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  1. Hello Everyone, First of all apologies if this is in the wrong section but I put it here since I stay in Scotland. I'm hoping someone here can help me. I owed some money to a company and tried on a couple of occasions by phoning them to see if they would accept payments in a few instalments as I ran into difficulties financially,but they rejected this and served me with a small claims summons. I'm afraid I didn't read through the summons properly and didn't send any paperwork back,and just assumed that I would be able to turn up in the court and ask the judge if I could pay in instalments. The date of the court hearing was 16th January 2014,but unfortunately my father who was abroad at the time, passed away a couple of days before the hearing and I had to ask one of my ralatives to pay my airfare as I had to attend his funeral.I managed to get a flight that was flying out on the 16th January,which meant I could not be present at the court hearing. I have just learned from the court that a decree was granted against me on 31/01/14. Is there anyway that I could appeal against this? Also if I'm able to raise this money from family or friends will that payment be enough to clear the decree from my credit file assuming whenever they put that on? Just trying to clean up and build up a decent credit score after our bankruptcy 2 years ago,and last thing I want is a decree to mess things up again.Thanks,hope somebody can help.
  2. Hi, i've got a secured loan with welcome that is in arrears,and although i'm still bankrupt they say that should my main lender reposess my house ,then they can arrest my wages in the future when i do manage to find a job. Are they able to arrest my wages as they say? i was told by someone that if my main lender reposesses my house then any proceeds if any will go to them first and anything left will go to secured creditors.My house is worth less than the mortgage so unlikely anything will be left for welcome,then would the welcome secured loan not become a unsecured debt and is then carried into the bankruptcy pot? Thanks for any help. kps
  3. Hi Ell-enn,thanks for the quick reply. At the last hearing the judge told me to pay the full amount plus costs of whatever i owed to the car company,and he told me to ask the solicitor acting for the car company exactly how much i owed them after the hearing.He also gave me 6 weeks to come up with the money for settlement before the next court hearing at which if i hadn't paid,he said he would grant an order against me. Although we've managed to get this money together from various sources,it has been quite difficult but on the other hand i can't afford to lose the car because of my work and also i dont really want a decree judgement against me. When i spoke to the gmac's solicitor,they referred me to a letter they had sent out last mont with the outstanding amount on it,and then they gave me their bank details. I basically before i hand over the money to them want to make sure that they don't come up with any new demands or something and its to that effect i wanted to see if i could send them a carefully worded email(as a letter would be too late now) just asking them to clarify that what they're asking was a full final payment,and its the wording that i would appreciate help with as well.Thanks.
  4. Hi, i would be most grateful for any advice offered.My situation is as below. I got into financial difficulties due to work etc,and have been twice to court where the judge has given me until 26 may to pay the full outstanding amount including costs. Now i have managed to get together this amount needed ,but i don't know what the best way to approach it is,i have spoken to the solicitors acting for the car finance firm gmac who have given me their bank account details in which to deposit the full payment into. My question is should i be looking for anything in writing from them to confirm that they will not seek any further payments in the future once i've made this full payment which would be the outstanding finance which still had another 2 years to run plus costs etc. I really need this car for my work and don't want to lose it but i also dont want to make this large payment and then be hounded for any other costs in the future.Thanks for reading.
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