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  1. Thanks for the speedy reply. That's great, I will write to the ombudsman. Thanks again. Res
  2. Hi Silverfox, Well, the two weeks they generously gave themselves in addition to the 8 weeks allowed to respond to my 'complaint' are up. I have heard nothing. What do I do now? I want to take it further as they harassed me for over a year about this. Now they are game playing and I want them stopped. Grateful for your help. Res
  3. That's lovely, thank you for your reply. As always this site comes up trumps. Will update with any further info as and when I get it. Res
  4. Should I wait or submit a complaint to ombudsman? Is there a template? Thanks again.
  5. Hi silverfox, yes they have fallen outside the 8 weeks. Writing once in jan to say they had 8 weeks and now to tell me they will be taking another 2 weeks. I am livid they haven't returned my fee as they were supposed to and now I've received this total rubbish with no real response at all. They are playing games and I want something done. Thanks for your reply. Res.
  6. Hello guys, quick update. I got a letter at the beginning of January telling me that lowell are looking into my 'complaint', and that they have 8 weeks to reply (?!). Today I receive a letter stating the letter was to 'update me on the progress of my complaint'. They haven't come back with ANYTHING resale at all except this ridiculous letter. They also enclose a leaflet with the contact details of the financial ombudsman (although they state in their letter they 'do not think I will need it'!!). They have said they are gathering information still on my last letter (see thread), but still HAVEN'T returned my cca fee of £1. Any advice? I do not believe they think they can just write to buy themselves more time, I don't think that would work the other way around. Thank you, Res x
  7. Thank you. Will wait for their reply, if any.
  8. Fair enough, thank you. Taken out 2006. I am yet to hear from them after not bothering to acknowledge first letter or returning postal order but telling me they are looking into my complaint (second letter sent). Just nervous I maybe wasn't doing the right things. Thank you for all your replies I really appreciate it.
  9. My apologies. I don't really know how to use the site. I think a loan but the amount is all wrong I think due to charges etc. I just read about people following the '3 letter process' and I have no idea what this is. Then I read about estoppels etc and got really confused. I just needed to make sure I am doing it all right. Sorry again for the new post.
  10. Hi everyone, I sent the first two letters to Lowells and received no response to the first, I am still waiting to find out if they have cashed my postal order without supplying what I requested. Anyway, I received a response to my second letter saying they are investigating my complaint etc as the second letter was the 12+2 failure to supply letter. I wanted to know what the 3rd letter is in the process and when do I send it? With many thanks.
  11. Ok great. Just I keep reading about the 3 letter process and I have only sent two so was wondering what this 3rd letter was about. Thanks.
  12. And yes, sorry the second letter was failure to supply letter. Wanted to know if I needed to follow up with something.
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