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  1. have had no money at all since june as now esa claim has been suspened i cannot claim jsa as im not fit and seeking work etc i dont have a phone or any money and im house bound im pretty lost what to do
  2. no one should be expected to survive on no income at all and i cant claim jsa as im not fit to work etc and cannot walk very good etc and knocked out to sleep on heavy meds naproxen 1000 mg and co dydramol 4000 mg
  3. i have seem every single doctor in the practice
  4. sorry im not sure what to do as im housebound and doctors will not give me sick notes etc is there anything i can do
  5. hello my name is rob 9 months ago i damaged my spine and went into spinal spasm i was taken to hospital and they didnt help me at all i had secretion accident and they told me to leave hospital with bag of meds after leaving me sitting in my own secretion for 20 mins or more i couldnt move to get any one i was let out of hospital took me nearly 15 mins to limp to taxi i got home and few days later i must have become a burden as my ex partner said leave i lost my job my work van my car my home my step children and went onto streets in spinal spasm and no money i slept in various doorways and one night got so cold and in pain an ambulance came and again all they did was give me a blanket and water to drink and told me to go to macdonalds to warm up I went to brighton onto the streets and then returned to tonbridge where i cryed out on facebook for help an old friend said i could stay with them i arrived in maidstone Kent and i registered with the local doctors i saw a doctor and he gave me meds naproxen and co dydramol before thsi tramadol and co codamol and algesal cream anyway i saw another doctor and the minute i walked into his office in exstram pain he just kept saying get a job get a job but gave me meds again and refused sick notes he then put it on the system i can work even though i cannot walk very far and cannot even mop a floor or bend with out severe pain in cosix and lower back i havent had any money at all since june now most days i dont even eat i try to get computer repair and data recovery work to survive but this is sparse my bank account is now severely overdrawn and im really struggling what to do next as i havent been outside for nearly 6 months only to local shops any one please help!!!
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