with my ex. I knew he had looked into some sort of tax credits scenario a few months before we split, however I never filled in any forms and never saw any money, thus thought no more of it. In June of this year I discovered he's been claiming joint couples working tax credits under both our names since last year. When phoning the HMRC about this they "fixed" their records, and proceeded to inform me that "overpayment letters" would likely be sent out. I told them I'd never received any money nor signed a form, nor knew he was doing this, they told me that I "must have" signed a form. I got C.A.B advice and did a Subject Access Request for the initial application forms (as I disputed the existence of a signature), and while waiting for these to arrive I asked a solicitor for help and also (on a particularly stressful day) phoned my ex and told him to get this sorted out. He said he would, unforunately he uh... doesn't believe in working. Seriously. I don't think he works at all. So I can't really see how he can pay this back, and if he can't, they'll still chase me, right? Even though I never got the money and work hard every week to pay my bills! The solicitor was skeptical about the lack of signature on the form, and I was even starting to doubt myself as to whether I had inadvertantly signed the form as the last few months of our relationship were pretty horrible/a bit of a haze of stress. Solicitor suggested he would send a letter to the HMRC explaining that I did not know about the claim, received no money, and for them to only chase my ex for the money. This letter was sent over a month ago, still no response for HMRC. The past two weeks - letters start flooding in. Firstly, the fruits of my Subject Access Request labour - a massive envelope containing, among other things, the initial application form. It is entirely filled out in my ex's handwriting, and there are NO SIGNATURES on it at all. Not his, nor mine. I can't see why these would be redacted (perhaps his, but why mine? Especially when I asked for it specifically?). Finally, this week I've received two "notices to pay" for overpayments to my ex totalling about £4500. They have been sent to him too (he's told me in an email he's dealing with it). I just don't trust that he will when he thought it was ok to do this in the first place, and also where is he getting £4500 from?? The deadline for re-paying this is in October! If he has no money/offers a tiny monthly repayment, they might still come after me? I've thought of phoning them to say "hey guys, no signature, why are you chasing me?" but I thought it best to wait and see what the solicitor thinks. So that's pretty much where it's at. I've told my solicitor about the S.A.R news and am waiting to hear from him... what a mess! Hope I'm approaching it the right way.
  11. Dear Sir/Madam, I work in health care. While working I received a phone call from enforcement officer who had court order to seize my assets to recover debts. Now having said this, let me begin with this - never asked for any debts and nor have borrowed any money from banks. I still don't even own car or house. Fortunately no educational loan either. Following this initial shock and support from senior colleagues who understood my situation kindly offered to help and contacted the officer. Came to realise that there was overpayment from nhs in 2012 for which they had send notifications and orders to Old address which again is staff accomodation no longer lived since 2012. The court sent enforcement officer to seize my debt. Further to this, it was myself who contacted my employer in 2012 that they were paying me when I was not working any longer for them. I was waiting to pay them back. After 2012 , I had changed 4 addresses due to work and this organisation never bothered to ask me or obtain information. They seem to have been corresponding to old address and then sent notifications from the court to the same address and court sent bailiffs behind me. After all this they found me in some other address and called me with threatening messages to seize my assets ( dont have much ). Now in the eyes of the court I have to pay interest and court charges for no knowledge of what was happening with sudden bolt from blue. They have messed up my credit report and asking me to pay private solicitors because the stage is too late. I am lost for words here. Also type - 'Barts overpayment error' in google please ( it s not letting paste link here ) This trust is notorious for bullying and harassment of staff members ( please type Barts nhs bullying) - it affected my personal health too. My points are - I definetly owe this overpayment, I had decency and courtesy to tell them they overpaid and was waiting for them to contact me either by email instead of sending notifications to wrong address ( staff accomodation where they can physically check If I still lived or not and tried to send me notifications before Enf Officer embarassing presence and unnecessary tensions created in life for which I had to take leave resulting in thin staff in already overstretched nhs.
  12. Hello everyone, Thanks for all your help in advance! To cut a long story short, my partner is already paying a debt to Bryan Carter to avoid a CCJ as we didn't receive the claim form till the very last day of judgement. But now they're literally chasing him for two other debts (one in dispute, already submitted SARS to Lloyds) but this 'new' one that he has no knowledge of and it's not even on his credit file. He contacted Lowells 2 months ago to state that he has no knowledge of the debt and they also checked his credit file while he was on the phone and the advisor confirmed that there is no record of the HFC bank debt on his file; so advised they will get a copy of the signed agreement. Last month received a letter confirming that they're still awaiting a copy of the agreement and it make take a while, thanks for your patience etc. On Friday received a letter dated 12th May 2015, stating; "As requested, we enclose documentation from your original creditor. We trust that this now answers your query and look forward to receiving your affordable repayment proposals." However, the document they have attached is literally what looks like a photo copy of a bank statement from HSBC; Confirming his address, about your credit agreement etc and about your transactions. I can attach a copy if you need? They're literally stressing me out as clearly this does not answer ANYTHING! Just wondering what my next step should be, as I'm worried they will just issue proceedings and after speaking to National debtline the advisor told me that they don't need to provide a copy of the agreement as a Judge may take favour upon a statement!? And that maybe I should consider sending them a letter called 'complaining to debt companies that you do not owe the debt" So yes, any help would be massively appreciated. Thanks
  13. I received a letter from Boston County Court asking me to fill in an earnings declaration as Arrow/Carter had applied for an attachment to earnings on a ccj that they apparently obtained in 2010. I have no Knowledge of this and have not entered into any correspondence with them regarding this 'ever'. What do i do?????? PS as i was away it has already gone past the 8 day deadline that the court gave, i did try to call the court on Friday but couldn't speak to anyone. Also i am self employed
  14. Okay i just wanted to share a little success i have had in the last few weeks. I have had my credit card(opened 2006) in dispute with lloyds banking group for the past 18 months stopped paying 12 months ago due to the fact they could not provide me with a signed valid credit agreement. So last month i decided that i would ask if they would consider a full and final settlement for the debt as the account is still in dispute and that i wanted to put an end to this account once and for all. They sent me back saying only willing to accept 90% of the debt (£1980). So i left this and i decided to persue the fact the bank did not have a valid signed credit agreement, so i filled in their on-line complaints form and within 48 hours i get a phone call addressing the issues. The first thing the lady did for me was refund me £395 of unfair charges for when i informed them that i was in financial difficulty. The lady told me that the debt was in the process of being sold and the new company would write to me. Today out of the blue this same lady phoned me and informed me the debt would not be sold on(she never said it but she eluded to the fact we have no signed agreement) instead they have written the debt off and that they would send me a letter to confirm this within 5 working days and also she send me £60 compensation for the hassle. The amount will still show on my credit file but the bank or any other parties will not persue the debt. Success in removing a default... So after many searches on search engines about defaults on your credit file i came across a site that had a story about a man having his default removed because his lender could not provide the paperwork that they sent when issuing a default the strategy is really detailed and has had a lot of success. So my default for this particular account was for a bank account that went to a default because of it being £35 in un arranged overdraft and you can imagine the charges the bank whacked on. Any way so i sent the letter that was suggested back 3 weeks ago and on Friday i had a phone call from this bank and they informed me that the information that i requested could not be found in the archive and therefore the default will be removed and all negative markers from 2011 will be removed aswell. I have decided to share my story because i have seen so many posts where it is really black and white but my advice to anyone is read read read, knowledge is power. People may see this as avoiding the debt i owe and that is a normal opinion but the banks have a duty to follow the law and if they fail to keep the appropriate records/forms then we have the right to challenge the terms and conditions and the legality of any credit agreement. Thanks for reading
  15. I'm hoping someone can give me some advice. I had my Mercedes clk convertible SORN'd and uninsured in a secure lock up underground car park. I am the owner and was the registered keeper. I say was as someone unknown to me had the car transferred into their name by the DVLA. I never received any correspondence from the DVLA. I phoned the DVLA and they won't give me any information as I'm not the registered keeper. It's ludicrous. I owned the car outright and had known the previous keeper and was with him when he purchased the car 6 years prior to me owning it. The new registered keeper then had a locksmith come and clone a key and drove it out of the car park at the end of July, MOT'd it a week later and sold it the next day apparently for a paltry amount. I noticed it a week later and reported it stolen. Initially the police said it was a civil mater(how?) then they eventually listed it as a stolen a few days later. 36 hours later the person who purchased it rang the police saying that the car he had just bought for a 5th of its value had been reported stolen. Initially the police left the car with the new purchaser but have now impounded it. I feel like I am bashing my head against a brick wall as the officer dealing with it didn't believe the DVLA would just transfer it without my knowledge until he had an email from the DVLA that they would so ordered it seized. Now the person who had it transferred into his name has emailed the officer and so again he is emailing the DVLA for clarification. My car was stolen, how do I get it back. A civil case would cost me more than the car is worth and I couldn't afford it either. Has anyone had to deal with a similar situation, what do I do to get my car back
  16. Hello everyone, newbie here Ive searched through the forums and found similar cases but expect for one important thing. Ok so heres my story My 4month old HP laptop's cd/dvd drive didnt work - it couldnt burn cds or even read them. So i took it in because i had the knowhow insurance. the rep in the knowhow section in currys, took my details and said it will be sent off so it can be looked at. bearing in mind this was the 1st time i have had a laptop, i had no idea that needed to back anything up and i didnt even think of backing anything up because it was a cd drive fault and not anything to do with the drives itself (im thinking of things like viruses) also the tech guy at currys didnt say anything either. 1 week later, my laptop arrives back at currys and i went to collect it but couldnt check it as the battery was completely dead. So once it was charged at home, i switch it on and see they have completely re-installed windows and all my saved work and photos in c drive have gone... luckily couple months ago i decided to partition my hard drive, so anything i saved on d drive was saved. Also i do monthly backups normally at the end end of each month, so anything i had not saved from march 28th onwards was not saved on my external hard drive and there was a fair bit of files i phoned up knowhow straightaway and they said that the techguy shouldve warned me and he will email currys. But i have no faith left in them as it has been a rollercoaster ride ever since i have bought the laptop and the accersory bundle... (the sales rep tried to make me look like a liar and say i didnt buy the acc pack, but i proved him wrong as i made him write that i was owing an acc pack on the reciept itself. But after many emails to customer service - who are biased people anyway - got sort) So i want to know is what are my rights and what can i get out of this as i had important work saved and photos saved on it too.
  17. Hi! 4 weeks ago I found a default on my credit rating from HSBC Bank. I have no knowledge of this, having never had an account with them. Sent a letter to them and recieved one asking for more address's as they cannot find me on their system. They recived it 3 weeks ago and no reply. I phoned them up today and they say they cannot find me on the system and that I need to take a copy of my credit report into a branch for them to scan into the system so they can find me. this is what my credit report says.... HSBC BANK Loan Default Satisfied 05/07/2009 Seen an error on your report? HSBC BANK Who's this? Entry Number: C1 | Account Updated to: 05/07/2009 acount Type: Loan Started: 04/06/2008 Current Balance: Satisfied Default Date: 31/01/2009 Default Balance: £439 View Account Status Details: Account Status Details (1-12 months) Account Status Details (13-24 months) Last updated: 05/07/2009 Can anyone give me some advice here? It's like talking to a brick wall and I'm meant to be moving house soon! And they won't let me with a bad rating Regards!
  18. Hi all hope everyone had great Xmas and 2014 brings everyone all they need, wish, hope or could want I was hoping to some enlightenment with regards what is allowable and deemed acceptable for Councils to be able to do Reason for question is I have been harassed, intimidated, threatened and bullied by 2 - 3 Council employees since moving into this Council house and the last letter and action taken by Council was last straw so I asked them to provide me with every single piece of information they held about me or I was mentioned or associated in such information via Subject Access Request route. Credit where credit is due they provided me with a bit of the information requested but nowhere near all of the information they hold based on my own documentation and other evidence although they state what they sent me is all they hold. Any way my question relates to after quickly glancing through the information they sent me I noticed quite a few photographs had been taken of me and certain possessions of mine without my knowledge or permission as they would have not been able to take some of the pics without going through the entryway and opening my back gate or taking pictures while standing in the entry taking pictures over my back gate. Can they take such pictures without either asking you if it is ok or at least informing you that they have or are going to carry out the same. Notwithstanding the above although it is quite bemusing a number of Council employees have either been asked to give their opinion on what they thought of me or gave it freely is there anything I can do about this as I do not know why or what relevance would need to get their opinions on me and keep them on my file Many thanks
  19. I have received a Judgement for Claimant today which orders me to pay £1661.42 by 26th November (today's date). The Judgement is dated 19th November. However, I did not receive any papers or any notification that I would be taken to court to get a CCJ. I have recently moved and as I was unaware of the debt I obviously did not notify them that I have moved. I do have a post redirection in place which is why I have received the judgement today. But surely any documents would have been forwarded by the post redirection. I have never had to deal with anything like this and am at a loss as to what to do! I have checked my credit report and it states that Capquest registered a default on 21/10/2009 and it says account type is bank - but I have had the same bank account (and no others) since approx 2004. says the account started on 02/06/2008 My main questions are; - I do not know what the debt is relating to - how can I find out? - Can I do anything about the CCJ now? If I had received the documents prior to the court date I would certainly have looked into it at that point. - I cannot afford to pay the debt - we are barely keeping our heads above water as it is, is there anything I can do about this? As for more time until I have determined what the debt is for? I feel that I should not be paying for a debt when I do not know where it came from? Any help would be really appreciated - I have been looking at advice given by others for similar problems but am getting lost with all the CCA/SAR abbreviations - I don't know what they mean . Thanks
  20. If an employer is found liable for disability knowledge because the FHSO new of the disability but did not inform management (vicarious liability? )or undertake a risk assessment is the employer then by default liable for not making reasonable adjustments (obviously they did not as they claimed lack of knowledge of the disability).
  21. Every morning while taking my son to school, I have noticed a red BMW parked on the zig-zags of a pedestrian crossong which is located outside another school. So this morning I decided to dial 101 and pass the info onto the boys in blue thinking that over the next few days aropund the time of the school run, they would keep tabs on this. How wrong I was! "It's nothing to do with the police anymore sir, it's something you should report to the local council. They deal with inconsiderate parking matters". So I asked whether the law had changed and it is no longer then an offence which potentially carries points. The answer I got was "No sir, it does not carry points so therefore it is not a police matter, it is dealt with by Civil Enforcement Officers who can issue a PCN". So there you have it, you learn something new every day! Please Note The advice I offer will be based on the information given by the person needing it. All my advice is based on my experiences and knowledge gained in working in the motor and passenger transport industries in various capacities. Although my advice will always be sincere, it should be used as guidence only. I would always urge to seek face to face professional advice for clarification prior to taking any action. Please click my reputation 'star' button at the bottom of my profile window on the left if you found my advice useful.
  22. I opened my account was Barclays in April, the account was a young persons one as I was under 18, later on in that month once I turned 18, I went into branch and upgraded my account to the Current Account Plus. I had already got my standard debit card and all my details and my works pay going into this account. From various TV adverts, posters, and their online banking website I seen that they had a contactless card which seemed pretty cool to me as I just had the standard one. I went into my local branch to enquire and the cashier said that my existing card would be auomatically stopped and I would have to wait 2-5 days on the new one arriving, I declined as I was going on holidays in a few days and feared it would not be there in time. Then about a month later or so I was in branch lodging cash and mentioned it again, the girl asked the personal banker and he said to write down my account number and sort code along with some other number from the computer and he would order me it that day and I would receive it soon. Over a month passed and till no card. Yesterday when I went into branch to lodge a cheque, I mentioned this to another cashier and she called the personal banker who remembered that he had done it for me. After the phone call the cashier rudely stated that I had been credit scored and failed in front of other customers. I asked her why I had been credit scored for debit card and this was very odd, she wouldn't agree so I left. Once I thought about it, I realised they had credit scored me without my knowledge or permission. If they had of made me aware of the credit scoring process for a simple debit card I would have declined. I do not have an adverse history or anything, I just do not have much due to my age. I do although have a capital one credit card and Vodafone sim only contract from May which have both been paid on time. I rang the Barclays team and they agreed that I had been declined for a contactless debit card and they had credit searched me. I am amazed that I could be declined for a debit card, as all I could spend is what I have in my account? whenever I told the person I had not been aware that I would have been credit checked, he realised that Barclays had done something wrong and put me onto the customer relations team or something instead of debit card enquiries. The girl in this team basically said that I failed and that was it, but she could push this complaint higher if I wanted (although she sounded like she didn't want too) I agreed to do it as I feel like they are acting on my behalf and accessing my personal credit report without my permission? she did admit this shouldn't have happened and this will be brought up in that branch as it cannot happen. I have no heard anything back yet from this next team, what do yous think I should expect? Have they done wrong, I just want to know what I should be saying to them on the phone whenever they do call? Am I silly for getting so annoyed for them doing this? It was something silly that I just thought, 'that looks cool, I'll have that,' sort of mentality. I am still a college student, but work part time during school months earning a decent wage, and earn a full time wage over summer months. I am in a good financial position for being 18 with 700+ plus coming into my account monthly and never once went into an unauthorised overdraft, etc. Next year I am going to uni and am seriously considering using another bank for my student account. They seem very dishonest and uncaring to me. I do have multiple credit checks on my profile, but no missed payments etc, but its my own money i'd be spending.
  23. Hello, I received a statutory demand in late Dec 2011 for over £10,000 which was set aside on the request of the legal department of the company pursuing the money. I informed them that I had no knowledge of any outstanding debt or subsequent court proceedings and explained that it must have been a family member who had used the account without my knowledge who had since been witholding the correspondence from me as it was not sent to my address but to my deceased parents house where I had previously lived and where they now reside. The guy who served the statutory declaration told me that they had been used to track me in order to serve document as it was thought that I had disapeared (mortgage, council tax, electoral roll) lord lucan I am not. Since early Jan 2012 just prior to Statutory demand being set aside I requested an explanation from the company identifying the facts, and what they intended to do in order to rectify the situation. The guy I was dealing with said it was his priority to have statutory demand set aside and that he would look into this further. I have not heard anything since, and considering that it is a fairly large sum of money which I dont have it is something I could do without. I feel certain that the legal department spoke to the local guys at this end and that they have confirmed to them my version of events, and that was why they were keen to have statutory demant set aside. Is it wise to follow this up? What is the best way to go about this? I dont particularly want to cause problems for family member but this is a worrying situation any help/thoughts greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  24. In simple terms this is 1 of my 3 accounts, its literally used for a couple of direct debits that I want to keep separate. Having second thoughts considering I keep missing them. I had a direct debit come out this morning which I had forgotten about, checked my bank and it had been paid so I thought best transfer enough in so i'd not go overdrawn which I did. And being extremely cynical of banks I take screenshots of everything just incase. Interestingly I just checked back and that same direct debit has now been bounced and if you have a look at my screenshots from lunch time today and this evening you will see that they prized the bounced dd between the dd and the credits. Naturally i'm extremely anoyed about this and you can bet that if i'd not of credited the account they'd of paid it and charged an od fee. I will be charged £25 for this so naturally if I can get around this i'd like to. I should add that there is no charge for being less that £10 overdrawn and they do not charge for being overdrawn if you are bank before 3.30 that working day. Any ideas much appreciated. Screens Lunch : http://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af299/badgercraig/Dirt/before.jpg Just now: http://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af299/badgercraig/Dirt/after.jpg
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