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  1. Hi, I hope this is the correct site to post this thread:???: I purchased an item from a major oxford street retailer via an online account. It was a present for my wife and was purchased 27/1/14 and was presented to her on 28/2/14. A fault was identified and the item was returned with agreement that I would be re-imbursed for the postage . Subsequently I have had a "partial" refund made to my account for the item cost and not the original delivery charge of £4.95 I am in discussion with the store over other factors but I want to be clear. Does the sale of goods act cover the original delivery costs I incurred at point of purchase? I have looked through the stuff on the trading standards but am a bit confused:oops: Thanks for any guidance. Stuart.
  2. Hi Bit complicated but will try to explain. I bought a fish tank and external filter from an online company at the end of November last year. Stocked it with Discus fish which are very sensitive fish, and very expensive. About a month ago on a Saturday night, the filter started to leak. It leaked onto my wood floor, damaging the floor by making it swell. Also the cabinet sucked up water and became unstable. Due to this I had to empty the tank, and put the fish into an unused tank I had spare. I also had to use a smaller internal filter that has been unused for quite some time. ***Info bit - when you have fish, you need a matured filter with enough bacteria in it to consume the waste and excess food from the tank. The bacteria eats ammonia and nitrite which are both poisonous to fish, so a matured filter takes care of this and keeps the tank/fish healthy. Using a new or unused filter means there is no bacteria in it to eat the ammonia/nitrite, so the tank goes through a cycle of ammonia growing, being converted to nitrite (poisons and cause diseases) and then nitrate, which is safe for fish*** My unused filter I had to use had no bacteria, so my tank with the Discus in it (tank I had to move them to) started a cycle, creating ammonia etc. A cycle with fish in the tank is very dangerous to the fish, even the hardiest of fish struggle. Doing this with a tank of Discus is much worse because they are so sensitive. Anyway, even though I did water changes daily to keep poisonous levels of ammonia/nitrite down, it wasn't enough and my fish died. I am an experienced fish keeper so I did everything possible to save the fish, but putting them into a new tank with new filter = disaster. When this originally happened, on the Saturday I emailed the company hoping for a reply on the Monday. No reply by mid morning so I rang, but was told the number I rang was only for sales, and that any complaints/problems have to be done via email. It took them 6 days to get a new filter and cabinet to me. By this time the good bacteria inside my old leaking external filter had died, so I had to basically start again with the new filter and the tank had to run the cycle of ammonia-nitrite-nitrate. As I said, over the next couple of weeks my fish died from various diseases caused by the water quality, which was due to the new filter. My problem is, if they would have let me speak to someone on the Monday morning when I rang I could have had a new filter and cabinet the following day(they do next day delivery), which would have meant I could have been set up, the bacteria in the old filter would have still been alive so I could have used the materials inside in my new filter and all would have been great. Making me wait 6 days, with 24 hours between emails from them caused a disaster and I have lost at least £350 worth of fish (I have photographic evidence). I emailed the MD with my complaint and asked for a reply within 7 days, he ignored my email, so I sent a letter registered post and received a reply today. There is no mention of my new damaged flooring which has swollen and lifted, but generally says... ***I would like to offer my personal and sincerest of apologies for the inconvenience. There is a trouble shooting process which is used to resolve product issues effectively. He is truly regretful that this experience was not a positive one for me and to compensate for my livestock loss (fish) he would like to give me £60 store credit to spend with them*** I have to email the customer service manager to spend this credit... Im not very happy at all, I dont expect the earth, and I never complain about anything, but this was my Christmas present and I had always wanted to keep Discus fish. Due to them not letting me explain the issue on the Monday morning, and making me wait 6 days for replacements, my fish died, and it wasn't my fault, I did everything possible to keep them alive, as I said I am experienced and know what I am doing, so their delay in helping me caused the entire problem. Im not sure what to do or what my rights are - if any. Does anyone know if there is anything I can do? Thanks in advance. Darren.
  3. Hello CAG, First post ever... have been a lurker for a long time, and now need some advice myself! This is the email sent to NCP on 12th December 2013: ----- Dear Sirs, I have received PCCN#: (photo attached) this evening after parking my vehicle at your car park at Ickenham Underground Station. I have contacted the number on the parking ticket itself to report that the machine is FAULTY and they have asked that I contact yourself in regards to the PCCN. Upon purchasing my ticket on MONDAY 9th DECEMBER 2013, your machine did NOT state the expiry DATE or TIME. Just the PAYMENT AMOUNT and the DAY/MONTH. No expiry TIME was shown. The machine is STILL doing this. Please see the attached photo this evening which shows exactly the same as Monday, and just shows the expiry as FRIDAY. This to me, as the consumer, means that parking is covered for the WHOLE of the day, not just until 02:59 on THURSDAY/FRIDAY as this is actually printed on the ticket. I aware that it’s up to me to check the ticket issued is correct via the machine, but I was in rush on Monday and just put my card in, chose the number of days, so pressing + to move the day till Thursday and pressed the green button... If I had known I needed to buy the ticket until 02:59am on FRIDAY, I would have. Please be aware that I have been using the machine and the one at North Ealing underground station for over SIX YEARS so have paid a substantial amount of parking fees to your company, let alone the parking fees I pay when in other towns and city’s across the UK. And, to be honest, as the machine just STATES on the screen, THURSDAY, then in effect this means, the WHOLE of THURSDAY. If you have any queries in regards to the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Kind regards, 123NeilyB ----- NCP then replied back on the 30th December 2013, saying basically my fault... should have checked the ticket, and YES, in theory I agree with this but on the type of machine in the NCP operated London Underground car parks, if you have to park more than 1 day you press the '+' button to increase the day, which I did and scrolled it along to Thursday, and even though ive been using different car parks with the SAME machines, didnt clock (haha) that the expiry time was missing. In my eyes, the MACHINE was faulty and sold me the wrong ticket. If the time had been working then I would have paid for the extra day... NCP included the link to POPLA, which I have done, and appeal hearing day is this Thursday, 6th Feb. What do you think my chances are of POPLA telling NCP to cancel the PCCN? All in all, I owe NCP a days parking in effect, which is £4, but they want £75 as per the PCCN (no discount for early payment either!). I have attached a photo of the machine, which if you look above where there is a small dot, that part should display the time... Cheers, thanks & keep up the good work!
  4. Incorrect electricity meter clocks are going unnoticed, meaning millions of households on reliant tariffs could be paying too much, consumer group Which? has warned. The watchdog said its members had come forward to warn that their meter clocks had been showing the wrong time, potentially leaving them "significantly out of pocket". About 3.9m UK households are on time-of-use tariffs, such as Economy 7 and Economy 10, which offer customers a lower rate for electricity during some hours and a higher rate for others. Gary Day, a retired engineer from South Wales, told Which? he had saved himself and three neighbours more than £2,300 after discovering their meter clocks were wrong by several hours. They were all on time-of-use tariffs with supplier Swalec, which supplies gas and electricity to customers throughout Wales. Day told Which? magazine: "I have only checked four meters, and every single one of them was wrong. I am horrified that there might be hundreds of others that have these clock errors and don't realise it." http://www.theguardian.com/money/2014/feb/20/electricity-meter-clock-fault
  5. Washing machine delivered late afternoon today. Guy removed the old one and plumbed and plugged in the new one. He said it was ready to go, so I assumed he'd switched it on and off to confirm this to himself. Once he'd left I tried it but there's no power whatsoever. I've changed the fuse but it's not that. I'll be on the phone first thing tomorrow, but what are my rights? Surely I'll get a replacement? They can't have the brass neck to to take it away to repair or order a new part when it's not worked from the word go? Any advice or experience like this from Currys from anyone?
  6. No idea how this company is legal. They're [problem] artists at worst and liars at best. I took out a phone contract around the 21st December as a Christmas present. The phone was obviously not used until the 25th and soon developed a fault. We called Virgin Media up about it and they sent us a replacement which took about a week to arrive. Alls well until the new phone develops the SAME fault with the screen. Call up to get another replacement, they refuse and say it's 'not a common issue with the phone' when a quick google search shows it's in fact a very common issue with pages and pages of people with the same problem. First lie. They offer to repair it which I'm not happy with as it should be replaced in my opinion as we only had it a week or so. Make another phone call a few days later to someone else who says the same thing. Make a complaint on the forum which did pretty much nothing. On Twitter, I was told that even replacement phones have a 14 day guarantee and if its within this time period it would be replaced with a new phone. Great, I thought. Recieve an email this morning which I'll just let you read for yourself - " So basically if it can't be repaired (likely as replacing the LCD is hardly economical) they'll just give me a refurbished phone... I am not even a MONTH into this contract. I've had a functioning phone for maybe 5 or 6 days at the most. I should recieve a NEW phone that works in its entirety, screen and all. I will not pay £32 a month for 2 years for a faulty or refurbished phone. Idealy I would completely cancel the contract but understand this will probably not be possible and I cannot afford almost £800 to buy out the contract. Please, please help. I've contacted the Citizens Advice Bureau but no idea where else to turn regarding this matter.
  7. Steve82

    Faulty LG TV

    Hello people I'm new to the site, and can do with some help. I bought an LG LCD TV from Comet around 16 months ago. In a nutshell, around 3 months ago, I came home to find something very wrong with the screen. After the usual things (on/off, factory reset) it was apparent that the TV was broke. No worries I thought, its still under warranty...Ohhhhh dear. The TV was 13 months old (only a years warranty) I rung LG and told them the problem, and as I thought, they said there warranty has expired, so I left it. I rung a few local repair companies, and they said the problem sounds like the screen needs replacing (around £400) There is no way I am paying that. If the TV was 4 years old, I would have thrown it in the bin. If I had paid £200, I would have thrown it in the bin. I paid £750 for it and it lasted 13 months...its been bugging me every day and was just wondering if there was anything I can do as Comet are now gone. I did mention the SOGA but the LG guy said that was between me and Comet (which makes sense). I did hear of another law about faulty goods going wrong under 2 years. Could I use this? Basically I'm asking what my next step should be...Write a letter to someone, or just thrown it away? Thanks for reading Steve
  8. Hi, I failed my MOT on emissions. The Catalytic Converter was a bit rattly and both the garage and I thought this was probably the reason, so it was replaced. Sadly this did not fix the issue, so I tried other things... and more things... then the MOT lapsed so I was without a car, meaning on a couple of occasions I had to hire a car. After a couple of months, I ran out of ideas and took the car to a main dealer who poked and prodded, looked at all the work that had been performed and said the replacement Cat wasn't working. I spoke to the Cat manufacturer themselves, explained the full situation and they agreed it was faulty. I have just had a new Cat fitted and the car passes emissions. My question here is... do I have any chance of getting money for the replacement parts and labour for work that was done (unnecessarily) after the new Cat was fitted. Also the new MOT that needs paying for after my old one lapsed. This totals hundreds of pounds that I would not have had to spend if the original part wasn't faulty. Thanks. On a side note the garage were (despite being no good with suggestions as to a fix) were really helpful in letting me bring the car and use the emissions tester many times throughout the few months with no charge.
  9. Hi Brought a coffee table and asked for it to be delivered. Ad was on ebay. Table was heavy so was delivered by a private courier. Seller said to ask for quote for delivery as the listing was for collection only. Anyway purchased the coffee table and received it however opened it about a week and half later and found out there was damage to it. Can i return and expect a full refund? Would I have to pay for return postage?
  10. I'm after some advice on a tap that I purchased (as part of a new kitchen) from Homebase. I do not believe the [incredibly expensive] tap is fit for purpose or of satisfactory quality. Unfortunately I fear it may be too late to reject the goods. The other issue is that the tap is installed in my sink which is sealed into the worktop. It could be removed but it would be tedious and hard work - something I don't think I should be doing. It's also not something I can be without for ANY period of time. I arranged independent installation of the kitchen but the fault is certainly not due to installation. I would begrudge and don't see why I should have to pay to have it removed and a new one fitted. I am tempted to fix the tap myself, but I'm worried about making it worse and thus limiting any future claims. I could also put up with it, but I would need a significant reduction in price (80% minimum, how much would you pay for a wonky tap!?). I certainly do not believe it's living up to it's price point... I would be grateful for some feedback on the letter which I intend to send: Dear Sirs On the 05/08/13 I purchased a Schock Black Onyx mixer tap at a cost of £309. I took delivery of this and other items on the 06/09/13. I believe this to be a premium product and consider the price to be reflective of this. I am disappointed to inform you that through only minimal usage the tap handle has become very lose and frequently disconnects from the tap base. It is my belief that this failing renders the tap: A) Not fit for purpose B) Not of a durable nature C) Not of a satisfactory quality This is a breach of my statutory rights (Sale of Goods Act 1979, (as amended) section 14, subsection 2, 2A and 2B points A, C, and E. Unfortunately the tap remains installed in my kitchen as a professional trades person is required uninstall it. I invite you to inspect, replace, repair or refund the tap within a reasonable period of time and without any great inconvenience to myself. I require that any costs (such as professional trades people or loss of earnings) associated with the remedy are borne by you, the seller. I propose that the most efficient and acceptable remedy is a full refund. Please provide a written response to the issues above within 10 working days of the date of this letter. Yours sincerely
  11. I was wondering if anyone could offer any advice. My wife signed up to a contract in April last year for a phone for our son for when he was out and about. Soon after the contract started the phone became faulty. Apparently it is a common fault with the phone in that it will no longer charge. Getting it replaced/repaired I thought would be quite straight forwards. But it's not. It appears that the contract might be through a 3rd party. We have sent off requests on how to get the phone repaired or replaced and heard nothing back and towards the end of last year another letter was sent. Still heard nothing back. this week as my wife is off and it's in her name she decided to call the number given on the letter. She was hoping that she could both arrange a repair and a payment plan as there was no way we were paying for a contract where the phone was faulty and they're not getting back to us. The number was a mobile which pretty much confirms to us that it's not orange. The man that answered was very rude and refused point blank to repair it. He refused because we had not taken out any insurance but we were under the impression that it was covered in the first year. The repair is not through a fault of ours but what appears to be a common problem. Not only that but we had been trying to get it sorted months ago. He said to get it repaired we would have to pay. Is this correct?
  12. I purchased an s3 i while ago on the 3 network pay monthly and had many technical issues with the handset which resulted with the phone being sent away for repair. I was left without a phone for three weeks until it returned. This happened twice and until I upgraded my phone again with three but this time for (stupidly) another samsung, the note2. after about six weeks the phone failed again and i was told i would have to send it away again. I refused and demanded an immediate replacement and was told no the phone would just be sent away for repair continuously until the warranty expired. I refused to accept this and marched back into the three store handed back the product and refused to pay them any longer. I subsequently received a default on my credit file. Is there any way to remove this as it is non payment due to what i believe is them not holding up to their responsibilities in the contract. P.S. will never buy samsung again
  13. Hi, could anyone offer some advice please? My daughter bought a secondhand laptop from our local cash provider store. She needed one with DVD drive for her uni work but when we got it home we discovered the dvds would not load. It also transpired that the battery would not hold a charge and it had a dodgy mains connection. When we tried to shut it down it took for ever.... She returned it to the shop a week later but they refused her a refund saying they would either try to fix it or she could hang on to it and save some money towards what it cost her in order to purchase a better one!!! The manager even tested the DVD drive and agreed it didn't work. She brought it home unsure of what to do and I took it back today to be told the same thing. I argued the point and was told to come back tomorrow when the manager would be in. My feeling is she should be refunded as the item is not fit for purpose but would like to be sure of my facts before I go back tomorrow.
  14. I bought an Asus Google Nexus 7 from Ebuyer last August (2012) and it broke. First of all the charging cable ceased working, but that wasn't a huge problem as I had quite a few more. Then I realised the reason it had stopped working was that the micro usb port was actually faulty (it proceeded to break a number of my other charging cables). I had an engineer look at it for me and he said you can clearly see the port is broken and if it was under warranty, to return it. The part itself is around £25 retail and I could probably replace it myself. However, if I did it would void the warranty and also, why should I when that's exactly what the warranty is for? At the beginning of July, I reported the issue to Ebuyer who told me, 'don't worry, we'll simply replace the whole device with a brand new one'. I told them I didn't want a brand new one as I didn't want to have to go through removing and restoring all my data. However, they insisted. I hung up the phone and began wiping my data and packaging it up whilst waiting for my return instructions to arrive by email. Instead of return instructions, I received an email to say the return had been refused. I called back and was advised it had been refused because I 'hadn't bothered' to contact Asus first to diagnose whether the item needed repairing or replacing. Had I been told to do this, I would have done so but nobody had informed me of any such requirement. Ebuyer created another return then gave me an Asus number to call to get a reference number confirming Ebuyer needed to take action. I called Ebuyer back and gave them the reference number and then got my return on its way. Around a week or two later, I received the device back, still broken. I was told by Ebuyer that they had found 'nothing wrong' with it and that I was lucky they hadn't charged me for the return process! I then made a complaint, by email this time, thinking that if I put it into writing, they might actually take more action. How wrong I was. I was told to I had to return it again, this time including the plug and original charging cable (which I can't find because I had stopped using it months before when it broke). I replied to advise this and was ignored by Ebuyer. They continued to ignore my emails until, last week, I'd had enough and moaned about it on Twitter. The person who then replied to my email said 'I'm sorry, I've had problems with my sent emails not arriving'! We went back and forth through a number of other emails until they advised today that unless I can find the original charging cable, they will not accept a return of the device and will not under any circumstance consider returning it. Now, what I'd like to know is: Can they refuse to repair the device because I am unable to find the cable (which is not the part I'm asking them to repair)? Are they still obliged to repair/replace the device even though the warranty has now expired (based on the fact I complained when it was still under warranty)? What action can I take on this? Thanks in advance.
  15. Hi I need some advice please. At the end of November I bought a fish tank from an online company. The tank came with a cabinet and I purchased an external filter from the company. All of this was set up at the very end of November last year. Over the weekend, the filter has started to leak. Nothing to do with me as I had not touched it. I only noticed as the tank water line had come down by about 3 inches. The water soaked into a rug which was underneath the cabinet, as this rug sucked in the water, it has been sucked up by the cabinet making it unstable and it has bowed very slightly on the left hand side, which makes it unstable for the 250 litre tank that was sat on top of it. It has also soaked into my wood floor, which is ruined in that area. The flooring is only a few months old. The company are dragging their heals at the minute, I emailed them over the weekend, had 2 replies yesterday asking me to check parts on the filter and also send photos of the cabinet, and nothing today. I have rang them but they said the number they have is only a sales line and any problems need to be sorted out via email. I keep Discus fish in this tank, so I had to go out on Sunday morning and buy a second hand tank to rehome them into, as the main tank had to be emptied due to the unstable cabinet it was sat on. I seem to be getting nowhere with them. Discus fish cost hundreds of pounds, and they are not going to be ok in this spare tank, but I cannot put them into the main tank because its empty on the floor, as I am waiting for this company to do something. Is there anything I can do here? The filter was/is clearly faulty, it has damaged my flooring, and they are dragging their heals when it comes to solving this problem. I have a holiday booked for the weekend, and if this isnt sorted by then I will have to cancel it as if I go, my Discus fish which cost a lot of money would no doubt be dead by the time I got back due to my not checking the water clarity and levels which is what they require, they need pristine conditions etc. Any advice appreciated. Thanks. Darren.
  16. I bought a Samsung Chrome 5 series on 05/01/12, the screen is not working properly, the screen only comes on if I get it to a certain position, if I tilt it even slightly forward or back it goes blank...... I called Curries who said if it's over 12 months old they don't offer any repairs or help whatsoever! I called Samsung and I can send it to them and pay for any repairs! do I have any rights with Curries under the sales of goods act? Any advice would be appreciated thanks
  17. I purchased, just before Xmas a 2nd hand Clio (52 plate) for my daughter. The seller was a 'friend of a friend' and I was informed that the MOT had just expired and 'the car will fly through the next M.O.T.' The seller did not want to take the car to the M.O.T before the sale and wanted cash upfront. After paying for the car, I took the car into a MOT centre the next day and was given the bad news that the car was unfit for the road and I should not have purchased it. There was a long detailed descriptions of the faults on the report (2 pages). I returned the car to the seller returning all documents, (I never filled in the registration documents) and demanded refund as the car was not as described. It was also brought to my attention that the car's registration documents were not in the sellers name so no 'good title' of the vehicle. I understand that the private sale route does not hold well for the buyer, but I am sure I have a reasonable case for a refund. Shall I go about sending a LBA?
  18. I bought a washing machine on boxing days sales from sonicdirect.co.uk it was delivered a few days later and found to have a faulty door - which kept on locking after the wash cycle. spoke to sonic who asked me to ring samsung. ..rang them and got a RMA number. Rang sonic and they wanted ME to bring back the washing machine, when it was them that had delivered it in the first place!!!! Went to the store to the store when the sales lady fobbed me off suggesting I buy another washing machine and 'top it up' with extra funds to buy the new machine. I said i want the same washing machine and suddenly ALL of this make are SOLD OUT!!! Luckily they had a new delivery coming in but they wanted me to PAY for having a replacement washing machine delivered - why should i pay if the machine they delievered in the place was faulty!
  19. Hi All, I have had my iPhone 4s for 15 months, bought under contract with 3 from carphone warehouse in the UK. Apple warranty is 1 year only but under EU-wide Consumer Laws & Sale of Goods Act 1979 this can be extended for 2+ years in the UK. - doesn't apply - dx The iPhone has developed a manufactures fault as the wi fi does not work (switch dimmed out). I had this diagnosed at the apple store. Apple said they would fix the phone under EU Law & SOGA if I bought it direct from them but as I bought it from carphone warehouse, they stated that after 1 year I must speak to the retailer. Now carphone warehouse (retailer) say they only follow apple's 1 year warranty on iPhones and it would be a chargeable repair (£160). Even though Apple said the warranty would be for at least 2 years for a free replacement had I bought it from them. Carphone warehouse did mention about proving the fault was there in the first 6 months but of course it has only shown itself now otherwise I would have reported it within 6 months which they have no record of me doing. This may have got me a replacement for free but I was thinking along the lines of: satisfactory quality, fit for purpose & durability. I am 15 months through a 24 month contract with an iPhone that I mainly used for wi fi which does not work (particular purpose). No Wi-Fi equals not being of satisfactory quality, not as described and not fit for purpose. For a phone that cost so much and is under a 24 month contract which is partly paying off the cost of the phone you would expect it to last a reasonable length of time, at least through the duration of the 24 month contract. Question is do I need to prove it was faulty within the first 6 months and if so, how is it possible to do this when the problem has just manifested now. I believe that the fact an Apple technician has diagnosed the phone admitting it is a manufactures fault and offered to fix it outside the initial warranty had I purchased direct from Apple is enough evidence to suggest it is an inherent fault. UPDATE #1 Just got off the phone after a heated conversation with carphone warehouse who claim 100% that as the fault was not there in the 6 months they cannot and will not do anything, bottom line. I quoted SOGA, not as described, not of satisfactory quality, not fit for purpose, reasonable time, the fact apple will fix it if I had bought it from them, they clearly stated that Apple only offer a 1 year warranty and they abide by that. The rude condescending woman Michelle from Carphone's repair department in Preston then told me to go to trading standards and hung up. UPDATE #2 Just got off the phone to trading standards and they have stated that: initial 6 months has no bearing on statutory rights as I cannot report a problem with the phone being faulty if it was not present at that time. Furthermore, I would only have to prove there was a fault in the initial 6 months if I had caused a fault through my own damage (no wear/tear or personal damage). They then confirmed that carphone warehouse are legally obliged to replace or repair or possibly refund the phone if goods are defected even after 15 months. Next course of action is a recorded letter to the carphone warehouse store I bought the phone from. If there is no response then I should send another letter. If there is again no response then Small Claims Court - the cost will be around £25 for this which I am not worried about as this is a matter of principle. If I was that worried about the cost I would just use my phone insurance! After being treated so poorly by carphone warehouse I feel like taking this all the way and the fact trading standards have confirmed that they are in the wrong makes me even more determined! It should be worth noting that trading standards put emphasis on Section 11N of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 However, I do not want to end up looking silly! If trading standards have told me I am in the right and do not have to prove there was a fault in the first 6 months, is this gospel? I assume so considering that's who carphone warehouse told me to go to, in a recorded call.
  20. Hi All, Just looking for a little bit of advice on this one. I bought an iPhone 4S on 20th December 2013 and on Christmas Day 2013 the wifi button greyed out completely and I cannot use the phone for Facetime, iMessages or the internet now without using up my internet allowance on my contract. Sometimes the signal at my home isn't too good either because we are in a bit of a dip so I rely on my hone having wifi so that I can use my Sure Signal from Vodafone. This is a known issue with this phone and there are dozens of people around the world that this has happened to but some have been able to fix it by restoring it through iTunes but I wasn't able to. This was bought on a contract of £25.00 per month over 24 months so I would have thought that the phone should last at least that long. I knew I would have a problem with Carphone Warehouse and their poor aftercare so I decided to take it to Apple to have the fault diagnosed first to see what it was first. After their staff member looked at it he said that the wifi chip had burnt out and the phone would need to be replaced but if I had bought it from them it would have been done there and then. I then had to go to Vodafone because of a separate issue and whilst there I asked them what would have happened if I had bought the phone via them and they said that they honour the Apple warranty now of 2 years but even though they are my network, it still needs to be Carphone Warehouse that replaces it. Anyway, I took the phone over to Carphone Warehouse and the sales asssitant said that I only had a year warranty. I said that they should be honouring the 2 year warranty for my phone as it was on a 24 month contract and this had to be referred to the manager. The manager told her to phone the helpline which she did and after about 20 minutes of waiting, she finally got through to someone. He obviously said no, I would need to buy a new phone and also verbally said to me that they did not have to comply with the Sale of Goods Act for this type of problem. I also asked about Apple's EU wide Consumer Law which was given to me by the Apple shop and he said this does not apply to them either. Gob smacked wasn't the word! Anyway, because I have a disabled son, I need to be able to be contacted at all times and I am travelling to my family tomorrow and need my phone with me so I had no alternative but to purchase a new phone from Apple directly at a total cost of £159.00. I have a copy of the diagnosis from Apple and a receipt for the phone that I had to purchase as well as a copy of the notes made on my account from Carphone Warehouse which the sales assistant has recorded details of our conversations with their helpline stating that they don't have to comply with SOGA or any EU directives. I thought my next step would be issuing a letter stating that I am willing to go to court to get this money back but I just wondered what everyone else thought? I don't think that the phone is fit for purpose if it breaks halfway through a contract. Any advice would be appreciated and many thanks, Sarah
  21. I parked my car in the Shoreham Pond Road car-park at 13.53 but did not have enough money to pay for 2 hours so paid for one hour and went in to my class. Just under an hour later I exchanged a £5 note and went back to the same pay and display machine and purchased another ticket. To my surprise the second ticket came out virtually (but not completely) identical to the previous one with the same end-time. (See photos of tickets) It was not totally surprising that they were consecutive tickets because people all go in to classes at 2pm. I doubt if it would be possible to purchase two tickets with identical time-stamps? I put the second ticket with the first ticket on the dash, assuming that a traffic warden would see that I had paid more than I would have had to pay had I had the right change. When I got back I found I had been given a PCN I appealed this with NSL through the Adur web-site and they turned it down. When the NTO arrived I appealed to Adur and they also rejected the appeal on the grounds that I didn't have a ticket up to the correct time and that I was (anyway) guilty of meter feeding. There is nothing on the machines to say that you may not purchase a second ticket to extend your time. It is a long-stay car-park so you can purchase tickets for up to 8 hours. There is nothing in The Adur District (Off-street parking places)(Civil enforcement and consolidation) Order 2011 http://www.adur.gov.uk/docs/parking/2011-off-street-parking-places/119800-final-order-2011.pdf to say that meter feeding is an offence. I have attached a photo of the notice board. It says you can get a list of the contraventions from the Adur Civic Centre but I went there today and you cannot. They've never heard of the document. A friend of mine was told by one of the traffic wardens a couple of weeks later that the particular pay-and-display machine had been playing up, and it keeps being out of order. I feel that, as I had tried my best to pay the right amount and that it was a faulty machine I should not have to pay the fine?
  22. Hi, I bought a Samsung laptop from PC World in July 2012 and after just 16 months the hard drive has developed a fault. I emailed the company and they say they will send someone to collect it for inspection for a fee of £50. If the fault is a manufacturing fault they will fix it and refund the £50 if it is damage caused by use and not their fault I do not get the £50 back. Is this legal?
  23. Hi guys, I purchased £15 shoes from new look I was in a bit of a hurry so I did not realise they were a size small and also on the back they were slightly worn out ( probably due to people trying them on) now I went back to ask for a refund but they said they cannot as they have been worn! I told them it is too small and i never wore them, which they replied if it had been worn we would have sold it at a discount price and I would need to complain to customer services. So i sent the first email to customer services ( after 28 days from date of purchase because I had to go back twice for another attempt) and NO BODY bothered to reply for months. So I got hold of a new email address and i forwarded the previous emails, the reply was no refund only gift card. I have not accepted the gift card , what are my rights? How can I take this up further? Who do I go to? Thank you
  24. Need some advise, my other half has bought an iPad via three on contract and it has gone faulty out of the initial 28 days warranty they give, after that they state it has to go to Apple. I don't really want to go to my nearest store as it is about 60 miles away. So the question really is, are 3 responsible for the replacement or refund for the iPad as I am covered under SOGA, the contract is between me and 3 and not Apple. Any help would be great. Cheers
  25. Hello, I purchased a mobile phone on Tuesday 29th October 2013. Just today the item developed a fault (camera no longer working). I contacted the power/business seller and requested to return the mobile phone so it can fixed/replacement issued. They said since it's past 7 days (currently the 19th day) I would need to pay for the return postage to them as per the sellers terms and conditions. Is this the case? Is there anything per the Distant Seller Regulations that states the seller has to pay to return the product that has a fault? Thanks!
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