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  1. Hi all, I had a knock at the door this morning from an employee of Newlyn High Court Enforcement limited. I answered the knock from an upstairs window to see a van parked outside my front door, although there is no roadway and is only accessable to pedestrians. A man introduced himself and asked me for "a word." As I made my way to the door, he helped himself and walked in. He told me a CCJ had been lodged against me last week and that this was now a High Court Matter and if he did not receive full payment he was going to call another truck, I would be liable for more costs, and he would strip most of the belongings in my house. My costs are approx £1400 for judgement debt, and £1000 Execution costs, although he put £90 on this for being with me for the hour. I explained that I had not worked for around three months earlier in the year as my other half was mentally unwell and had tried to take her own life on more than one occasion. This meant savings had dissapeared, debts accrued and I had no way of paying the full amount. He had me ringing round family and friends pleading for help at his suggestion only for everyone to be in the same skint boat as me, and me left feeling completely belittled and helpless. He has left me with a Notice Of Seizure with the details of my goods on it, and gone away with 2 post dated cheques amounting to the full amount to be cashed in two weeks and 4 weeks. No details of the execution costs are broken down. I do not want him back at my house as I worry greatly for my fiancee and her state of mind, but wonder what I am legally able to do in order to: 1) Challenge the £1100 they want for scareing the life out of me(although they did a good job) and making a list of my goods. 2) Make a more sensible repayment plan if possible. No cliches intended, but all and any help is really appreciated as I just don't know what to do.
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