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Found 16 results

  1. Hello, I purchased a Garmin sports watch in december 2016 from Decathlon for £159. It has recently stopped working, will not charge or turn on. I approached Garmin first who gave me some basic suggestions (which failed) and then told they could fix it for £100 as it was outside its 12 months warranty. I carried out some research which suggested that I should be protected by the Consumer Act based on my thoughts that a watch of this type should not spontaneously break after 16 months. I have contacted the retailer who initailly advised that there was nothing they could do as the product was outside 12 months warranty but have now accepted that they would review if I sourced a report that supported my claim that the watch was effectively not fit for purpose. Is anyone able to advise if this is the right approach? Is it likely to be worth my while? Who would I go to for such a report? Appreciate any suggestions. Regards Antony
  2. I am currently in dispute with a builder over a patio - there have been several attempts to remedy the situation over the past 12 months the patio has been re-laid but there are still significant issues. Last time the builder was on site I unfortunately swore about the situation not directed at the builder. The builder became very aggressive and intimidating - shouting and swearing at me. I asked him to leave the house and he continued. Fortunately, at this point my wife came home with my daughters and she could hear the builder shouting from outside the house. I managed to get the builder into the front garden where he continued to shout and swear at me in front of my wife and 5 and 3 year old daughters. My wife asked him to stop multiple times. We got the children in the house and then he eventually left after a final tirade. In the evening the contractor sent a text to my wife rather than me acknowledging his behaviour had been inappropriate. He is offering to carry out further remedial work but we are obviously reluctant to have him back on site after this situation - he is a big guy. Where do we stand legally if we don't feel comfortable having him back on site?
  3. Hello, I rented a studio over 4 years ago through a London Agent; standard AST. The Agent secured my deposit (over £1000) with TDS. After one year my LL decided she did not need the agent anymore and offered to rent the flat directly to me. This, according to her, saved her some money to proceed with the needed repairs. I have been renewing contract (no changes in there) for the consecutive 3 years since then. Due to her numerous failures to carry out repairs (leaks, mold, poor insulation, lack of heating - literally she removed electric heaters from the walls to make the flat look bigger, fuse box issues - lights tripping out the box on a daily basis, boiler issues, shower power issues plus criminals next door, with their drug-related behaviour 24/7), I had enough and decided to move out, ending the contract in 2017. I gave her 2 months notice, but according to the contract I did not have to. She was extremely unhappy with my decision. On the same day she gave my private phone number to an Estate Agent; without permission&behind my back. They informed me that my LL decided to sell the flat and they would need immediate access to take pictures and show the property to potential buyers. I was speechless. I looked at my contract only to find out that she was in breach. The contract states that if the LL intends to sell the property, the tenant must be informed in writing 2 months prior the notice of intention to sell. Anyway, for the 2 months I have been harassed by my LL and Estate Agent so much, I had to take sick leaves as I was not able to perform my duties at work (she had known that I work nights only). On the day of my move she broke into the property (the police were called by my neighbours) and changed the locks. It's been over one month now and she does not reply to my requests for the return of my tenancy deposit. To cut the story short, when the new AST was up in 2016, she delayed it until the next month. She claimed that because of her delays in paperwork my deposit was protected for the time being as periodic, but she would protect it in full once the contract was signed. In 2016 I did not receive any reminder from TDS that the fixed term was ending and that action was required so that protection of the deposit continues ( this is what they say when asked about clarifying whether a LL complies with their rules). In the middle of my 2016-2017 tenancy I checked TDS (I had no reference number, nothing regarding the full AST deposit protection scheme from her). The only way I could check my deposit was by inputting the start date of the tenancy and full name on their website. The TDS could not find my deposit. I asked my LL about it and she said, blushing and stammering, that the deposit was in her account. I was at my wit's end so I tried to find my deposit with a reference number on periodic one. It turned out it's been periodic. My contract for the year 2016-2017 was not periodic. The previous deposit protection was fully registered and says: Tenancy start xx/xx 2015. Expected to end on or after xx/xx/2016. Can anyone advise how I pursue TDS and my LL about this? All advice/experience with LLs and TDS much appreciated. Thank you
  4. Good morning, A friend of mine has a personal injury case against a bus company after driver took wrong route and hit a bollard whilst reversing to get back on route. - Bus company have admitted liability. The solicitor (well legal executive) acting for my friend requested a rheumatologist assess my friend because she suffers from a condition called hypermobile ehlers-danlos syndrome (hEDS) which causes constant debilitating pain and can cause small injuries or trauma to last for ages Anyway, this "expert" appeared not to know too much about her condition and has referred to out of date materials when talking about the hEDS, and also fibromyalgia, calling the fibro "neuropsychiatric not rheumatic" He has focused on the childhood depression and previous work problems (bullying but not mentioned this is why she left) and my friend feels like he is focusing on irrelevant issues and wonders if she can disagree to this being put in. The whole report practically makes her look mentally unstable, even though depression and anxiety are a symptom of hEDS from a very young age. I have helped her find current criteria on both hEDS, fibro, and also widespread chronic pain, which she also dx with at same time but not mentioned once in his report. Her solicitor is harder than a slippery pig to get hold of and my friend is looking to change representation, but I think she really needs to address this report before making any decision. So, my question is this please experts, Does the medical report need to include this information about her past job and depression which she feels doesn't really have a bearing on her case because she is claiming for the pain and inconvenience she has suffered since the accident. I have said that in my opinion it would need to be added because she has since had to leave her job. But I have promised to help her so will try to find out for sure. I know the info I have written is scanty, but this is the best I can do without disclosing too much. Many thanks guys.
  5. Hi Has anyone heard of these ? Loans Expert' based in London. Apparently, they can give a loan, unsecured if you bank an amount then they forward your loan inc the amount you previously deposited ?
  6. Hi, I'm currently in court with a dealer due to a fault car being sold to me. We've both been told by the court that we need to fork out £750 between us to gather expert evidence to determine if the car was faulty before 6 months of purchase or after. We were told by the court that if we can't agree on an expert to look at the car then the court would chose for us. After talking to somebody at the court yesterday i've now been told that I need to fill out an N244 form for the court to choose for me and this will cost £155 to do so. Is this correct or can the court just pick one for me? I've already paid a lot of money in court fees and don't have the funds to pay out that much + half the £750 as well. Thanks for any help
  7. Signed up for the Experian Credit Expert to Access my report. I realised it cost £14:99 but just received an email saying welcome back etc. It also stated: Your membership has been reactivated. You are now being charged a monthly membership fee of £14.99, which includes a £6.40 premium for your Identity Fraud Expenses Insurance - Read our insurance policy. £6.40 insurance, not having any of that, another PPI Racket so i phoned them up and asked them to remove it. Fair enough they said and that my new monthly subscription will be £9.99 My school boy maths tells me that £14.99 minus £6.40 totals £8.59, not £9.99 they were asking. They were having none of it so i cancelled the whole subscription Racket is an understatement
  8. http://www.trustpilot.co.uk/review/www.creditexpert.co.uk
  9. i received my first CCJ which was a shock horror!, i found out by looking at my credit report today. It seems i owe DHL international £177 which had a judgement date of 17/07/2013. The name on the CCJ on my credit report has a misspelt surname ie... Mines for example 'CANES' and they have spelt it 'CRANES'. firstly is this a technicality to be able to apply for this CCJ to be removed? i have no accounts with any courier companies therefore i have not signed any agreements or anything like that. I have used courier companies and i have had to pay customs fees for some parcels in the past which have always been paid as they do not release the parcel till i pay the fee. However the fee of £177 was never asked for by DHL via letters or phone calls. I have no idea where the £177 figure came from and no recollection of ever being in debt DHL or anybody for that matter for this sum or any sum. It seems as im registered at the address of where the 'incident' took place, i have automatically been given a CCJ !!!!! As mentioned above to sum up my findings.. 1. The surname on the CCJ is misspelt. 2. I have no agreement with DHL nor accounts. 3. Couriers do not release packages without a customs duty (if any) being paid upfront. i did not receive this package then why am i receiving a duty charge and a CCJ. If i did receive the package why wasnt i made aware of a duty charge and was was the package released without me paying for the duty charge. 4. If i order some goods that will incur duty charges but put the name in 'joe bloggs', will joe bloggs get the duty charge or will the registered person who lives at the delivery address get a CCJ? It is not a question really but an example that somebody could of put a parcel in my name (which is misspelt). Or i could do the same to someone else to get them a CCJ!!! it seems bizarre. I really need some help and guidance on this matter, The £177 is apparently for unpaid duty and/or vat invoices. So its safe to point out that it may be a customs duty that was unpaid.
  10. I am Fuming I took up the monthly free trial through credit expert. I canclled my membership within 30 days and was assured no payment will leave my bank accont. Six this evening 14.99 was debited. Contacted Barclays who do not want to know as to a charge back, head agaist brick wall comes to mind help
  11. Hi Guys, I have had credit expert for probably the best part of 2 years, i did the whole free trial and never bothered my bum to cancel it, but i do use it alot to see if my credit score has increased by 1 point , similar to when you open the fridge to check for food, there is none, but yet you open it hlaf an hour later to see if any has appeared!..... i recently went to cancel it and the girl on the phone said i could put you on the £9.99 package, i asked about it and she said its just the same thing but without the insurance, when i heard this i was a bit peed off as i never wanted insurance in the first place, even if an identity thief stole my details and got credit i would be intrigued rather than annoyed as my credit rating is as good as a soggy card board box! My question is can i reclaim that extra £5 back dating it since i never wanted it in the first place?? If so how would you go about it? I dont want to start a new PPI fad or anything just want ma money back for something i didn't even know i was purchasing or needed. Cheers
  12. Sorry this is my first post but I guess that is the nature of this site, anyhoo I need some advise regarding the SOGA and small claims after rejecting a vehicle - to cut a long story short... Question 1 - under the small claims court it appears I need to seek the judges permission to present expert evidence? I have spoken to VW Van center in Exeter and due to the nature of the camshaft fault needing some of the engine to be removed to be properly diagnosed this will cost £390 in labour and parts (gaskets need to be replaced when engine is taken apart, hence parts cost). I am worried if I pay for this to be done in advance of the claim the judge might say it was an unreasonable cost and whilst make a judgement in my favour he could choose to not assign this cost to the defendant because I hadn't asked his permission before having the work done? Obviously on the other hand I've had this van on my drive since the end of June and it was meant to be my daily car so I don't want to delay things any further Question 2 - The road tax runs out in August but the dealer hasn't sent me the V5, second key or warranty paperwork as promised so I'm not sure what to do if this is ongoing after the road tax runs out? Edit: Attached the letters and evidence I have started to document for my claim for anyone interested in reading them... [ATTACH=CONFIG]45348[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]45349[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]45350[/ATTACH]
  13. Hi all Just after a bit of advice regarding a default that is on my credit file. It was logged by a collection company called Sigma Red on behalf of T-mobile. The default is settled however it was not justified in the first place I closed my T mobile account due to a switch in network. I contacted Sigma Red and they have no record of me whatsoever. I then logged a dispute with Credit Expert. They contacted Sigma Red way over 28 days ago and have had no response. My question is should the data be removed by Credit Expert? They say they can not do anything until they hear from Sigma Red. But Sigma red are not responding. Probably because they dont know who I am. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I dont know where else to turn. Reagards Snow_man
  14. Hello, I have just joined this forum after reading some posts that were very interestting and so decided to post my own little question. Here is the story. When i was a little younger I was a huge fan of credit cards and loans and naive enough to spend it all and bury my head. I have not been in touch with any of the lenders or Debt collectors etc However i still get some letters from debt collectors which I still ignore due to financial difficulties. about 4 or 5 years have gone past since and today I have checked my Credit file to find that I have only ONE default showing on my account??? I should have a list of several defaults or CCJ, etc but only one showing a small amount for a parking ticket i think in 2007. My question is where have ALL my other debts go? It hasnt been 6 years yet?? Any help on this matter would be much appreciated. Thank v much in Advace.
  15. I would like to make my thoughts known on Expert Logistics who have within the past 30 minutes delivered a washing machine bought from Tesco. My son bought us a washing machine as our old one packed up. I disconnected it and pulled it out into the kitchen. When the delivery man came into the kitchen, there wouldn't be enough room for the new machine as well as the old machine so I asked, "could you move this one to there?" pointing to a spot outside the backdoor and 4 feet from where the machine stood, he immediately jumped in 'No, we don't do that' , I said it's only four feet, are you saying you won't move my old machine four feet for me", and he again said "NO". So there I am, an old man with a walking stick and he a young strapping bloke who refused to move my old machine. His mate on the van did do it but I think he was a bit reluctant to do it as he moved it and then disappeared. I'm not wasn't asking for a replumb of my house and installation of the new machine, all I wanted was my old machine move 4 feet. What is wrong with people today, no courtesy and no hint of customer service. I bet he wouldn't have refused a tip, but because of attitude they got nothing, not even the offer of a cuppa. Sod them, I'm fed up with the crap customer service in this country, all they want is to screw you for as much as possible and to do sod all in return.
  16. Just a FYI, I've just cancelled my membership partly due to not needing it anymore but also, and more worryingly that the iPhone app appears to lie. For months it's stated that my credit score is 922 which is fine, but I've had one or two emails from them stating that they have "detected a change" and to log into my account, which I did, on the app only to discover the score was still 922. I just called them and was asked what my membership number was, so I logged into the app to see if it was in there, it wasn't and my score was 922. So I logged into the main website and it said it was 901........logged back into the app and it suddenly updated to 901 and showed the recent activity. The lady on the phone said she couldn't take my feedback and suggested I email customer service (which I have) but if any of you use the app I'd be wary. 3 other friends who I've just spoken to have noticed the same and are fuming, especially as well have all been paying the £15 a month for the service. Thanks Paul.
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