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  1. Hello, I met my husband 5 years ago and he had a lot of debt which together we have cleared all accept one with welcome finance. This loan was originally taken out for a car in 2000 for £3,999, however due to being hit with a £489 per month CSA payment he defaulted and sorry to say ignored them for a few years. They made his life hell and he tried to take his own life. No excuses he is at fault and we set up a repayment plan with welcome and have never missed a payment. Yesterday we received a letter from CABOT FINANCIAL SERVICES saying they have been sold the debt by welcome which now stands at £3,589 after paying for all these years he still owes a huge amount which is probably the interest from him ignoring them, his own fault. Now can someone please advise me of what to do? of course we will be paying back as we have been doing for 5 years but do I ask for the original loan agreement to see if they have the right to demand payment ? and would you recommend contact by email, phone or letter? My husband has not slept and as you can imagine it has stirred up old feelings!! Your help and advice will be greatly appreciated on this sensitive matter, please take into consideration that HE totally takes full responsibility for his actions. Thank you
  2. I was hoping to get some help with an old Welcome debt which was apparently bought by MKRR in 2010, I took out a £2000 loan in September 2007 and unfortunately only managed 2 payments. Welcome appeared on my credit file until recently but all payments recorded are not accurate it says I started paying in May 2007 with first late payment in July 2007 this before I even took the loan out.History also shows as various late payments of between 1 and 6 months from July 2007 to October 2009, I have definitely made no payment or contact since October 2007, I am 100% sure of that as I lost my job at that time amongst other things. In December 2009 the account shows at satisfied (no defaults) and then in January 2010 MKRR recorded it as a default. I have received varying letters from MKRR, Willen, Raven Recoveries and Keynes Collections since 2010, the most recent from Keynes looking very official with a notice of intended legal action in 14 days for the sum of £6,000. I have been looking through some of the other experiences on here and it seems that this has happened to quite a few people, some advice is to ignore as it’s statute barred but others advise to make contact in writing I want the default removed but didn’t want to make contact with mkrr without some advice first also if they wrongly believe that they have a judgement claim I want to try and stop action before I have to deal with the courts. Any help and next steps would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Hi, ok this is long, complicated and quite hard to explain so thanks in advance to anyone who has the stomach to read the whole ringmarole! In 2006 we (my husband) purchased a car via a dealership, we had poor credit so the dealership used Welcome car finance as our lender. The salesman (call him 'S') gave us a rundown of the costs for the car which was £4,500ish and with the apr the total bill would come to around £7500. fine we said, so S told us it would take around a week for all the paperwork etc etc and he would be in touch. Later that week S rang my husband to say that he needed to come into the dealership because there was a problem, so in we trot.. S told us that Welcome needed to speak to Paul (husband) and he rang them from his desk and handed the phone to Paul, a man from welcome then told Paul that he could not have the original finance because Paul was a CIS contractor so effectively he was self employed and the only way they would lend the money was if he took their PPI policy with the loan - no PPI, no car. We desperately needed a car so Paul was then under pressure to say yes so did so and signed the paperwork that S presented to us. This agreement ended up at a total of £10550! We never missed a payment until an accidental 'boing' at the bank in late 2009 when we genuinely didnt know that we didnt have enough money there, Paul received a very abrupt phone call on his mobile whilst at work demanding the payment NOW on the Tuesday, he explained that it was an accident and that he wouldnt have the money to pay them until the Friday and could they please wait until then (3 days time) Welcome's response was basically NO, pay us now whether you have the money or not! Paul pointed out thet we had never ever missed a payment and couldnt give them what he didnt have and why couldnt they wait until Friday? Welcome again responded with a harsh 'dont care' attitude and began threatening to re-claim the car (which they couldnt do due to us having already paid more than half) they threatened CCJ's Baliffs, you name it. This went on all week! Phonecall after phonecall, at one point a man very agressively told Paul that "You WILL pay the money to me, and we WILL get it from you one way or another" Paul then became agressive himself (I think understandably) and hung up on them. He then refused to speak to them and as a result of their attitude they were not paid. It went on and on and on... We even tried to give them the car back, they initially said no they werent prepared to do that, and then sent us a bill for nearly £1000 to take the car away before they had even seen the thing At this point we had £3138 left to pay, meaning we had paid nearly £7500. The credit agreement states 'total payable for goods £7791.52. We realised that we had been mis-sold the PPI when all these adverts and Martin Lewis were on TV talking about it all. When we tried to claim the PPI was unfair and mis-sold Welcome sent us a form, told us they had investigated it and that they never sold us the policy and to chase the dealership (which had gone, completely..no longer there We had the FOS look at it and after about 2 and a half years they said, sorry we cant help because the dealership has gone out of business.) Paul then told them that we would instead like to cancel the PPI and all they did was send us a letter saying that it had been cancelled and a refund of £64 odd had been deducted from our final total! The total amount for insurances on our credit agreement states £2763!!! If this is the case then surely a large remainder of what we owe is PPI and interest on PPI? roll on to now, We have tried to sort out a payment agreement with Welcome, they told Paul that they couldnt even find his accouont with them and they would call him back whrn they located it...they didnt.. Deloitte have taken on our PPI claim and are trying to re-claim from the dealership (which we still maintain didnt sell us the PPI) nobody seems to be listening to us re:welcome sold it to us over the phone as part of our process we had to call welcome to ask for a letter stating that they didnt sell us the PPI. Miraculously they found the account..and then told Paul over the phone that they werent sure if they could send a letter because they werent sure who was responsible for the selling of the PPI due to . ..and I quote..'a box not being ticked' They did send us a copy of the letter sent in 2009 saying they had investigated and decided that it was the dealership, which we sent to Deloitte. A letter arrived yesterday from Northampton County Court saying Welcome are taking Paul to court for failure to pay the contractural installments.. .£3999 plus added interest and costs totalling £4333.68 I have letters from welcome dated 2010 stating the debt 04/02/2010 £3138.96 16/02/2010 £3238.58 Within 12 days it went up by nearly £100 with no explanation! The court papers say as of 02/04/2010 it was £3399.91 Where the hell are these figures coming from?! its like they are plucking random figures out of the air! As I previously stated, when Paul rang Welcome to arrange to pay this off he was told that they couldnt find the account, so where in merry mooblie have they suddenly pulled this lot from?! Even if Deloitte manage to re-claim ppi from the bankrupt dealership it looks like Welcome are going to end up getting it back plus masses of interest anyway by taking him to court, so how does this work seeing as they say they have nothing to do with the PPI? This is all becoming too confusing and we are literally at the point of destruction now, just want it all to stop. I'm so sorry this is long but I'm trying to give as much info as possible in the hope of someone knowing what the heck we can do now, Paul wants to contest as its mostly PPI and PPI interest which we are claiming for anyway..how does this work? Heres hoping that someone can help!
  4. Hi, I would really appreciate some wise words please. I have foolishly used credit cards to supplement living expenses as both my partner and I have had a reduction in our wages. It is now at the point where across four cards they are all at the maximum and meeting the minimum payment each month is becoming impossible. I do not qualify for a debt relief order as our car is worth over £1000, however selling it is not an option as we only recently purchased it with av loan from my dad as we had another baby and needed a bigger car. The debts only total up to around £2000 altogether, are they likely to to take me to court for these debts? I need to do something as I am getting really very stressed all the time now, what would be my best course of action? Thank you so much for your time.
  5. Hi, I had a welcome finance loan about 5 years ago (£3000) and payed off around £1500. Due to redundancy i was unable to make the repayments and welcome keep adding interest onto the loan even though they said they wouldnt. my loan ended up at £6000+. i wasnt happy with this and for the last 3 years i have been making a £5 per month token payment which welcome have been happily accepting. Recently i have have received a sum of money i decided to try and pay of the loan to clear my credit file of the debt. I have been dealing with Atlas collections and i asked for a reduced sum if i cleared the debt. I offered them £2500 which they accepted but they are still awaiting payment from me while i wait for this sum of money to be put into my account. Recently i have checked my credit file and t he debt is no longer on there and on noodle it says it is 'cleared'. Not sure whether i should pay the £2500 or just carry on with my £5 token payment now as the debt is no longer on my file, or should i try and reduce my offer significantly? Any help will be awesome.
  6. Sorry to dash in,I am also suffering because of various counts for my car loan from sugust 2006 and personal loan from august 2007. Posted April 22, 2009 1/04/2009 Customer Service Credit Expert PO Box 7710 NOTTINGHAM NG80 7WE Dear Sir, I have subscribed to Credit Expert. I am experiencing difficulties about TWO CREDIT accounts held with WELCOME FINANCE. Because of the mishandling, misappropriations in both the accounts I have been in touch with them and following up since opening of the accounts, which has consistently been overlooked. As per the recent status both the accounts are showing late payments, which is not the fact and consistently been overlooked by Welcome. The supportive correspondence since 2007 till date is enclosed, alongwith the agreement, which would confirm that neither am I in arrears nor should there be a missed payment, if both the accounts re brought in order. Before taking further steps against their ignorance, I thought it to bring to your notice, as they may try to further shatter my credit history. I would be happy to provide you with more information, so as to enable you to take it up with them having note on my account. Regards, Yours truly, ENCLOSED THE CORRESPONDENCE. 22/03/2009 Ryan Lupton Customer Service Executive CRO Complaints Welcome Finance Bishop House Abbey Field Road Lenton Nottingham NG7 2SZ Dear Lupton, It’s disappointing to receive your letter dt. 6th March 2009. In this regard, I would like to bring the following details to your kind notice, as a last attempt. The mess created between the two accounts and direct debits has been a matter of concern which continues. The additional amounts added to the disbursement has been unacceptable, duly brought to the notice of the concerned at the proper time. Despite getting several promises, one of which is in writing from Welcome, the account and credit references are yet to be up dated. This was the 2nd complaint dealt by your department since October 2008 without any outcome. In a futile effort to cover up yourselves, as per your letter dt 24th Feb 2009, you must be having record to produce and prove your claim of having tried to contact me, which never was a case. On the contrary, I gave a call on 28th Feb.2009, in vain to speak to you. Presumably the message has been passed on to you by Amy, whom I spoke to. since, no one from Welcome is in a position, it seems, to resolve the matter, I won’t prefer providing you with any other details again and again, as everything has been submitted so as to enable Welcome to take proper measures from time to time. If the persistent attitude continues until after 30th April 2009, I would be left with no other alternative but to take appropriate steps with authorities I deem fit to give me justice. It’s left upto you, your team and the entire Welcome Finance to come out with a justified solution. Unnecessary communication/calls will not be welcomed and entertained hereafter, and a due proceeding will be initiated after the stipulated period for both the accounts. Hope you would be in a position to understand the matter given the status. Yours truly, BRANCH FOR INFORMATION CREDIT EXPERT, TO TAKE NOTE OF IT. Any comments from caggers In my case, they have not yet dealt with the PPI, but went on to claim 3 direct debits instead of two for more than 6 months, mixed the instalements of one account into another in between to their convenience and since Nov.2008 I have stopped paying them with pre information and all the correspondence since 2007.On the top of it when now I have joined this forum I looked at it and they are charging £75 as acceptance fee which is added to the loan disbursed and instalements are according to the final figure after addition. Can anyone suggest help me out with my approach. 22/03/2009 Ryan Lupton Customer Service Executive CRO Complaints Welcome Finance Bishop House Abbey Field Road Lenton Nottingham NG7 2SZ Dear Lupton, It’s disappointing to receive your letter dt. 6th March 2009. In this regard, I would like to bring the following details to your kind notice, as a last attempt. The mess created between the two accounts and direct debits has been a matter of concern which continues. The additional amounts added to the disbursement has been unacceptable, duly brought to the notice of the concerned at the proper time. Despite getting several promises, one of which is in writing from Welcome, the account and credit references are yet to be up dated. This was the 2nd complaint dealt by your department since October 2008 without any outcome. In a futile effort to cover up yourselves, as per your letter dt 24th Feb 2009, you must be having record to produce and prove your claim of having tried to contact me, which never was a case. On the contrary, I gave a call on 28th Feb.2009, in vain to speak to you. Presumably the message has been passed on to you by Amy, whom I spoke to. since, no one from Welcome is in a position, it seems, to resolve the matter, I won’t prefer providing you with any other details again and again, as everything has been submitted so as to enable Welcome to take proper measures from time to time. If the persistent attitude continues until after 30th April 2009, I would be left with no other alternative but to take appropriate steps with authorities I deem fit to give me justice. It’s left upto you, your team and the entire Welcome Finance to come out with a justified solution. Unnecessary communication/calls will not be welcomed and entertained hereafter, and a due proceeding will be initiated after the stipulated period for both the accounts. Hope you would be in a position to understand the matter given the status. Yours truly, BRANCH FOR INFORMATION CREDIT EXPERT, TO TAKE NOTE OF IT. 1/04/2009 Customer Service Credit Expert PO Box 7710 NOTTINGHAM NG80 7WE Dear Sir, I have subscribed to Credit Expert. I am experiencing difficulties about TWO CREDIT accounts held with WELCOME FINANCE. Because of the mishandling, misappropriations in both the accounts I have been in touch with them and following up since opening of the accounts, which has consistently been overlooked. As per the recent status both the accounts are showing late payments, which is not the fact and consistently been overlooked by Welcome. The supportive correspondence since 2007 till date is enclosed, alongwith the agreement, which would confirm that neither am I in arrears nor should there be a missed payment, if both the accounts re brought in order. Before taking further steps against their ignorance, I thought it to bring to your notice, as they may try to further shatter my credit history. I would be happy to provide you with more information, so as to enable you to take it up with them having note on my account. Regards, Yours truly, ENCLOSED THE CORRESPONDENCE.
  7. Have a bit of a problem with the duo above. I had a welcome loan which I defaulted on and was initially passed to Lewis Debt Recovery. I agreed a payment plan with Lewis and set up a standing order which has been going out since 2009, the last payment was made in December. Haven't heard a peep of Lewis since so as far as I was concerned everything was fine. I received a letter from Welcome Finance today notifying me that I have been served under section 87 with a default notice and that they may exercise their rights to enforce collection unless I clear the arrears before 24th January. Can they issue two default notices on the same account as I already have one from 2009 and I have not missed a payment since agreeing a payment plan which I would like to continue. Can someone please advise me the best way to approach this situation with Welcome I would like some advice prior to speaking to them on the phone on Monday.
  8. The FCA will assume responsibility for all debt management companies from 1 April 2014 and hold these fee paying companies to account for any failings. I for one will see how many fee paying companies remain trading. These represent the scourge of vulnerable consumers caught up in the debt spiral.
  9. hi there ,im not sure if posting in right place im trying sort out a old debt with is on my credit report and keep getting marker each month as late payment and only thing on file stopping me getting credit ,I give u info what happen in 2006 I stupidly took hp car finance with welcome finanace at time I had no choice ,only insurance I took with it were mechanical breakdown and shortfall extra in 2009 I decided to termination my agreement and would owe nothing if I had paid over 4827 ,I had actually paid £6300 so thou great think they said car was taken to auction and didn't get much as they thought for it,and said I was liabiable for £2336 ? I refused pay as I gave car back and had already paid £6300 ,over years money been great for me but only thing is nitemare is they keep reporting missed payments on my credit report for the £2336 they say im liabiable for ? are the right and what can I do get get this off or sorted on my credit file thank u
  10. Hi My first post here so be nice please. Also may be a bit vague as I haven't all my credit report to hand as I am writing this from laptop in work. Mods - please move if in wrong section or forum. Im 26 years old now and looking to get a mortgage in the next couple of years and currently saving for a deposit. I have two CCJ's against my name and a number of defaults leaving my credit score absolutely terrible. First off HSBC bank for about £90 - I somehow went £7 overdrawn when I had no agreed overdraft and they put 3 £30 charges on. Being a young and naive 20 year old that was then being paid cash in hand and financially unstable I ignored it until they closed the account and i received a CCJ. I can settle this - thats no problem. Secondly WELCOME FINANCE! I took out a loan of £1500 with them when I was 18 (credit available - young free man no kids - very silly mistake!) Anyway long story short was that I paid back £2300 before being made redundant. I asked them for a the remaining balance and they told me I still owed them £2800!!! I told them where to go and didnt pay them a penny ever again. This also resulted in a CCJ too. However I have since heard that Welcome have faced hard times (tough luck!) What is the best way to go about settling this debt and getting my credit score back on the mend? I currently have another bank account with santander and have been working in another trade for over 5 years etc. Any ideas on where I go from here? Thanks in advance. Tony.
  11. Hi there, I purchased a car in 2007 from Welcome Car Finance. Payments were originally £330 approx a month. In I think 2009 my partner and I had a change of circumstances and could no longer afford the full repayments. We went to our local branch at the time and they said they could lower our payments untill are situation improved. They knocked down our payments to approx £120 a month. It was not untill a while later that we noticed that they had re-financed the car although we was not told of this. Anyway we carried on paying the £120 a month till approx mid 2011. In the end we could not afford to pay anything. By 2012 the car was off road and registered with a Sorn. We moved about Oct 2012 to our present address. The car has stayed off road on a friends drive. We have now decided to sort the situation out one way or another with the car. When we moved to this address we sent a letter to Welcome Finance with our new address. Since then we have had no contact from them at all. The last letter we received from them was probably at the beginning of 2012 stating what was owed on the car still approx £10000. I checked today with mycarcheck.com to see if it was possible to sell the car and pay off some of the finance and the car is showing as having no outstanding finance. Now I am confused. No contact from them in 2 years and no finance showing on hpi vehicle check. I paid £9.95 with the company mycarcheck.com and got my report through for the car. Am I able to sell the car or have other consumers had the same issue with Welcome Car Finance. Sorry its a long story. Thanks Jay
  12. Hi! I'm afraid in an act of desperation 7 years ago my husband and I took out a loan over 10 years with welcome finance secured to our property. Having paid £450 per month since I called last Friday for a settlement figure only to discover we still owe £19527, on top of having repaid £22187 already. I'm beyond disbelief and just feel as though it will never end, it must run over the 10 years.and this is including a £6000 rebate from the PPI. My husband and I both signed on separate days for the loan as work commitments prevented us from going together. Neither one of us recall such massive figures being quoted naive - yes I know we should have done the simple maths, we were just so desperate. As this is the situation we are in would it be unreasonable to suggest a drastically reduced settlement figure in full and final settlement? Has anyone had any success with this? Sorry to sound like a sob story, I would just really appreciate any advice or here from anyone with any success in proposing lower settlement figures. Thank you
  13. Hi there bit complicated this one. have an attachment of earnings order against me from welcome finance that i pay directly from wages every week. had a successful PPI claim and this was applied to my account and taken off what i owed. i know im coming towards the end of what i have to pay back but just checked with payroll and my attachment of earnings order has not been updated and they say that they have to continue to pay welcome what the order states as it is a legal order and they have to abide by it. i am of the opinion that one of two things should have happened, 1.I should have got my ppi claim paid out to me not taken of what i owed or 2.welcome finance should have told the courts that the amount owed had changed. any help would be appreciated with this as i dont want to be paying welcome finance any more than i have to as they have had enough off me.
  14. Hi All, I have requested an SAR from Welcome Finance, with a cheque for £10.00, they have not yet banked it. I sent it signed for, they have signed for it the day after I put it in the post and I have printed the confirmation of this. I hadn't heard anything and they hadn't banked the cheque I sent a "reminder". They have now written to me saying that they need a cheque suggesting they have not received the initial request, yet they have signed for it?! Is this a normal stalling tactic? The 40 day period expires tomorrow......mail has been redirected so is taking longer to reach me. I am fine with this as this is expected but am very annoyed that they have signed for it yet are now denying they have had it!!!! Any help appreciated. Thanks.
  15. Hello all, I have a problem I could do with some help and advice on, last December I was hand deliverd a county court summons to appear for an "oral examination" with regards to a CCJ that had been acquired by Welcome Finance unbeknown to me, for a debt that I believe was Statute Barred, but to get to the point I attended the interview and explained that I do not have the means to pay the £2500 ccj, explaining that I have no income, no pension, no benefits and no property, and the house I live in and its contents belong to my partner, and she keeps me. I was told the said paperwork would be sent to WF. That was the last I heard. Then in October of this year I receive another hand delivered summons to appear for another "oral examination" for the same CCJ, went through the exact same response to all questions, same reasons as previous "oral exam", ie nothing has changed. Then today I receive a "Warrant of execution" for Bailiffs to call and remove goods, what the f##k, are they stupid or what, I don't own anything, this was stated twice in oral exams, the house and it's contents are owned by my partner. I called the court about this and explained all the above, and was told that Welcome had applied for the Bailiffs to call, and that is what will happen. So what on earth can I do now, your advice would be much appreciated.
  16. Hi all, I was informed today that Welcome Finance have gone bust! Is this true and if so who is collecting my direct debits each month?
  17. Hi there im hoping someone can give me a little bit of advice on the best way to deal with the pleasure that is welcome finance. we have a secured loan that was taken out about 8 years ago, we currently pay £200 a month for it, my husband was diagnosed with hemochromatosis with insulin diabetes and cirrhosis of the liver ten months ago and restrictions were put on him at work which led to our income being reduced by £490 a month, we have missed oct and nov payments to them, I have had a few nasty phone calls from them I had planned to pay them half payment in November but after a call yesterday to them to pay this where the man I spoke to got very annoyed with me on the phone and refused to take a reduced payment I just put the phone down. I had spoken to them last week and was told our account is actually £25.40 in arrears, as we have been paying extra each month, they told me yesterday that our interest each month is £159 which means I don't know how long this is going to take to pay off. I don't have any paperwork from them that I can find. can anyone give me some advice on what I need to be doing to either make smaller payments which will only be short term but also how I go about seeing if there's anything extra im paying for that I shouldn't be or if there's any way of finding out exactly what I owe and what I have paid I have asked them for account details three times now which I haven't received and they have said they have posted it twice so wont post another. Is there a way of getting the interest stopped ? or any advice on what to do would be great. thanks
  18. Just logged onto Noddle at the Welcome finance Loan entry has vanished. Its been ' 6 payments late' for over 4 years and I've been paying £1 a month. Now its not there (was there last week) its also not on equifax but I think it never was on that one. What do I do?Keep paying? Obviously I will keep paying but its rather odd..... I think it was taken out August 2008 so it wouldn't have dropped off my file yet
  19. Edit: Think I might be meaning 'Acronym' Hello all, I was wondering if anyone could tell me what 'OC' means when they refer to someone in a SAR report. I've recently been sent this report without a list of what the terms mean. I believe 'WTJ' means 'Welcome Telephoned Job' but the more concerning one is this. I ask because it would seem to me that it means original customer. Could someone confirm what it means, please? Found out it means 'Our customer'. This will get interesting. Not sure how to close thread, sorry.
  20. Hi, This is my first post on here, but I've used others posts to at least get to the point where I'm ready to request a CCA (credit agreement?) and SAR from the ubiquitous Welcome Finance. So I have 2 questions that I hope someone can give some advice on. I have looked elsewhere on the forum & there are lots of threads with a lot of discussion on this, but they are often diluted by the circumstance of the individual, so I'd like to ask the following. When I send off for my CCA, am I obliged to pay for it, if so, how much does it cost & what period of time does the lender have to return my request. If they fail to return it, what are my options. When I send off for my SAR, am I obliged to pay for it, if so, how much does it cost & what period of time does the lender have to return my request. If they fail to return it, what are my options. Sorry for the very "straight up" nature of the request, but I'm having trouble finding the right answers due to every case being unique in the circumstances they are applied for. The background is that I have issues like capitalisation, interest on charges, ppi denial and a few other not insignificant gripes. And I'd like to suspend my payments until I have had my SAR & CCA reveiwed by a professional. Thanks for reading, hopefully you can help?
  21. Hello, Firstly thanks in advance for any help offered. This is in regards to a loan I originally took out for £2000 in 2007 my monthly payments were £177pm the term was 24 months including payment protection. Shortly after I took the loan I asked for the payment protection to be removed I was asked to send a letter confirming this request, I did and on calling in they confirmed this had been received and was being processed. Although I believe this was now not the case and it was never removed. I came in to a period of financial difficulty around 6 or so months into the loan I was unable to satisfy the agreement, I buried my head in the sand until I tackled the issue in May 2009 I was offered the opportunity to refinance the loan so my monthly payments would be lower the balance of my loan when this happened was sitting at £1618, they offered me the opportunity to spread the loan over a 60 month term bringing my payments down to what I tried to make an affordable level. However this never worked out at the time I was in temp contracts and work wasn't steady this agreement defaulted Jan 2011 and I haven't paid anything since. Today I receive a letter from IND informing me of last letter before legal proceedings? With the balance of £2895.30 this is pretty much the same balance that shows on my credit file. I am not denying the loan far from it, but £2000 initial loan now 6 years ago that I made payments on previously surely can't be nearly £3000 pounds now? What are my options what's the best was to tackle this? Many Thanks
  22. Hi, I am looking for some advice on behalf of my mum. She is currently paying Welcome £460 per month and her Mortgage company £600 per month. That is the majority of her income for the month on two secured loan repayments! Having spoken to her she is getting quite down about it, as you can imagine. She is a 64 yr old widowed woman and could really do with reducing both of these outgoings, but as I understand it she cannot involve these debts in a debt management plan or IVA. I think she has been to court previously for both the mortgage and Welcome loans and there is some kind of order in place. A couple of months ago she phoned me one evening in floods of tears asking me if it was right that Welcome Finance can force her to sell her house! She had a call from someone there telling her to rearrange a new mortgage and pay them back or they will force her to sell! Outrageous practice! Unfortunately she did not get his name etc. Is there anything she can do to reduce payments to Welcome or the mortgage company? Any help is much appreciated!
  23. My husband and I took out a loan (secured) with our friends at Welcome in 2006 for £10,000. We have had our PPI refunded already. We have approximately £4500 left on the account which is in default and with their "last chance saloon" department so no further interest is being added to our account. We are meant to be paying £220 per month, but at the moment are experiencing financial difficulties and they are not willing to help. My husband is highly likely to be made redundant in February and will be getting a payout which we intend to use to clear some debt, this being one of them. I have been paid today and after paying everything am in the red by about £200. I have spent most of the day negotiating with everyone I owe money to in order to get reduced payments for the next 2 months as I should be in a better position in the new year as a few debts will be finished. The last time I spoke to an account manager at Welcome they told me that the next step is to get an attachment of earnings on my salary and that was that, really quite an upsetting conversation. Now I do know that they have to take me to court etc first but with my DD due out on Monday has anyone got any suggestions of how to deal with them. I have 3 children and need to live but though I have dealt with PDL companies, this lot intimidate me
  24. I know that another body is handling PPI reclaims against Welcome Finance for agreements post-2005, but are Welcome still handling pre-2005 claims? I'm sure I read somewhere that Welcome were no longer investigating claims on agreements made prior to a certain year, but I can't remember or find out the year in question. I've just found some information from an old car purchase (1998) and 2 personal loans (1999, 2000) that would suggest I would have a claim against them, but given the dates I suspect I may be onto plums trying to raise a claim now.
  25. hello there, I have got hire purchase agreement on a car with Welcome Finance comp. on 17th May 2006. I had kept it for about 12 months and then had voluntarily terminated the agreement by calling them and asking to collect the car. They had come and collected the car in excellent condition. After in June 2007 I have received a letter asking to pay about 5000 pounds that is overdue from my contract. I had called them and started to negotiate on the price saying that I will not owe anything because i had paid already around £5300 (including £800 cash deposit). the payment for a month was £370.30(including insurance) there was credit of£3323 for insurance and credit of £7799 for the goods, total coming to £11122.37. agreement signed for 48 months with a typical APR 28.6%. so after the added APR total amount came up to £18674. Termination rights of agreement says that if i had paid 6667.12 of the goods amount and returned the car in reasonable condition i don't need to pay any more. Apparently from amount I paid £5300 almost a half is only for insurance and the rest if for the goods. Long story cut short: I have received court claim form on 5th of June 2013 asking me to pay £5084. And I had not been in contact with them from june 2007. Could anyone please help to deal with this situation? I have no idea how to. I have to respond to court till 1st of July .Maybe anyone can check the agreement if its legal? I went to CAB and they told me to seek solicitors advice on this agreement because its old and it might be with the way they count APR on insurances and stuff.. please find my attached agreement. I also aim to claim PPI as it was mis-sold to me on this agreement as well. Any help is much appreciated thank you nick
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