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  1. Hello all, Recently I became a victim of fraud and I have been trying to reach out to all the right people in order to correct this. I purchased a brand new, still sealed mobile phone from what looked like a reputable seller on eBay. They had been on eBay for quite a few years selling all sorts of items with great feedback and not negatives. I received the mobile phone after paying using my CC and used it for 6 months as there were no issues until February this year. It had turned out the original owner had put the mobile phone on the global blacklist as I believe they're the only person (except the police) that can do this. I tried to get in contact with the seller and it had seemed they had deactivated their eBay account, which was strange since they had been a long term user of eBay. I'm reaching out to the eBay community for advice on this situation please. I have actioned the following so far: - My CC company won't issue a refund due to a third party handling the transaction (PayPal). There is a Consumer Credit Act 1974 (yes, this is a problem in this day and age) that apparently stops banks from issuing refunds. - eBay have said they wouldn't help and I needed to go to the payment handled. - PayPal have said they wouldn't help being it's outside their 180 day limit. I have sent the CEO a letter with all the evidence screenshotted. - I wrote a letter to the supplier of the mobile phone and report the fraudulent activity but I received a very unprofessional letter with no name or signature back. I am looking to send this to their CEO and ask if this is acceptable. - I logged a case with Action Fraud who tried to pass it to the National Fraud Agency and got told they literally don't have the time to check this case. - I am currently trying to work with the Financial Ombudsman Service to push my CC company into getting my money back. Short of me running about and trying to get either my mobile phone working (off the blacklist and the IMEI number moved to my account) or getting my money back, I am running out of ideas. I could try legal advice but if anyone has any kind of appropriate and helpful advice, I would be grateful. Kind regards, Mark
  2. I received a letter in January this year from 1st credit, I replied with a request for CCA. They have now after 4 months written & said that M&S have now the original debt back & Ist Credit will not communicate further (I thought these companies buy the debt,then sell on etc) By same post there was a letter from Intrum, again I will ask for an original copy of the credit agreement. Then a really curt letter from Rostons solicitors, re another small debt. This letter states that I MAY NOT ask for the original agreement. These debts came about when my husband became so ill that I had to retire from full time employment, he is also in receipt of enhanced PIP. These debts have been sold/re sold resulting in letters from various debt agencies claiming to own the debts. Is this correct that I can no longer request a CCA? also please can you advise me if it is only because the debts are into their 6th (or more) year that I have all this activity? Many thanks
  3. I think i've found the answer (as usual jobcentre didn't follow proper protocol) but to help others i'll post some links. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/473426/admu4.pdf Page 4 seems to say that i am exempt from any work related requirements due to being a carer. On page 9 claimants who must attend WFI but are not subject to WRA are dealt with separately. From https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/advice-for-decision-making-staff-guide https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/224561/response/568813/attach/html/9/07%20Post%20Work%20Programme%20Support.pdf.html The above details what happens after completing the work programme (NJWFI is the appointment you will likely have had after first being awarded ESA, linked at bottom). Take away is that voluntary claimants (those exempt from WFI and WRA) don't need to attend the completer appointment that follows the work programme (may be another request to attend within 26 weeks). Participation is PWPS remains voluntary in any case. 30. For purposes of Post Work Programme Support voluntary claimants are:  Support Group  Credits Only  Full Time Carers  Lone Parents with a youngest child under one  Claimants at or over the age at which they are eligible to receive Pension Credit  Claimants awaiting their initial WCA outcome  Claimants appealing a WCA decision that they have no LCW i.e. disallowed ESA  IB claimants NJWFI link: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/224561/response/568813/attach/html/6/04%20Conducting%20the%20NJWFI.pdf.html
  4. In the Pranksters blog, he has been informed of a company in Devon issuing PCNs http://parking-prankster.blogspot.co.uk/2015/10/devon-parking-agency-[problem].html If anyone gets a ticket from these people, treat with extreme caution
  5. Hi guys, So 3 months ago I was made redundant from my job, it was a good run while it latest but I knew it'd be a sort of year or 2's worth of work. So I've been claiming for 3 moths and I assume I've just hit the 13 week marker this week for MWA (Says in guidance notes people are generally not referred before week 13). My advisor has instantly sent me on it and I've personally no idea why. When reading the MWA guidance it is for people who perhaps struggle with the discipline of a job etc, well none of thta fits me because I've been working before this for quite a while. I've just had a hard time finding work again as I've moved back to my home town and it's a small place not really much going on around here.... but I didn't have much of a choice. I don't understand how MWA is supposed to give me any useful experience. She just said it was because of a potential gap in my CV growing.... yeah like 4 weeks of random work will stop that. Has anyone gone through this and what should I expect? it says the maximum is 30 hours a week so I assume 6hrs of work a day? How do they expect me to continuously fill out application forms and write covering letters for "5 hours of jobsearch activity" whilst working near full time? Also what kind of placements can expect to do? it just says placements that offer "benefit to the community". I don't want to do something for 4 weeks I feel will offer me zero benefit....if it's something of use then that's fine I can just complete the 4 weeks but my worry is searching for work whilst doing it.
  6. Hi, is there a set procedure which Banks, building society's and investment Co are legally, duty, morally bound to follow, if an account holder/investor reports suspicious activity (Fraud) on their investment/account.? I ask as recently I reported a suspicious activity (Fraud) on an investment and was told it was transferred out to ( a person known to me) and "we will be investigating" I asked should I report it to the police and was told that was my right to report it to police but "we will investigate". I decided to report the fraud and contacted, Action Fraud. I explained money had been transferred out of an investment without my knowledge or authority by a person known to me. Action Fraud explained that it was the reasonability of the investment Co to investigate. and that I could not action any police investigation until investment Co had completed their investigation. I could only give details which would be filed away. I was in contact with the investment Co while they were investigating, and asked "Will the account of the recipient be frozen to prevent them removing/transferring money out, after a few replies that they could not give me those detail (Data Protection Act) I finally got one employee to confirm the account had been frozen. I have recently found out that while the investment Co were investigating, the account the money was transferred/deposited to was not frozen and now the money gone/spent. So my question : Once fraud reported, is there a procedure which Banks, building society's and investment Co need to follow in circumstances like mine to protect investors money from being lost/spent/transfered to other accounts by fraudsters, ?
  7. I have had to sign up using a new username as I couldn't gain access to my old account. I had forgotten my password and didn't have access to the email address I used. My old username was Deco_Nic I signed on yesterday (Tuesday) and it didn't go well. My new advisor was sat there but I was actually dealt with by the Jobcentre manager. Firstly I had my jobsearch evidence questioned. I stated I didn't give access to my UJ account and present it hadnwritten as I always had, I was told this wasn't good enough, lucky as I had been assigned a new advisor the fortnight before I had printed off my activity from UJ. This printout was closely scruntnised. The manager picked up on I had not applied for any jobs actually using UJ, I only apply to jobs that take me to external sites. They were not happy about this and kept questioning me as to why I would not use UJ. I was getting myself extremely distressed, I suffer with despression and anxiety. I had to call my friend over who I take with me to try and explain things as I could not speak as I was crying and gasping for breath. The issue of jobsearch evidence was dropped and I was told it had been decided I was being referred for Mandatory Work Activity, it was something that had been decided with no discussion with me. As I say only two weeks previously I had been assigned a new advisor who said I would be given many opportunities once we had got to know each other. As I was so distressed from the jobseatch evidence incident, I wasn't taking in anything that was said. I was giving a letter saying I had been referred and I would hear from the provider, LearnDirect I believe, within 8 working days. The one question I did get to ask was about college, I have an interview on Thursday to start a part time Access to HE course at the beginning of next week, its so I would be able to go to university next September. The course has 15 hours of teaching and the college said that many unemployed take courses of 15 hours with no problems. I was told that MWA takes priority and I would not be allowed to take the course now I am referred and I would have to take it the next time the course is run, that is next September. I was told that MWA was my only option. I had wanted to discuss with my advisor about starting my own business that I would be able to do alongside college and the university. I had read about New Enterprise Allowance and wanted to ask about it but didn't even get a chance. All the manager could say is that they suffer with depression and anxiety and hold down a full time job and MWA would do me good. They even suggested it would help get me into university next year as I would be more confident. I just feel totally railroaded and like my thoughts did not count at all. Is there anything that I can do or do I just accept MWA and that I won't be going to university until 2017 at the earliest? Also were they correct in saying I would not be able to do this college course? To be honest I feel on the scrapheap and not allowed to retrain for the job I have wanted to do for years but until earlier this year not had the guts to go for. Thanks for any advice
  8. Greetings, I do not know if I am posting this in the right forum, but I'm wanting help with something Barclays has done to me: I posted the following question to Barclays customer service department (all the following quotes are simply repostings of our interaction): Me: "Greetings, I am requesting that Barclay card does not increase my credit line, and does not do any hard credit checks whatsoever on my account. Can you please add a note that this customer does not wish to have any credit checks accomplished?" Barclay's Response: "Dear _customer's name_: Thank you for contacting us regarding your Barclaycard Arrival Plus World Elite MasterCard. We can certainly address your concern regarding the FICO® score on your account. When you view your FICO® Score through this program, you are not impacting your credit score in any way. Credit inquiries classified as "Hard inquiries" (like when you apply for credit) may affect your credit score. "Soft inquiries" do not impact your credit score and are initiated for the purpose of pre-approved credit offers, and by existing creditors to monitor risk. The FICO® program is simply sharing the information obtained through soft inquiries. Therefore, it does not affect your credit score. Further, please be advised that we receive updated information from TransUnion once every 10 weeks, or whenever there are certain changes to your credit file (new account openings, new inquiries for credit, etc.). Whenever that updated information affects your FICO® Score, we will send you an email alert letting you know that your FICO® Score has changed. For more information regarding your FICO® score, you can access the Terms of Use through the 'Your FICO® Score' tab, located in the 'Tools' section of the website. We hope you find this information helpful. If you have any other questions and concerns, please reply to this message. Sincerely, Customer Care" My response: "Greetings, thank you for responding. This is not what I asked. Notice that I asked you not to do any HARD credit inquiries on our account. I don't care if the FICO score is updated, I care that you don't do any HARD inquiries on our account. In other words, last year you did a HARD inquiry on our account to increase our credit limit, which we did not ask for. I do NOT want that done again. Does that make sense? I can explain further if you'd like." Barclay's response: "Dear _customer name_ : Thank you for contacting us regarding your Barclaycard Arrival Plus World Elite MasterCard. We can certainly address your concern regarding the hard inquiry on your account. We will need to pull and evaluate your Credit Bureau Report. Please keep in mind that we are only doing a hard pull in order to process your credit limit increase request. We hope you find this information helpful. If you have any other questions and concerns, please reply to this message. Sincerely, Customer Care" My response: "Wow! What part of DO NOT PULL A HARD CREDIT REPORT are you not understanding? I thought I had been really really clear, but I guess not. Is there a way that you might send this request to someone who understands English for me? I'd really really appreciate it. Again, I want to try to be as clear as I possibly can. I do NOT want you to pull ANY hard credit reports from me. I do NOT want an increase in credit with you. I do NOT want another hard credit report pulled. Again, would it be possible for you to forward this request to someone who understand English? I'm not being rude, I just really don't understand why you can't understand my request . It seems really straight forward. DO NOT PULL A HARD CREDIT REPORT, and DO NOT GIVE ME AN INCREASE IN CREDIT. If you're having difficulty with this, please tell me what your first language is and I will see if I can translate it so that it is understandable. Please respond back that you will NOT pull a hard credit report ever again. Thank you." One week later, I found out that they had pulled a hard credit report on me. Is there anything that can be done about this? It seems very blatant disregard for the customer's request.
  9. I wanted to know what the new rules are with regards to withdrawing consent for the WP to share your info/contact people on your behalf/claim their fat payment for my hard work when I get a job .. as I am sure I read it had changed since last year, also coincidentally each time I attend a review meeting I get loads of spammy job/credit emails in the weeks after which seems a little timely!! Am getting increasingly fed up with the WP provider, by and large I have had a year of having to attend weekly job clubs with slow computers and the like but since I hit the year mark it seems to have ramped up big time, I have a good work history with good companies and a degree and the minute my latest advisor saw it his eyes lit up and I have been pestered left right and centre. I was upped to two job clubs a week and also appointments/training sessions/interview techniques etc on one or more additional days a week and it was getting silly and made me ill so I had two weeks off with stress symptoms. I then had more blinking appointments and changes to my job clubs and was told a few weeks back at 1pm on a Monday that I was to stay after job club that day for extra sessions looking into agencies and applying for more jobs for 2 hours each day that week (mysteriously my letter had 'got lost in the post' telling me this), I kicked up a bit of a stink as I am a single parent and said I had to pick my son up from school at 3 so those times were unsuitable, so with a bit of looking at bus timetables he relented to sessions from 1-2.30 each afternoon that week which was still pushing it as am reliant on public transport which is never the best, I attended the first and then had enough, got upset (I am on antidepressants and suffering severe anxiety at the moment relating to a thyroid condition I have just been diagnosed with) and I decided to get another doctors note for 2 weeks. During this two weeks I had a letter from them saying I had to come in during that time and I politely told him NO, the day my sick period ended there arrived a letter saying I had to attend a review appointment in 2 days time and I just knew he was going to mess me about, sure enough on the Friday afternoon at the appt he says I need to up my attendance to daily sessions of 4 hours, which means dropping my son at school, a 45 min bus journey there, then getting back in just enough time to pick him up, I protested that I had a PC at home and why did I need to do all this on their premises and he said I might 'get distracted' at home (as opposed to their noisy office of course!!), that I had appts to arrange and so on which were being neglected due to them calling me in all the time willy nilly saying they are mandatory and have to attend, and he said as I was a jobseeker I should jobseek during those hours, I have no prob doing this, my JSA agreement says 5 jobs a week and they say 10 which I do easily and have never not done, he is also pressurising me to do full time work/get a better off calculation for FT work, which my JSA flexibilities say I don't have to pursue due to being a lone parent, there is no mention of any beneficial training, and any suggestions for that or clothing for interviews have been shot down in flames, its just flaming jobsearching in their offices every day, presumably so I can't attend any interviews without them knowing and that I get fed up with the arrangement. Its not as if I am not trying to get a job, I have had about 6 interviews in the last few months but none successful, am really fed up with the situation with the WP and its making me feel worse, we are reviewing the situation tomorrow after my session and I know he is prob going to suggest the same again next week when I have 2 inset days at my sons school, I really just resent the fact that they think they can pressure me like this and assume I have no plans for the week or anything else to do, and then get a nice big payment for MY efforts at the end of it all so want to know what my rights are, unfortunately at the beginning I signed all their docs as I was being too blinking nice!! PS. Sorry this is a bit of a rant having looked at it, but felt good to vent!!
  10. My friend received two letters on Saturday. He has been in the support group for a while, and was awaiting the outcome of an ATOS assesment. Letter 1 told him he had been moved and has lost the support elemen of his money and Letter 2 tells him that he has a Mandatory Work Interview this Thursday, at the local jobcentre. I am not going to try and deal with an appeal myself, (too much has changed and too much is at stake for people if I cock up as a non-professional). I am going to refer him to a local disability charity that helps with these things. Quite well apparently, for a small fee. Anyway, whilst I get on with doing that could anyone tell me this, if we write immediately stating we wish to appeal this decision, does he still have to attend this appointment on Thursday? I would hand deliver a letter to the person he is supposed to see enclosing proof of his appeal (Mandatory Reconsideration). And also whilst he is being reconsidered/appealing, will they still dock the support element of his money? He is not well enough to attend the JC. He has just registered with a new GP who specialises with his problem , but has yet to see him. I am also a bit concerned that by appealing he might lose his money entirely and be forced onto JSA,in which case that will be the end of him as he cannot function like we do. Any comments on this especially welcome. I am told that this is rare, but can happen. Many thanks for reading.
  11. Hello kind people! Long story short, it sounds unreal but I assure you it certainly is true. In 2007 I took a loan from a high street bank I originally applied for 7k. Then decided to round the amount up to 10k, which they happily agreed to do and the money was in my account the same day. However, the next day the bank paid another 10k into my account (!) I went to the bank branch where I took the loan from and they simply said it was a mistake and removed the extra 10k. Recently I have received a letter from debt collectors asking for that virtual 10k which I have never applied for and never taken. It turns out that the bank still had that virtual 10k on my account as a loan! Now the debt collectors backed off after I asked them to get that mess sorted with the bank and apparently they're awaiting the bank's response. My question is what will be the reasonable compensation for messing my credit score with a virtual 10k debt and all the hassle they have caused me for years? Should I take this to small claims court or any other court? To me this is a full on fraud as the bank blatantly refused to remove this virtual 10k although there has never been a loan agreement on that and asked me to pay the virtual loan which I have never asked for. The 10k has been withdrawn back from my account within an hour after I reported their mistake back in 2007 but the amount has been still held on my record All help will be greatly appreciated. Lots of love Littlebitlost
  12. Good news, Cash Genie will no longer issue any loans at all, so hopefully less people will get in trouble in the future, just got this email out of the blue:
  13. How's this for a New Year bombshell, or CAG Birthday treat? FOI Request to DWP From: Adam 9 December 2014 Dear Department for Work and Pensions, Please disclose any Jobseeker's Allowance guidance for JCP Work Coaches and Advisers that discusses making it a requirement for JSA claimers to spend 35 hours a week on work search, including full info on the laws and regulations that explicitly state this 35 hours rule can be imposed for JSA claimers not on any supervised jobsearch pilot. No info about Universal Credit required. The PCS Union has published this: "The GEC has been made aware that in some areas Work Coaches are being told by managers that they must impose 35 hour Jobsearch requirement on claimants. This is not required by current legislation for JSA claimants, and it is not with the remit of F&F." http://www.pcs.org.uk/en/department_for_... Yours faithfully, Adam Here is what the Union says about it in the link: "The GEC has been made aware that in some areas Work Coaches are being told by managers that they must impose 35 hour Jobsearch requirement on claimants. This is not required by current legislation for JSA claimants, and it is not with the remit of F&F. Branches should advise members not to comply with the instruction, branches should then escalate through the usual trade union side structures. We have raised these issues with management in writing and will provide an update to branches following further consultation." And here is the response from DWP to the initial FOI request: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Central Freedom of Information Team xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx.gov.uk Our reference: VTR 5312 Date: 15 December 2014 Dear Adam, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request received on 10 December 2014. You stated: Please disclose any Jobseeker's Allowance guidance for JCP Work Coaches and Advisers that discusses making it a requirement for JSA claimers to spend 35 hours aweek on work search, including full info on the laws and regulations that explicitly state this 35 hours rule can be imposed for JSA claimers not on any supervised jobsearch pilot. No info about Universal Credit required. The PCS Union has published this "The GEC has been made aware that in some areas Work Coaches are being told by managers that they must impose 35 hour Jobsearch requirement on claimants. This is not required by current legislation for JSA claimants, and it is not with the remit of F&F." http://www.pcs.org.uk/en/department_for_work_and_pensions_group/dwpnews. cfm/work-services-update As there is no legal requirement for Jobseeker’s Allowance claimants to undertake 35 hours of Work Search Activity each week, no legislation or national guidance stating otherwise exists. If you have any queries about this letter please contact us quoting the reference number above. Yours sincerely, DWP Central FoI Team. It may be advisable for claimants who have been coerced into undertaking 35 hours of Work Search Activity each week to consider instigating Maladministration procedures against the advisers who did the coercing. Such claimants could begin by insisting on having any reference to 35 hours of Work Search Activity each week removed from their JSAg/CC on the grounds that including such a requirement is illegal and can't be enforced.
  14. Hi CAG, Wondering if I could get a little bit of advice here on what I should do and where to start. I've been claiming income related ESA since the 8th of April 2014 and on the 26th September 2014 I had my ATOS assessment. This week the DWP/ESA have decided and placed me in the Work Related Activity group (Yay - I think?). Well they have put me in the group from the 26th September 2014 and told me that I will be back paid from the 26th September not the 14th week of my ESA claim like it says on there website None of my circumstances have changed between the 8th of April and today so I see no reason why I should be penalised for the long wait time for my assessment. Thanks CAG...
  15. I went to sign on today and was told that it is no longer sufficient to bring in a jobsearch sheet and print outs of my job applications. The clerk tried to bully me into giving them access to my Universal Jobmatch account but I explained that I would rather not (and the reasons why) so they said that I would have to print out screenshots of my jobsearch activity history instead. Apparently I have to access my Universal Jobmatch account three times a week and look for at least six jobs a week. Does this mean I only have to do three print outs a week and/or whenever I apply for a job? I was previously told that I didn't have to log in to use Universal Jobmatch, so I didn't log in when I used it (I just sent e-mails direct to employers, etc.) and now I haven't got a clue how to fill in the activity history. I have to upload my CV as well. The clerk wasn't very helpful when I asked for assistance so I was wondering if someone could post a typical activity history entry or offer any advice so I know how to proceed and that I am doing enough. I really appreciate any help that anyone can give.
  16. hi i am a 59 years old unemployed male. and have just been told next week i will see an adviser who will sort out a Mandatory Work Activity for me. i will have to go on a 4 weeks Mandatory Work Activity course.i told my adviser i do not want shop work .he said there is a variety of work activities to go on besides shop work. and said it will be explained to me later, any one know which other Mandatory Work Activities there are apart from charity shops. as i have trouble with my right leg from an old motor cycle injury. so it will be uncomfortable to stand for long periods. and also they think this Mandatory Work Activity will help me in my job search.
  17. Dear all, The Friday before last (4/7/2014) I went to make a debit card payment for dinner with clients and the transaction declined. I checked my account on my phone (Barlcays App) and my two barclays personal accounts (current and premier) 4 savings accounts and 2 business accounts were collectively showing to be overdrawn by £5,000,000. On 7/7/2014 all available funds in the account were sent to reconcile to Coventry OPS 05 ADV. I logged a formal complaint on (4/7/2014) and after countless calls to customer service advisors who gave excuses ranging from a technical error to an account review and no resolution I sent an email to senior executive at Barclays. Later that day I was contacted by a member of the Barclays customer relations team at their Head Office in Canary which was on Thursday of last week (10/7/14) however he has not been of much help at all, he has not provided any clarity as to what is going on or any time frames as to when I can expect to have my funds released. I have gained an understanding myself and believe it is a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) that has been filed to the National Crime Agency (NCA) or similar however I have nothing to hide and although its been a good year for business everything is above board and I do not understand why they can't simply ask me for clarity... This freeze on my accounts/blocking of funds is causing serious problems for me and those dependant on me/my business. I was wondering if anyone has experienced a similar situation and if so when the issue was resolved and if there is anything I can do to speed up the process or any other information that might be helpful. It's so frustrating being in the dark and having hard earned money taken away from you with no explanation ! Thanks.
  18. Hi, So thought I'd make a separate thread outside of post work programme support to try and garner more attention specifically to MWA. I've been sent on this, apparently it lasts for 4 weeks. No biggie and apparently they say it'll be charity based work. Now I was thinking oh good stacking shelves at a charity shop or something that'll be OK, and apparently I can carry on with it after 4 weeks. So I thought good an easy way to get into some weekly charity work. But apparently no, it'll be stuff like picking litter or working in a recycling centre anything basically. So then I sort of questioned the usefulness of this scheme and concluded it's just not designed to give you any useful experience or anything like that. It's just to put you to work for a bit, end of story and hopefully force you to sign off or something along those lines. Has anyone else been assigned mandatory work activity yet? what have your experiences been? how long does yours last for and what are you doing?
  19. I am a 62 year old man,who has osteoarthritis in my cervical spine and most other joints.After a recent ATOS medical,I seemed to be cured of my incureable illness with a stroke of a pen and was placed on W.R.A.G. I then attended an interview in my local Job centre and was told to appeal as i was to Old and unreliable to get a job.I have appealed and they sent me another form to fill in since then nothing. Surely they should put an age limit on these ATOS medicals. I for one would dearly like to get back to work however i am a realist. If the Government want people of my age and condition to work then at least support us until we get work.
  20. Hi All Does anyone have a list or can point me to a website that can advise on what things are classed as work related activity please? My adviser is not being very helpful and just wants me to sign up to the work program which I don't feel I'm able for. I got a breather for a few weeks there as I was going through CBT but she keeps booking WFI's for me every 2 weeks...She knows the jobcentre freaks me out and she's like "well if you don't sign up for the WP you'll just have to keep coming here" ... Next week will be my 5th one in 3 months. So I'm trying to find stuff on my own to do that will help my mental health and won't hurt me physically to "satisfy the rules" of receiving my benefit. I feel this was the threat of a sanction when she said this. I'm still on the waiting list for CMHT and CPN etc...I don't think she realises the extent of my illnesses. Thanks
  21. I am on the post work programme support and have been since August last year. At my last appointment by adviser told me that as it had been six months since I started post work programme support and because I hadn't work for so long and that was the reason I wasn't getting interviews that I would be referred for mandatory work activity. I was told that unless I could find my own voluntary placement I would be placed wherever who I was referred to could place me. I have catering qualifications that I have not used since I left catering college but have been offered a place in a local restaurant to see how things work out for me, but this would be me volunteering as they wouldn't pay me until there were sure of my skills, been told this could be a couple of months as they would place me on courses for certain things. Would I be allowed to take this on as it could lead to a paid job instead of mandatory work activity or would the job centre put a stop to it? Also what exactly would I need to tell the job centre? Thanks for the help
  22. HELP PLEASE - THESE GUYS ARE A NIGHTMARE. I am hoping that you guys can offer me some advice. basically along time ago I did some work for a company and through no fault of my own ended up owing them some £1200 which rose to £1500 after they went to court. I have tried on numerous occasiins to come to an agreement to pay but nothing. Then SHERFORCE CAME IN!!! They have been trying to attend my previous address even after I have been in contact with them via email with replies on numerous occasions informing them that I do not live there anymore. Yesterday I got a call from a withheld number at 654 saying my house is being burgled and at which point I received an email. This stated that they had attended the property well previous address and seized good and they where charging £300+ to do this. Opon making a phone call it has been discovered that they never atteneded the property but claim they have and chqrging me for it. They say they have attended many times charging the same £300+ but again lies!!! What do I do please? The billmis now some £3200 double original and I refusimg to pay a penny as I feel harrassed, lied to and also feel as I am being scared mungered excuse spelling. HELP PLEASE :@(
  23. Hi all I've just received a letter from the dwp saying I owe £700 and I must pay within the next two weeks. Its half twelve at night and I'm so stressed I can't sleep. Well actually I'm watching a really good film. Does anyone have a template letter I can send these people? First template letter, I want to know if this money is really owed by me which I doubt. Secondly a letter stating they can have £ per week from my benefit and stop sending me scary letters don't you have IT system to sort out. Thanks caggers
  24. Document Source: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/consultation-on-the-pip-assessment-moving-around-activity Consultation on the PIP assessment Moving around activity This Consultation closes on: 5th August 2013 From April 2013 Disability Living Allowance (DLA) began to be replaced for new claimants with a new benefit, Personal Independence Payment (PIP). Like DLA, PIP is intended to provide a contribution to the extra costs faced by people with disabilities and long-term health conditions. Whether individuals receive the benefit, and how much they receive, will be determined by an assessment of their needs. The PIP assessment has been designed to ensure that support is targeted at those individuals who face the greatest barriers to independent living. The criteria used in the assessment were developed in liaison with a group of independent experts in health, disability and social care and with extensive engagement with disabled people and their organisations. We have already carried out 2 consultations on the first two drafts of the assessment criteria, in 2011 and 2012. We have received feedback from some disabled people and their organisations saying that they are unhappy with the changes that have been made to the assessment criteria for the Moving around activity as a result of a previous consultation and want a further opportunity to have their views considered. We have therefore decided to carry out an additional consultation, seeking further views on the Moving around activity.
  25. Document Source: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/consultation-on-the-pip-assessment-moving-around-activity Consultation on the PIP assessment Moving around activity This Consultation closes on: 5th August 2013 From April 2013 Disability Living Allowance (DLA) began to be replaced for new claimants with a new benefit, Personal Independence Payment (PIP). Like DLA, PIP is intended to provide a contribution to the extra costs faced by people with disabilities and long-term health conditions. Whether individuals receive the benefit, and how much they receive, will be determined by an assessment of their needs. The PIP assessment has been designed to ensure that support is targeted at those individuals who face the greatest barriers to independent living. The criteria used in the assessment were developed in liaison with a group of independent experts in health, disability and social care and with extensive engagement with disabled people and their organisations. We have already carried out 2 consultations on the first two drafts of the assessment criteria, in 2011 and 2012. We have received feedback from some disabled people and their organisations saying that they are unhappy with the changes that have been made to the assessment criteria for the Moving around activity as a result of a previous consultation and want a further opportunity to have their views considered. We have therefore decided to carry out an additional consultation, seeking further views on the Moving around activity.
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