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  1. This happened on June 19th, I was caught abusing a loophole in the self checkout where I scanned cheaper items to put in heavier, more expensive items down. I had being doing this for a while quite often, but didn't take anything of high value, just food on my lunch breaks. When I was caught, they said they were on to me for the past couple months. I had visited the Tesco only 2 to 3 times a week and at odd times during lunch (could be from 12pm to 2pm) and not everytime I did this, sometimes paying for a bag of crisps, etc. The thing is, the security guard didn't even pull me into their office, he took me to the side and gotten my personal details and didn't even bother calling the police because what I took that day was such a low value. Told me I would receive a letter telling me what action they will take in 2 weeks or so. Just got down my details from my drivers license, paid for what I had taken on that occasion, didn't take a photo of me and said I'm banned from the store. Did not mention civil recovery action. He said it's likely the head office will review the CCTV footage of previous times I went in and will probably take it to the police. I immediately wrote a letter to the store manager and head office, showing deep remorse and apologised, in which the customer service manager replied with a letter thanking me, but not saying what actions the head office will take due to data privacy laws. Not heard anything from the store itself. I was expecting this to trigger a DWF letter to pressure fines on me, but it has almost been 3 months and haven't heard anything else, other than that one letter so it's making me so anxious and worried. If it's taking so long, is it likely the are building a case and the police are getting involved? Or were they pressuring me into not going in again and have just left it at that? Or should I expect a late DWF letter and nothing else? Does it take multiple months to see one of these letters? People have said they're letting me sweat it: it's too much time to sit through hours of CCTV to see what I had took of relatively low value and it would not be cost effective to involve the police, but still a possibility, or it could have even been forgotten about. I have been told it might be sitting in a pile with others, but a lot of people on this forum seem to have received DWF / RLP letters relatively quick. Someone else had even told me there won't be any complicated background police investigation and my punishment would be very minor if I was to receive one, but I am still unsure and very very worried about it still, I stress about it often. I had also been told waiting this long could have potentially harmed any chances of a case, since it would have been proceeded with sooner after the incident? Would they still hold onto CCTV from April to June?
  2. My cheap landline deal has gone from Primus to Fuel Broadband now received an email to say it is sold to PostOffice and the price will increase. I had a look on the web and an equivalent cheap deal is supplied by `Naims`- (£11.50 pm +vat) I had an online form to fill out, no payment details to put in yet but the site was very basic. I only want a landline because I have to, I make maybe one call every few months if my mobile signal is bad. Anyone else use Naims?
  3. Ladies & Gents... Have you heard the news? Mobile phones are now dangerous... (When did that change?) But no seriously. News from Samsung regarding their Note 7 Product; Selling over a million units already, the device is shaping up to be a catastrophe for Samsung. FAQS Below
  4. Hi everyone I received this hand delivered letter today from Debt Management Services LTD. They say they are acting on behalf of Bradford and Bingley, I had a mortgage with them over 21 years ago and my house was repossessed. I have made payments on the account over the years but not anything in the last 4 years. The letter says they want to discuss any problems I may be having with the outstanding account. In order to bring my account upto date they want me to contact them. I can't find out much about them on the net, are they debt collectors or bailiffs ? Any help or info would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
  5. "Trust Money' contacted me a couple of days ago, offering me an IVA. This something I had been looking into, although I have never heard of this company. The only thing I can find on google about them is their actual website. As I am unable to find anything else I was wondering if this company is legit? I feel I really need to do something about my debt as making minimum payments account for over half of my income and being a single mum of a baby and being a full time student I am really struggling. My out goings are more than incoming so I need to do something. If anyone has heard of this company or used them Id be very grateful to hear from you. Thanks
  6. http://www.katebelgrave.com/2015/02/well-disallow-your-housing-benefit-for-two-weeks-when-youre-sanctioned-wtf-is-going-on-here/ JSA advisors saying they can stop your housing/council tax benefit for 2 weeks if you get sanctioned?
  7. Hi, I can't sleep for worrying about this even though I'm exhausted! I was interviewed by a revenue protection officer on board a train in London in the middle of September, who suspected me of fare dodging. He interviewed me under caution, placed me under arrest and said that my case was being referred to the prosecutions department of the train company for consideration. I still haven't heard back from them and am worried they have sent me a letter which has got lost in the post. Is it normal to wait so long? The RPI had said it would take about 6 weeks for the train operating company (TOC) to contact me. I was travelling from south east London to East Croydon via London Bridge. I had a season ticket from my local station to London Bridge but no ticket for the onward journey to Croydon, which I had planned to buy at London Bridge. As it turned out, I was in a rush, the Croydon train turned up within two minutes of me disembarking from the inbound train, and I jumped on it thinking - mistakenly - that I could pay the difference on board or at the other end. Honestly! I was not until recently a regular train user as I had private transport to commute to and from work and have in the past paid on board trains for tickets, so genuinely did not realise I was committing an offence at the time, and it was never my intention to dodge a fare. I'm a reasonably well-paid professional person with no criminal record, so why would I want to jeopardise my good reputation and future career prospects over a fare of a few pounds? When the guard came round I said I needed to pay him a fare and asked if I could pay him the difference on my existing season ticket but he said he was issuing me with a penalty fare. I thought this was unfair and refused to pay it. It gets worse. I then told him why I thought this was unfair and that I had offered to pay him the regular fare. I felt I was being unjustly criminalised. Then I refused to give him my name and address when asked because I felt frightened of him. (He was a big, scary guy, which I accept is no excuse or defence, but I suffer from an anxiety disorder, was under a great deal of stress and behaved irrationally.) When told I faced prosecution and was being arrested, I said I would pay the penalty fare - twice - but the RPI said he could not take a payment from me, and did not say why. I also gave him my name and address. On the train the guard suggested I had given the wrong address because he rang a help desk, which told him I was not registered at the address given. But I am! I realise now that my lack of co-operation was a big mistake and I have accepted that I will be prosecuted. I wrote the TOC a letter straight away which I sent by special delivery, and emailed them, providing documentary evidence and a copy of my season ticket and Oyster card, as requested by them. But, three months on, I want to know if I should contact the TOC to check they have not already written to me? I do not want to find out further down the line that I was convicted in court in my absence because I did not receive their correspondence. More about the incident: When the guard arrested me on the platform at Croydon, I panicked and rang the police, telling them I was being detained by an unauthorised person. A police officer attended and supervised my interview with the guard at my request. Before the police turned up a fellow passenger intervened on my behalf, saying to the guard that he was shouting at me, and bullying and intimidating me, that he was a big guy and I was a woman, and the way he was treating me was inappropriate. The two men ended up arguing vigorously. The fellow passenger finally left, but refused to give me his contact details when i asked if he would be a witness. I gave him mine but he never contacted me. In my letter to the TOC I asked them to look at the CCTV on the platform, which would confirm my story about the passenger's intervention on my behalf. I also asked that the footage be made available in the event of prosecution which would show the two men clearly arguing. I don't want a criminal record but accept I may end up with one, which I believe stands for 5 years before I no longer have to declare it to employers. Could someone confirm this please? This would affect my employment and may even result in job loss. I am also an Australian and British citizen and fear it may adversely affect my right to re-enter Australia. As well as outlining all of the above, I said in my letter that I regretted the way in which the situation had escalated, that it was a genuine mistake that would never be repeated and that I would like to pay the penalty fare plus additional administrative costs. I also explained that in the past four months I had moved house, that the vehicle that I used to get to work was stolen, had had a brain aneurysm diagnosed and was presently being investigated for lung cancer. All of which possibly contributed to my unhelpful reaction to the guard. I supplied documentary evidence to back up all of this and gave the TOC permission to contact any of the relevant authorities to check the documents' authenticity, should they wish to do so. I also enclosed a letter from the council confirming my address (given to the guard) and a letter from a psychologist confirming that I had received cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety. I had a lawyer look over my letter before I sent it to the TOC. He recommended a barrister, should the matter proceed, and I will take his advice and hire the barrister if I receive a summons. The question is, should I contact the TOC to ask why I have not heard from them? The solicitor I saw told me that the TOC must bring a prosecution within 6 months of the offence, otherwise they are not allowed to pursue the matter further. I realise NOW that I was in the wrong on the train - I just didn't realise it at the time, which I realise (now) is no defence. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading this far.
  8. Hi In July my son was travelling by train from Bolton to Manchester to go to work. He had a monthly pass which he showed to the ticket inspector before going to the platform and catching the train. It was only when he got off the train at Manchester that another ticket inspector noticed the pass was two days out of date. My son explained that he had not noticed it was out of date as he had not used it for over a week as he had been off work for a week and offered to purchase a ticket. He was told all he needed to do was give him his details and the reason why he had not noticed the ticket was out of date which he did. He thought nothing more of it until last Thursday a letter came here for him (as he was living with me at the time) because he was working away he asks me to open any mail that may come here instead of his own address which I did and it was a court summons stating that the case was to be heard Dec 1st. I've spoken to him as he is still working away and he is not sure what to do. He can pay a £100 fine and it doesn't go to court, plead guilty and receive a fine of up to £150 or plead not guilty and if found guilty he could receive a fine of up to £1000 (the original fare he should of paid is £4.10). We're both really angry because the letter states he had received two letters in August one asking for an explanation and the other informing him of the fine because he had given them my address they would of come here and I definitely know they didn't. Also the documents are stamped 4th November and it didn't arrive until the 20th November! The documents have two witness statements the ticket inspector and an admin women who states two letters were sent and has them as exhibits. We both had a discussion on one hand should he just pay the early settlement fee of £100 he has until tomorrow to do that or should he plead not guilty as it was a genuine oversight and not as the charge states an act to intentionally avoid paying the fare. Any advice would be really helpful but we really need advice quickly as he only has until tomorrow to make a decision and send the documentation back for Thursday.
  9. Hi all, Back in early Dec 2013, I received a PCN from UKCPM Ltd. I was parked in an private office car park, in a space that had been allocated to me by the space holder for the day. I was working in their offices in the multi tenant building. The space is their's under their lease agreement and they told me to park there for the day - I can prove this as I have 2 emails from the office manager advising me to do this. I left my business card on my dashboard, clearly displayed, in case anyone wanted to query it etc. Several hours later I glanced out the window and saw a guy get out of a branded Smart car and put something on my car, I went out and asked what he was doing; he said (in broken english with a strong east european accent) - I was parked without a permit, therefore I had to pay a fine. I advised I had permission and could prove it, he wasn't interested and continued to put the PCN on my car and take pictures etc. I ignored the PCN, thought I'd just wait and see what happened. End of Jan, I receive a Notice to Keeper Formal Demand from UKCPM Ltd, advising that as the registered keeper of the vehicle I had to either advise the driver's name & address or pay £100 charge for "Not displaying a valid permit" - Discount payment period has expired. Several weeks later I decided to write a letter to UKCPM - I was happy to ignore, but the wife is a panicker!!! I wrote as the registered keeper of the vehicle, did not admit to being the driver or anything else. I stated the car was parked with consent of the space holder, and that their operative was advised of this at the time. I also stated that as far as I was concerned the matter was therefore closed and no further correspondence would be entered into. Also if they (or their agents etc etc) did contact me again, I would levy a £500 harassment charge per letter against UKCPM Ltd & its named Directors via the courts. Mid March I received a letter from DRP, Demand for Payment of an unpaid parking charge £149, deadline to pay 27th March. Today (2nd April) I received from DRP a notice of intended court action - unpaid parking charge £149.00, deadline to pay 14th April 2014 or will be passed to creditors solicitor with recommendation to commence court action. My intention is to continue to ignore this, and see what happens.... The sign in the car park (picture attached) reads: Private property Unauthorised parking or parking a vehicle in a area or space that has not been designated to you may result in your vehicle receiving parking charge notice. Enforcement in operation 24 hrs Permits must be clearly displayed in windscreen at all times Terms of parking without permission blah blah blah. MY ARGUMENT: I had permission from the space holder, I have advised UK CPM of this twice. Their sign states that only parking without authorisation or in an undesignated space will result in a PCN - I had authority and was in the space designated to me by the space leasee. Their sign does not state that failure to display a permit will result in a PCN - the PCN has been issued as Contravention - Not Displaying a Vaild permit AM I RIGHT TO CONTINUE THIS ARGUMENT, SIT BACK AND WAIT ETC.....?? Any advice gratefully received
  10. I took out £15k loan when I were 16 and gave it to my brother because he asked me to. Long story short, He paid me for a year or so, then lost his job. Couldn't pay me, then he went to prison for something else. My mother helped pay it for some years and bought it down to £12k. She couldn't help any longer and so I stopped the payments. I had many letters at the time, and get a letter every 6 months reminding me about it. But other than that, They didn't chase it since 2010. What is likely to happen?
  11. Hi, has anyone heard of liteGadgets they are a trading name of AR Supplies LTD in Accrington from their site? They sell electronic goods from major manufacturers. Their prices seem ridiculously cheap and everything seems to be in stock. Which seems very odd indeed. I have searched for feedback on them and there is nothing. Very odd, if they are that cheap one would think they would be selling out of everything. just a heads up PT
  12. A friend received a letter for me from these guys. It was very polite and not demanding in the slightest. It was to do with some bank charges I ran up when my business went bust. I am a bit shocked it has risen from a few hundred quid to about £1500. He called them and explained I didn't live there but would try and get the letter to me (don't see him much). They just replied "don't worry we will just remove it from the system". Looking at their website they seem to be accountants not the usual debt collecting parasites. The letter was full of things like 'we appreciate times are difficult' and 'they can help significantly reduce the debt or possibly write it off". Anyone had dealings with them?
  13. Whilst looking to get a quick loan (stupid I know) I came across this site. All was going well until the last page where they wanted by digital banking code, passwords etc? I stopped the application immediately and got an email from them ..... see below Why do we need the last page to be completed? We need your online banking credentials in order to connect to your bank account so we can display your transactions and trigger payments in and out of your account. At ClearAccount, we promise to keep all your personal details safe and secure. The security of any information you share with us and your privacy are our top priorities. That's why we use the same 128-bit encryption and physical security that your bank does. ClearAccount is a "read-only" service. Our unswerving commitment to your security means we cannot control your bank account or make payments to third parties. Are they kidding? As if I would ever give out these details to anyone. Sure it must be a [problem]......hopefully no-one has done this and i hope no-one will! I may need the money but not by giving out these details!
  14. Hi everyone, I was just browsing through the internet last night (as you do when the weather is against you) and came across a site: http://www.ladderloans.c o.u k. Apparently, they are a trading name of Inventive Finance Ltd and offer loans between 6 and 18 months at around 299% APR. I've searched to see if there was any other information on them on the web but can't find anything other than [problem] checks saying the site is okay, but nobody's personal experience of using the company. Apparently, they are a direct lender as there is no mention of brokering anywhere on the site. Just interested to know if anyone's had any dealings with either them or Inventive Finance. Cheers, MB78
  15. What did their letter say, did they give you a full explanation of what they were collecting and for who. Is the amount they are asking for the same as the original bill?
  16. Hi!! Has anyone heard of a company calling themselves UK-LOAN-STAR.NET? I have been offered a loan by them, but something about the whole process doesn't ring true somehow. Has anyone out there had any dealings with this company? Your comments wil be gratefully received. Thank you simpleton6332
  17. hello all my cousin went for a photo shoot yesterday and paid £50 deposit to have a cd of pictures on, and to pay £79 a month for 12 months, however her husband has just gone pysco and she has to get rid of them, it says on the agreement she signed that its non cancellable so where does she stand?? i just called the place for her and explained but the manager isnt there so they cant do anything tonight, she wants to post the cd and agreement back to them and cancell everything, or her husband will go mental at her, he has already taken her bank card off her i want to hepl her cause i know what he can go like, but dont know how to or what rights she has, thanks for your help
  18. Please can you help me? I have suffered huge financial problems with the Recession. I have a £6K personal overdraft with Barclays. In Feb 2010 I wrote to Barclays and explained I couldnt pay my Overdraft, explained why not and please could I pay a token gesture of £1 per month until things improved. They agreed and so I've been doing this. I also at the same time requested an SAR from the bank which they sent me (pages and pages of it) Two weeks ago I opened a letter from Lowell's to say Barclays had sold on my debt to them and can I contact them to arrange a payment plan. I have now got to do this, but just wanted to check with you guys how I should do this? My personal financial situation is still dire. I've a LTD company but just manage to get barely enough work each month to pay work bills etc. I'm not going to give up my business. I dont and havent paid myself a wage for several years, just want the company to survive until the downturn picks back up. I refuse to give up and go on Income Support. Please advise me on how best to deal with Lowell. I've a 14 year old, a new partner (whos also self employed with minimal work) Thanks
  19. Hi, I am (unfortunately) having to go to through an employment tribunal process against my present employer. I had an initial case management discussion meeting (CMD) a few months ago. At that meeting my employer's legal representative stated that my employer intended to call several witnesses. The names of these witnesses were not listed in the CMD agenda - even though I had openly listed the names and number of my potential witnesses - and I had expected the employer's side to do the same thing for the CMD meeting. My employer's legal representative stated at the CMD that they (the employer's legal rep) didn't know the names of witnesses, just the number to be called. I have since emailed my employer's internal Legal section several times requesting a list of witnesses names. My employer's Legal section has not even acknowledged receipt of my email requests let alone supply me with the list of names. This refusal to name their witnesses has the potential to weaken my case. Indeed one or two employees which I have sounded out as potential witnesses on my side have instead bailed out (which is unfortunately somewhat understandable in these days of job cuts) explaining that they were doing so because they might actually be called as witnesses on behalf of my employer (which is a lot less easier to forgive I must say!). I'm not interested in recriminations against any of my co-workers who may actually stand as a witness for the employer (I really don't have the enery left for it apart from anything else). However I do feel that I should be entitled to know who may have been 'bagged' for the other side! Does anyone know if I do have a right to know who these employer-side witnesses are and if so, can I make my employer disclose this list of witnesses asap? Any advice would be most welcome.
  20. I am really needing some help. I have a house valued at £110,000 and a mortgage of £105,000 which I may need to sell. The only problem is I have a secured loan of £34,000 on my home through Picture (or whoever they are now) which has arreas of £650 and they will only get bigger as I am no longer able to afford the loan. What I am wanting to know is am I allowed to sell my home even though the secured loan won't get paid off. I am intending to rent if I can sell my home. Any advice would be much appreciated. I don't want to sell if I don't have to but will Picture?? take my home even if they won't get any proceeds from the sale.
  21. Received this reply from Capital after requesting CCA, non compliance and account in dispute letters to them Quote Please find enclosed a copy of your credit agreement as requested. In accordance with Section78 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and the Consumer Credit (Cancellation Notices and Copy Documents) Regulations 1983, this is your origianl agreement, and if any terms have been varied, then the copy agreement will include the updated terms. In addition, your personal details, the signature box, signature and date of signature have been omitted from the copy provided as permitted under Regulation 3 of the Consumer Credit [Cancellation Notices and Copy Documents} Regulations 1983. Under section 788 we are not required to provide a copy of the default notice and statement of default. However, we can comfirm that a statement of default was issued on 16th December 2008 Unquote What do I do next and do I still continue to send them token payments. Many Thanks
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