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  1. In total 74,000 with all my outstanding credit the house is valued roughly 80k I'm actually having someone come out and value the house so will have a better idea next week.
  2. I owe the normal things like bills as i've been unable to pay them about 7k on my credit cards that have been cancelled and have gone to default... Sadly with the close of our business all we have had to keep us going is tax credits... I have gotten a new job but its slow to take off.
  3. Thank you citizenB I have just gotten of the phone to the receiver the last thing they want to do is tip us out of our home but its not to say its not going to happen, really stuck between a rock and a hard place and full of hindsight and i'm worried sick.
  4. She had contested the will early on the advice I got off my then solicitor was to settle out of court and made her an offer of 10,000 when I said 5,000 she also told me that estate debts where priority which I paid which then left me short to clear my sister off it ended up going to court it took a long time to get sorted and it cost me 17k in the end. But the only tie in to my current situation is me loaning the money to clear her off and clear the mortgage off which was my dads as the bank wanted to reposes our home. I tried everywhere to get a mortgage but I've not had a huge amount of credit over the years.. Then I was put in touch with a financial adviser who said he could help and this is where it all went wrong, it was great to begin with be able to save the business keep plodding on till well my OP. I could of sold the property earlier I wish I had but going from the advice I was getting a deal was close a deal was this that and the other.. Don't worry we've not given up, I have a stack of signed agreements from all the companies he set up funding from and as the next month ticked by "sorry its not enough now" and then off for another one... You could call me a mug stupid for not just getting shut but these people are supposed to help you and not one person in law or financial has helped I've just ended up in deeper doo doo
  5. Hi I will try and keep this as short as possible, I'm really in no man's land at the moment. My farther passed away 3 years ago and left his estate to me since that time I have had a few problems that professionals where supposed to help me but through bad advice its cost me a lot of money. To cut a very long 3 years short it got to the point where a financial adviser found myself and my wife a bridging loan from December 2013 which was supposed to last till January 2014 we secured £147,000 to clear off the mortgage on the house my father owned and to clear off my sister who was pursuing me via the courts and wanted to make me bankrupt after all of it was paid off we thought we where going to be OK. ... How wrong was I. As the "financial adviser" wasted so much time setting up loans getting us to sign agreements and backing out time was ticking till it got to may of 2014 when he told me that he couldn't help from then on we where in serious trouble... I put my fathers house on the market and the building that our business was in including 2 flats.. .. There was nothing owing on them apart from the bridging loan we had attached to those two buidlings and the one myself and my family live in. As it stands today the bridging company sent in a receiver on the 12th of August 2014 my fathers house went for £107,000 and the shop building went a couple of weeks ago for £105,000 minus a couple of thousand for costs. But since all that was going through and the hell I had and 4 months wasted by incompetent conveyancing company who i'm currently putting in a complaint about their service the receiver emails me today with the redemption statement of what is out standing which is £64,243.75 which is all interest they where charging us 4500 pounds a month their statement varied from £4500 pounds a month to October it being £11,000 which has resulted in this massive balance which is sadly more than my home is worth. I have no idea what to do or where to go it has left myself my wife and my 5 children in serious financial state we have been unable to pay bills and are months and months behind is there any options left for me or do I accept what is to come when I call the receiver tomorrow. Thank you so much for your time. Syra.
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