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  1. I am hoping to get some advice, my son went to help his friend decorate a new flat he was moving into, he left a note in the windscreen stating 'working at No * ' he was given a however ticket which says he was parking in a permit space without a permit. contravention code 16. Can anyone give me any advice re appealing? Thanks
  2. Hello everyone, newbie here Ive searched through the forums and found similar cases but expect for one important thing. Ok so heres my story My 4month old HP laptop's cd/dvd drive didnt work - it couldnt burn cds or even read them. So i took it in because i had the knowhow insurance. the rep in the knowhow section in currys, took my details and said it will be sent off so it can be looked at. bearing in mind this was the 1st time i have had a laptop, i had no idea that needed to back anything up and i didnt even think of backing anything up because it was a cd drive fault and not anything to do with the drives itself (im thinking of things like viruses) also the tech guy at currys didnt say anything either. 1 week later, my laptop arrives back at currys and i went to collect it but couldnt check it as the battery was completely dead. So once it was charged at home, i switch it on and see they have completely re-installed windows and all my saved work and photos in c drive have gone... luckily couple months ago i decided to partition my hard drive, so anything i saved on d drive was saved. Also i do monthly backups normally at the end end of each month, so anything i had not saved from march 28th onwards was not saved on my external hard drive and there was a fair bit of files i phoned up knowhow straightaway and they said that the techguy shouldve warned me and he will email currys. But i have no faith left in them as it has been a rollercoaster ride ever since i have bought the laptop and the accersory bundle... (the sales rep tried to make me look like a liar and say i didnt buy the acc pack, but i proved him wrong as i made him write that i was owing an acc pack on the reciept itself. But after many emails to customer service - who are biased people anyway - got sort) So i want to know is what are my rights and what can i get out of this as i had important work saved and photos saved on it too.
  3. I checked by bank account this evening and SP have decided to take over £600. I recently moved house from rented to mortgaged. I transferred my account from the rented property knowing I had £600 winter debt I put up my monthly DD. I have mail redirection from the rented property to come to my new property and therefore can safety say I have received no correspondence to state this will happen. I am now financially insecure for the rest of the month because of this and not very happy. Can SP do this to me without any warning. If they would have sent a letter I would have contacted them to discuss further. Please help!!
  4. Hi all, We moved out of our property about a month ago. Within the 10 days the landlord requested 200 pounds worth of deductions, and we've been given the rest back by the agent. We've repeatedly asked him for what these deductions are, and so far he's only mentioned some supposed damage to a sofa which he says will cost 60 pounds to clean, then if that can't be done, more may have to be spent on repairing it. We wish to dispute this, as we absolutely did not cause this damage, and will do so with the mydeposits dispute service. However, we still don't know what else this 200 pounds is supposed to cover. We've asked for a list a number of times and all we get is the mention of the sofa. I guess he's just hedging his bets in case it costs more. I want to dispute this, but my concern is this - we need to submit evidence with our dispute, so how can we do that if we don't know what the majority of the claim is for? If we only submit evidence about the sofa, he could then change his counter claim to add in 140 quid's worth of other issues, which we'll have no chance to submit evidence about. What's our best move here? Should we demand a finalised list before we dispute, or would the fact he hasn't given us one yet count against him in a dispute? Or will we be given a chance to counter with evidence if he brings up stuff we haven't been notified of yet? Thanks in advance for any help with this. Louis
  5. It's time again for the annual 'Stella Awards'! For those unfamiliar with these awards, they are named after 81-year-old Stella Liebeck who spilled hot coffee on herself and successfully sued the McDonald's in New Mexico , where she purchased coffee. You remember, she took the lid off the coffee and put it between her knees while she was driving. Who would ever think one could get burned doing that, right? That' s right; these are awards for the most outlandish lawsuits and verdicts in the U.S. You know, the kinds of cases that make you scratch your head. So keep your head scratcher handy. Here are the Stellas for the past year: * SEVENTH PLACE * Kathleen Robertson of Austin, Texas was awarded $80,000 by a jury of her peers after breaking her ankle tripping over a toddler who was running inside a furniture store. The store owners were understandably surprised by the verdict, considering the running toddler was her own son. Start scratching! * SIXTH PLACE * Carl Truman, 19, of Los Angeles, California won $74,000 plus medical expenses when his neighbor ran over his hand with aHonda Accord. Truman apparently didn't notice there was someone at the wheel of the car when he was trying to steal his neighbor's hubcaps. Scratch some more... * FIFTH PLACE * Terrence Dickson, of Bristol, Pennsylvania was leaving a house he had just burglarized by way of the garage. Unfortunately for Dickson, the automatic garage door opener malfunctioned and he could not get the garage door to open. Worse, he couldn't re-enter the house because the door connecting the garage to the house locked when Dickson pulled it shut. Forced to sit for eight, count 'em, EIGHT days and survive on a case of Pepsi and a large bag of dry dog food, he sued the homeowner's insurance company claiming undue mental Anguish. Amazingly, the jury said the insurance company must pay Dickson $500,000 for his anguish. We should all have this kind of anguish. Keep scratching. There are more.... Double hand scratching after this one.. * FOURTH PLACE * Jerry Williams, of Little Rock, Arkansas, garnered 4th Place in the Stella's when he was awarded $14,500 plus medical expenses after being bitten on the butt by his next door neighbor's beagle - even though the beagle was on a chain in its owner's fenced yard. Williams did not get as much as he asked for because the jury believed the beagle might have been provoked at the time of the butt bite because Williams had climbed over the fence into the yard and repeatedly shot the dog with a pellet gun. Pick a new spot to scratch, you're getting a bald spot.. * THIRD PLACE * Amber Carson of Lancaster, Pennsylvania because a jury ordered a Philadelphia restaurant to pay her $113,500 after she slipped on a spilled soft drink and broke her tailbone. The reason the soft drink was on the floor: Ms. Carson had thrown it at her boyfriend 30 seconds earlier during an argument. Whatever happened to people being responsible for their own actions? Only two more so ease up on the scratching.... * SECOND PLACE * Kara Walton, of Claymont, Delaware sued the owner of a night club in a nearby city because she fell from the bathroom window to the floor, knocking out her two front teeth. Even though Ms. Walton was trying to sneak through the ladies room window to avoid paying the $3.50 cover charge, the jury said the night club had to pay her $12,000.....oh, yeah, plus dental expenses. Go figure. Ok. Here we go!! * FIRST PLACE * This year's runaway First Place Stella Award winner was: Mrs. Merv Grazinski, of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, who purchased a new 32-foot Winnebago motor home. On her first trip home, from an OU football game, having driven on to the freeway, she set the cruise control at 70 mph and calmly left the driver's seat to go to the back of the Winnebago to make herself a sandwich. Not surprisingly, the motor home left the freeway, crashed and overturned. Also not surprisingly, Mrs. Grazinski sued Winnebago for not putting in the owner's manual that she couldn't actually leave the driver's seat while the cruise control was set. The Oklahoma jury awarded her, are you sitting down? $1,750,000 PLUS a new motor home. Winnebago actually changed their manuals as a result of this suit, just in case Mrs. Grazinski has any relatives who might also buy a motor home. Are we, as a society, getting more stupid....
  6. Hi everyone. I have read through the info on this great site and cca`d Lowell's after receiving letters threatening court action from Bryan Carter. No response was received from Lowell's when i sent my request with postal order after BC returned my request twice telling me to contact Lowell's directly, even though they were the ones threatening court action. today i received a letter from Lowell's saying they have received second letter and are looking into my complaint and my account is on hold. They haven't even acknowledged the first letter or returned my postal order. What do i do? The 'account' entered default on 31st December when i had no reply and fired off second letter. Any advice appreciated. The amount is due to drop of credit file this year at some point. Thank you. Res
  7. Hi CAG I've tried searching but no luck, apologies if there is a thread on this. I'll try and keep this short. My contract with vodafone came up to the end of the 24 months today. I requested cancellation 30 days ago and that's all dandy. I looked through some of my recent bills lately, and I've noticed that I've been paying £5.50 extra a month for an extra 1gb data. Now I never actually told vodafone to add this on, I did enquire about it way before they added it on (because I was hit with heavy charges for going over my 500mb allowance) but decided not to as the value at the time wasn't very good. So I called vodafone 2 days ago, 1 to request a PAC serial for my new PAYG sim, and 2 to enquire about the bolt on, and whether I'm entitled to my money back. I discussed the matter with a customer care colleague, telling her I never requested this and I should be entitled to my money back (I've been paying this for about 8 months). She first said they add that one for me to stop lots of charges, then said calls are only recorded for 60 days (surely that's their problem?) so it can't be proved. I did disagree as I haven't signed a contract based on this. She then said because my contract is being cancelled they would not be able to credit my account, and that it would need to be reinstated before they could do so. I said I have 1 more payment with them due to go out on X date, suggesting I should just cancel the Direct Debit which would just about cover it. She agreed I should do this, I asked if they would try to take the payment as I didn't want a default, she said no, they will send me an email with a bill. I didn't get this so I had to call again, received the email later, but it's got a bill attached from November and doesn't address anything I've discussed. So does anybody know if legally I'm entitled to my money back, and whether it would be a good idea for me to cancel the direct debit? Thanks in advance (sorry it wasn't very short)
  8. I am an agency worker on a Swedish Derogation arrangement and as such I have a contract of employment. My contract of employment states my pay is £10.24 per hour, however I was given a pay rise a few months ago increasing it to £10.48 per hour, the contract of employment was not updated and still states the old £10.24 per hour rate. On 4th Feb 2014 I was advised verbally that my pay would reduce to £10.00 per hour and this would be effective week commencing 10th Feb 2014, they said a new contract page would follow. When I said I was not happy and asked what my options were they said basically "take whats on offer or leave" OK, I am fairly certain they cannot do this but how do I deal with it from my position? Many Thanks
  9. Hi, My wife took a part time cleaning job. Today she received a message on her mobile to call her boss, which she did. She was told there and then that her services were no longer required with immediate effect. They would not give a reason initially but when pressed they told her that another employee would not work with her, as my wife had only been there three weeks, and the employee who complained had been there 2 years, they decided to dismiss my wife. As she has only been there three weeks we fully understand that she cannot pursue a claim for unfair dismissal, but she has been told she will only be paid up to Friday 31st Jan, her last day of work. In other words, zero notice period. From what I can gather from the internet she should have been given "reasonable" notice. Could anyone offer any advice on the best way to tackle this? Many Thanks.
  10. Hi, First of all, sorry if this is the wrong place for this topic, but it seemed right to me. Some time ago, I was planning to set up a website and I paid a company to register a domain name. I paid for nothing else, and did not sign up for anything else. About a month later, I got a new job and so gave up on the website. The domain name was paid for with a single fee for a year, and I paid that and didn't see anything for 2 months. I had set up a dedicated email address to handle everything related to the website, and after about 2 months of being inactive I stopped checking it. As it turns out, about 2 months after I paid that initial fee, the company had set up a direct debit (over paypal, using the details I had given before to pay for the domain name) to pay for some extra monthly service, without me ever giving my permission. At first I assumed it was just a mistake and that (with some hassle), I should be able to get my money back, or at least cancelling further payments. Looking through my emails and the tales of others, it looks like I might have trouble. In one email I received it says that the contract lasts for 1 year (what "contract" this is I am unsure of) and I have read of similar experiences, with threats to reduce peoples' credit ratings and so on if they do not continue payment for the full year. They have not replied to my email yet, and I am not hopeful that it will be productive anyway. If I pay this fee monthly for a whole year, it will total more than 20 times what I originally actually consented to paying. Furthermore, what is to stop them simply tying me in for another year once this year is up? Surely none of this is legal, and I am wondering if anybody has suggestions about what I can do about it, as they are clearly experienced in screwing over their customers and getting away with it. Their only defence as far as I can see is that they sent me an email (hidden well within a tidal wave of spam from the same company) saying that I could cancel this extra service within 30 days, but after that I would be tied in for a year. Obviously, I missed this email because I stopped checking the account after a few months of not getting any emails other than spam. Do they have any ground to stand on legally? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
  11. Hi all I am contracted to work 40 hours per week and only get paid 40 hours regardless how many hours I work. I did not have an issue with this until the new boss started. It has always been give and take, we work long days usually without a break but we also got shorter days which made up for it. Since the new boss started everyday is getting longer and the shorter days are few and far between. My issue is that once a month my boss is holding compulsory meetings which last for a minimum of 3 hours they are always held late afternoon after my shift. Due to the nature of the business I start work between 5 and 6 in a morning and get paid for 8 hours a day. At the last meeting one of the managers made a very derogatory remark about us which we all took exception to and I was singled out and shouted at in front of about 30 people. He was bang out of order and I told him so in front of everybody. He later apologized but it was very insincere and totally not meant. Since then every time I see him I he gives me filthy looks. I get knots in my stomach and dread going back to the yard in case hes there. They have now called another compulsory meeting but have stated that all work has got to be pulled in before we attend which would put most of us over our hours and they do not pay us for it. I do not feel comfortable attending after how I was treated at the last one so what would happen if I didn't attend.
  12. Hi, First time poster, but have been searching for somewhere to report the service I've received from Vodafone. The problem seems to lay in that no body wants to take accountability for what's happened. I have never needed to use the expression 'moved from pillar to post' more. I've being paying for insurance on mobile phones for while a now but never had to use it till recently. I foolishly dropped into a puddle on a rainy day. I thought I would take advantage of the service I'd being for for about 4 years and see if I could get it fixed when it wasn't turning on and drying it out near a radiator didn't help either. I submitted the phone on 21st Dec 2013, the store assistant was clearly annoyed that I'd caught his eye in the first place, which resulted in him having to help with an after service issue as opposed to acquiring commission for a new contract someone would take out. In fairness I can see where he's coming from, but perhaps the fault lays with the business and their set up. I've since been using an old, half broken HTC Desire, which I still had from a previous contract. I was then contacted on the 24th Dec by the repair centre who left a message advising me that they had no more Samsung S2's in stock so would I like an S3 instead? I rang 191 (Customer service) and explained that I'd missed a call about this but I would be more than happy with getting an S3. The chap I spoke to said he would call the repair centre and find out what was happening. 5 minutes later he reappeared on the phone and explained that it had all been confirmed and that it was on it's way but because it was xmas it would take a bit longer that the normal 3-5 working days. I patiently waited till the 6th January until I phoned. I was on hold for about 20 minutes before I got through. They told me they would put me through to the insurance company (who by the way aren't open at the weekends, which of course is really practical), that took another 20 minutes because they were very busy and then I had to be put through to the repair centre, which took a further 10 Minutes. I spoke to someone called Crystal who advised me that they were still waiting to find out if I was ok with being sent a S3!! I asked if I could just pick up one from the store and they swap it so I could have a proper working phone again. She told me that this wasn't allowed as I would have to have a reconditioned S3 as noted in my terms and conditions. I asked her if anywhere in the terms and conditions it was stated that it was acceptable to make this kind of mistake which resulted in me not having a working phone? She naturally had no answer other than she would get the phone sent off that day. I was unable to restrain my frustration and asked to speak with a supervisor who I was promised would call me back that day. The next day I got a phone call from a supervisor who left a message on my phone as I was at work. I called back and was told that the phone would definitely be with me in 3-5 working days so Friday or the following Monday. I asked to make an official complaint which he said he would escalate. I've had to call again as it's still not turned up. I'm coming up to nearly 1 month without my phone and I'm strongly questioning why I pay £8 a month plus £25 excess to receive shocking service like this. Has anyone else had an issue like this?
  13. Hi, Just posting on here for a little advice and hoping that someone would be able to assist. In May 2012 I booked a hotel through hotels.com. It was for my Wife and I's wedding anniversary. We also had a 4 month old baby. The age of our son meant that we would likely be spending a fair amount of time in the hotel room and therefore booked a room that was spacious and splashed out on the highest rated hotel in the area, 4* Hilton Doubletree. Even booking 6 weeks in advance, this cost just over £100 per night, but it was our anniversary, so spent a little extra for the occasion. Everything seemed great, I received confirmation emails on 3rd July and 4th July and arrived at the hotel after a lengthy journey in torrential rain and localised flooding on 6th July. On arriving at the hotel, I was informed that there was no booking for me. After a bit of panic and a few phone calls the receptionist at the Hilton Doubletree advised me that I had been relocated to the Holiday Inn, a 3* hotel nearby with much lesser facilities. I asked if there would be any refund for the downgrade and inconvenience, but as I had booked through Hotels.com, they advised to take the issue up with them, which I fully understand. My contract is with Hotels.com and not with Hilton Doubletree. I also spent a considerable amount of time on the arrival date discussing the issue with the Hilton Hotel Manager and ensuring I had everything documented. Due to driving almost 3 hours in terrible weather conditions with a 4 month old baby on board, I accepted the change of hotel, but made it clear that it was under protest and documented this in email on the day of arrival to both hotels.com and the Hilton Doubletree. On my return home a few days later I emailed hotels.com and expressed my concerns and asked what they intended to do to resolve the matter. They eventually offered a £50 discount off a future booking. I advised that this was unacceptable as I would not be using their services again and that I felt that they were in breach of contract as they had not provided what I had paid for. I suggested that a full refund might be a better resolution. This and a subsequent email to their Customer Service Team have remained without response. I have attempted to claim the cash back via Visa Debit Chargeback, however this has failed as Hotels.com say they emailed me on 4th July advising me that they had relocated me. Visa Debit Chargeback seem to support their claim. I received an email from Hotels.com on 4th July and at the time, I construed it as being a badly written confirmation email. I have copied it below. It certainly isn't clear to me that I won't be staying in the Hilton Doubletree. Due to lack of response from Hotels.com and failure to recover losses via Visa Debit Chargeback, I am considering putting the claim into Small Claims Court. However, I would like assistance in knowing whether I should claim the full amount with interest, just the full amount or a partial amount and on what grounds I should be claiming, is breach of contract and loss of enjoyment appropriate? Thanks in advance, Mike. ------------------------------------------------------ Email confirmation received from Hotels.com on 3rd July Thanks for using Hotels.com, your booking is confirmed! You don't need to call to reconfirm. Here are the details of your booking along with some useful information about the hotel. You can easily access your booking online anytime. Happy travelling, Hotels.com® DoubleTree by Hilton Lincoln Contact this hotel directly: 44-1522-668824 4.8 18 reviews Brayford Wharf North Lincoln LN1 1YW United Kingdom Number of Guests: adults - 2 Check-In Date: 06/07/2012 Check-Out Date: 08/07/2012 Total: £205.00 ------------------------------------------------------ Email received from Hotels.com on 4th July which they feel adequately advises that the hotel has changed; Note from Hotels.com: Dear Guest, We were informed by the hotel that you will be accomodate at Hilton hotel next to Double tree hotel and the room type will be the same. For more details please call the hotel. Thank you
  14. Good morning. I was wondering if someone has the definitive answer to this one: Is it still the case that a supplier has to have a consumer's signed agreement before they are allowed to share the consumer's information with a credit reference agency? I have had an electricity and gas account with utilities supplier "Eon" since April 2011. It was arranged over the telephone. There is no signed agreement. When the account was opened over the telephone they did not ask me to confirm that I agree to allow them to share my information with a credit reference agency, or indeed any other third party. For the record, they also didn't state that they would be doing this at all. From googling around they seem to be receiving quite a number of Injunctive Relief Orders from customers who believe that Eon has committed a breach of the Data Protection Act by sharing their info with Credit Reference Agencies, and appear to be being successful in having the account and all data removed from their file. If they are actually legally allowed to share my information with credit reference agencies, I believe they have made some mistakes with my account and I am struggling to get them resolved. 1. My account began in April 2011 when we moved into the property. According to Experian it didn't begin until 6 months later in October 2011. 2. There are no payments, no information whatsoever recorded in the months between the incorrect start date of October 2011 and May 2012 inclusive. 3. There are 4 red "payment late" boxes recorded on the account between June and September 2012 4. There is no information recorded in the boxes between October and December 2012. We were late for the payments between June and September 2012 - A combination of being outside UK and a regular problem with post not arriving. This was resolved in December and we are no clearing the balance by direct debit. The first payment was made in December. In a call to Eon this morning, I pointed out the incorrect account start date, and that in every other credit account that I have recorded on Equifax, both the positive and the negative information is recorded - So any payments that are made are shown in green and any payments that are late are shown in red. I also pointed out that as this is not the case it looks to anyone checking my file that I have made absolutely no payments in the history of the account. Whilst all of my other credit history is excellent, this one misrepresented account it causing my credit score to be recored as "Very Poor". I also pointed out that even if they had recorded all of the payments that I HAD made on the account, that because the account opening date was incorrectly reported by 6 months on my Equifax report, that ratio of payments made on time against those that weren't made on time over the incorrectly reported period of the account would also be inaccurate and look worse than it actually is. The CSR I spoke with spoke a lady in Credit Reporting. The CSR came back to me and gave me the following answers via the lady in Credit Reporting: 1. Eon are aware that the start date of customers accounts are incorrect on Equifax. Apparently if they change the date at their end it reverts back to the incorrect date the following month. 2. As Eon didn't have a payment agreement with me at the time, they are unable to record the payments I made on my account. I pointed out that if not having a payment agreement with them excludes them from being able to record the payments I have made in the months I have made them, then surely it also excludes them from recording the payments I haven't made in the months I haven't made them.........Apparently it doesn't work like that Sir, although no further explanation could be given. 3. I agreed in November 2012 to pay off the balance that was owed along with new usage monthly by direct debit beginning on December 3rd. Despite now having a payment agreement with them, Eon states that they do not display any information on any monthly payments that have been made by customers.....Only those payments that aren't made....So even with a payment agreement they're still only reporting the negative payment information and not the positive......Surely this isn't correct. No other organisation with whom I have a credit account reported on Equifax behaves like this....They record good and bad to give a fair and accurate picture of my credit worthiness. Eon's behaviour just makes their customers look bad, even if they pay. 3. Eon reckons that the Data Protection Act allows them to share customers information with third parties including credit reference agencies without a signed contract or agreement with a customer because they point out that they will be doing so in their terms and conditions. Even if that is the correct interpretation of the law and no signature or agreement by the customer is required, as far as I am aware Eon only started doing this in 2012 - They started supplying with gas and electricity long before this in April 2011 - I wonder if the fact that the account incorrectly shows that it begun 6 months later in October is something to do with the law changing? Either way, I have never signed any contract or agreement with them of any kind. They never asked me if I wished to allow them to, or stated that they would share my information with any third party or credit reference agency when I started the account in April. I have been advised by their CSR to write to the Ombudsman, or report anything I am unhappy with to Equifax who will report it back to the lady in Eon Credit Reporting. Apparently it's pointless writing directly to Eon Credit Reporting - It smacks to me that Eon is chucking any old nonsense on Equifax reports, and relying upon Equifax to resolve their mistakes for them. In the meantime, my credit rating is being seriously screwed up by one organisation's ineptitude. Do I have grounds to threaten Eon with an Injunctive Relief Order? It seems to me that any other path could take a long, long time, and I would quite like to apply for a mortgage NOW!
  15. E-Sure cancelled my insuance without notification. Below is the email i sent to them. Good afternoon, Please could you re-instate my cancelled insurance and refund the newer insurance(taken out 25/11/2013), or revise the new insurance to equal the premium of the previous insurance. I didn’t receive the welcome pack hence the following email was sent to you on the 1st of October. ---- Hi, Please could i have my policy documents sent to email 2 rather than email 1 (email removed due to zero postings) Car Reg is:AM**UC* Cover set to start from 30/09/2013 I havent received a confirmation yet, could you confirm that my vehicle is now insured. Thank you Reply: Dear Mr H*s*a*n, Thank you for your recent enquiry. We would like to advise that due to security reasons we are unable to send policy documents via email; however we can confirm these were issued to your home address after you accepted your policy. All documents are issued by first class post but can take between 3-5 working days to arrive, although receipt within 2 or 3 days is more usual. Should you require any further assistance, please contact us on 0845 603 7874 or via email. We are available Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm, Saturday 9am to 5pm and Sunday 10am to 2pm. Yours sincerely --- No mention was given in your reply of an incorrect email on record; this in my view is a catastrophic failure in customer service which in-turn could result in terrible conations for the insured, luckily I’m commuter into central London, Victoria (TFL transcripts available); from my research the internet is littered with 200+cases to this effect e.g. (Search term: “E-SURE cancelled my insurance without notice”) GoCompare.com appears to be highly un-intuitive and its usage appears to result in a failure to update personal details which could subsequently lead to incorrect details being passed to your web-service, ESURE and GoCompare.com have a duty of care to their customers and a lack in process workflow must be substituted with an enhanced form of customer service in order to facilitate corrective measures. I received one letter from E-SURE dated, 15th October 2013 “Urgent we still need proof of your no claims discount” but didn’t receive any further correspondence from you, including emails; neither did I receive the welcome pack. I do not want to contact the financial ombudsman as this will automatically cost you £400; please could you re-instate my previous insurance and refund my newer insurance, or discount the current insurance. I believe the cancellation is unfair and a violation of my consumer rights. I didn’t receive the required seven day warning, or any other forms of warning apart from the first reminder. I believe in light of my previous email, contact should have been made; my wife also reminded me that I actually called you to discuss the status of my pending welcome pack and change of email; please may I also have all call transcripts. Could someone here advise me of my options. Thank you
  16. Hi, new to the forums but lurked for a long time over the years! I will try to keep it brief and as unidentifiable as possible. I raised an informal grievance against my boss. It was completely ignored by both him and his boss. Three weeks later I asked what was happening and was told nothing. Make it formal if you have a problem. I made it formal (and included the way they “dealt” with the informal side of things) and then almost immediately received a without prejudice offer to settle and go. I have been in my job for almost 20 years with no issues at all. The offer was stupidly low. I responded with an equally high offer which was rejected. I was shocked as no one had sat and had so much as a conversation with me about what was in the informal grievance. The boss has behaved as if the employment relationship is over. My staff have been called to the office to be asked how they will cope on their own and offered support, I have been told not to attend the office whilst off sick (I was signed off for the first time in my life, just after I handed in the formal grievance) and very junior members of staff have been told not to let me in the building as I have raised a grievance and they don’t want me there! They told me I was not to attend the Christmas party as we were in negotiations, and then as soon as it was over, first thing Monday morning they withdrew from negotiations. Not a big deal in the scheme of things but I think it shows the intentions behind the negotiations were not genuine. So, obviously now the employment relationship is over, but not by my choice. I think from googling that perhaps by sending me a WP offer before even discussing the grievance and how I would want it resolving, that WP wouldn't be applicable and that he effectively ended the employment. I made it very clear that I would be willing to attend mediation. So even though I responded, because there was no dispute at the time, without prejudice doesn't apply. There is loads of background stuff as well but the two main points not above are; another director offered mediation which I accepted, then when he also heard nothing for weeks he chased it via email and HR said that I had refused to attend any mediation. I have the taped conversation that proves I accepted the offer, and the informal grievance also clearly states that I believe mediation to be the way forward. So HR is also compromised, as is the procedure. The director I complained about has laughed in my face previously about how no other director would ever go against him in any grievance or disciplinary. He pulls the strings, blah blah blah. He has then appointed his best friend to chair the hearing. I have objected in writing stating why and offering several other very suitable alternatives but he refuses to have anyone but his friend deal with it. So if you have got this far thank you! Any advice about how to proceed would be gratefully received. I have a few days holiday owing from last year which I have insisted on taking so that I can see a solicitor so I have a small window to decide what to do. After everything they have done I have my head around never going back there again. The thought of having to go in and be normal around everyone knowing that the boss wants me out makes me feel sick.
  17. I have received a Judgement for Claimant today which orders me to pay £1661.42 by 26th November (today's date). The Judgement is dated 19th November. However, I did not receive any papers or any notification that I would be taken to court to get a CCJ. I have recently moved and as I was unaware of the debt I obviously did not notify them that I have moved. I do have a post redirection in place which is why I have received the judgement today. But surely any documents would have been forwarded by the post redirection. I have never had to deal with anything like this and am at a loss as to what to do! I have checked my credit report and it states that Capquest registered a default on 21/10/2009 and it says account type is bank - but I have had the same bank account (and no others) since approx 2004. says the account started on 02/06/2008 My main questions are; - I do not know what the debt is relating to - how can I find out? - Can I do anything about the CCJ now? If I had received the documents prior to the court date I would certainly have looked into it at that point. - I cannot afford to pay the debt - we are barely keeping our heads above water as it is, is there anything I can do about this? As for more time until I have determined what the debt is for? I feel that I should not be paying for a debt when I do not know where it came from? Any help would be really appreciated - I have been looking at advice given by others for similar problems but am getting lost with all the CCA/SAR abbreviations - I don't know what they mean . Thanks
  18. Hi I recently complained to the local council & Bailiffs having been charged £267.44 (my o/h paid the bailiff in full over the phone) for a PCN. I was questioning the 'fee's' as we did not speak to the bailiff face to face and no levy was made on any goods. Eventually I received the breakdown of fees - 24th July 2012 - Debt - £112.00 21st Sept 2013 - 1st letter fee - 11.20 15th Oct 2013 - visit fee 1 - 35.00 15th Oct 2013 - attendance/van - 80.00 18th Oct 2013 - payment by d/c - 2.00 18th Oct 2013 - payment by d/c - 2.00 (my o/h paid 2 separate amounts as he borrowed the remaining balance from a friend) + VAT - 25.24 In my initial letter I questioned - 1. the 'attendance/van fee' as no levy was made 2. charging £2 to take each payment via debit card The bailiff has responded with this - In relation to your comment regarding the Attendance/van fee not being able to be charged due to no levy being made - This relates to local taxation regulations therefore, this is not applicable. Our fees are as per the statuary legislation being schedule 1 of the Enforcement of road traffic fees (certificated bailiffs) Regulations 1993 (as amended) The debit card transaction are able to be charged by us as the regulations only apply to matters subject to contract I'm a bit unsure as to how to respond to this - any help would be greatly appreciated
  19. Hi guys, not been on here for a while but have a juicy one for you. my fiance today had her tv taken by the bayv rep. She had this tv for well over 2 yrs and had all but paid for it. Now i know thats not right but in addition to this, about a couple of months ago when we had that double bank holiday, the tv went faulty, well more the box than the tv, the rep sent her a text message giving instructions on how to by pass the meter by cutting the wire and fitting a plug straight to the tv lead. This was only a couple of weeks after he had text her askin if she was interested in going on a date!!! Rub your eyes coz thats exactly what youve just read!! I have the text messagea to prove that he sent them coz they are from his mobile phone. anyway that aside, she has paid way more than a third of the total amount although as yet i do not have the exact figures. now the plan so far is to e-mail Elaine Mockler and follow this up with an SAR which will be done tomorrow, then if theres no satisfaction a letter before action and finally an N1. Will keep you all posted, hope the rep squirms when he sees whats in store for him and his shoddy company now that i've got the bit between my teeth. As you may guess i'm slightly annoyed as i only found out most of this today becoz hes taken the tv. hope southernjessy sees this too, i may need your expertise
  20. Hi all, Hoping to get some help if possible as no one seems interested, neither the company nor my bank. I set up a website 2 years ago when i started a company however through ill health it was all wound up and dissolved. In Oct 2011 i had a payment leave my bank for the yearly payment for the website which i had forgot to close as an oversight, at the time i contacted them and stated quite clearly that i wanted it closed and everything ceased. i was informed that as i had not contacted sooner i woul hae to pay the yearly charge which i accepted and very reluctantly did. This morning i have awoken to find that they have now taken more payments for the domain name and hadnt cancelled the website, instead in october it triggered it to become auto renew. I have contacted the company and i am currently talking to brick walls, there attitude is tuff, it wasnt cancelled and we have the money. I have tried talking to my bank who have said i will have to wait for the payment to be shown on account before anything can be done, the bank is Lloydstsb surely this can't be right. So the questions are where do i stand with Easyspace as they didnt have my authority to use the card and what can i do. Hopefully someone will be able to help. Thanks Simon
  21. I am a bit confused here. I keep getting emails from credit expert telling me that my card details are due to expire in 25 days I have been getting these every month now and they very clearly state that my membership is going to expire if they don't receive my card details I do not wish to keep paying for this service I cant afford to pay the £10 every month right now so I didn't bother giving my card details when I got my new card, I have logged in to find that under the card details section there is no information yet credit expert have still been taking 9.99 every month despite telling me almost every month that my membership would expire if I don't provide my card details, I didn't want their service so didn't bother providing my details therefore assuming that the contract would end. How on earth can they charge me when they don't have my card details, and why aren't they terminating my "membership" as they state they are going to do. [ATTACH=CONFIG]46860[/ATTACH]
  22. I had a minor accident a couple of weeks ago and my insurance company rang up on Tuesday to request a conference call with DVLA. During the call the DVLA suggested I ring them back which I did. They informed me that my licence had been revoked since 1998. I knew nothing of this. I asked why. They said that I had not sent it in for an endorsement to be added but could not tell me what endorsement as their records don't go back that far. They also cannot supply me with copies of the letters they say they sent me requesting my licence as their records don't go back that far. I told them that I can remember a policeman knocking on the door years ago saying he had been sent by the DVLA and asking to see my licence. I showed it to him and he said it was fine and left. I asked why this problem had not shown up when the police had stopped me a few years ago and done a PCN check on me. They said that was strange! They have told me to apply for a new licence which I have done but I cant drive in the meantime and I am now concerned that my insurance company will find out, cancel my insurance and charge me for all of the costs of the accident. I do not know what is going on. What should I do?
  23. Hi, I requested a CCA from welcome and sent a £1 postal order, they have sent the postal order back to me with a letter saying they need to see a copy of my passport before they can send me a cca. I am reluctant to do this as not only do I not want them having any more information on me than they already do, but they continue to write to me with spelling mistakes in my name. (they add an extra letter onto the end of my first name) I'm a bit stuck as to what to do now..... Thanks
  24. Hi, Well I don't seem to be having much luck on the CCA front! The latest reply regarding my MINT account is that they cannot procees my request as they require my signature. In the request I sent off I included the £1 postal order and relevant details, and signed the letter electronically (as per advice on the forum). So what can I do now? This is a card I took out in mid 2004 and the account is defaulted and being managed through the CCCS (but i still get a statement every month directly from MINT). I don't want to give them my signature to add to a document if they dont already have it, but I'm not sure how to progress from here. Any ideas? Hx
  25. I have been trying to claim Employment and Support Allowance from May with severe anxiety and severe depression. Even now I have not received a single payment from the DWP due to a previous failed medical appointment which I wasn't made aware of and my appeal was rejected. Even now I am living on nil income for the past 16 weeks and I am writing to you for help on my situation as my depression and anxiety has never been so bad cos of worrying about everything and every day is becoming a struggle. There isn't a local CAB office for me to visit, the phone seems to be always busy and I've already written to my local MP but now it feels like all my options have been used and I've been left to rot
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