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Found 14 results

  1. hi,i have just has a debt collecter from marston holiding knock on my door for a debt my daughter had.....he was dressed as a police officer look a like..he ,had a stab proof vest on with arrest officer written across the front and on his sleeves.....I have cctv and caught him on camera. he said he was here to arrest my daughter for a £57.00 debt issued via the courts..... he gave me a form with arrest notice on it saying if not paid he would arrest her..me being quite old panicked and said I would pay this....thinking he was a police officer... it says on the form failure to resolve this she would be liable to arrest either by a marston arrest officer or a police officer.. my question is was this legal and can a debt collector have the power of arrest... really confused on this thanks paul
  2. A while ago I defaulted in paying a court fine due to mental health problems. I had a Bailiff come when I was out so called back and said that I had no money and nothing valuable to take and he could come and see. He said that the office would call me but they didn't. I had a letter in the post today regarding Warrant of Arrest warning. It is headed HM Courts and Tribunals Service but I have to contact a mobile number (I thought that was dodgy) and a name which is the same ne as the Bailiff that came. I know I was so stupid in defaulting and in no way am I refusing to pay but should I contact this mobile number? It really is setting off alarm bells with the fact it's a mobile number and the Civilian Enforcement Officers name is the same as the Bailiff.
  3. Hi all, I have a letter direct from the local council's own court baliff demanding I pay my council tax bill with 14 days or he will ask the courts to commit me to prison. If I ignore this, would my entry in to the Royal Navy in January next year be effected? Would I have a police warrant for my arrest, or not?
  4. I would like to ask for any advice about enforcement agent, Bristow & Sutor (B&S). 3 months back B&S enforcement agent was in my rented house for the first time and tried to get into by locked door but I was alone at home as my partner was in Medical Centre at this time and I didn't opened. EA also been in my neighbour to get- I suspect - information about us because she let him in (we have non-friendly "relation" with neighbour). I didn't opened because of fear, I thought that was crime, I haven't had idea that was agent from Council, he left letter with his mobile number AFTER trying to get into house. I also struggle with deep depression and not open anybody at all when I'm alone, so I waited for my partner and after he was back, we sent text message to agent for making a new visit where we are both at home because we was scary: he knocked the door, windows very aggressive... Enforcement agent came in next day and said that we have to pay £360 straight away or he will call the police and we will go to the prison for 90 days. We was scary so much that I started to cry. My partner said that we are unable to pay now (believe or not we didn't had any pound in pocket), but we suspect to have money in Monday (that was Thursday 5th of October) and unfortunately an agent didn't agreed to wait until Monday for £360 payment and repeated again that we will be arrested RIGHT NOW if we will not pay TODAY (5th of October). At that time we were dealing with the decision from Jobcentre Plus about our Jobseekers Allowance, which we claimed about 3 weeks before as well as from Council about Housing Benefit. We already had letter from DWP about providing more proofs and documents to be able to get benefit, so in the time when enforcement agent been in our rented house we didn't even had any penny. We struggled with living expenses waiting for benefits (starving). Also, what is even more important my partner was seriously ill - pneumonia diagnosed by GP and taking antibiotics as well as waiting to have some money to get into Hospital to have blood test and X-Ray as doctor even suspected lung cancer, which means we both was very depressed and extremely stressed out about his condition at the moment as well as our whole life threatening situation. Even that our situation was like that: - without ANY money - unemployed - without any luxury goods, which an agent could take (all we have is old tv worth no more than £10, washing machine, microwave, fridge-freezer, old and damaged xbox 360, old table and 2 summer cheap chairs, 2 double mattress without bed and dressing table with mirror: that's all and he listed everything) - with serious health condition in my partner and depression in my case, which we informed of course - waiting for benefits ...this didn't stop the agent from threatening us about calling the police right now and being arrested if we not pay £360 now. Which is completely out of my mind, if I don't have any penny how I can pay £360 right now? We was so scary that my partner desperately sent text message to his previous colleague from job (he was working in restaurant before we claimed for benefits), who is not even a friend about lending us £360 as soon as possible because if not we are going to jail and he was so kind to borrow us that money the same day... After taking borrowed money from us, enforcement agent made a payment plan without even asking how we can be able to pay that amount, which we are unable to reasonably afford. He made this plan in moment where we was without any money that we have to pay first payment £100 and then £200 every month. This offer is to high for us but we were very scared and too stressed out about going to the prison that we didn't even tried to negotiate any lower payments. We have made our first payment on 4th of December - £100 and from this day were constantly asking to keep that amount because we are struggle even with that amount. Our debt now after paid £360 is £1700 from our 3 previous addresses. We are unable to make £200 every month. Our benefits for both of us are: - Jobseekers Allowance: £419.40 monthly for both of us - Housing Benefit: £328.12 monthly for our landlord's account straight away, which means we not have these money physically (our monthly rent is however: £495, so we actually should pay the remaining amount to our landlord, which is: £167 monthly, which means we will have £252.40 for both of us per month and if we have to pay for Bristow & Sutor £200 monthly, we will have 52.40 PER MONTH for both of us, which means is £13 weekly for living expenses and not paying other bills at all). We are genuinely struggling to pay this years tax on time but we are willing to pay: we just expect understanding our situation and give us chance to pay small amounts. Going to the prison will not resolve the problem, it will make it worse. We are now on benefits and we borrowed a laptop from our colleague and trying to improve our situation by freelancer jobs and my partner considering to start self employment if his work start to bring earnings. Letting EA to our house was mistake I think because we had worsen this problem. Could You please take any advice, what to do? We would like to back our debt into Council again but do they take it? Should I write about that to Council as well? Because I am actually in contact with B&S via their contact form, which allow me to put only 250 characters... They answered that they are unable to reduce the monthly instalments. Here is their e-mail: "In regards to your arrangement we have offered you the maximum time to clear the balance and are therefore unable to reduce the monthly instalments. Failure to comply with the arrangement will result in further recovery action being taken against you and you will be liable for any additional costs incurred. We trust this clarifies the matter." Yesterday was our second date to pay £200. We didn't had it obviously, so I contacted via this short form with 250 characters and sent them 4 of them that I am asking for keep the amount £100, which is still unbelievable high for us at the moment, we are still unemployed. My partner is going to doctor next Wednesday and we will know the results of his lungs, he is feeling really bad and lost much weight as he don't eat not only because we have very little but also he lost appetite. We are living now in extremely life threatening time, I am so depressed that I'm looking for suicide methods in internet because I'm so afraid going to the jail. Here is the fresh answer from B&S: "We acknowledge receipt of you recent emails, the contents of which have been noted. We must advise, however, that in respect to the two accounts we hold, both have a liability order that has been granted through Isle of Wight Magistrates Court. Once a liability order has been granted the balance, including costs, becomes legally due in full. Bristow and Sutor are under no legal obligation to set an arrangement and if we go it must be within our strict client guidelines. In light of the above we must advise that your proposal of payment is still unacceptable as it is not within our guidelines. Notwithstanding of the above, we have referred your proposal of payment, along with your current circumstances, to our client. We now await their instruction and once we are advised further we will update yourself accordingly. In the meantime we urge you to maintain the existing arrangement and will allow until 12.01.16 to make a payment of £142.76 to bring the arrangement up to date. We trust this clarifies the situation. Yours faithfully" I am very sorry for that long post, I don't even believe if someone will read that but I cannot focus and think properly to make it shorter, I just have huge brain fog. I will appreciate any advices and help. Thank You in advance.
  5. Came home from work late last night to a letter, not in an envelope which appears to be from a local county court enforcement officer. It states I have failed to return a statement of means form. Not had one. It also states that I have three working days to attend the court to fill it in or return said paperwork. His name and phone number are on the bottom. No paperwork has been left and I have no idea what it is about. Advice on how to proceed would be gratefully appreciated please. Just when you think you're getting straight with things something else pops up to bite you on the bum!
  6. I had a fine for £945 in September for driving with no insurance . I completely forgot about the fine due to relationship problems etc . I have now had a warrant issued for my arrest unless I pay fine in full or attend court . I have opted to attend court as I can't afford to pay in full I have made a payment of £145 today and plan to take £300 in cash with me ( which is all I have ) and am going to ask for a payment plan for the remaining . Could I possibly go to prison tomorrow when I attend court? Thanks
  7. in 2011 i purchased a piece of machinery on finance, in 2012 i sold it, i never settled the finance, it was reprocessed in 2013, in july of this year i was arrested for fraud, the amount is £20,000. i made a mistake, i had settled finance with this company before and after this particular sale, never heard any more from either the man i sold it to or the finance company , what is going to happen
  8. Hope I'm posting in the correct place. I have received a letter this morning regarding a fine I received last year. I was set up on a payment plan to pay £15 a week until it is cleared. The letter states "a court enforcement officer is in possession of a warrant for you arrest because you have failed to comply with the above court order." There is a phone number for the court enforcement officer which I have tried but he has finished for the day so I contacted the central finance unit. They told me that I am £15 in arrears and there is nothing they can do and I must speak with the enforcement officer. I have missed a couple of payments but always made sure I caught up the following week which is obviously my own fault. The letter states I must pay the remaining balance for £475 immediately or I will be arrested. How quick is immediately? When I contact the enforcement officer tomorrow what is likely to happen to me? There is a slim possibility I could get the money together by Monday, or could the officer put me back on my repayment plan providing I pay the 1 weeks arrears straight away? Any help or advice would be great!
  9. Hi guys, I have a car on finance and due to moving I have not been able to get letters for the car and apparently I have missed 2 payments, I had a phone call today from a 'warrant officer' saying the finance want the car back immediately or the full balance and the finance company is failing take my calls. I spoke to the warrant officer and they said if I don't give him the car he would report it stolen to police who would arrest me? He also said I could get up to 7 years for it!! Surely this can't be right.. Also I am not refusing to pay or give the car back as originally he said I have a week but now I don't for some reason and I though a week was reasonable to get it sorted. Any advice much appreciated and if you need any more details pleas let me know.
  10. Hello, hopefully someone can help me. Many months ago, my wife was stopped at the train station by an inspector and couldn't find her ticket. She offered to pay the £20 fine then and there but was refused and told she'd get a letter in the mail to pay. Much time passed, we forgot about it, and then over the span of a few months, a couple of letters came for her, however her surname was spelled incorrectly so I assumed them to be junk mail which she gets a lot of, wrote "return to sender" and posted them back. Finally another letter like this came and she decided to open it. Inside, was a notice from the West Midlands Central Finance Unit saying she now owed £338 and if she didn't pay in full, they will do one of many things, including: Issue a warrant of distress for purpose of levying sum due; Register the account in the Register of Judgements, Orders and Fines, restricting credit options and loans and mortgages; Make an attachment of Earnings Order to deduct from her salary; Make a vehicle clamping order; And the most worrying: Refer her case to court, which may decide to issue a warrant without bail for her arrest, increase her fine by 50%, enforce the case at the County Court or High court by applying for a charging order or other court order, or SEND HER TO PRISON! My wife is not registered at my address, on any utility bills of any sort, nor is she employed as she recently graduated University. She is American, here on a visa, and we are planning on moving to the states in about a year so there is really nothing they could do on that list other than imprison her, it seems. I'm very worried, we don't have the money to pay this right now as I've recently enrolled in a debt management program to get our finances under control for us to move. What can I do about this? Can we call them and explain the situation of her not receiving the letters due to her name being spelled incorrectly? I'm happy for us to pay the original fine, but this is outrageous for us right now. Will they really try to arrest her? Please, any help possible is welcome.
  11. Hi All yesterday I get home from work and find a letter from equita stated that I have unpaid council tax. the letter says: I have today called to your property with regards to a WARRANT OF ARREST WITHOUT BAIL. which has been issued by Coventry magistrates court. please contact me on the number below to discuss the situation. should you fail to comply with the terms of this letter, we will have no alternative other than to arrest you and take you into custody without further warning. it is signed by warrant office: then there name (not my mistake, that's how it is signed office not officer ) then his mobile number. yes I know I owe council tax, but am still paying 30 pound a month for arrears, I was paying 195. then that finished but still pay the £30 for the previous years c/tax, I did however miss two months paying it but just paid it this month. the £30 is for a different address. this is the first time I have had equita here at my property it used to be newlyn until I joined your site and promptly stopped paying them and went straight to paying the council online through my bank. can they do this and if so what can I do now, I don't remember having a court summons through to attend court at any time. please help as this is stressing me out.
  12. hi I came home from work today and hand delivered through my door is a pale pink slip, attached to a baking card that states it is a no bail arrest warrant and £100 is written in the box with my name and address. there is also a account number which i have never seen and a warrant officer name and telephone number, the number is a mobile and at 5.30 when i got home there was nobody answering the phone. It states HM court Service on the top with the date and visit 1 written on it, i am not sure what this is for, can i be arrest, i though only the police could arrest you? Please help i am worried
  13. Hi, i've got a secured loan with welcome that is in arrears,and although i'm still bankrupt they say that should my main lender reposess my house ,then they can arrest my wages in the future when i do manage to find a job. Are they able to arrest my wages as they say? i was told by someone that if my main lender reposesses my house then any proceeds if any will go to them first and anything left will go to secured creditors.My house is worth less than the mortgage so unlikely anything will be left for welcome,then would the welcome secured loan not become a unsecured debt and is then carried into the bankruptcy pot? Thanks for any help. kps
  14. Hi Out of the blue today, a bailiff from the council knocked on my door. He said he had a warrant for my arrest over non payment of council tax. i refused to let him in as I was on my way to work. Here's the story, He said I owed £4700, he wouldn't tell me when the debt was from, or for what years it covered. Said he didn't know, but he is going to return, arrest me and then bail me to appear in court. I admit a couple of years ago I got into trouble with the council tax, but in February 2011 I paid £3800. When i paid this I asked the council to confirm that my council tax was upto date, the woman on the phone said yes, but I never got anything in writing. Last year when my bill arrived, I contacted the council and informed them that my son is at university, but still living at home, I posted them a copy of the letter from the university. I never received an amended bill. Lax I know, but they didn't send me a bill so I didn't pay anything. My council tax is £1200 per year, with my 25% discount I work out that I owe them £800 for last year, and approx £270 for this year.(upto todays date) A couple of questions before he rings me tomorrow, 1 Can he arrest me? I thought only police could do that. 2 Is there a template I can fill in to get the council to break down the £4700 3 Do I have to answer the phone to him, or should I contact the council directly? The business card he left had the councils logo on it so it appears he works for the council, but he was holding a folder which had GDR debt recovery on it, which leads me to believe he might not be a council employee. I am prepared to pay last years council tax, and also get this years upto date, but I refuse to pay £4700. Thanks in advance
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