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  1. Hi All, I was hoping someone on here might be able to provide advice to assist with the dilemma I find myself in, a month ago I booked a return flight from London Heathrow to Hong Kong so that I could attend a friends wedding, unfortunately due to a family tragedy the wedding has now been postponed for 3 months. So I called the company I booked the flights with to try and rearrange the dates, over the phone I was informed that it would cost me £175 to amend the flight details to the new dates, however they needed to check a few details so would contact me back shortly to confirm. Having heard nothing for 3 days I eventually got an email through (written in very poor english) basically stating that the airline that I had booked my original flight with were no longer flying that route from the 3rd March 2013, so it would be impossible to amend the flight details as requested. If I want to cancel I can do but I can only expect about a 50% refund in about 6-8 weeks time once they have reclaimed back from the airline. As they have stated they will be getting a refund from the airline surely I'm entitled to more of a refund than that as it's nopt my fault they cannot accomodate the dates I need. With the reason I booked the flights being so I can attend a wedding there are a number of people who are booked on the same flights who are having simular problems, however they have booked directly through the airline and have been offered a larger refund than I have been offered, or the option of retaining the value of there ticket to use on that airline to fly to an alternative destination. I would really appreciate any advice that people can offer in connection to this dilemma as unless I can reclaim a larger portion of a refund from my original ticket outlay I won't be able to afford to book new tickets to attend the wedding on the new dates. Thanks in advance, Tom
  2. I've been at this gym for 6 months, 5 on the debit card since I had to pay 1 month up front cash. It's been getting worse since I joined with no signs of improvement. The toilets and showers are extremely dirty, with things breaking all over the place. A lot of the machines are broke, or damaged, dumbbells lose, lights hanging out of fixtures in the bathroom, insects everywhere, never clean, latches loose, floor uneven, so some machines are, none of the improvements told at joining have been introduced since. I also have OCD, in which is officially recognized by my doctor, so I can't handle this place no more with how dirty and dangerous it is. I asked the manager to cancel it with them, he said he tried but they can't do it. Even though someone else I knew left a month back. I have about 60 photos of the place in bad condition as evidence against them, and the gym manager can't even afford to finish a little painting he started, so they can't afford to fix all this. I could easily call health and safety and the place would probably be shut down, but I don't want to do that with him since he's cool. What Should I say to ashbourne on the phone?
  3. Hi, I need a way to either cancel vodafone or lower the cost of the contract,since i took out the contract my circumstances have changed in terms of monies etc. I have asked nicely if i can change the tariff to be told no.. i have asked nicely if i can cancel the contract..obviously no whilst i appreciate its not actually vodafones fault in my change of circumstance i dont agree they arent able to change the tariff to an affordable one now im in debt to them of near on £150. so the question is. .i have arranged a plan for xx a month. this still is to much but they wouldnt accept less and i need my line open for work purposes! im going to have to mail them.. sadly the only way may be to cancel the entire contract but that is a lot of money! at least though the dca would happily accept hardly anything a month which i could afford. .but its a lot of hassle and all i want really is an affordable tariff and pay a little bit extra each month to cover the debt! with my line being kept open. just curious if anyone had gone down this road with them? to make it worse since xmas eve to present, we have no network in my area. .literally none aside from a couple of 5 second intervals where you may recieve a text message! this is now up now and thats pretty dissapointing
  4. Hi all I hope somebody can help. My wife recently sold her car and I gave her mine. When she called Hastings to update the policy, the quote she was given to change the car was very expensive compared to others she had received. She advised them of this and they offered to reduce, but that was still not competitive. She has now asked to cancel the policy and they are charging her for the £55 cancellation fee, plus outstanding amounts. I feel that this is totally disgraceful. I can understand the cancellation fee (although I still think this is steep as my last policy with another well know company was cancelled for the large sum of £2.12), however I do not think that charging her for a service that she no longer needs, on top of the fact that the only reason she is cancelling is because the quote was astronomically noncompetitive. What can she do to get this fee levied as it seems as though she is 'screwed if she stays, screwed if she goes'. If this is the case, then we will be telling everybody we know not to use Hastings due to their rip-off policies. It seems as though we are not the only ones upon reading through this forum. Thanks
  5. Hi All, Hope someone can give me a little advice! Before I start my story, I should say that since September I have not been at my main residence due to a stay in hospital and recovery period at my parents. I have only just returned to my main residence and have discovered the following situation: I used to have car insurance with elephant, which expired at the start of October. They then tried to bill my debit card, which had also expired, for another years insurance. Obviously the payment failed. They did send me 2 letters saying this, but I didn't get them as I was still in hospital. They then proceeded to cancel the insurance they tried to set up for me and bill me £75.94 for a cancellation fee, which has now been forwarded to direct legal & collections and raised to £95.94. Can anyone give me some advice on where I stand on this? In my view, they are charging me for a cancellation for a contract that never existed! How can they charge me a cancellation fee for something that wasn't in existence? I tried phoning elephant today, but their offices closed at 5pm. I will try again tomorrow but would like to know where I stand legally. Thanks, Andy
  6. Dear All I am a new user, I am here because I have a problem and I was hoping here within these realms I can get some advice. In March 2012, I booked a flight with fly.co.uk. Got what I thought was a cancellation email. (my bank put a stop to it, as it was unusual activity on my account. ) Went ahead and rebooked the flight through the email. In August, I started receiving, demands for cancellation payment. I thought this was odd as I had booked the flight and used it. I replied back to their email and did not hear anything from the till October. I got another email, replied back, a month later one more and I replied back, stating I had used the ticket. No reply. Eventually I get a letter saying they will take me to court. I called them up and they have told me that the first ticket I ordered was not cancelled but became cancelled after I did not return their email. They are telling me, I booked two tickets, even though they are identical and that I did not cancel one and thus I am liable for the one I did not cancel. However, I did not realise that this ticket was not cancelled and they waited until August to inform me that it had been. I feel that the below email, if you did not know the context, is not clear and gives no clear steps as to what to do next and could be mistaken for a cancellation email. Is there anything I can do or should I just suck it up? The cancellation is 120 pounds. email I received about the failure of payment. Dear Mr ********************* This e-mail has been generated automatically ********************* Thank you for your flight request: 8H4WRA. ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************Unfortunately, we were unable to charge the price of your flight to the credit card you provided. Please contact the serviceteam of your bank or credit * *card company. We must inform you that the price of your ticket could increase anytime, and that your reservation can be cancelled by the airline, if your ticket cannot be issued within 24 hours after booking. If you have requested insurance, the cost will be charged directly to your credit card by ETI – International Travel Protection. If this is not possible, they will contact you directly. Please do not transfer any payment for insurance to us. In case of a cancellation, fees apply for the processing of your order, in accordance with our company regulations (Terms and Conditions). Please respond directly to this email to ensure the shortest possible processing time. ************************************************************************************************* In case you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Best wishes, Your fly.co.uk Team Unister GmbH Barfußgäßchen 11 04109 Leipzig Germany and that
  7. Used a 3-day trial at the end of Oct at the Oxford LA Fitness branch - gym seemed okay. Spoke to a "membership advisor" after this - was given 2 membership options £40/month (1 year) or £47/month (2 years). What she didn't tell me was that this was for the premium membership plan for access to 57 clubs as opposed to the standard option for 1-club access - only found that out recently when I realised my card colour was different to everyone elses I saw go in Anyway, I told her I was a student and couldn't afford those prices for the whole contract and (some time later) asked if I could cancel after 3 months because i'll be abroad travelling for 1 month (Feb). She assured me this was okay as long as I email customer services my flight details and give 1 months notice. Went home - phoned them up and gave my card details. Was told nothing about any T+C's/ Health and Safety/Contract/Agreement both in store and over the phone. Received a confirmation email giving details: To arrange an induction of your club, please phone 08431701038 during normal opening hours, see www .lafitness. co.uk for your specific club. During your induction you will be requested to sign a membership agreement, this will allow you access to the club. Upon your first visit you will be able to pick up your membership card, please bring a form of identification. Ticked Accepted Terms and Conditions = True VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION If you want to read the terms and conditions for this membership please click on the following link...join. lafitness. co.uk/docs/LAF-Agreement-Form.pdf CANCELLATIONS PLEASE NOTE: The normal cooling off period of 7 days does not apply as you were signed up in club by a sales advisor. This is an Automated email. Please do not click 'reply' to this message, as emails to this mailbox are not read. After signing up, read some reviews about the gym - most were very negative and regarded troubles cancelling - got me worried so I emailed customer services asking for confirmation that what I was told in store was correct and I could cancel after 3 months due to travelling plans - his reply (below) : This is fine. Please see below part of our member pledge which cements this. ‘Moving away If you’re moving away and there is no LA fitness within a reasonable distance from your new home or workplace, we will cancel your membership upon receipt of documentation that demonstrates your relocation. We understand everyone’s circumstances are different, but as a rule of thumb we use 10 miles as a guide for a reasonable distance.’ When you do receive your flight details please forward them to my email address, please leave a calendar months notice in order for the cancellation to take place. 1 month later, sent customer services my flight details - reply was basically you're not relocating permanently so you can't cancel. After telling him that was the agreement I made in store - he said it was a verbal agreement so i've got no proof etc etc. Replied saying that he himself confirmed the agreement for me quoting that first email he sent me but still no luck... he just apologised 'if there had been any confusion down the line' and that this 'would have always been the outcome' Wondering if I can just send them a letter saying i'm cancelling then cancel my direct debit since I never agreed to anything or signed anything so this 'contract' is non-existent since they don't care about any verbal agreement and nothing was ever put to paper? Is this okay? Anyone got advice? Thanks in advance, Amo
  8. Hi there Here's a summary of my situation: - Joined Bannatynes in 2008, 12-Month Contract. £39/month for Multi-Gym Membership (Base gym in Skelmersdale) - Moved to Manchester in 2010. Started to use the Manchester gym which was fine under my multi-gymmembership. - As it wasn't my base gym I had to sign in everyday which took about 10 mins as they also had to call skelmersdale to verify my account - I did this for a long time as they wouldn't let me transfer to the manchester gym even though it was the only one I was now using - I told the guys in manchester and skelmersdale that I wanted to be transferred to the manchester gym and taken-off multigym as I was sick of signing in everyday. They told me I couldn't because it was a different membership system and that I would have to cancel my current contract (with a 3 month cancellation period) and then re-sign up to manchester - I told them this wasn't fair as all I want to do it transfer gyms. I had been paying £14 more than the ppl using the manchester gym and told them this thinking my Loyalty might be noticed. - I said I would leave the gym if I couldn't be transfered because it was ruining my gym experience (having to wait 10 mins each day) and was paying a lot more money than everyone else there who were using the same services. They couldn't care less! - Anyways, I told them I was cancelling and stopped my direct debit. They are now chasing me for the three months cancellation £117. - My contract does say I would have to give three months (I have recently been through the contract) - I feel that I will have to pay this even though I wasn't happy with the service and eventually didn't have any enjoyment from going - I have been ignoring their letters to date. What will happen if I keep ignoring? Can this affect my credit rating or can they make a default agaisnt me? Thank you Ryan
  9. Hi, Some advice would be much appreciated. 1 week ago I took out a 24 month contract with CPW instore on Tmobile and an Xperia T. I have read the info regarding the 14 day cooling off period for distance sales, however in my case there was no 'demo' phone in the store (although I did ask if there was one I could 'play' with) and the sales assistant, despite being very helpful, mistakenly misinformed me about a couple of things to do with the phone. Will I be able to cancel this contract? Regards
  10. As those of us who have already been stung will know, most insurers charge a cancellation fee if you end your policy before the full term. However, I thought that penalty fees were illegal and the admin charge could only reflect their true costs. In addition, my insurer is refusing to give me my No Claims certificiate until I pay their penalty fee; surely they are obliged to supply my No Claims certificate and cannot hold it to ransom, like this or make conditions as to its provision? I cannot insure my car with another company without the No Claims certificate. I'd really appreciate other's views on these matters.
  11. I am changing my vehicle on Thursday and the insurance company after re-newing the policy in October. They are not competetive for the new car so am going to change companues. They say they are going to charge me admin cancellation fees and for loss of commission, is this right?
  12. Anybody ever challenged the Insurance Companies for the costs of cancelling Car Insurance mid term. I recently changed cars 3 month into my cover and looking at the renewal on my new car I thought it rather steep, so I started searching and came out with quotes saving me hundreds. On contacting BISL who collect on behalf of the Post Office Insurance I was staggered at the amount of money they will charge me for exiting the policy, all in their T&C's they say, it works out that any savings I was making has been claimed by them. I have asked them for a breakdown of their charges, anyone taken these [edit]s further?
  13. I joined a gym local to my area back in march (Cork Ireland) this year but due to unforseen circumstances have not been able to continue availing of services offered by gym etc. Am wanting to cancel my membership but apparently because its under a two year contract i would have to pay all sums due plus the balance of the monthly subscriptions that would otherwise have fallen due will become payable immediately less 5%.. Is there any option out there available to me that would not involve having to pay a s i have recently lost my job and unfortunately cannot afford to keep up monthly payments let alone being expected to pay remainder of subscriptions etc. If anyone could help i would be eternally grateful. Thank You.
  14. Hi, I had a T-Mobile Mobile Broadband that was sold to me when I cancelled my phone contract in July 2010. It was £5.99/month (incl. VAT) for 24 months. I realized that in the last 6 months of my contract they charged £15.32 not £5.99. I tried to call them couldnt get hold of them, then busy life I gave up. (My wife gave birth and we were v occupied etc.) But I cancelled my direct debit. 4 months later I got a call from a DCA that I owe £60 to T-Mobile. T-Mobile never tried to call me even though my phone number never changed. I presume they had sent letters to my previous address which I moved 1,5 yrs ago. I called T-Mobile and they said My mobile broadband contract was 18 months not 24 months. I am 100% certain that it was 24 months I even remember the conversation with the sales lady, the reason it is £5.99 incl VAT is because it is 24 months contract etc. But they never sent me any bills, I haven't received or signed any contract. They say I had 18-month discount, not a contract with T-Mobile, hece they spiked up my monthly bill from £5.99 to £15.32. And I have to give 30 day notice to cancel the contract regardless. 1. Do I have to call them to cancel even after the initial contract period? Looking at their pay monthly T&C there is no wording saying I have to call them to terminate the contract support.t-mobile.co.uk/resources/sites/TMOBILE/content/live/DOCUMENTS/0/DO117/en_GB/PAYM_T&C_Aug12_200812_v1.pdf 2. How can I prove that it was a 24-month contract, I haven't signed anything and no invoices were sent to me 3. Even if I pay the claimed balance, will I have a record on my credit rating? I saw in one of the forums that if you accept a debt (I think if it is in the hands of DCA, it is marked as debt), regardless of whether it is paid or not, it will be seen in the credit history for 6 yrs. Regards, Alec
  15. Hi I'm new here, so please forgive me if I'm doing something wrong. I have a gym membership contract that is collected by Asbourne every month. The contract was for 36 months from May 2010 and I wish to cancel it. I have seen something about the OFT, but I don't know how I would cancel it. I have been paying now since May 2010, so in excess of the 12 months. Could someone please explain how I cancel this, can I just cancel the Direct Debit, or would that result in nasty letters and debt collectors. Unfortunately I cannot find the actual contract, but I do have the initial welcoming letters from both the gym and Ashbourne. Many thanks Arran
  16. Hi all, Hopefully a simple question! Yesterday I invited a guy round from Anglian to quote for a new front door. After three hours of pressure I agreed to buy one from then, putting down a £200 deposit. I can see that under the doorstep selling regulations I should be able to cancel within 7 days and get all my money back (the right to cancel is written under the contract terms). However, I'm worried by the following clause in the contract: 9. If the purchaser cancels the contract otherwise than in accordance with these terms and conditions, the company reserves the right to charge the following, which represent the losses and expenses incurred by the company prior to cancellation: (i) 25% of the total contract price where the purchaser cancels prior to commencement of the survey. (ii) ... Am I liable to pay costs to the company if I cancel within the 7 day period? Many thanks for you help, Neill
  17. I owned a motorcycle which I sold around a month ago. Then I called my insurance company to cancel the insurance, they told me to send them the original insurance certificate which I did when they received it they said its ok to cancel my direct debit. Then after 15 days or so I got a call from them to pay the 'cancellation charge' of an amount of £400. My original insurance premium was £180 a month (TPFT). I don't understand this charge and since I was surprised the lady on the phone told me to check T&Cs in which she claims that there is a term about cancellation charge. I still havent read this because it's at home, I will do first thing when I reach home tonight. Is there anything else I can do to avoid or reduce this? It is ridiculous amount of money to 'cancel' something that I stopped owning a month or so ago!
  18. Can anyone give me advice on this? I took out a package with BT which included phone line, broadband and vision. I used it for 12 months out of the 18 month contract. I then moved property starting a new 18 month contract. 6 months in and I am moving again. I wanted to cancel the service so they made up a final bill for me. I knew i would face termination fees but didn't expect to pay £199 for the vision box. Having looked at the terms and conditions it says: 'The Vision box will be provided free of charge as long as you remain within contract. However, If you stop your service in the first year we'll charge you £199. This charge is to cover the cost of the box and will appear on your next bill . This charge is in addition to any Early Termination charges you may be liable to pay.' There reason for charging £199 is to cover the cost of the box. Since I have had the box for over 12 months surely that means that I have covered the cost of the box depite moving property? Is there anything I can do?
  19. My auntie has just placed an order for a 3 piece suite from SCS, she is 85 years old and now worried that this may not fit into her bungalow, and she would like to cancel it she paid £80 deposit but SCS SAY SHE CANT CANCEL. I thought a consumer had a right to cancel if you signed on trade premises? On checking her signed customer sales document, I found it was undated is this enforceable?
  20. On saturday my Aunt who is 84 years old went into a scs store and placed a £80 deposit on a 3 piece suite, she has now had second thoughts and wishes to cancel, can this be done? I have rang the store and they say she cant cancel.. Advice please
  21. may end up being a long moaning style thread but i feel i need to fully express the issue to get the right help/advice. my contracted started up fine, 24 months was happy with the price at the time as it was accompanied with a iphone 4s new at the time, for the past 3/4 months ive been experiencing really poor/no signal at all at times, to the point where the only way im getting phone signal for calls and access to web pages is via my own personal wifi at home. in store upon taking out the contract the service area checker came back fine and there was no signal limitations in my area, its only been in the past 3/4 months that ive been experiencing no access to safari web pages & very poor service when receiving & making calls, the person on the other end of the line says its goes crackly from signal & has even cut out completely several times. my issue is, i have phoned vodafone numerous times now over the past few months to only explain my problem every time & then be passed onto technical support and be told to do the same things; reboot phone, turn it on & off, have even changed the web key from vodafone to a different one with no luck. was told on a different occasion that it may be a technical fault within my phone, went to apple got a new handset & still! had the same problem, more phone calls later and still no explanation.. was then advised that it may be my sim card thats faulty, have been sent one tested it for a week & still no change! i understand that a contract is supposed to be between two people, i am sticking to my half of the contract by paying the bill each month even though i am disgusted at the incompetence of the provider, i cannot justify paying £42 a month for the remaining year of my contract if i am not being provided with the service i signed up to, or do not want to have the same signal problem for the remainder of the time! i understand there is termination fees etc and i am by no means paying to cancel a service that i would otherwise be perfectly happy with if not for the service not being provided as agreed! just wondering where i stand with this problem and if i can pursue it further, as i dont want to just not pay it monthly and my credit rating being in tatters, surely there is something that can be done or a way around this, sorry for the long post just a very dissatisfied customer and the end of my patience with vodafone & their customer service.
  22. Due to problems with getting incoming calls I want to leave AOL Talk and also AOL although I have no complaint with the broadband service, but they say if I leave before January they will charge £68. I want to leave because they are not providing acceptable telephone service. I have my answerphone set to cut in at 7 rings, and 3 minutes for message recording. It cuts in at 2 rings and the caller is told they cannot leave a message. It is not my phone, when this started happening I bought a new one and it's exactly the same. The message people are getting is not one I have recorded nor is it one of the standard messages stored in the phone, so it can only be coming from Aol Talk. Because of this I don't think they can justify the £68 charge. They are actually losing us money. My husband's customers (and prospective customers) are not able to get in touch unless by mobile which he can't always answer or they don't want to pay the extra charge involved in calling a mobile. The new provider will handle all the changeover details but how do I get Aol to at least reduce that charge?
  23. Hi all, My Partner, rather stupidly, took out a PDL with Safeloans at the end of last year. Amazingly, without any of the usual blurb, they went straight for a CCj when he missed his payment. The first I knew about it was the actually judgment being thrust into my hands by a frantic and distraught OH. The Judgment was 9th July and, when I was paid, I paid the debt off at the F&F settlement rate that Safeloans offered. Safeloans then stated that they would advise the court that payment had been made, however it appears that this may not have been done as he received a letter from Northampton CCBC saying that a hearing was being set up at Canterbury CC. My understanding is that if the payment is made within 30 days of the Judgment being filed it can be cancelled by the court issuing it, is this correct? We have the receipts etc (by email) from safeloans stating that the account had been paid etc, however, can we contact the court and ask for it to be cancelled? this is fairly urgent as my OH works in the financial sector and could lose his job if the company do one of their FSA spot checks. Any Advice Gratefully accepted. Thanks
  24. Hi, I bought asda insurance policy and cancelled it after 8 days (within 14 days) and today I received my refund and they deducted £258 from the original payment. This is ridiculous. How is it possible to deduct 1/3 price of the policy for 8 day insurance? They have given me premium rate number that would cost me £1.02p/m to gain an explanation about this hefty charge. Can someone please help me what to do about this?, any legal help I can get or something? Thanks
  25. I moved house in April 2011 and continued my BT landline contract they never told me that it was for 18 months or that it would automatically be renewed. I decided last month to change to an all in one Broadband/telephone line with another company. BT emailed me to say that there was a cancellation charge so I contacted their technical help online and he said no there was no cancellation charge and emailed me a copy, however I have now received a final bill and the cancellation fee is still on it. I spoke to BT about this and they said my contract had been automatically renewed in May 2012 but no one told me this and according to Of Com this is no longer legal so before I write to complain I just need to know if I do have to pay this or not?
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