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  1. Hi, I am looking for some advice regarding taking to DFS to the small claims court. I will briefly go over my story, so as not to bore you all with the details! Feb 14, Ordered a 'Guild' leather sofa from DFS which was 'supposed' to be pocket sprung, 3 seater and 2 single seaters - 3 months later the lovely sofa arrived (mid May). However, within 3 months we noticed that one of the seats on the 3 seater was 'sunken' - We reported this and an 'engineer' arrived within 2 or 3 weeks. His solution was to add more foam. Sound familiar? it was at this point that we realised it was not pocket sprung either. However, later that day, the seat was worse than ever and you felt like you were rolling into the middle. Reported it to DFS again at which point we had to arrange a visit with the store manager. Eventually he came to inspect the sofa and agreed that it wasn't right and that he would arrange for all new interiors to be replaced at the 'workshop'. Fast forward 2 months or so and the sofa was taken away and returned a week later. Immediately after sitting on it, it had sunk again and I would like to stress at this point my wife is a size 10 and weighs very little! Reported it to DFS again, at which point we had to arrange for another engineer to come and inspect it before they would take any further action....Another few weeks passes and the engineer comes out to confirm that it is faulty. We waited for the 'report' to go to the manager and eventually got offered a replacement sofa, but we would have to pay a 'usage fee' for our old sofa By now, I was somewhat annoyed and refused point blank to pay any usage fee! I just want this suite away and my money back. This was relayed to the area manager who then said that I could choose another sofa without any usage fee. Sorry, but I have had enough of DFS and just want my money back. The 'area manager' now responded by saying I can have my money back, but I would need to pay a usage fee of £300 for the use of the sofa for a year! - Errm, we have had the sofa 8 months, NOT 12 and it has been faulty since 3 months old! Do they have the right to charge a usage fee? Should I go down the small claims route? or should I try and do a chargeback via Barclays as I went with the interest free option? Personally I would like to go via the small claims and claim back loss of earnings and stress that these clowns have caused me! Any suggestions or advice appreciated.
  2. Hi all, I am looking for some advice please. If a non-UK resident landlord is not willing to return tenants deposit can the tenant use the small claims court to claim against them if they do not know the landlords address? The AST shows the landlords address as the same address as the rental property and this is not an address the landlord has lived at for 5 years. Can court papers be served to that address even if it is very unlikely the landlord will see them? I am confused about the rules for address for the defendant. How does it work if the papers are served to an address at which the defendant no longer lives? I have read that the papers automatically count as served a number of days after they are sent. How does this work if the address is wrong or old? I read that money claim online cannot be used for non UK addresses. Can you use the "normal" small claims or other court for non-UK addresses even if the amount is under £1500? Any help would be great. Thanks!
  3. Just need some advice. Insured on Audi A3 as a named driver on policy with Co-operative insurance from 2010-2013. Cooperative state that you can use the named driver no-claims to your own policy and would turn into full no-claims bonus after a year, so 3 years named driver no claims + 1 year no claims on own police = 4 years Real No claims bonus. Bought my own car in 2013, got a quote with the 3 years named driver no-claims, came to £3200. Got a quote from admiral, with 0 years no claims, £843 on my own policy. Obviously a no brainer and took admiral insurance, and have been with them for almost two years now. I now Have 2 years real no-claims bonus, is there anyway to get CIS to convert that previous 3-years named driver no claims as they were essentially holding it hostage unless I paid over the odds for insurance(£3200).
  4. Since privatisation of RM is it now possible to sue them in the County Court? For example - refusing to pay out on lost mail which has a valid Certificate of Posting or Registration receipt (in the case of overseas mail). Or for not providing the service paid for - such as signature on delivery in the case of Recorded Delivery. I'm getting fed up with the regular run around with feeble excuses such as 'it must have been delivered as the postman would have shoved in through the letter box' for RD items and so on.
  5. I SUCESSFULLY SUED PLUSNET/BT IN MY LOCAL COUNTY COURT ! In February 2014 I contacted PLUSNET to install a phone line & supply a modem & broadband at the new house I was moving to. I paid them £72.98, I received confirmation of my order (a contract ?)in the post the following day & 2 appointments were booked for a month later for the work to be done. I moved to my new house & waited, I took 11 hours off work unpaid to be at home for the BT Openreach engineers, but no one turned up, I tried to contact PLUSNET on my mobile several times only to be told I was in a queue & had to wait over 40 minutes, I also tried to contact them by using the local call box - again I was in a queue & would have to wait over 50 minutes. I wrote to PLUSNET to complain & demanded my £72.98 back plus my lost salary circa £400 including compensation for breach of contract & explicitly gave them 14 days to comply or I would take them to the small claims court, their response was to offer me a miserly £25 for my inconvenience & my money back if I formally asked for it, "HOW OUTRAGOUS!" So of course I made a claim through MYCOL the online small claims service, I offered mediation & waited for their response, NOTHING for approximately 12 months ! so a hearing date was set & surprise surprise I start to get phone calls & an offer in writing of £150 to settle this time from BT LEGAL. I now know that PLUSNET in their incompetence failed to book the 2 appointments with their parent company BT OPENREACH thus wasting my time & causing my financial loss. The case was heard on 03/07/2015, PLUSNET/BT didn't even bother to attend simply sending a letter, I had a very thorough, & severe but legally professional examination of my claim & my evidence by the justice I'm not going to mention his name) my award was just shy of £300 & they have until the 25th of July to pay. I shall keep you informed. I would urge anyone who has issues with utility companies be it water/gas/electricityor telecoms to do as I did & use the small claims court – that is what it is there for ! At the time of writing this BT have 5 CCJ’s against them dating back to 2011 (& now 6 with mine) this company & its subsidiaries simply don’t care if they break civil law – it’s time we ALL complain & use the courts to get justice. Eriko.
  6. My wife received Small Claims Summons recently and whilst debt is ours I have no way of knowing if the debt amount claimed for is correct or not.. .I have left this a little last minute as return date is 4th December however I wanted to run my intended actions by some of you guys for comment to ensure I am going about this the correct way. Santander is where the original debt lies but looks like they sold debt to Arrow Global.. .do I write to Santander or Arrow Global to get copy of agreement and statements OR Arrow Global OR their representing solicitors in Edinburgh ? Also want to know if there is any PPI on this as this too could affect the total debt sum. Whist writing to (whoever above will give me said info) my plan is to return the court small claims summons completed and on time stating I am disputing the amount claimed. My other questions are Do I submit a defence with the return paperwork to court stating I have requested the account info and finally when case does call am I allowed to attend as my wifes representative as she is way too scared to do do herself ! As always any help/views/comments you can provide will be very much welcomed. .thanks all.
  7. Hi everyone, i'd welcome some advice please. I joined Vodafone 8 months ago and have had no internet access ever since on my IPhone 6 despite paying for 4G. I have spoken with Vodafone customer service countless times, wasted many many hours, and been promissed lots of call backs that never happen. I have raised the issue over the phone, their web forum, twitter and through their CEOs office. Still no joy. I've been told I can have my contract ended and be given compensation, but then when I try they tell me I can't and that the best compensation they can give me is £25. I've now had enough and would welcome your thoughts on whether it's worth going down the small claims court route. Will they be able to insist Vodafone end my contract? Will they be able to set a more realistic level of compensation for my time and inconvenience? Is there anything else to be gained? Just to note, I spotted advice in other thread to contact Lee at vodafone and have just done that, but if he's unable to sort this out asap I want to know how best to progress. Thanks in advance Paul
  8. Any advice gratefully received. I had a contract lease hire car for 2 years from a company, when the car was returned I received a further bill for about £900 which I disputed however they proceeded to instruct solicitors to pursue the matter which they did through the Small Claims Track. Fast forward 2 years and they have now served a Notice of Discontinuance (N279) 7 days before we were due to attend court. As you can imagine I have spent a lot of time and some money preparing and filing court documents etc, but as I understand it I cannot claim any costs for wasted time. So is there anything I can do to recover any costs, can I claim for damages, or do I just smile knowing its cost them a lot more than me.
  9. Banks could face even bigger bills for mis-selling Payment Protection Insurance after the City watchdog said it was considering new rules following a landmark legal decision. In November last year, the Supreme Court said that Paragon Personal Finance, a secured loans company, had breached the Consumer Credit Act by failing to disclose that the PPI premium paid by a customer included a hefty commission fee to a credit broker. This means that even if the loan insurance was otherwise fairly sold, banks could be liable for mis-selling compensation if PPI was bought via a broker. On Wednesday, the FCA said the judgement in the case, Plevin v Paragon Personal Finance, may mean new rules on dealing with complaints, potentially opening the door for more compensation. “The FCA is considering whether additional rules and/or guidance are required to deal with the impact of the Plevin decision on complaints about PPI,” it said. “The FCA will be engaging with relevant stakeholders in the coming months in respect of this and it expects to announce its views on this, including next steps, at the same time as existing work.” The regulator is considering revamping the PPI rulebook, saying it wants to “meet its objectives of securing appropriate protection for consumers and enhancing the integrity of the UK’s financial system”. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/banksandfinance/11633767/Legal-ruling-could-pave-way-for-new-wave-of-PPI-claims.html PPI ruling may trigger a landslide of fresh mis-selling claims The City Watchdog could be forced to introduce new rules around PPI mis-selling complaints following a landmark court ruling. It could open the door to a landslide of fresh claims for compensation, even for those who have already been paid out for being flogged the often useless and expensive insurance. The latest wrinkle to the scandal – which has already cost Britain’s banks an estimated £24 billion – centres on commission payments to lenders and advisers. In November, the Supreme Court ruled in the Plevin v Paragon case that failing to disclose commission made the relationship between lender and borrower unfair. Susan Plevin, a 59-year old college lecturer, was charged £5,780 as an upfront PPI premium on a £39,870 loan. But almost three-quarters – 71.8% – of the premium was commission, with credit broker LLP Processing receiving £1,870 and lender Paragon getting £2,280. Plevin was not told about the commission and took proceedings against the two firms in 2009 for mis-selling because the policy was useless for her, but also on the basis that the PPI agreement was unfair because of the non-disclosure of the commissions. The Supreme Court’s Lord Sumption ruled that failing to disclose commissions led to a “sufficiently extreme inequality of knowledge and understanding”. http://www.standard.co.uk/business/business-news/ppi-ruling-may-trigger-a-landslide-of-fresh-misselling-claims-10277984.html
  10. Hi, Could someone please tell me which small claims court I would need to use. We sent our BMW Engine block to be remanufactured by a company called 1st choice engineering Ltd. Now I live in West Yorkshire and the company is based in Scotland. They are refusing to take my credit card as payment and demanding we pay via bank transfer. This was not made clear at the start of the contract and no terms were given to sign. So which courts would I issue a small claim through England or Scotland? One more thing... a new engine block would cost me around £3000 from BMW were as the remanufacturing of the old engine block was £1300 (which 1st choice engineering Ltd still have and will not release without payment), do I claim for the cost of new. Any help would be great.
  11. Hi everyone, Hope I am putting this in the right place. I pretty much cleared up all my debs quite sometime ago so I haven't been around on here much. However there was one debt I absolutely refused to pay. HBOS. My account went 50p over which was supposed to be covered the day it happened or the money went in after the 50p was applied or something and mushroomed out of all control. They added £32, then £32 more all for the 50p and I was livid. This was 2008. I told them they could chase me forever, I would happily pay my overdraft and leave the bank but I was not paying the extra £164 in charges. My over draft was £150.00 and they claimed I owed them £364. I am not proud of it but I cut up my HBOS card and never used it again I changed all my phone numbers and moved, and I spent quite a bit of time moving around so they never pegged me in once place for long. this debt reared its head again about a month ago. I new I had no contact with the bank whatsoever since end of 2008 so I sent off the statue barred template letter. Today I received a reply saying I had made a payment onto the account September 2011 so the debt was not statue barred. This cannot be true, the only thing I decided I would ever give HBOS after 2008 was some very colourful language should they track me down. There is NO WAY I made any kind of payment or even contacted HBOS at all beyond 2009, I remember full well because I specifically setup a Barclays account when I started a new job in 2009. Does anyone have a clue what I can do? I haven't been able to find any information on this happening to anyone else. Thanks for your time
  12. I moved to France in 2004 and have recently been reading about PPI claims. All loans were paid off before I moved. I have found paperwork with account numbers on from Blackhorse and Masterloan, is it worth finding out if PPI was added or is it too late?
  13. Hi just had a doorstep visit from debt collectors moorcroft my husband answered the door and nearly let her in i asked her to leave my property which she did no problem and just said she would put me down as a refusal i was just sorting out my ccas do i now send them to moorcroft or citicards
  14. I was sold an un-roadworthy vehicle by a trader masquerading as a private seller. I've sought to contact the trader by email, phone and mail but he has failed to respond to any communication. The car trader is based in Scotland, while I reside in England. As the sale took place in Scotland, does anyone know if am I obliged to proceed through the Scottish sheriff court system? The England and Wales system is available online, while in Scotland one physically has to file papers in the sheriff court as I understand. Thanks in advance for any thoughts
  15. I sold a baby carrier to someone in France and purchased delivery via packetport through Parcel2go. I paid extra for insurance to cover the cost of the item £130. The parcel was collected on 7/5/15 and I was quoted delivery should take 5-10 working days meaning it should have arrived by 21/5/15. Alarm bells started ringing when a Hermes driver came to collect the parcel but as tracking seemed to be updated I wasn't too worried. The buyer jumped the gun a little and started a paypal claim for non receipt on the 11th as the tracking information was confusing to her. I wasn't too worried as I assumed tracking would continue and had been told by paypal as the tracking was showing the item was still in transit they would not complete the claim. The tracking hasn't changed since the 11/5/15. I have been in contact with Parcel2go daily and each time have been told different things. I was originally told the item arrived in France on the 14/5/15 and they were waiting for details from the courier. On the 20/5/15 I was provided with a tracking number for La Poste which didn't work On the 21/5/15 I was told to open a claim which I did. On the 22nd the claim was rejected as the parcel had supposedly been located. I contacted p2g immediately as the buyer still hadn't received anything, tracking had not been updated and to top everything off paypal refunded the buyer. I sent a letter of complaint in to p2g, I'm still waiting for a response and took to social media. The p2g twitter team said they would look into it and get back to me. On the 23/5/15 I contacted the twitter team again for an update, they said the courier had delivered to a mailbox and asked me to confirm the address. On the 27/5/15 I was told p2g were still waiting for an update and I would be contacted. Today is the 29/5/15 I contacted the twitter team yet again and was told they delivered to number 1. I advised there wasn't a house number so why was it delivered to number 1? I've now been told they will get back in touch with the courier. I am out of pocket as I have had to refund the buyer as she won her paypal claim and I no longer have my item. P2g don't seem to be interested in helping me, the service I paid for via packetport was sent via a different courier, I have been lied to and promised management call back on 5 occasions which didn't materialise and I would like to reclaim my money. Will I have a case with the small claims court?
  16. http://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/claims-parking-restrictions-discriminate-against-9319524 Relates to this old thread; http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?405374-PE-sign.
  17. Hello all, its been a while since I had to come on this forum but I feel I need to come and ask you guys for some help once again I don't really know where to start as I could write pages and pages on this issue but I will keep it as short and sweet as possible, here goes.... I am a member on a certain car forum and a member had a car up for sale which I purchased, however the car did not arrive as was promised and did not have the refurbished alloy wheels stated in the original sale thread along with other smaller items. on delivery of the car he stated he had 3 wheels on another car that he would refurb and deliver to me and if I supplied him with an alloy off my car ( I have another one of these particular cars ) he would do that also... meaning that I would now have the full set of refurbished alloys that I should have had from day 1 ( putting 1 wheel back on my car )..... lost yet ??? Short version is I am 4 refurbished wheels short as per advertised on original sales advert with no sign of getting them back as for the past six months I have had nothing but excuses and being ignored. I am thinking of taking this guy to a small claims court as not only was my purchase not what it should have been... I have pretty much had one of my wheels "stolen"...... just wondering what your thoughts are...... I could go a lot further into detail but it may be even more confusing for you all but the more questions you ask then the clearer im sure it will become . Regards
  18. This is the first time I have posted to this so excuse me if it rambles. About two months ago my car started having problems. I was constantly finding I was having to top up with coolant and then one day it overheated. so I took it to the local garage who informed me that it might be a 'blown head gasket'. My car was not out of warranty but it was not old. I looked on line and found that this was a particular problem with toyota cars. I also found that toyota had put out a bulletin to repair this free of charge if the car was not so old and had regular servicing. I contacted my local garage and with a fair bit of toing and froing I managed to get them to agree to repair it. ( this toyota car has also been recalled twice before by dvla for two separate faults before) . I was informed would take a while I then asked for a courtesy car. They eventually gave me a courtesy car to drive for work. I picked it up from the garage and was given a piece of paper to sign. My mistake, being a complete innocent I didn't read it and signed it. Nothing was explained to me around any obligations. Unfortunately 3 days onto having the car I was going to work and and had to stop on the round about because a lorry, and another car in front of me stopped as the lights went red on the roundabout. I was in the right hand lane on which you could go straight on or round (this is one of those roundabouts that has lights half way around it). Because I knew I wasn't able to go anywhere until the lights changed I put my handbrake on and was stationary. Meanwhile traffic from the left hand lane. A large HGV then came along and as it passed it caught my car wing mirror with his front wheel and my front bumper with the middle of his hgv wheels. I could see in him coming near my rear view mirror and I beeped it but it was too late. I don't think he even noticed me in my little car. He did stop. I was pretty shook up at the time. I managed to call the garage to let them know and the police and we waited for them to turn up. He took photos and because he was taking some I took some too. Unfortunately, everyone had moved on and I didn't think to ask anyone if they saw what happened. the policeman came, he was very helpful, he got the lorry drivers details and mine and passed them to us. He also arranged for a truck to take my car to the garage. I was now without a car. Later the next day, I rang the garage to speak to them and to ask about insurance claims and to give them the details of the driver. The manager wouldn't take the details and said that I couldn't claim on their insurance. They insisted it wasn't their insurance and that it would be a £1000.00 for me to pay excess for them to claim. I felt it should be on their insurance as I hadn't been asked or informed about an option to put the car on my insurance. I also told them the accident was not my fault. I spoke to my insurance the following day and they informed me it should be the garage as I was driving their car. I must say that they were unhelpful, part of their response was to say they would make a note against my insurance that there was a claim even though I was not claiming from them. I asked if my legal claims cover could help me get the excess back if I paid it and they said it only applied to my car. I rang to ask about my car and to them what my insurance company had said about the claim having to be through their insurance. They still wouldn't take the details of the driver and the incident number from me. I told them that they hadn't told me I could have this on my insurance company otherwise I would have rung them to ask if I could put the car on my insurance. I also had to keep ringing them back to find out if my car was sorted. They eventually rang me to tell me my car was sorted which took much longer then expected, asked me to pick it up and informed me that I couldn't have it back until I had paid the excess of £1000.00 for the damage to the courtesy car. I insisted that they could not insist I couldn't have my car as the insurance was nothing to do with my car and I would put in a complaint if they did this. they garage eventually capitulated and dropped the car off to me. Since them I have had some missed phone calls from them, unfortunately I wasn't able to answer them as I did not have my phone with me. But given they wouldn't answer my calls I was in no hurry to return their call. Today, I have received a letter from their legal department it sustained damage when 'you hit the rear of another car and that you are refusing to pay the excess'. They are demanding £1000.00 from me within 7 days and insisting it is paid by cheque. This is a complete lie as I was stationary and it was the lorry that went into me. They cannot have made any claim as they have not taken the details of the accident off me or passed me any claim form and they are trying to put the blame on me. I would pay the £1000.00 by debit card with the guarantee that they will put in a claim to the other drivers insurance company and pay it back to me. . I have never ever had an accident in all the years I have been driving. And the one time this has happened through no fault of mine, I get this treatment. I feel really frustrated and upset angry with this and it is causing me a lot of sleepless nights. Please can anyone advise me what to do.
  19. I've just sent a complaint to Lowlifes regarding not updating the balances on my credit file for accounts they hold, my basis being that this could be detrimental to my ability to obtain employment and/or credit etc and that under the ICO's “Principles for the Reporting of Arrears, Arrangements and Defaults at Credit Reference Agencies” they clearly fall short of ensuring that the information is "fair, accurate, consistent, complete and up to date. “ . No I don't honestly expect to get far with the actual complaint but it will hopefully use some of their resource to address the issue, if the response is as poor as anticipated this will cost them about £550.00 if I escalate to the FOS/ICO (not sure which would be the correct one) and, perhaps most important of all, IF they get avalanches of complaints it might just give them a desire to rethink their practices! So how much do people on here register complaints, in addition to launching legal action etc? - and is it worth the effort of am I peeing in the wind and they just don't pay any attention to it?
  20. Hello i have just received a letter from Northampton county court and the claimant is IDR finance, the debt was originally with Barclay card, then link finance bought the debt.. .this information was given to Stepchange debt charity as they are currently dealing with my creditors, what can i do or what should be the first action? should i deny owing the money? and tell the court this? or write to the court and say i do owe some of it (not the mega interest they have charged) and it and fill in an monthly expenditure form and offer a small amount ?.. ..or print off the letter template here and ask for the original agreement? please help as i am very unsure of what to do thanks
  21. In small claims court the claimant won. The reason given by the judge for them winning was something they actually lied about, on more than one count. (Obviously the judge wouldn't know they were lying or wouldn't have judge in their favour.) I didn't have the evidence with me at the time against the claimants lies because I wouldn't have known what they would say or be prepared to lie about to win their case. The claimant seemed very clever, because everything I had against them the judge seemed to look in my favour but somehow the they seemed to wangle their way out of the questions from the judge. I have no experience of this sort of thing, had no idea what to expect, found it very daunting and it obviously made it difficult for me. The value of their claim is £1-2k. Not for assault or abuse etc. I have written evidence that can prove the claimant was lying in court and want to appeal. What will happen to the claimant if they are found guilty of lying? Will they just lose the case or be further punished? Before court, I offered to split the value of the claim because I didn't want the hassle, (Even though I believe it should have been £0) but the claimant didn't want to know.
  22. Hi, I'm posting on behalf of my sister. A few weeks ago she was parked in a supermarket carpark and was just about to open the door to exit. She had the door already ajar, while she gathered her handbag etc, before opening the door any further she looked over her shoulder and a car swung in wide into her space (at speed) and caught the side of her door (see picture attached). The chap at first admitted liability and apologised. Luckily my sister had the common sense to look otherwise she could of easily had her leg crushed. What we thought would be a open and shut case has now been going on for 3 months. My sisters insurance company are next to useless and keep saying she should claim on her policy and claim back later. My sister refused to do this. She said she wanted to claim direct from the third parties insurance. Today she receives an email stating the other party will not admit liability and she is liable for the full repair. We have supplied a number of pictures which clearly shows the point of impact, however the third party are now saying she swung her door open. I believe the pictures shows this is not the case as the damage would be on the inside of the door. We are now thinking about claiming via the small claims, would this be a route to follow?, perhaps this would persuade the other party to admit liability? She has legal cover, this hasn't been any use what so ever so far. Can anyone help with suggestions?
  23. I received court claims from Bryan carter/fred/lowell. I did filed the defence. and now received aq. i did send cpr.31 request to Bryan and received normal reply as same reply to all their request. Account was in dispute with lowell due to non comply with request of copy of contract and statment of account since 2009. last payment was made in january 2009. then debt pass to red and they only send me statement off account in 2011. which was just early termination charges of £440. I dispute with them and charges are unlawfull and all went quite. in march this year lowell passed debt to fred and i send FRED letter and explain that account in dispute and provide me copy of contract and statement of account no answer from them and received court claims. totals balance was £580 and i paid lowell £140 between 2008 and 2011. can I apply n244 claims to be struck out.
  24. Does this now mean that an ex wife,should contribute to an ex husbands failed business. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2989511/Ex-wife-hippy-turned-wind-farm-tycoon-millionaire-split-wins-right-fight-2million-divorce-payout.html Regards,John.
  25. My mother bought an laundry appliance from Currys/PC World which developed a fault. It isn't 12 months old. We have had engineers out to it multiple times and the fault has not been fixed. We wrote to Currys informing them, in great detail, of all the problems we had experienced and that we had had enough - we were rejecting the appliance as it was not of merchantable quality or fit for purpose. We told them to come and collect the appliance and arrange for a full refund. They declined the refund - instead offering us another engineer. We declined and informed them if we didn't have a satisfactory solution within 14 days we would issue Small Claims against them. We got no response. We filled in the Small Claims paperwork and after trying to look up the company details online and on their own website we filled the defendants details in as Currys , PO Box 1687, Sheffield, S2 5YA. The court office told us we couldn't use a PO Box number and we should use the store address that we bought the appliance from, so we did. The papers were served on the store which we then assume were forwarded to their Head Office. DSG Retail then sent us a letter from their LEGAL SERVICES (it was in bold print!) they said their records don't match my mother's version of events... would you like to have an engineer inspect the appliance? He then, later in the letter, said that 'Currys do not exist in a legal capacity since they are trading names of DSG Retail Ltd who are the company that operate and control these stores. For very good reasons proceedings can only be issued against a legal entity. If we were to obtain a judgement against Currys we would not be able to take enforcement proceedings'. This infuriates me. They make it as unclear and difficult as possible to find out where to contact if things progress to a Small Claims stage and then they try and rub it in your face. They have Currys on their receipts, their shops have Currys over the door, and they have a Currys website. So do we now have to go through the whole procedure again and serve the papers on DSG Retail Ltd at a further cost? I should mention that my mother lives over the border in Scotland and, according to the court office, they have jurisdiction because my mother is domiciled in Scotland. Any advice / comments appreciated. Taaa.
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