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  1. hi there i wondered if anyone can help me i boughts some goods to the value of £4.500 from a company on the 12 dec 2012 and a courier company they used said the goods have been delivered but i have not received the goods... i have been onto the company nearly everyday since and they keep saying that they have to speak to the courier company and start a claim from them... which they have done but the courier company are still dragging there feet.... the courier company have told them that is what delivered and i have not signed for the goods or received them could any tell me where i stand as i am out of pocket for the money and have no goods need some advice it has been over nine weeks now since i paid them for the goods i paid through my bank direct to the company.... please help i am desperate for some sound advise should i start a small claims court against the company..... many thanks Warriors
  2. Hi, We have recently taken a steep drop in our family income and we are having to cut back on everything to survive. We have a secured loan which was originally for around £12k taken out in March 2010. The outstanding balance is now about £6k. We no longer own the goods the loan was secured on, and would like to know, what would happen if we defaulted on this loan? Thanks R
  3. Hello, I'm new to this forum and hoping someone can help me! I ordered a fancy dress outfit from an online retailer which I've used before with no problems. I requested (and paid for) next day delivery which they could not honour. They called to say they would re-order a product into their warehouse and send ASAP on overnight delivery and refund the 'next day' element of my postage. I wasn't too worried about this as even with the delay the outfit would arrive in time for the intended party. However when the outfit arrived it had a visible pulled thread on the leg which I am not happy to accept. The parcel arrived at my workplace on the Friday, I picked it up from my postroom the following Tuesday (out of the office before that time) but e-mailed the company within 4 hours of opening the parcel to explain the fault and request a refund. I went through their online returns procedure which has 'pulled thread' as one of the standard reasons for return in the drop down menu. They have since replied and said that the product was ordered new into their warehouse and that pulled threads are not a manufacturing fault, therefore will not be offering me a refund. They have said that I must have damaged the item whilst taking it out of the packing or trying it on (I didn't even try it on) They didn't bother to refund the 'next day' element of my postage. I am furious that I have wasted my time in ordering this product, was not able to use it at the party for which it was intended and now to add insult to injury am expected to pay for a fault in a product that was not my doing. Please could someone advise me?
  4. Good Day I hope you can give me some advise on my problem! We bought a Lounge Suite on 25 Jan 2013 from Furn-4-U. After they offloaded the goods and we unwrapped it we realise that it was damaged. The material was damaged on each couch. It look like they have put screws in after they have put the material on. The next day we went back and asked if we can return the set and get a refund. The sales lady said it wont be a problem we just have to take the set back to the store rooms and come back on Monday because the lady doing refunds does not work on weekends. On Monday i went back then the manager told me i must pay a amount of R450-00 (which is also 10% of the amount we payed for the lounge suite) banking fees because it is not his problem the furniture is damaged. He want us to pay for his suppliers mistakes. Is he allowed to charge me any fees? We still haven't received our money back. Thank You
  5. Reading through this judgement may help others who have issues with retailers and poor quality goods, i.e. not fit for purpose.
  6. hi there. this is my first post and i am very worried. I ordered a set of headphones from Very catalogue recently and when they arrived, they were not in a sealed box as one would expect. When i opened the box everything seemed as it should but when i picked up the headphones they were clearly not right. the extendable ear part would not click into place and they looked flimzy. I packed them back up and called the catalogue immediately and arranged a return collection straight away. i thought that was the last of it until i received them back stating that they were old and used headphones and not the ones sent out to me. i immediately called and explaind exactly what had happened and the young lady on the phone told me to put it in writing, which i did. the letter i wrote explains everything clearly and i have enclosed it on here below. dear Very I have received a parcel back today containing headphones that I ordered last month from you. There was also a covering letter with an incorrect account number on it. It states that they are ‘used old and not supplied by you’ and you would not be crediting my account and would charge me for return postage. The words USED AND OLD IN CAPITALS, I am actually glad that you accentuated these words, as this is how I explained them to the girl on the phone when I called to arrange a return! This is exactly how I received them. Upon receipt I opened the package and found a box that had no plastic wrapping or security seal at all. The outer box slid off the inner box which then opened and there was a black zipper packet on the right and another compartment on the left, as is the case in the returned item. I opened the black zipper and inside was a plastic bag with the white headphones inside. I immediately thought that they were very small for the £170 odd pounds that I was paying. I took them out of the packet, which I believe I would have to do to inspect the item that I am buying. I immediately found one problem which was that one of the adjustable sides did not work in the same manner as the other side, by clicking onto place and staying there. They were very flimsy, and I didn’t even bother to open the other side of the box, I was not happy with the product and so I immediately put them back exactly as I found them boxed up and back in a return bag. I then went onto the web page to arrange a return and found that I could not do this online and I had to call to return this item, which I did immediately. I spoke to a girl and explained the situation and that I was not happy with the product and that they looked flimsy and faulty. She said that she would arrange the return and that was that. I returned them straight away; as soon as humanly possible, in fact. I thought that was that until this morning when a neighbour, who took the parcel in yesterday, brought the damn things back to me with the covering, and I might add, offensive letter. If by capitalising the words ‘OLD USED DR DRE BEATS’ and adding that ‘you did not supply this item’ that you are insinuating that I have had any part in removing, replacing, stealing, in fact, your headphones, then I hope you have strong evidence to support this accusation. I am grossly offended by any such insinuation and deny categorically, any interference with the headphones other than already stated previously in this letter. In fact I had never seen, in the flesh, as it were, a pair of these headphones before I took delivery of yours. There was no security seal, no outer packaging (as the young lady asked me this morning when I phoned her about the sticker on the side of the box that was ticked, ‘broken seal’) I returned them exactly as I found them. One would have to open a package to inspect goods when buying from a catalogue, as I have been doing for years and have never had a problem before. I behaved exactly as I was supposed to, and returned them as soon as humanly possible. I urge you to sort out this as a matter of urgency and credit my account as soon as possible. If you do not, then I will have no choice than to take further action against your company. Regards Again, i thought that would be it until this morning i have received another letter stating that 'Unfortunately, as explained in our previous letter, we cannot accept these goods back. it is for that reason that you are required to pay for the goods and any applicable charges. if you wish to have this item returned to you please call and arrange for this and a charge will be made for this of £3.95. we will hold the item for 6 weeks and dispose of them if no contact made and no refund given.' can anyone please help me as these headphones are £170.00 i am not going to pay for something that is not right. i dealt with the situation immediately and as one should. where do i stand please? any help very much appreciated regards angi
  7. I have a friend who is in a bit of a pickle regarding a car on finance - although not through a major finance company, but it is a agreement under the CCA. Basically, she stopped paying because she was out of work, get another job started paying again, then stopped again. I'm not sure of the amounts, but there is around £1,500-£1,700 still left on the agreement. To cut a long story short, a money judgment was obtained for the arrears. During this time, she moved so never received any further communication regarding the matter for well over 18 months. Today, a court notice dropped on her mat with a Return of Goods Hearing for next week. She has not received any other paperwork regarding the hearing, no other claim form or admission form. I believe she should have received an N9C form stating what her intentions were. The major problem she has (really stupid she knows) but she sold the car. I can't find any definitive answers on what happens at such a hearing and the fact she did not receive any other papers seems a bit odd. She has a relative who can lend her the money to pay off the full balance outstanding under the agreement before the hearing, but I don't know if this will solve the problem or not. I can't advise her as I can't really find anything out. She says it's impossible for her to attend the hearing with only 5 days notice and in any event she is working away for the next couple of weeks. If there is anyone who knows anything about this procedure, I would appreciate your input. I have told her to contact the Court first thing on Monday and explain that she has not received the appopriate forms for her to respond to the claim and what she should do to try and get the hearing adjourned and tell them she is intending to the pay the claim in full. Also, once the balance is paid in full, would this then make the ROG hearing null and void? She is obviously really worried about this and any advice I can give her to put her mind at rest would be great. Thanks. Any thoughts?
  8. I visited the Torquay branch of Comet yesterday and purchased two pairs of 'Monster Turbine' headphones at a discounted rate due to there current financial situation. Upon getting home and inspecting the supposedly two identical pairs of headphones it is clear there were differences between the two. Further research online suggests that one of the pairs are a fake set so i returned to the store to try and take action. Due to Comet currently being in administration they were unable to refund or exchange the items despite the store manager and fellow colleagues acknowledging one of the pairs were fake. I'm am now at odds with what to do, writing to the administrator will more than likely prove fruitless as i will merely become an unsecured debtor and at the bottom of the pile of those set to receive money. Regardless, my staturory rights have been infringed as the goods were definitely not 'as described' and as such is a legal matter. If anyone has any help or advice with what to do in this strange situation it would be most appreciated.
  9. Hello,the first please forgive me about my English i buy Acer laptop two years ago from BH. Couple of days before i pay for them in full my laptop get some problems with internal fan i decide to give them for repair. That was in this same day when i pay for them fully.. .And here is the problem, that was almost 9 weeks ago (should be between 4 and 6 weeks-that information give to me sale manager )and now im tottaly confuse. Every week i hear same story from BH team: "-it`s not our full. Repair center is in Manchester and laptop still is in repair..." Is there anyone who cann advice me about? What i supposed to do? Manny thank for help. Regards Mario
  10. Hello, First time poster here. About two years ago I asked a graphic designer to design some logo's for me. He advised that the fee would be £380 and £100 would need to be paid as a deposit before work could start, the invoice sent said that the designs would be completed in three weeks, I agreed and paid the £100 for work to commence. This was at the end of July/beginning of August 2010. By the second week of September I hadn't received anything so I wrote to the designer and asked for my money back as nothing had been done. He quickly apologised and said that he had broken his leg and was in hospital so hadn't been able to start. He also said that he wanted to get the designs added to t shirts and modeled before sending them to me, so I agreed to wait. I received the first proofs on the 29th September and wasn't really happy with them only one design was modeled and for about two months I was emailing and calling back and forth with him to get them to a satisfactory level. I wasn't 100% happy with the designs but by the beginning of December realised they weren't going to get any better so agreed that the last set of proofs would be the final designs. He sent the invoice on the 15th December and then asked when I would be able to pay. I said it wouldn't be until after Christmas, and he said that as soon as he received payment the designs would be sent to me. He said it would need to be by the 15th Jan for tax purposes, I said that was fine. Unfortunately in the first week of January I was made redundant from a temporary contract and no longer had the means to pay I was then on JSA. When the designer contacted me I informed him of my situation and advised that I didn't have the means to pay, but when i was back in work I would make payment. I then attempted to keep him informed of my situation by email. A little while later a lady who said she was calling on behalf of him but gave no company name, asked me when I could make payment, I advised her of my situation that I was no longer working and had extensive priority debts but offered to pay £5 per month towards the outstanding balance; her response was that a judge would not accept that against the outstanding amount to which i replied i cant afford anymore, she then replied we will have to take you to court, I then didn't hear anymore from either of them. I was unemployed for 10 months and faced repossession as well as a load of other financial problems, so when I got a job the designs were not a priority. However it was never my intention not to pay for the designs even if i didn't like them, so when I was a bit more financially stable I contacted him in August of this year asking for his details to pay the outstanding balance. 5 weeks later he sent me an email asking for £500 as opposed to the £280 outstanding stating late payment charge and the cost of debt recovery, he also stated he will no longer be chasing me for the balance. I have now also received a pre action letter from him and money claims UK for almost £500. He claims that he has tried various mediation methods but he has not I had contacted him to make payment and even offered to make payment when I was on JSA which he rejected. I never received any letters from him or anything else. When I asked him to send his details for payment he didn't, he just asked for £500. I actually don't want the designs anymore My question is can he chase me for money when I have not received the goods? Sorry for the long winded story but any help would be appreciated
  11. Hi. I have just joined and need some advice. The issues are around a Xerox DC250 we bought on 7th June 2006 from a Premier Partner of Xerox called Zerographic Systems Ltd that failed massively to perform as specifications. I have just been to a CMC as a litigant in person As a result of a long legal battle I have very serious issues to how I was treated at this CMC I have also given a brief history below these questions. Consumer questions To get to the key of the dispute 6 years ago it was disputed that the machine had no fault and was working as per spec and the last 2 entries in the logbook were not Xerox engineers. This was made in statements and correspondence from as far back as December 2006. This has now in Feb 2012 been divulged that they are Xerox engineers. In recent documents and statements by Xerox and Zerographic’s they have now said the logbook is completed by Xerox engineers and have used a document Customer Expectation Document (CED) that says the machine is only capable of between 10,000 and 40,000 clicks per month. The brochure I bought the machine on with the advice of Xerox at Ipex April 2006 indicated up to 200,000 per month. The 10k to 40k is 5% to 20% at best as advertised. The logbook has entries as listed here a) 24th July 2006 – “problem” with “cyan spots on prints” b) 10th August 2006 – “jams” and “finisher will only take approx 300 sheets” c) 16th August 2006 – “duplex jams, “still having problems” d) 18th August 2006 – “paper curl”, “advise of known problem with paper curl, no short term fix available” e) 25th August 2006 – “fault still present” f) 31st August 2006 – “ghosting” g) 7th September 2006 – “curl!! mega problem” h) 12th September 2006 – “visit to look at fuser curl and colour change – advised curl was a national problem – will add this machine to database”. 2. The CEC was produced on 24th June 2006 2 weeks after we were bought machine so therefore was not available to use in the selection of the machine. 3. We have 3 statements supporting the selection in 2006 at Ipex was by consultation with Xerox and we were told it would do as per the brochure and easily do our calendars. This raises these issue and questions to what to do next. The machine has now been divulged as being sold to me with A known Fault Knowing it was not suitable for the purpose to which it was purchased (CED) Specifications indicated on sale literature that were grossly exaggerated Failed to comply to the sale of goods act Made false statements Manufactures withheld crucial documents from their partners therefore hindering their ability to comply with the sale of goods act. Namely the CED. Refused liability for defective equipment Failed to comply to trading standards Infringed advertising regulations by over specifying a product As a result of both of their actions since October 16th 2006 to March 2012 have perverted the course of justice and our rights under the sale of goods act. Infringed our rights under EU Treaty. Lied to the court and us for over 6 years concerning the CED and logbook. My legal questions are: 1. Is there a limit on time to present a bundle and skeleton argument to allow a litigant in person to get legal advice? We were only allowed less than 48 hours to which the judge was informed. 2. Is it correct that a lay representative has to have legal knowledge? We were refused a Lay representative on the grounds he had no litigation experience although he was a Chief Inspector 3. Is there a statute of limitations on evidence unearthed 2 years later that cannot be re-opened? I am in mind how the Hillsborough case was re-opened and the resulting issues. Our evidence came about by recent statements, after 6 years, and these contradicted ones previously given and also was found to be contrived between a claimant and Part 20 defendant. This had a massive effect on our defense for over 6 years and decisions we made on the evidence now being told was false. 4. Zerographic’s were awarded another £400 per month on the £2000 already being paid. I protested that this was not possible to which he snapped back at me ‘If this is the straw the breaks the camels back, then so be it’ and adjourned the hearing. Can a judge mock a situation as he did by saying what he did at the end? Is there what we see as irregularities in the actions of the court to our rights to a fair hearing? OUR HISTORY We have been in an expensive long battle with Xerox and Zerographic Systems Ltd concerning a large digital printing press (DC250) we bought through their Partners on 7th June 2006. In September 2006 Xerox asked me to go to a meeting at Uxbridge to sort out the machine issues that were clearly evident in the machines Logbook. I hade a contract for service from Xerox. At that meeting they accepted that there was a fault and offered a loan machine for 2 months from 16th October. They offered to print our backlog of calendars to ease our problems. We are seasonal company in Calendars and Christmas Cards. They agreed to look at some sort of recovery package once our season was over. Good result. I worked with them by traveling twice to 3 times a week from Bristol to Uxbridge to pick up calendars they produced as per the agreement On the 16th October they withdrew the offer of a machine with no reasons accept that they had none in stock. I tried to contact both Partner and Xerox with no response. This started what was a very long and bitter legal battle. In December 2006 Both of them said, via letters to our solicitor, as far as they were concerned the machine was printing as per specifications with no known fault. We set them a very detailed history of the faults. This included the Xerox Logbook. In May 2007, by then our business had suffered considerable financial damage, we had a meeting with Zerographic's director at our works. He refused to accept there were any problems with the machine. When shown the logbook he said Xerox had informed him the machine was working as per specifications and with no faults. I did loose my temper at this point and had to leave the meeting. The meeting after was a a farce and they left. On 7th June 2007, one year later we bought the machine the best Zerographic's could do was take the machine back as we had chosen the wrong machine and that it we were using the machine well beyond its specifications. I must point out that we challenged this by asking what specifications were they using as on the sales brochure it says the machine will double side A3 and print up to 200,000 per month and pointed out in 12 months the machine had only done 54,000 and that was on letterheads and leaflets as it was not capable to print A3. We accepted the offer to take the machine back but reserved our right to sue for losses and that they accept the logbook as being a true reflection of the condition of the machine. They relied by refusing our demands. In August 2010 a judge ordered Zerographic’s to Part 20 Xerox. We had no contract with Xerox so this was a major event in our defense. In February 2009 we were sued for non-payments mounting to £52,000 for rental and clicks (minimum clicks 10k per month). We had defended this with a counterclaim. 6 months passed and Zerographic’s released Xerox as a Part 20 defendant with a Tomlin Order. The release was on a statement from Xerox that the last 2 engineers were not theirs and were our own. That the machine chosen was not capable of the work we had bought it for. We were using it beyond its specifications. I was not happy and but was told we could not challenge the part 20 release but could demand the correspondence to look at. A large file of emails and letter arrived concerning the to and fro of the release. This started another battle as they had criticised many other issues like paper stock conditions in the workshop. You name it they said it in Xerox’s defense of the Part 20 and in the statement supporting these issues. In February 2012 we exchanged statements in preparation to trial. The statement of Xerox was changed and they now admitted that the two last entries to which the first statement had said after extensive research were not Xerox engineers were now admitted were theirs. In another statement the managing director used extensively a document called a Customer Expectation Document (CED). We had never seen this document in the brochure the machine is advertised as capable of up to 200,000 copies per month. The CED says a at best 10,000 to 40,000 depending on usage. They had used 10,000 as the key to their defense on the reasoning it was A3 double sided. Our solicitors called a meeting to which they said this evidence made our case very week and needed to try and settle out of court. We had at this point we were in shock. 1. We had been lied to for over 6 years concerning the engineers. 2 we had never seen the CED and if we had we would not have bought the machine. 3. we had spent by now over £165,000 on legal fees. Zerographic’s were open to settle but wanted £45,000 plus cost of £180,000. Our solicitor said he was shocked as they had been litigants in person until July 2011. He tried to reason with them but no response. We were advised to go on as it would be cheaper. I gave the documents of the Part 20, which we received in Feb 2011, and also the new statements. To two retired policemen friends. One was a Chief Super and the other an inspector. Both contacted me with shocking reports. 1. Firstly the very damning CED was issued 2 weeks after we bought the machine so was not available for us to see let alone use in their defense. 2. That by lying concerning the last 2 entries in the logbook were not done by Xerox engineers and then saying they were was very close to perjury in context to a co-defendant being released by a false statement and a document that was not relevant the CED. 3. They both found very serious issues within correspondence that was conspiracy and perverting the course of justice. We took our findings to a meeting with our solicitor 3 days prior to the final CMC to set a trial date. After the inspector friend presented the collective findings our solicitor said he would look at it and get back. The day before the CMC, our solicitor, who said the barrister had missed this damning evidence, contacted my wife; as such he was going to sack him at the CMC and present this evidence to court that day He did not do as we directed him to do. We did not get to the CMC. The history of why we were forced to pay them £110,000 out of court is still not clear to me but that is what my wife was made to do by both sides without my knowledge or my permission. Both my friend and I were told to not be present. My wife was only there to support our solicitor. This is where I need advice and or guidance and are in reference the questions above. We sacked our solicitor as a direct result of him not doing as agreed. We then made an application to the court asking for a set aside on the payment to Zerographic’s while his Honour reviews the evidence we placed in front of him. We sent copies of our evidence and a statement of truth to the court, Zerographic’s and Xerox The result was a CMC on Wednesday 31st October. The judge called the hearing so this was good news. Zerographic’s were not happy. Many letters later from them on the Friday 26th October at 17.05 we receive an email for Zerographics solicitor saying that as we had not sent a bundle to the court and so they had made theirs for the hearing and it was posted that night to us. A skeleton argument concerning the issues we had presented to the court will be in the post to us later. This was Friday after hours. I immediately informed the court by email that this bundle had not given me time to get legal advice due to being not delivered and not complete On Monday at 11.15 a massive parcel arrived by normal post to our residence in Cornwall. There was no skeleton argument and the first page of contents had it mark to come. Again I emailed the court to point out with less than 24 hours to sort out some advice and that it was still incomplete was unfair and unjust. On Tuesday we had to leave for Birmingham courts. We had arranged to stay with our friend who lives sin Solihull. No skeleton argument arrived prior to our leaving and has still not arrived. They did not post it. We arrived at court and I asked the court to accept my police friend as a Lay Representative. The judge refused him on a ground that although he had criminal experience this was litigation and as such he was not acceptable. I protested saying that I was not capable through illness of presenting our case to court while our friend was. The judge then went through the whole court procedure in medical aid and again refused our request. He threw out our request to stay payments on our undue influence claims. Using the skeleton argument from Zerographic’s. He halted and asked me if I had received the bundle and arguments to which I replied I had received the bundle but not the arguments and that the judge was aware of the position via my emails that I had less than 48 hours to get advice. He ignored my plea and Zerographic’s handed me a copy of what was at least 1 days reading let alone while in court. The judge accepted this as OK He then refused to visit our finding I the Part 20 documents on the grounds that over 2 years old and we had our chance at the CMC 21st March. It was to our solicitor we needed to redress this issue. He then read out the second statement of Xerox and said he could not see any conspiracy, perjury or evidence of perverting the course of justice. We were in shock because of course not as he had not used the Part 20 documents to refer to to which the second statement was complied from. In the second statement there were many references to the CED and the engineers. We were then set about being carved up like a piece of meat between their Barrister and the judge concerning cost. They were awarded cost of the CMC, the judge called, we did not ask him to re-open the case, of another £400 per month on the £2000 already being paid. I protested that this was not possible to which he snapped back at me ‘If this is the straw the breaks the camels back, then so be it’ and adjourned the hearing. I was now in a state of shock and experiencing severe stress pains and just left. My police friend said it was the most disgraceful court hearing he had ever attended and there was a definite pr-hearing agreement to how this was going to pan out. He believes our rights to a fair trial have been violated by a prudence judge who made it clear not to come to his playground and try and join in. Why did he re-open our case if he was only going to throw everything out of court and then to make us pay for his calling a CMC?
  12. I ordered a kitchen to fit ourselves. On unboxing we find we have been given lots of oddments rather than what we ordered. Cannot get through by phone to their Customer Service and they do not answer our e mails. Evberything was tightly packed up and the deliverer as usual was in a hurry. As he put items down he said things like these are the doors, the drawers the ends etc. How do we get them to deiver right goods and take away unwanted items? Thanks
  13. I have been paying Rundles £25 a week for this years council tax .I have paid regularly and on time. I make my payments online. Last week as I made the payment I noticed they held a second account for a smaller amount of unpaid council tax for last year. I knew we had an outstanding amount but wasn't aware it had gone to the bailiffs. I have since been expecting a letter from them asking for payment or a payment arrangement, instead I have just had a bailiff visit my house and leave an attendance notice saying he called to remove goods and will be calling back in within 48 hours with the police if necessary, and that he may seize and remove sufficient goods to clear the debt. T he amount is now £850 - i don't have that much. We struggle to pay the £25 a week but as it is council tax it has to be paid one way or another. at the bottom of the letter it says to avoid these distressing and costly actions please call the bailiff. - should i do this. ? I have my dad's car at the door, as he is seriously ill and I'm using it to ferry my mum around. I've also given up a lot of work to care for my parents - would a bailiff listen ? could he clamp the car or would he have to prove it was mine - it's not registered to me or to this address. I could do without this right now and would welcome some advice as to how i can face up to him when he comes back.
  14. As requested by Argos, the delivery damaged Zoostorm computer was returned to the supplier (CMS) who didn't want anything to do with it either, in the end my daughter had to take the parcel to the courier herself. The parcel was received by the suppliers (CMS) on Wednesday 17th October and was told that she would be fully reimbursed within 5 working days, it is now 18 working days, numerous emails and telephone calls later and still not been reimbursed! I've just been passed from pillar to post, what are your views?
  15. Hi all, Didn`t know where to put this but if someone got something off a demolition site or outright nicked an item(truth unknown) Then 25yrs later dies, is wife liable if item is still on he property? Andy
  16. Bayliffs have been today and posted a seizure of goods notice through the door listing two cars. As it says this is an 'agreement' how can it be as it has not been signed by me? can they still take the goods?
  17. I am asking this question on behalf of a close friend. At the beginning of the year, my friend was stopped by the Police, driving without a licence. She heard nothing until 10 days ago when a letter from Marston Group Bailiffs demanding some £975 turned up. My friend ignored this and has had a bailiff call today demanding £1175, or they will remove goods on Monday at 07:15. They say they will be accompanied by the police. They also threaten to force entry. My friend genuinely heard nothing until 10 days ago, has absolutely no money and very little in the way of goods to be removed. Do we have any options? Can the bailiff force their way in? Can they threaten my friend with jail – they have done this The letter left by the bailiff says that it is a final notice, does not specify what the debt is for, and appears not to be a court warrant. My friend is extremely worried (as she should be), but she could do with some sound advice if anyone can be so kind Thanks Droopy
  18. just had a call from my wife that a hce visited the house and attached a notice of seizure and inventory the debt is for a company registered at the address but they put my wife vehicle which is in now way associated with the Limited company as being seized need urgent help how do i proceed
  19. How do I get a refund from Amazon? I ordered some LED light bulbs for £6 plus £4odd postage and packing. They never arrived. When I enquired the tracking said "attempted delivery 18:50 on (date). I dont believe that Royal Mail would attempt delivery at this time of day, nor was there a card through the door, nor did anyone knock. I have emailed amazon who have in turn emailed the supplier "Cashbrokers" which sounds dodgy anyway. They claim delivery was attempted and the tracking now says being returned to sender.
  20. Hi all I’m getting in touch on behalf of the Electrical Safety Council – the UK charity dedicated to reducing electrical accidents and deaths in the home. Electrical accidents currently kill around one person every week in their home and injure 350,00 a year. We’re currently running a campaign about faulty electrical goods and we need your help. Have you or a family member ever bought second hand or cheap electrical goods online or at a market stall and run into problems? Perhaps the product didn’t work, overheated, or even caught fire. If so – we’d love to speak to you. If we use your story you could get a reward. Contact me with details at Rachel (@) forster.co.uk
  21. Dear All, I have come across this site while doing some research for a court case takes place on the 10/10/12. Probably a bit late in the day but I was looking for some help, advice and support as I am representing myself. I purchased a Siemens fridge/freezer in Sept 2008 which went faulty in May 2011 just outside it 2 warrenty. They inspected the appliance and found a fan needed replacing and that they had none in stock and had to be order it from Germany. There would be a week before they could come back to repair it. To cut a long story short, I was being charged a call out fee plus parts, which I refused to pay. The appliance cost approx £870 pluse £130 delivery. This was with a 20% discount and it was through their friends and family scheme. I was just wondering what would be my main arguement? Not fit for purpose, durabilty? I had it repaired in the end (from another company) and have a report which states that the power to the fan was there but the fan was not working. The comapny that I used to repair the item, refused to stated that it was due to a malfunction in the component. If anyone has any experiences with going to court or any advice, I would be appreciative. Thanks in advance.
  22. I was driving in London last week and and was stopped by the police who was standing in the middle of the road, he said there was a warrant on my van or something along that line, I was told to drive into a Car park with a few other cars, I was met by another constable together with a representative from the bailiffs Collect services, they informed me that I owed £500 for an unpaid parking fine some 3 years back, and that I needed to pay £200 there and then, I told them that I only had £60 available, I was told if I did not pay £200 I would have my van seized. I told them that they could not do that as this was my work van and there is some law that says a van with tools etc can not be seized in this way, he said I was wrong and the van has to have been converted/adapted for use, for instance a side rack, that way it could not be taken, he demanded I hand over the ignition keys at which point the police officer asked for the keys so I handed it over. The bailiff gave me a form stating I must now pay £800+ storage to get may van back or it will be auctioned off. I'm I right in thinking they have affected an illegal act in seizing my vehicle in this way.
  23. Hello, i'm looking for some help, I bought goods online around 3 weeks ago and I am still awaiting delivery, the company I bought from are based in the UK, I have never used them before, the company claim to have dispatched the items via courier but state they have no tracking number and no proof of postage, the value of the goods were below £100. Unfortunately after having all this hassle I googled the company and found that they used to trade on amazon and have very bad feedback relating to non delivery of goods, this has never happened to me before and i'm not sure what to do, is there anything I can do? I paid with my paypal card and they have sent me a disputed transaction form but the questions on the form mostly relate to card theft so I do not think I am going to have any sort of resolution through them. Any help or information would be appreciated.
  24. Evening everyone I'm having a bit of a to-do with a car parts company that appears to have little concept of the SOGA and DSRs. After looking at the various parts and panels they list on their website, I rang them to order up 2 body panels for my car. I asked for 2 particular panels at £75 per panel, and they said postage would be £15, so £165 all in. When they arrived I found they had sent the wrong panels- ones which, according to their website, cost £70 each. I rang them up to say they had sent the wrong ones, and they then tried to blame me, saying I had ordered the cheaper panels, so I would have to pay to have the wrong ones collected and the right ones sent back out- they duly helped themselves to a further £30 off my card for the privilege. The courier came the next morning and dropped off the right panels and took the wrong ones away. I then thought about checking the receipt they sent, and noticed it really did say £150 plus £15 delivery...so I hadn't made a mistake then! Except that when I emailed them to say this, they said no, you definitely ordered the cheaper panels and it was a concidence that a mistake had been made and I should actually have been charged £140 not £150 for the panels! I then decided to see how the panels would fit and found that they were actually badly made and would not fit (not without me having to weld on extra metal due to them being badly made and trimmed too small). So now I have the right parts, but they are in fact unfit for purpose. I then emailed the company back (so within 7 days of receiving the goods) to say they were not fit for purpose, that I wanted a full refund and that the parts would be available for collection from Monday (start of this week). In their reply to my cancellation email the company owner said that as I had ordered the wrong parts to start with I must pay for the return postage on these faulty parts, and that when they do get the parts back I will have a 'handling fee' taken off the refund too! It gets better- they have no T&Cs whatsoever on their website and the only sale documentation I received was the receipt from the pdq machine stapled onto a company headed piece of paper with a brief hand-written description of the order. Having given them instructions about refunding me and collecting the parts, how long do I have to keep hold of these parts for collection? They are in the garage, so out of the way, but I would really want to get shot of them and never deal with this company again! Should I also wait the full 30 days to see if they suddenly realise that SOGA and the DSRs do apply to them and they refund me the full £165, and the extra £30 they took...or am I in for yet more disappointment?!? Thanks for any replies.
  25. Hi I agreed to buy a laptop from Dell but then the laptop was paid using my parents credit card and was invoiced to them. The laptop when received was registered under my name. The laptop is faulty and I am having to take legal action. Does the sale of goods act cover me? Or is it my parents as they were on the invoice? The sale of goods act says: To me I think I agreed to buy the goods but my parents purchased it. Who is covered or are we both? Currently the small claims case is under my name is this going to be a problem?
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