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  1. I have a tribunal date in March with my former employer. He still has several days in which to reply to the ET claim. I received an email of him saying: "If you had done your homework this does not give you the option of a tribunal and your complaint has been cancelled by the tribunal services. Needless to say your mention of the tribunal is of course nonsense and is only included to try and cause me harm and to extort funds that you are not owed." He then goes on to list all his arguments and make a few more wild claims. Which is great in a way because as well as everything I did have prepared, I am now aware of other arguments or objections. I have had my letter of the tribunal saying the date etc, I have had a letter - this week - of ACAS stating their involvement followed up by a call from one of their conciliators, I confirmed with him that the case was still to be heard although I did not mention the email. I have emailed the employer saying I did not realise it had been cancelled and if it was not a true statement, he was free to admit that. No reply so far. So, assuming, the tribunal is going ahead, the employer has several days yet in which to put their response to the tribunal, I have given him opportunity to say it is a false statement. I do not know if he genuinely believes it or has used it as a tactic.When would I let the tribunal know, I think the taunting/insulting manner of the email works to my advantage but I do not want to let the ET know before he has had several days in which to consider his action. The fact that this would take us past the cut-off date for his response to the ET for the original claim is not my fault. Has anybody any experience of a similar event, they have been told by the respondent that the claim has been cancelled even though it has not.
  2. Hi everyone. I'm due to start work with a new employer shortly, and to put it mildly, they're ringing some alarm bells with me. Firstly, they're a relatively new start up company, which never fills me with confidence, but briefly: 1. At interview I was told that the achievable bonus is £500 pcm (I never believed this to start off with, so no harm no foul there). In my written offer of employment, this had dropped to £250pcm, with much more foggy instructions on how it's to be achieved. In my contract of employment, it's now turned into "As detailed by the company, from time to time". 2. There is a LOT of "hours of work to be from Xam to Xpm, but whatever is required to 'get the job done'" going on in the contract, but no mention of overtime or time in lieu whatsoever. There's also this paragraph, and these two issues combined are making my spidey senses tingle: The position is salaried, but I've worked out that I could do roughly 45 hours before I dropped below minimum wage, which works out at about an hour a day extra. What is hinted at on the contract is that more (possibly at lot more) than this will likely be required, and quite possibly weekend working too, which is something definitely not mentioned up until now. Unfortunately, I was given this application by a JCP adviser so I can't turn it down. I can't decide whether I should just shut up, start work and look for another job A.S.A.P or email them tomorrow asking directly about TIL/overtime/bonus arrangements and risk hacking them off before I've even started.
  3. I currently work in Scotland as a paid Community Development Officer although the board of directors who employ me are all volunteers. Prior to taking up this post I led a busy administration team for a private sector company before I left the firm having accepted a compromise agreement arranged by my former line manager. I should also point out that I previously raised a grievance process against my line manager and although my complaint was upheld, there was ultimately no change in his behavior and I reluctantly tendered my resignation at a later date. Since leaving the private sector and taking up post as a Community Worker, my former line manager has continued his vendetta campaign against me in an apparent bid to ensure that I am not allowed to prosper. It has come to my knowledge that in his capacity as a director of the company I now work for (I knew this individual was on the board of directors prior to applying for the job), he made efforts to stop me from being recruited by my current emplyers. Despite his recommendations to the board, I was successful in my application and my former line manager had to resort to an email campaign against me in which he continually questioned my work performance during my 3 month probationary period. He later resigned from the board of directors when I successfully completed my 3 month probation period citing that he would not remain as a voluntary board member if I was to be employed full time. Despite resigning from the board he quickly resumed his vendetta campaign last year following an altercation between he and I which took place outwith the workplace. The quantity of emails relating to my conduct and performance which have been sent by this individual is nothing short of staggering. Many of the allegations made against me are entirely false and there are many instances where he has made defamatory comments against me. His campaign against me has been carried-out within company time using my former employers premises, their equipment and their email address (even once using their conference room in during office hours to conduct a meeting with the chair of the board of directors in order to discuss my conduct and performance). Although I do not currently possess any hard copies or electronic copies of the emails in question (there are approximately 30 emails), I have been allowed to read most of them as my line manager continues to keep me informed of his failed efforts to bring this regrettable matter to a close. Under the Data Protection Act, I have now requested a copy of all correspondence written about me which has come from this individual. This request has been submitted to both my employers and my former line manager's current employers (all emails have been sent using the company's email). I have made every effort to ignore this character but he just refuses to go away and I now want to take action. Does anyone have any advice? Should I pursue a claim against the individual or my former employers and what grounds do i have for a claim?
  4. Hello, my daughter recently started a new job (5th Nov) however all is not well. She has become quiet and subdued because although she needs the job she is being bullied (Imo) by a manager. In short, she was told to report to work half an hour early for a week for training, she was told this was not optional and that she would not be paid for the extra time, she was advised by another worker not to ask for payment for the extra time because she would be sacked. She has been told she must be available on facebook in the evenings in order to receive any instructions for work the following day. A few days ago the manager said my daughters results were not good enough and she was removed from her colleauges and put in a room on her own for the day, she works in telesales by the way. There's more but I'll leave it there, I don't want to bore anyone. I suspect when lots of people are unemployed it's easy times for bad employers. I just wondered if anyone had any thoughts or advice, I'm getting quite upset about her situation myself. Thanks in anticipation.
  5. Hi, Got a bit of an issue here with an employer. My employer isn't allowing me to take my accrued entitlement and will loose them as of December 31st! I started working for them on the 18th September 2012 as a door supervisor working average 4-5 nights a week (roughly 20 - 30 hours a week) and have accrued just over a weeks holiday. Thing is, I'm on week 11 of my 12 week probationary period which means I cannot take holidays until after the 11th December. Due to the nature of the business and it being Christmas time, my employer has a strict NO Holidays after the 10th December and is in effect until the new year. Our holiday year runs from January to December and holidays cannot be carried over, nor will the be paid in lieu. So I'm basically being denied my statutory entitlement. There are a handful of us in this situation, what are our options?
  6. Im curious as to know what you guys would do in this situation... Working for a company where you cover many different customers/contracts which have set time to be completed as per the contract agreement. ie... 3 hours fix..ect. In some cases your employer owes the customers/contracts fees if a job is completed outside the contracted fix time. What would you do if your employer tells you to be inaccurate to deceive the customers/contracts by manually fiddling the figures to defraud/deceive customers? Let it go and get on with it to make your employer happy Or Raise the matter with your line manager or possibly formally with HR?
  7. Hi CAGers, I'm hoping you can help with a problem my other half is having at work. Background For the last five and a half years, my other half has worked full time (35 hrs per week) in a small privately owned village shop. Credit crunch being what it is, just over a month ago, the owner sold the shop. In that time, she has never had a written contract of employment & never received a wage slip (but did receive yearly P60s). The new owner signed a contract for the sale of the shop - and my other half was referred to stating her wage & hours of work (she has got a copy of this). Problems with the new owner As soon as the new owner took over, he immediatly increased her working week from 35 hours to 40 hours. This was done with no consultation & no increase in wages. The job market being what it is, she didn't really have any choice but to go along with this. Over the last month, the owner has been increasingly unreasonable - sudden changes to the time she has to start work (often with less than 8 or 12 hours notice & putting pressure on her to work late or weekends). On top of this, he is constantly undermining her work, making constant unfounded criticisms etc. It seemed pretty obvious that he doesn't wish to carry on employing her & it looks like he expects her to resign (I've got to admire my other half - I would've walked out ages ago). Latest Bombshell Shortly before finishing her shift yesterday he spoke to her and said that the turnover of the shop isn't what he was expecting and with immediate effect he will reduce her working hours to 20 hours per week. He hasn't given her any new shift pattern or any idea of when he will be expecting her to work (making it impossible to find any other part time work to make up for the reduction in hours. She's pretty much resigned herself to the fact despite previously loving her job she cannot carry on like this & if she can't find alternative work soon she will have to throw the towel in. We've had a good chat about it & have agreed that enough is enough. I need advice as to where she stands from a legal point of view & maybe some suggestions on the best way forward. Any comments/advice/or perhaps if you've been in a similar situation maybe what happened to you. Anything would be appreciated & if you need more information let me know. I've tried to be as concise as possible but I'm bound to have left something out!
  8. The background to the problem: due to age discrimination, bullying, lack of meeting safety requirements and more caused and aggravated injuries to my mother, an employee at a large High Street Bank. Consequently, she needed surgery last year from which she is yet to fully recover. Because of the period of Sickness Absence taken she has had to apply for disability retirement because of this Work Related Upper Limb Disorder. She suffered injuries to her tendons in both hands and her back from working as a bank teller in a high street branch. She was an employee with the bank for over 12 years. There is so much more but I will spare you the details right now. I was looking for help in finding a solicitor to help us make a claim against her employer. The difficulty I have had is finding a decent and knowledgeable firm that can seriously tackle both the employment law and injury law aspects. The market seems to be saturated with "no win, no fee" accident injury claim solicitors, though I'm worried that most are not good enough to tackle a complicated case such as this. Please if someone could spare some time to help us in this matter. Thanks for reading.
  9. HI, I hope I am posting this in the right section? Time in employment 5+ years, new ownership June 2012. I handed my notice in at work in early September due to alarm bells ringing financially after the business ownership was transferred. I was paid in increments for August salary, debt collectors and arrears made me nervous that the business couldn't sustain payment of my salary each month. I handed notice in in early September, worked my notice period until 1st October when we were greeted with a text message to inform us that we were having our salaries withheld due to stealing and poaching. All untrue. I handed a grievance letter to my previous employer which he refused to accept receipt of, we then re-sent via special delivery. I was in a state of distress so visited my GP who signed me off for 1 week. I sent the fit note in to my previous employer at the same times as the grievance letter. Shortly after this we received a letter from his solicitor outlining the reasons for withheld salary, we responded refuting all claims and demanding payment before court action to recover outstanding payments. I received no response or monies and proceeded to file a small claims application against the business name due to our previous employer refusing to accept communication from ACAS. I have had a response to our service of claim whereby he has changed the address to which all documents relating to my claim should be sent from that of the business to his current home address, he is also contesting jurisdiction. Unfortunately I have never received a payslip from the new owner of the business so I am unable to determine the name of the company that pays the salaries on behalf of the business. Although the reference from payment received are that of the trading name of the shop we don't know from which account this was sent, whether it was a personal account or another business account. What I have been able to ascertain after a little research is that my previous employer does trade in a company name which he has applied to be struck off the list of companies register at Companies House (This information I found out this morning). Here are relevant dates; 21/08/2012 Employer applied to have his company struck off. 10/09/2012 Notice handed in. 01/10/2012 Employer withheld salary payment due. 01/10/2012 Grievance letter and fit note submitted to employer. 10/10/2012 Letter received from employer solicitor. 12/10/2012 Response letter to solicitor. 26/10/2012 Claim issued against employer. 31/10/2012 Deemed served. 06/11/2012 Acknowledgment of service declaring intention of defending all of the claim and contesting jurisdiction. 20/11/2012 Employer must dispute jurisdiction by this date. 21/11/2012 Company will be struck off Register of Companies. 28/11/2012 Employer must file his defence by this date. The next course of action for me is to object to the dissolution of this company. Where I really need advice is the following; Is there a template for the objection? Should I now make a small claim against this new company, although I have no proof that this company is responsible for the payment of wages for the business? Can I notify the courts that I believe that the claim could be against the individual, the business he is closing down or the trading name of the shop or is it enough that I have included the trading name of the shop - where do I stand legally with this claim and who it is directed to? As he has given his name and home address as the address for all correspondence is that the new defendant or is it all smoke and mirrors waiting for the company to be dissolved? I hope it is clear to see that he is looking to dissolve this business to escape the outstanding payments to me, another employee and who knows who else. I really hope some one can offer some help and advice as time is running out for me to object to the closure of this business. Thank you in advance.
  10. I am a part time retail assistant for a company that shall remain nameless as I can't bring myself to utter its name without a few expletives following shortly after. I'm contracted to work 22.5 hours a week but has somehow escalated to 38.5 hours a week this coming week. I am busy this week studying for upcoming aptitude tests in a vain attempt to escape the place so really don't have the time to waste. It says in my contract that I will be required to work additional hours as agreed with my manager on a week to week basis including over time for stocktakes and other operational requirements. Seeing as how my manager did not negotiate these extra hours with me or can justify the extra hours as falling under stocktakes or other operational requirements I think I have solid grounds to politely decline. Would I be right or am I being naive to think it's that simple.
  11. Back in the good old days (1970 to 1975) I was offered a job down south (I live on TEESSIDE) The job offer was for a better wage than I could get at home but due to housing costs I had to refuse the job. The employer came back to say they would supplement my housing cost by £45 a week (remember this is 1970's and my wage was £48 a week. I wonder with the cuts that are coming in now how long it will be before an employer that want people to work in areas with more expensive housing will have to up wages or supplement rent for their employees as they had to in the 70's when there were plenty of jobs to go round. dpick
  12. Just to provide some sort of background: My wife gave me a daughter in November of 2011 after a particularly difficult preganancy which resulted in many trips to the doctors and a week in the maternity unit mid way through her pregnancy, she was due to return to work on or about the end of July 2012. she works for a post office/coner shop type business. I am in full time employment and can to some extent "carry" the reduction in income for a short while. We found out she was pregnant again in April 2012 (I know, I know) and as with the first pregnancy, she had difficulties which resulted in her going on the sick straight from finishing her (first) maternity period. She has kept in touch with her employer at all times and produced sicknotes from day one, she submitted her MAT1B a couple of weeks ago and told her boss that she would begin her maternity on 22nd Oct 2012. We thoroughly expected that she wouldn't qualify for SMP and would have to apply for Maternity Allowance, her employer would need to return her MAT1B and supply her with an SMP1 form, from there she would need to apply to the Jobcentre for MA. She contacted her employer on Monday to ask when she would be receiving her SMP1 and her employer responded with "you'll get it when I have time to do it, and as I haven't done it yet, you'll have to wait" :-x this has gone on now three weeks with her boss refusing to supply the document and my wife unable to apply for MA because she MUST have the SMP1 signed by her employer - catch 22
  13. Hi, I have just received a reply from the bailiff company currently bothering me. In their letter they provided the bailiff's name and certification dates. I checked the certification register online, the names and dates are correct however the employer field is blank. This bailiff is working for Equita, surely the employer field should show "Equita" - Does this mean this bailiff has been working illegally? - Does this mean any charges applied for visits have been unenforceable/illegal? - Is this a stick I can use to beat them with? Advice would be appreciated. Thanks for reading.
  14. Hi all, I'm new to all this so i hope i'm doing this correctly. I have been off work since 10th May, as i had a nervous breakdown from three years of sustatined bullying and discrimination at work. My Occupational Therapist, sent me to HR, who promptly sent me home, pending investigation into my grievance. I have been sending in sick notes since. My grievance was dismissed, however i appealed on grounds that i hadn't been taken seriously, i attended an appeal hearing on 15th August, then another "follow-up" meeting on 14th September, however i haven't heard from them since. is this normal? and when should i expect to hear from them? Thank you in advance
  15. when i accepted my bonus, i signed an agreement saying i would pay it back if i left the company within 3 years, (pro-rata per month). my now ex-employer has sent me an angry letter, vaguely threatening me if i don't repay the sum within 14 days. question: what can they do? can they send it direct to a collection agency, or does it have to be judged by a judge first? in my opinion, (and the reason i haven't repaid it) just because i signed the agreement (i had to or they wouldn't give me the money) doesn't mean they can reclaim it. that's my bonus - i earned it by working hard. that's a seedy practice to attempt to reclaim it, and i want this judged by a judge before offering back the money. on the other hand, i'm trying to buy a flat and i'm worried it might mess up my mortgage application. on the third hand, i think they're just trying to scare people and won't actually take action - it might be worth calling their bluff. advice?
  16. Hi all, This is a bit of a tricky one, sorry to be so long winded but I just need a bit of help. I started with my employer just under 2 years ago on an apprenticeship, on an apprenticeship wage. After 1 year my salary was increased to national minimum wage. I work in a department of around 10 (excluding departmental manager), but we are in two teams of 5, each team doing different things. A couple of months ago 3 of the team (not me as my job is a bit different) where put on 0 hour contracts, only getting paid based on the work they did. After around 2 months, one of the 3 decided she did not want to accept the new contract and quit. At that point my team leader got worried that she could not handle all the work she had herself and asked our departmental manager if it would be possible to put the lady back on a full time contract again. This was accepted and she is now back with us. I believe that I could do this job but I was never even considered! My team leader has trained me on different parts of the role and knows I can do most of it. I feel that with a couple of hours more training, I could of mastered it. The lady that got taken back on went on holiday for two weeks almost straight away and I had to do different tasks of hers (e.g. invoices, sending reports etc.). Now, these tasks seem to of become my responsibility (team leader and department manager chasing ME up for invoices etc. even when the lady came back off holiday). I dont mind doing these tasks, as I do enjoy it, but the lady is actually getting paid around £6500 more than me a year. I just find it very annoying that I was not even considered to do this job and given a small pay rise. Instead, somebody has a strop and quits, so they let her come back. It feels asif she is being paid a lot more money for the tasks that I am doing! The part I want hep with is to maybe write a letter to my department manager. I do not want to write something where I seem angry/upset/moody, I just feel like I need to say something. I do not want to just speak to the manager, as when I am speaking, I forget certain things and get a bit panicky. So I do feel a letter would be a lot better for me to write. I just want to know, how I could write this, telling my manager how I feel. I don't think anything would actually happen from doing it, but it is really annoying me now. I do a lot for the whole company and I am on the lowest wage in the company out of every department. I don't want anybody to write a letter for me, but maybe just a structure to it, or maybe a different idea to put my point accross. Again, sorry about this being so long, I just didn't know how to keep it short. Thanks
  17. hi i have a few ccjs that are attachment to earnings and i am not sure who they from however i was wondering how i can find out how much i have left to pay if this is possible any help is appreciated many thank
  18. Hi Guys, Hoping for a little bit of advice. I worked for a large security company, who shall remain nameless at the moment (they have however prominently featured in the news lately). Basically no payday has been right since August. Also, HR don't have a direct number for Payroll due to the size of the project that was being worked on. On 13th August, I got my payslip, noticed there were shifts missing and that I was paid at the wrong rate (both from July), I contacted HR who got me a callback from Payroll, who informed me that they would make this paymenton the 15th along with the amount on the Payslip. Come the 15th, only the figure from the payslip was in my account. I contacted my employer again, they informed me that It was paid by CHAPS and should be in my account. I left it for a couple of days just incase it was a clearing issue, come the 20th, Still nothing. Two more weeks went by before I was contacted by payroll (I had contacted HR many times), who told me that they would have to put a trace on the funds and that it would take about a week. A week passed, still nothing, more countless calls to HR who tried to prioritise it. I eventually got a call back from Payroll after another 3 weeks, who told me they still couldn't trace this money and still investigating. Bang come Saturday 22nd September I get an email from Payroll telling me that they have re-issued the payment and it should clear in my account by Today (Wednesday 26 September), this was also confirmed by a callback on Monday by payroll. Low and behold today - still nothing. To add insult to injury, I received an automated email yesterday, telling me that the amount should be in my account within 3 working days and that they apologise for the inconvenience. I've lodged another complaint with HR who have emailed payroll to get in touch. Basically I'm after some advice as to what I can do! The amount thats owed to me is rather large (£1000+), the saga has gone on for over 6 weeks now. As a result of the lack of payment I incurred bank fee's, late payment fee's on some bills and I was put into rent arrears. Each time I ask the question of Payroll, they keep saying it wasn't their fault etc. Any advice would be smashing!
  19. Hi all, hope you can help, my girlfriend has just finished a job working in a cafe, after much pressure from me as the conditions there were ridiculous. She was made to work until 6.30pm-7pm even though she stopped getting paid at 5.30pm, being told that it was staff responsibility to clean up at the end of the day. She never was given any form of contract and despite me asking on many occasions never provided pay slips. When I confronted the owner regarding tax and N.I. payments he told me she was only contracted for 16 hours, I told him this was illegal and when asked what her holiday entitlement was he told her 10 days, even though she was working an average week over 40 hours, again I told him this was illegal. After confronting him he made my girlfriends time at work uncomfortable so I told her to quit. She finished without notice and I went down the following week to collect her week in hand pay and holiday pay, I received her week in hand but was told that the accountant had to calculate the payment. That was over 4 weeks ago and we have still received nothing, no holiday no P45. We have contacted HMRC regarding tax and N.I. contributions and they have received nothing for the year that she worked there. What should I do about getting holiday pay sorted and getting a P45etc, HMRC have said they are going to investigate the Tax issue. This establishment really needs to be sorted out their health and safety is appalling with no risk assessments for the staff, lone working regular out of hours etc, a real cowboy place and I'm glad she's out of there but would like for her to get all she deserves.
  20. Hey everbody, Im stuck and I have no idea what to do. Basically back in 2009 I hired a van with a driver from a company (usual van hire company, locally based not a national company). Me and a friend bought a load of dental chairs that were on pallets, and basically we had to pick them up from a joinery shop, put them into the van and then offload them at a storage unit I had taken over. At the time of hiring the van I told the company the chairs were approximately 80kg, but I realised they were heavier when we got there (probably around 120kg each). But either way we did not have to physically lift them, we used pallet trucks to manouver them. The driver stayed in the van at all times, and only used a pallet truck to manouver the chairs and place them where he thought best in the back of the truck (he was obv trained and had done this sort of stuff on a daily basis). We got this all done within 2 days, and at no point did he ever say he was injured etc, he even came and picked some food that my mum had made for him. However, he is now claiming against the van company, that he injured himself during that trip. So the van company family members approached me (harassed really, as they kept turning up at my house and workplace) and said they would need a statement from me, and that I would not have to go to court etc, so me being naive helped with that and signed a statement they had made (not a statement of truth though). There insurance did not cover the driver to drive off the premises so if they lose they will have to pay out themselves. Then the van company's solictitor turned up at my work and said sign a statement of truth, I said thats fine, but just asked again that I would not have to go to court, and he said I may be compelled to! At which point I refused to sign the statement. He then left and I heard nothing from him. I then received a letter from the claimants solicitors asking me for my insurance etc I just didnt reply (stupidly) and then i received another letter saying I had to attend court as they were trying to have the judge add me a second defendant. I was like what have I got myself into! Court day was today, I went myself (cant afford a solicitor), I thought the judge would understand and know its utter bull that they can add a customer to a case where I was not the employer. The defendant had a barrister turn up, the judge asked him to say what he had to say. He spoke about why I should be added, mentioned that the van company may have to close so they may not get any money from them, but that they may get money from me (like I was some sort of guarantor even though im broke and have defaults on my name!). The judge listened to my side for like 2 mins, I told her how I was just a customer, and gave an example, something along the lines of this> Just say I was going to post something at the post office, I pay for the service and now lets just say the person handling the parcel hurts his/her back, how does that make me as a customer, liable? After I was done, she basically moved on and had already made her mind up to add me to the case! I was fuming, but obviously I kept calm because I was in the county court. The judge had made her mind up before I'd even got into the room! Now they started talking and she asked would 2 weeks be okay to get a defence together, I was going away for a week, so I said no so she has given me 3 weeks to submit a defence?! I asked her what I should do if I cant afford a solicitor, she said to represent myself! Now I have no idea what to do, my friend (who was with me the whole time of the actual delivery process) said he would happily be a witness for me. But what do I do now? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, and now I know why my parents always told me never get involved with this sort of stuff, law is a dirty game. This has really really put me on a downer, really lost as to what I should do. Please help anyone. Thanks
  21. Hi all, I was meant to get paid on 28th August (the 28th is our contractual pay day). Checked my account and found my wages wasn't there. I rang my HR department to find out what the issue was, the lady i spoke to was very apologetic and admitted error that they had not processed it. I was advised that the finance department are looking to raise an emergency payment and would be in my bank account by 3pm, if not by then first thing the following day in the morning. I have checked my account this morning and STILL no wages are in my account. I am very concerned and stressed out about this, I had to cancel a counselling appointment yesterday and also was due to attend a doctors appointment today as I am currently off work due to severe depression and stress but won't be able to now as I have not been paid. Where do I stand with this? Work have also not contacted me to give me an update of the situation. Any advice appreciated
  22. hello to all that can advise me, basically i was sacked for ( not doing as told/requested) it all happened really fast. i was pulled into a meeting with my boss, he asked ( do i need anyone presant ) i said no not knowing what was about to happen. i was given three letters of repremand. first stated the it was a verble warning on paper,( i wasnt pulled aside and given one !) then i recevived two written after that both still letters of repremand. after i got my third letter i asked what does this mean for myself and the company ? repied was ( you no longer work here anymore and i will provive a lift home for you !) when i received the three letters of repremand they where all given in a space of 5 minutes with a brief reason why. i wasnt offer any notice in lou , or holiday entitlements and had to ask about my out standing holiday, i got in touch with CAB and ACAS and was going to take it futher , then the following tuesday it came about that i was stealing, later that tuesday i spoke with my ex-boss and we came to an agreement to sort out this later problem and the whole situation. that was two weeks ago , ive been trying to get in contact with my ex-boss and i found out today after ringing up again that he has a hugh amount of invoices that have been found and are being pinned on me without any thing i can do , 1out of 20 i have had with the intention to pay , but i didnt due to a progressing work load , they didnt get paid for that reason. the terms that me and my ex-boss aranged where to sit down with some one presant and sort out what i had and pay it off, with out taking to a legal pratice , but since that was arranged he has got the police involved and now i want to take furfer action aswell for the unfair dismissal. please note that the second ocurance was found out after my sacking! i have posted on here to find out weather or who i might beable to help me with any sort of legal advice on how i could posiblily continue a tribunal over my unfair dismissal. i am not swatted upon the legal side of things i still havent received any pay at all not even my p45 and i dont no when i will be giving or it be posted.i have the feeling that i wont be paid due to all of the invoices that are being pinned on me im a 21year old young man, i am very honest but i am easiley led person , i got very passionate about my job witch was leading to a promissing step in the company. i would just like this to be over so i can move on but im unsure how i can move on giving i am getting really confused on what i can and cant do :s if you can make sence of what i have wrote , can anyone help with the legal does and dont's ??? thank you for reading this benjamz
  23. Hi there, I have just the beginning of this month started a new job with a company I have been contracted to for the last 4 months by my previous employer. As I am still working with my ex-colleagues I have info on who has heard or knows whats still going on. As a norm in my previous emplyers routine, we would not always get paid on time, or in full either. Even so, when pay day came at the end of last month I was expecting to get everything I was owed, as it was my last day there. I obviously didn't, but I did check with my ex workmates if they did, and they hadn't either and we all had been paid the same. So this last friday I saw another deposit and it wasn't the final full payment but only partial, but found out that my ex workmates had been paid in full. As I have been in a running argument over the last 3 months with the bosses wife, who also happens to be the payrol officer, I wasn't surprised, but rather appalled. She has deducted, by her own account £411 from my expenses for monies she says I owe, when I know I only owed £100 from my expenses account, she has also held back the final £466.34 she owes me from my actual wages and another £474.22 from my expenses that were handed in with three other work colleages, who have been paid. I have not received an answer from her, becides an email saying I must no longer contact her. I do not want to follow a legal route, but I believe that if I dont I will not be able to claim the extra £311 she has already taken! PLEASE SOME ADVICE AND /OR GUIDANCE. I thank you for your help and time
  24. My current employer has told me that I must give him a date of notice or he will make it for me. I did not want to tell him that i was leaving until i knew more but my new employer requested a reference. Due to holidays etc I have not been given a start date but my employer is saying if i dont give him notice period by tommorrow he will give me notice as he has employees ready to start. Can he do this. I have only been there 8 weeks. I know the 2 year rule etc. anyone got anything else.
  25. Had an interview at a well known sports shop, was offered the job, and had to provide proof of identification. I had to apply for my full birth certificate as part of this as I don't have a passport. Due to the fortnight I had to wait for it to be delivered, the original copies of this, my part birth certificate, paper part of my driving license, and my p45 were all handed into store to send off as this is what they asked me to do. I have now received a letter to say that they have not received this, I have already contacted the store about this, and the manager tells me that I am one of a few who this is happening to with them. He said that he would investigate and let me know what is going on, that was 10 days ago, still no word. I still haven't had a start date, or confirmation that I still have a job there, I have no idea how to go about this, and have been told that I am now at risk of having my identity stolen, any suggestions or advice would be greatly received. Before anyone gets clever and says I should have given copies, I realise that, I did not have the means at the time, and was told that if it was not received by them soon, employment would be terminated, which wasn't an option for me at the time.
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