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  1. On my last signing day, my knee locked before I was able to sign on, so I filled in a sickness form and this has been approved. I completed the date I will be well again to be the full 14 days as I wasn't sure how long my knee would take to feel strong again, I have a cartilage problem so once it locks once, it tends to do it again a few times before settling down. Now as I completed the date I will be well will be my next signing day - I completed sick from 3rd - 17th March My question is Do I have to go and sign on this day? Or do I miss it as technically I am still sick? Any advice welcome Thanks
  2. Its written on my JSA file that due to family problems I am unable to return to the area my father lives in for work so can't use this one
  3. Having read about work trials not sure I am eligible. Also as I have been referred to the MWA provider now would any work trial happen after I have completed MWA? Thanks
  4. Sorry another question. My dad has offered me a chance to go and stay with him for a couple of weeks while his new wife is away. Me and her don't get on so while she is away visiting her family is the only way I see him nowadays. Am I able to do this, it is in the UK and I can provide details of where I will be etc. What form would I need to complete? Also if it is allowed would any JSA payment be processed as normal or would I lose the money. Thanks again for the help
  5. I was told that as it was a business with paid staff and money exchanges hands for goods provided then it is not permitted. Thanks
  6. I have just spoken to my adviser who told me I am unable to take this as I am only able to volunteer for community or charity organisations. If I am unable to find a position in this area then a position will be found for me as I have now been referred to a provider for MWA. Is this correct what I have been told or can I still take this offer as it could lead to a job but not until I can prove myself to them. Thanks
  7. I am on the post work programme support and have been since August last year. At my last appointment by adviser told me that as it had been six months since I started post work programme support and because I hadn't work for so long and that was the reason I wasn't getting interviews that I would be referred for mandatory work activity. I was told that unless I could find my own voluntary placement I would be placed wherever who I was referred to could place me. I have catering qualifications that I have not used since I left catering college but have been offered a place in a local restaurant to see how things work out for me, but this would be me volunteering as they wouldn't pay me until there were sure of my skills, been told this could be a couple of months as they would place me on courses for certain things. Would I be allowed to take this on as it could lead to a paid job instead of mandatory work activity or would the job centre put a stop to it? Also what exactly would I need to tell the job centre? Thanks for the help
  8. Not entitled to a crisis loan as I have been sanctioned, also not entitled to hardship in the 1st two weeks because I am not in a vulnerable group. Thanks for the suggestion though
  9. Sorry for posting again but need some more advice. My advisor at A4E faxed a reconsideration letter over yesterday for them to withdrawal the sanction, I phoned them a little while ago and have been told the sanction stands and will not be removed. She stated in her letter that I didn't receive my appointment letter, that I received my right to reply letter after the cut off date to respond, and that I had been referred to another agency for the work programme because of my depression and that sanctioning me she was concerned would cause my depression to come back. The man I spoke to one the phone a little while ago said that her stating what I had said about not getting my post wasn't good enough and that alternative measures should have been put in place such as another address. I live in a city where I know no one, have no friends here. My only true friend lives 250 miles away from me so other address could I have used. When I asked this man what my next step could be he said I could appeal but if all I had was the fact I hadn't received an appointment letter then there wouldn't be any point as the sanction would still stand. I feel lost as to what to do, not slept for two days as I am so worried about everything and how I am going to afford to pay for the electric for my flat which is £60 and I do have no savings to cover the lack of benefit. As my flat is completely electric I suppose that means no cooking, no heating (I have night storage heaters), no hot water, hot hot drinks anything. I just feel like giving up, obviously nothing I say will make any difference. If anyone can offer any advice then please do
  10. She is running a business, and as such does not have time for me to go in every day. Plus she is not obliged to accept any of my post as technically any post I do get is not addressed to her.
  11. I am absolutely fuming now. Rang the number on the top of the letter on February 27th, the first day I could as I recieved the letter on a Saturday. I informed them that I had only just recieved it and was going to give a response, they made a note of this and when I asked if the sanction had been applied because the letter stated I had until February 21st to respond and I was told it hadn't. I returned the letter with my response on Tuesday and obtained proof of postage. I rang them again yesterday (5th March) to see if they received my response and I was told not yet, a note was made I'd phoned and that the response had been sent. Again I asked if the sanction had been applied and I was told no as they were waiting for my response. When I went to sign today, the advisor I saw at the jobcentre actually informed me I would only receive one weeks money because I had been sanctioned from February 29th - March 13th, when I asked what date a decision had been made to sanction me they told me February 22nd. The advisor in the jobcentre suggested I ring the decision makers number I had and see what was happening. When I got home I rang the number I had for the decision makers and spoke to a helpful man who could see details of my previous calls and what I had told them about late receipt of letter etc, he couldn't understand however why I had been told I had not already been sanctioned as if they hadn't had a response to their letter by the date stated they would automatically assume I wasn't going to respond. He apologised but to be honest an apology is no good. Knowing that I had a sanction I then rang my council to see about my housing benefit, I was told that my housing benefit claim had been closed as they had been notified I was no longer entitled to JSA, when I asked whether I would receive any housing benefit on Monday which is my next payment date I was told no because my claim had been closed. When I questioned this I was told that I would need to provide a statement of nil income and then my housing benefit claim would be reopened, I asked how soon I would get payment once I had done this and was told it would be a minimum of 28 days. How the hell am I meant to pay this months and probably next months rent when I have housing benefit? Been sat in tears for hours, I have a history of depression which doesn't affect my ability to work, and this is causing me to become depressed. Sorry its so long winded and if anyone can offer any advice I would appreciate it. Thanks
  12. Thanks for the help so far, hope others can help with other aspects
  13. Had a letter this morning saying I have been sanctioned for failing to attend an appointment with my advisor at A4E as I'm on the work programme. The letter I had from the decision makers was dated 10th February and gave me until 21st February to reply and say why I failed to attend. I live above a cafe and do not have a front door that is accessible by the Royal Mail and besides my front door does not have a letter box in it. I have to rely on the cafe taking in my post, and I am unable to collect it every day as she tells me to collect once a fortnight. An additional problem is that my address is not recognised by Royal Mail so much of my post does not arrive anyway, I have not had a bank statement since moving here in November 2010. My advisor at A4E knew of the problems I had with my post and receiving it and said she would ring and notify me of appointments instead of sending letters which she obviously hasn't done. I can't attend appointments if I don't know I have them. My advisor actually did phone me 16th February and ask why I hadn't been attending my appointments, I had missed 3 in total and explained that I had no knowledge of any appointments, she said to see her on February 21st which I did and she has now referred me to another agency as I have suffered with depression in the past and she wanted me to get some more help with that. I am worried sick now as I get both Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit and believe these will be stopped because of the sanction. Is there anything at all I can do because I can't afford to loose money as money is so tight as it is, my flat runs completely on electricity so without JSA I won't be able to heat it, cook, have warm drinks, have light. Sorry if this is a bit long and I would appreciate any advice especially as I am now past the date that I can reply to what has been alleged. Thanks
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