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Found 18 results

  1. I’ll try to keep this short... i had 5 defaulted accounts. All because I was an idiot and ignored the situation. They’re all in theirs fifth year and credit rating is really on its way up.. Until... I lost my job and I have fallen behind on my Marbles Credit Card. I am 65 days behind and I have received a default notice over 3 weeks ago. Im not contesting the default, but I have asked them to confirm to me if my account has actually registered as a default on my credit file. They have said that it doesn’t default until 180 days. They wouldn’t put this in writing though. I have the funds to pay this off in full now. However, if the default has already been registered then the damage is done so I will be paying back a nominal amount if this is the case. How can I find out for 100% if it’s defaulted. I don’t want to wait until my credit file updates as it may default within that time which I am trying to avoid happening. Marbles said it hasn’t and won’t until 180 days. However this was said by a customer care agent over the phone so probably not the most reliable of sources. However I got a default notice in the post which I now no longer have because I’m an idiot. Does anyone know their default process, or a way for me to find out ASAP. If it hasn’t defaulted I’ll pay the balance in full. Thabks for your time
  2. I have had a letter from "Link Financial' claiming that that they will be seizing goods, but they do not state who or what I owe? I had a lot of debt problems years ago (7+) and really don't know what this is about. If I ring them is that acknowledging that I owe them? Really worried as I only have 14 days to do something
  3. Hi everyone I would really appreciate some advice on how to handle the following: My father, who is severely physically disabled and vulnerable, recently got a debt collection letter from Lowell alleging a £400 debt to three for a smartphone contract that was taken out over the phone. My father is computer illiterate and never took out this contract. It was likely taken out by his ex partner and carer in 2015. I have written to three with a subject access request but all they have provided me with is copies of bills. They say they do not have any recordings of phone conversations from the time the contract was entered into. I need to know from them: - What steps were taken to establish the identity of the person taking out the contract and protect my father from fraud? - What bank account details are associated with this account or was the account opened without any bank account details? - What date was the account opened? - Who signed for the delivery of the device and where was the device delivered? They have not yet provided me with any information. How can I go about proving that this debt is not my fathers? Is the onus on Lowell to prove this debt is his if we go to court? Can they prove this debt with only bills as evidence? My dad is very vulnerable and on a fixed income with lots of additional costs as he is currently moving into supported housing and has very complex health needs. He can not afford to pay this bill which is not his. Advice very much appreciated. Thank you Em
  4. I owe nothing to anyone have been receiving post for months for my daughter who I rarely see . I've sent them all back with not at this address today have returned from hospital to find a threatening letter with magistrates stamp on huge red letters all over it demanding £1544 of debt for parking fines which I know nothing of and she hasn't lived here for years . I contacted the mobile phone number on it and he refused to listen. When my neighbour took over to explain as I suffer with severe ptsd he was truly aggressive and hung up the phone . I'm sat in my own home absolutely terrified and want to just end it . I feel so intimidated . It was hand posted so I know they will be back . He made that plain . What can I do ?
  5. Hi all, I'm a young lad, I'm trying to keep things as discrete as possible with my current situation. After leaving college, I went to work with someone that I classified as a friend (Who's a lot older than me) who needed someone in-house to build websites, apps, provide customer service and help in other areas in return for a £500 work retainer. In the beginning the work flow was small and I was happy to help as and when I can. There has never been a formal agreement signed from the outset. For the £500 retainer (Which he classes as good value for money) - He currently has strict rules over me which include: - Working 11 hours per day, 5 days a week. - Provide first hand web development, online application design, mobile apps, customer service (regarding website enquiries, telephone & email based), graphic design and proof reading. - Every day, I'm required to complete a document what says what tasks I've completed, what time i'm checking in and out of work etc. - I'm being asked to multi-task on various projects throughout the day, whether that is working on multiple website development, apps or other time lengthly work related tasks during the day. - More times than not, I'm being supervised based on the work that I'm completing throughout the day. If I try to get time out during the day to focus on other prioritises, I'm constantly being reminded that the £500 retainer will stop if I don't spend work from at least 9-5pm per day, sometimes 8am whilst 5pm. There is no form of any sort of employment or contractor agreement in place. It all began as a friendship which seems to have envolved in to a controlling situation where I can't see any light at the end of the tunnel. I just feel like this is normality as this way of working has been the same for almost over 2 years now. Without blowing my own trumpet, I would say I have great talents when it comes to IT. I just feel like I'm wasting away at the moment and being paid very little for the amount of work and commitment I'm putting in. All I seem to get back in return is negativity to the point I'm being told I'm not being disciplined enough with the work I'm following through on a daily basis. I have no issues when it comes to committing to work, but I just feel like since there is no employment agreement in place, I just feel like I'm being taken fore-granted. I wanted to see what other people's thoughts are, I'm not sure if I'm going mad or whether I'm being paid a reasonable amount for the commitment I'm putting in. Thanks!
  6. Hi I will try and keep this as short as possible, I'm really in no man's land at the moment. My farther passed away 3 years ago and left his estate to me since that time I have had a few problems that professionals where supposed to help me but through bad advice its cost me a lot of money. To cut a very long 3 years short it got to the point where a financial adviser found myself and my wife a bridging loan from December 2013 which was supposed to last till January 2014 we secured £147,000 to clear off the mortgage on the house my father owned and to clear off my sister who was pursuing me via the courts and wanted to make me bankrupt after all of it was paid off we thought we where going to be OK. ... How wrong was I. As the "financial adviser" wasted so much time setting up loans getting us to sign agreements and backing out time was ticking till it got to may of 2014 when he told me that he couldn't help from then on we where in serious trouble... I put my fathers house on the market and the building that our business was in including 2 flats.. .. There was nothing owing on them apart from the bridging loan we had attached to those two buidlings and the one myself and my family live in. As it stands today the bridging company sent in a receiver on the 12th of August 2014 my fathers house went for £107,000 and the shop building went a couple of weeks ago for £105,000 minus a couple of thousand for costs. But since all that was going through and the hell I had and 4 months wasted by incompetent conveyancing company who i'm currently putting in a complaint about their service the receiver emails me today with the redemption statement of what is out standing which is £64,243.75 which is all interest they where charging us 4500 pounds a month their statement varied from £4500 pounds a month to October it being £11,000 which has resulted in this massive balance which is sadly more than my home is worth. I have no idea what to do or where to go it has left myself my wife and my 5 children in serious financial state we have been unable to pay bills and are months and months behind is there any options left for me or do I accept what is to come when I call the receiver tomorrow. Thank you so much for your time. Syra.
  7. here goes i was contacted my an ebay sellers club on facebook just a few weeks before christmas 2014 asking me to sell michael kors bags through my ebay account, i would recieve the money from the customers and i would send it on to the alleged seller, they would pay all my paypalicon fees and ebay fees, im very vunerable and fell for this [problem], i started to send money onto the supplier andd customers didnnt revieve thier items so requested a refund back through paypal (im glad these customers got thier money back) however my paypal account is now in a deficit of £4500 .. this wouuld be the total amount i sent through to the alleged supplier.... the plot thickens.... i contacted the email address that i was sending money onto she said she thought she was recieving money for goods as contacted by the original [problem]mer, the [problem]mer advised her to send the money she had recieved from me to a western union account and the [problem]mer would send the goods out to me.... so now the [problem]mer is no where to be seen ive reported to action fraudicon we have the western union name and the [problem]mer has set up various other facebook pages selling stuff action fraud have passed this onto the met police and said they can help but will reply in 28 days as to what they are gonna do however paypal are now pursuing me for the money even though i have advised of all of the above paypal say i authorised everything on the account and the account is my responsibly and so therefor i need to make a payment.. borrow it, anything to get the account balance down basically i said i do not have the money none of the money has physically passed to me i have a crime ref number from action fraud they said that is no use to them and if i dont pay the amount outstanding it will be referred to a debt collectionicon agency, even though it is being investigated by action fraud/met police and i have to wait 28 days... what do i do where do i stand? i even rang citizen advice and they said they cant pursue it while its being investigated please help me, this is distressing me so much thanks in advance
  8. Hi all I will try to keep this brief but basically my partner has been off work due to work related stress for 4 weeks. He is being bullied by his boss so much so that he got ready for work as normal one morning and then just broke down, crying and physically trembling and could not go out of the front door. I got him to the doctors the same day and he is now having to go for councilling because his stress and anxiety is so bad. He is in his 40's and this has all had a very bad effect on him. Most days he cannot even speak to anyone from work as the stress of it just sets him back and he breaks down so I have had to speak to them on his behalf but either my partner or myself have kept in constant contact with them with updates. His boss is fully aware that my partner is ill because of his actions but he is insisting on a welfare visit next week. We said we didn't have a problem with the visit but requested that it be with my partners Service Manager and someone from HR. He received an unpleasant letter from his bullying boss yesterday basically saying that he is aware my partner has refused to see him but he has got to have the meeting with him and the Service Manager. Instead of it being at our home his boss wants the meeting at a venue close by and will contact him with the details shortly. He has also made reference to the contact by my partner and wants an explanation why he is not contacting them. Even though he has been, either himself on his better days or when they have phoned I have spoken with them. There has been contact at least 3 times a week. It was made clear that a meeting with the boss would be detrimental to his health but he is willing to meet with a different manager and Hr but his boss has totally disregarded the well-being of my partner and since the letter came yesterday he has been in a right state and he now has to worry about the meeting until it happens next week. He is just not strong enough mentally to have a face to face meeting with this person. My questions are, can I attend the meeting with him as my partner has admitted to me that he is scared of him and also is there anyway that we can insist his boss does not attend? We are currently drafting a letter to raise a formal grievance against his boss.
  9. Hello I am at a complete loss and could really do with some advice please. Six weeks ago I ordered a bed from Littlewoods under the guarantee that it was delivered by a certain date, as we were moving home and due to medical reasons my husband needs a bed to sleep on (he can't sleep on the floor for example). The date came and the bed never arrived, after spending 3 hours on hold I was told that they had 'forgot to put it on the lorry' and would deliver the next day. The same thing happened again, they said they now couldn't deliver for a week - I said this is not acceptable and I cancelled the order because I needed to make alternative arrangements, so I did and purchased another bed. Fast forward six weeks, they only put the cancellation through 2.5 weeks ago, meaning I had to wait a further two weeks for the refund although I clearly stated I wanted the cancellation immediately, however nobody responded to any of my 15 emails and when I rung all I got was lies! Last week I sent a letter of complaint to their head office and customer excellence centre, saying that not only have I not had my refund, I have lost two days pay, had a phone bill with over £100 worth of Littlewoods calls and gone overdrawn - all I want is my refund and threatened to complain to Trading Standards. They got back to my letter the next day as it was sent special delivery promising refund on 02/06/2014. That date has come and gone, I have still had no refund, after calls to Littlewoods they refuse to help immediately saying they will ring me back (and I do kick up a fuss when they say this!!) and they don't, nobody is answering my emails and after I sent another special delivery complaint letter on Monday I still haven't heard from anyone! I have complained to the Citizens Advice consumer services and forwarded a copy of my letters to Trading Standards but these can take a while to get looked at. I really do not know what to do! Any help will be much appreciated, Thank you Laura
  10. Hi all, My partner was issued a CCJ in August 2012. The payments were made to them for £90 a month. Unbeknown to me until yesterday after sorting through cupboards and finding paperwork he stopped making payments in march 2013. I also found an attachment of earnings order from April 2013. The actual n56 form he said he threw in the bin and buried his head in the sand, but on the letter it does state that you have 8 days or face 14 days in prison or fines. The debt was with mbna We have moved house twice, I did write to the court explaining his change of address and employer details, but haven't since moving again so I don't think courts have our new address. Just wondering what the hell to do??? Do I write to them and download and n56 and send that with it? Really scared of him going to prison
  11. hello my name is rob 9 months ago i damaged my spine and went into spinal spasm i was taken to hospital and they didnt help me at all i had secretion accident and they told me to leave hospital with bag of meds after leaving me sitting in my own secretion for 20 mins or more i couldnt move to get any one i was let out of hospital took me nearly 15 mins to limp to taxi i got home and few days later i must have become a burden as my ex partner said leave i lost my job my work van my car my home my step children and went onto streets in spinal spasm and no money i slept in various doorways and one night got so cold and in pain an ambulance came and again all they did was give me a blanket and water to drink and told me to go to macdonalds to warm up I went to brighton onto the streets and then returned to tonbridge where i cryed out on facebook for help an old friend said i could stay with them i arrived in maidstone Kent and i registered with the local doctors i saw a doctor and he gave me meds naproxen and co dydramol before thsi tramadol and co codamol and algesal cream anyway i saw another doctor and the minute i walked into his office in exstram pain he just kept saying get a job get a job but gave me meds again and refused sick notes he then put it on the system i can work even though i cannot walk very far and cannot even mop a floor or bend with out severe pain in cosix and lower back i havent had any money at all since june now most days i dont even eat i try to get computer repair and data recovery work to survive but this is sparse my bank account is now severely overdrawn and im really struggling what to do next as i havent been outside for nearly 6 months only to local shops any one please help!!!
  12. Hi. I was wondering if someone could please help me. I have been demoted as a result of a disciplinary meeting for usingmy position as a manager to influence a member of staff to do something. I am currently awaiting my appeal. The accusations are utterly untrue and the member of staff is known for lying to protect themselves. I can prove all of this and they have broken so many procedures regarding my disciplinary but I have states that the demotion was harsh as a punishment. Demotion is mentioned in the handbook as a possible outcome but there is no information it just says demotion is possible that's it. They demoted me immediately to 2 pay grades lower resulting in my wages being halved and loss of all superiority. I am still waiting on my new contract 3 weeks later. Can they just terminate my management conteact like that with no notice and half my wage? Seems very harsh. Thank you in advance for any help.
  13. After hitting a dead end brick wall ,i have come onto here to seek some assistance . I had a medical test on the 21/11/12 and called atos and had it changed to the 28/11/12 , My GP faxed a letter to atos requesting a home vist ,After this period i recieved a form asking why i did not attend the medical, I explained my gp had sent in the information required and atos did not get back to me in time . Fast forward to january this year ,my ESA was stopped by a decision maker ,i phoned up straight away and was told i could not appeal the decision and althought it could be a mistake on their part i could only make a new claim for benefit . I made a new claim for ESA which turned into a rapid reclaim ( 17/01/13 ),i recieved a letter requesting my wifes birth certificate which i sent in straight away ,then i heard nothing ,after phoning up they said they required a new medical certificate ,so i sent a new medical certificate ,after numerous calls they told me i will have the decision last wed 6/2/13 ,i called in on thursday after not recieving any letter of a decision or otherwise. I was told i would get a 3 hour ring back ,which did not happen and the office closed for the night ,i rang 8 am on the 8/2/13 and was told i would get a 1 hour ring back ,it didnt happen ,so i called at 10am and was told it would be elavated to a manager and i will get the ring back in an hour ,it didnt happen again ,so i called at 11:30am and was told i would get a call back by 12:30 it didnt happen ,after two more attempts i finally got a call back and the lady on the otherside just didnt want to know about my problems and said that the decision will be made by next friday she told me atos did not send the letter from gp back asking for the medical so she deemed it didnt exist ,she said i shouldve appealed and not made a new claim as i was advised and now 1 month had elapsed i couldnt appeal .she said i should fax through the doctors letter and mark it to the attention of the appeals section. Yesterday on the 11/02/13 i called the citizens advice and they said they dont have any appointments to help deal with my claim and closest one i have got is next monday . Today on the 12/02/13 i called up the office again ,after no call back within 3 hours and having to call again for a 1 hour call back i recieved a call ,The person from the benefits delivery center told me that a decision was made and until i attend a medical i would not recieve payment of any kind ,i told her everything which happened ,she said the gp letter from friday wasnt recieved and if i could get another one faxed to the attention of petra. I went to my gp office and my doctor and secretary were furious and she said she had faxed that document through herself ,yet they refaxed it to the attention of petra .I went to my local mp and his secretary said my mp will write a letter on my behalf he took a copy of the doctors letter too . After coming home i phone the dwp to ask them if they had recieved the fax and they said my notes werent updated , and i will recieve a 1 hour call back ,it didnt happen . I'm so stuck with a 1 year old and 4 year old ,making ends meet with esa is hard enough and now i really feel like im rock bottom , i'm getting letters of eviction from the local housing office as my housing benefit has been suspended since january ,and my bills are falling into arrears ,i dont have savings or anything to use ,i've used the 3 crisis loans they give you per year . I cant sleep at night and really feel like this is the end ,theres nothing more i can do .
  14. I desperately need help. I opened an RBS account along with a few others with their forms online intending to try them out and pick my favourite. I received the RBS details in the post but never used or touched the account as I decided to go with Barclays. This was all in early 2011. I then left my address mid 2011 and was of no fixed abode. I was a teenager, alone, mentally ill, disabled and legally homeless. Fast forward to early 2012 after being in care and finally housed on my own and finally starting to get settled. I had a few issues with Barclays so I thought about trying out some of the other accounts I remember I opened. I called RBS to ask for a new card, explaining that I'd never used the account before and I didn't have any information or cards or any of that kind of stuff - they said they'd send it all out to me again, no problemo. I did the same with Santander. Amongst the stress of moving into an empty undecorated home, I completely forgot about bank accounts and never received anything from RBS as they said I would. Fast forward to late 2012, when I get a dodgy looking email from RBS saying they need to talk to me. I called them and they said it was certainly phishing, they don't email people. I tried and tried again until finally I got through to someone who said yes it was indeed from RBS and they needed to talk to me. They explained to me that my account was overdrawn, which I said couldn't possibly be true - I'd never used the account. They vaguely mentioned some kind of cheque bounce fee, and said they'd transfer me to another department to speak to someone. This next department was very rude and hung up on me because I didn't have any information on my account, because I of course didn't have a debit card or any of that sort of stuff. I tried a few times more to no avail, RBS didn't want to talk to me. I went in branch and spoke to a bank manager that said he would sort it out for me. I explained that my address had changed and I had no information on my account, but I tried to prove my identity with my passport. I also told him RBS had emailed me saying they had been trying to contact me - he was also certain that this was a [problem], but asked me to forward it to him when I got home. Whilst in the branch, he also asked for my new phone number and address so he could update it for me, and I emailed it to him later too just in case. I forwarded him the email that same day and he replied explaining that it was indeed RBS, and that there was a problem with my account. He said he had spoken to them and that they wanted me to call them. He also emailed me my sort code and account number so I could give it to them as a reference. However, as I should have expected, upon calling I got the same message - we cannot pass you through security, sorry. I tried and tried again to explain the situation. I tried emailing the bank manager again but he said the same thing over and over despite me explaining they refused to speak to me. At this point I gave up. I had no idea what was going on, and RBS didn't want to speak to me. I should note that I still haven't received anything from them via post at my new address. I eventually tried calling again, and a lady finally gave me some more information. She said they were going to try and trace the cheque number, and she said that there might be some kind of fraud on my account. For them to trace the number, she told me I had to go into the branch and ask them to do some kind of trace. I did so, the manager wasn't there (2wk holiday), but his subordinate said she would do it and call me back within 2 weeks. I got no such call, and my efforts in chasing this up proved fruitless. I tried to contact the same bank manager again but he ignored all of my emails. Finally, he replied and said there is nothing he can do, he can't speak to me anymore, and that I was to contact RBS or alternatively file a complaint. I did so using the website last week and was contacted today on the mobile number I gave them on the form, it was the complaints department. Moments ago, I spoke to a very cold complaints department lady who told me the bank was not liable and it was all my fault, and said I would have to pay up the £600. I tried everything I could. I asked if they had recordings of that initial phonecall too. Eventually whilst on hold I broke down in tears. The complaints lady tried to transfer me to some kind of repayment department, but gave up and said the lines were busy. She said she will call me back later. I am very distraught and am struggling to deal with this whole situation. There is absolutely no way I can afford to pay £600, I can barely afford to eat. The maximum I could possibly afford is £5 a month, which means it would take me 10 years to repay. I should note that have also filed a default notice against me which has absolutely ruined my credit record which I have being trying oh so hard to improve since my 18th birthday. Can anyone help me? I am afraid and I don't know what to do. Thank you for your time
  15. Hi there first post on this forum so please bear with me. I have been battling with Jacobs Bailiffs for a couple of months in reference of unpaid council tax from 2 years ago. After finding out about the debt I did bury my head in the sand for a while but realize this needs to be dealt with and quick. I tried to ring Bolton Council where the debt originated from and was told in no uncertain terms nothing they could do as the debt was with Jacobs Bailiffs now and not themselves. So I rang Jacobs on several occasion at the main office number continually told to ring the Bailiff in charge as they had no details of my account on their system only the Bailiff dealing with my case had this. I was told that I was unable to set up a payment plan as they needed to full balance to settle to debt. The debt ids a little under £300. I really don't have that at all and have no means of getting it, I've even tried pay day loans etc but keep getting knocked back. I was finally given to Friday 16th November to pay £50 with balance due December 6th. I was unable to pay them so no doubt will have a visit Monday morning. I don't work but my wife does part-time. I have 2 small kids aged 8 & 10. I'm losing sleep every night over this. Just don't know where to turn too. They said at the time of the arrangement if I didn't agree they would come and remove goods with a police escort. So I agreed to it to buy some more time but truth be told I knew at the time I wouldn't be able to pay Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. please help.i have been claiming ESA for 7 years for GAD.when i first started claiming i was with the father of my 3 kids .long story short me and my partner split 6 years ago after his one night stand daughter came a knocking for her daddy ,she was 16 at this time .we split and reconciled a few times but last september i threw him out for good ,i changed my claim to a single claim and we both moved on (although his family gave us grief). in march this year i failed my ATOS medical and so i appealed straight away.i have rang the dwp loads of times and found out on monday this week that it has now gone to a tribunal hearing. i rang the tribunal and was asked security questions to confirm my identity and when i said my address he said it was incorrect and i protested it wasnt so he updated the computer and told me a letter had been sent out to wrong address supplied by the appeals within the DWP.he ordered another letter to be sent to me and i recieved them today.on the address on the actual letter (not the envelope ) it is my ex sister inlaws address wrote there.i have never used her address for anything at all but my ex used it for his JSA claim when we split. i rang the ESA who told me they had been given that address by the CSA (i have never dealt with the CSA at all ) on the 17th of october 2012 as my new address. i rang CSA who said it was a system upgrade that changed my details. this is now my major problem (sorry its so long ,but got no family to support me ) i havent spoken to my exes mum in 6 years since my exes daughter turned up on the scene and all his family played happy families with her TONIGHT out of the blue she arrived on my doorstep with all my appeal papers and two additional letters that her daughter (my exes sister who we have a restraining order out on ) had recieved to her address.all the letters were open and the pages on my appeal were in the wrong order (showing they had been read). there is some very sensitive information in the appeal about my health and now too many people know my mobile no,house no,NI number and doctors referals to mental health teams and thier conclusions on my mental health. PLEASE HELP ,WHOS AT FAULT HERE? my ex mother in law took satisfaction in hinting they had laughed at me .
  17. Hi all, I had a knock at the door this morning from an employee of Newlyn High Court Enforcement limited. I answered the knock from an upstairs window to see a van parked outside my front door, although there is no roadway and is only accessable to pedestrians. A man introduced himself and asked me for "a word." As I made my way to the door, he helped himself and walked in. He told me a CCJ had been lodged against me last week and that this was now a High Court Matter and if he did not receive full payment he was going to call another truck, I would be liable for more costs, and he would strip most of the belongings in my house. My costs are approx £1400 for judgement debt, and £1000 Execution costs, although he put £90 on this for being with me for the hour. I explained that I had not worked for around three months earlier in the year as my other half was mentally unwell and had tried to take her own life on more than one occasion. This meant savings had dissapeared, debts accrued and I had no way of paying the full amount. He had me ringing round family and friends pleading for help at his suggestion only for everyone to be in the same skint boat as me, and me left feeling completely belittled and helpless. He has left me with a Notice Of Seizure with the details of my goods on it, and gone away with 2 post dated cheques amounting to the full amount to be cashed in two weeks and 4 weeks. No details of the execution costs are broken down. I do not want him back at my house as I worry greatly for my fiancee and her state of mind, but wonder what I am legally able to do in order to: 1) Challenge the £1100 they want for scareing the life out of me(although they did a good job) and making a list of my goods. 2) Make a more sensible repayment plan if possible. No cliches intended, but all and any help is really appreciated as I just don't know what to do.
  18. I have had the most terrible 6 months, something like a really bad soap opera, the problem is this, my doctor thinks I may have suffered a nervous breakdown in January and has referred my for emergency counselling but this could still take 4-6 weeks. The major problem I have is this, since January I have spent 8K on my company credit card and I honestly dont know what I have been doing, my full history is below, but my personality totally changed after Christmas, I have become distgustingly flirty, coarse and open. I have been "acting" overly happy and cheerful and optimistic, when actually I was just dying inside, every day. I am a receptionist and Facility Manager which doesnt afford me the ability to just be myself, I have to be cheerful and accomodating. Here is my history: • Nov 2011 o Partner of 14 years goes away on business trip to Asia for 3 weeks o Partner returns and leaves home needing time to think o Caroline celebrates birthday alone o Caroline Admitted to A&E with SVT • Dec 2011 o Ex-Partner tells her he needs time to think and there is no one else o Caroline spends Christmas break alone o Caroline attempts suicide o Caroline admitted to A&E with SVT o Caroline spends New Year alone • Jan 2012 o Ex-Partner still reassures her he needs time to think o Caroline is scheduled for a Cardiac Ablation Operation o Ex-Partner is away in Canada at that time o Caroline goes through heart operation & recovery only with support of colleagues o Ex-Partner removes all financial assistance o Caroline comes off her anti-depressants to be able to stop smoking using Champix • Feb 2012 o Ex-Partner reveals he fell in love whilst Asia with a colleague, we both know o He left Caroline for her, Caroline is devastated, again o Ex-Partner empties her apartment whilst she is at work, leaving only a few items o Caroline tries to be strong and negotiates new role with increased salary o Caroline for the first time in months thinks things are going her way • Mar 2012 o [Company] announce merger with [Another] o Caroline is openly devastated at announcement, the thoughts of losing her friends and security. o Caroline starts to spiral without her medication, but believes she will be strong enough o Caroline displays uncharacteristic behaviour, openly flirty and coarse o Caroline feels out of control but feels that work is levelling her and providing purpose • Apr 2012 o Many redundancies occur at [Location] o Morale is extremely low and atmosphere is oppressively negative o Caroline tries to remain chirpy and cheerful and raise peoples spirits o Caroline visits doctors to resume anti depressant medication o Caroline is scolded by doctor for taking herself off them o Counselling is offered but with a 4 month wait time • May 2012 o Caroline discovers that her partner, who left 6 months ago, conceived a child with his girlfriend 5 months ago. o Caroline’s hope is destroyed, any chance of reconciliation obliterated. o Caroline’s medication will not take effect for another 3 weeks o Caroline approaches ex partner to apologise for spends on his credit card o Ex-Partner reveals no spends on his card o Caroline logs in to [EDIT] to discover all spends have been on company card o Caroline informs [EDIT] in HR of error • 6 Month Overview o Caroline just “goes through the motions” o Feels as if she is running on auto pilot o Caroline displays uncharacteristic behaviour o Becomes un organised and forgetful o Caroline was tormented by her ex-partner, giving false hope, only to crush her over and over again o Caroline’s financial situation is dire and she has trouble eating and sleeping o Caroline took herself off her lifelong anti depressants in a bid to quit smoking o Caroline spiralled into depression and masked it by being, flirty, suggestive and coarse The problem I have is that I owned up to the spend and now I have a Gross Misconduct hearing on Thursday. I cannot lose my job, jobs here in the UK are scarce and after everything I have lost I cannot lose my home. I have 4 cats which are my life, I have no family or friends. If I lose my home, I lose my cats, I just dont know what I can do too keep my job and wondered if anyone here can advise me. I have sold my car and some chairs I own so I can pay them 2K immediately and have devised a repayment plan over 27 months. My reviews have always been fantastic having worked there for 3 years. I have always been regarded as honest and trustworthy, but the past 6 months something went wrong and everything became fuzzy. Any advise would be greatly appreciated, if nothing else, this is clearing the fog and re prioritising everything in my head, but I need to keep my job. Caroline
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