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  1. Hi Used my Debenhams card to purchase a few items and statement said payment was due 15th December 2013. Hubby and I were on holiday and due to get back a week before payment was due. Unfortunately I had an accident whilst on holiday and ended up in a foreign hospital. I only got home on 15th Dec as soon as I got in I phoned customer services and explained what had happened, I asked their advice on the quickest way to pay the bill and was told that the quickest way was to pay it to them over the phone. Paid in full as I always do but received a letter today from Santander saying I owe them a late fee and in addition to that I also have to pay interest on the items even though it was paid in full. Although I made the payment to customer services on the 15th Dec and the payment due date was also the 15th Dec the actual payment hasnt shown up in their system until the 17th Dec. I am aware that technically it is a late payment and I am at fault but given the circumstances I couldn't do anything about it until I got home. To be honest I am more concerned that this could affect my credit in the future and given the circumstances don't know whether to phone and appeal or just to make the payment and get it out of the way. Any advice would be appreciated
  2. I currently have a Wonga loan that I am having financial difficulties in paying back. So I contacted Halifax and Santander to inform them to cancel the CPA that was attached to my accounts. Halifax haven't got back to me yet, but Santander have. Here is the relevant text as below: I note from your letter dated 29 October 2013 that you have instructed Santander to stop any payments to Wonga from leaving your account. I would like to explain that in order for Santander to place a stop of a debit card payment we require a minimum of 24 hours notice, the exact amount of the payment, the date the payment is due to debit the account and the merchant's name. If any of these details change we cannot guarantee to stop the payment as we are unable to 'block' a debit from an individual merchant, we can only try and block a payment for a specific amount. I can confirm that Santander are currently looking at ways to improve their service as recurring debit card transactions are becoming a problem for many customer's. In the meantime, we do recomment that customer's attempt to cancel any subscriptioon they have entered into with a merchant while also contacting us to try and block the payments. I would therefore request that you contact your customer services department with the information required to stop any further dated card payments to Wonga. I hope I have explained the reason for my decision and that is offers a fair resolution to the issue you have raised. (Who are they trying to kid!) I couldn't have made more clearer that I wished to cancel the CPA when I wrote to them. Shall I send another letter back quoting the regulations of the Payments Services Regulations 2009 in more detail? Also, I'm definitly asking for compensation for dealing with the matter on this one as well.
  3. Greetings. I used to have an old account with Santander which was closed and defaulted back in June 2008. It was done so because there ended up being a negative balance of just under £600. The reason for this negative balance was due to a few bank charges which led to more bank charges being added because the previous bank charges weren't paid. I was disputing this with them at the time I was also disputing another account which I ended up having a part refund for. I was told over the phone that the account had been closed and cleared so I thought nothing more of it. Until I checked my credit report in 2011… I noticed that all this time I had a default against my name. I sent in a letter of complaint which they said they were not in the wrong and wouldn't do anything about it, after all the effort and anger I felt towards it I just left it at that because I didn't know what else to do but wait 6 years until it dropped off.. Today I receive a letter from a debt collection agency who is working with Santander to collect the amount due on the account. I called them (the debt collectors) to find out what was going on, I advised them that there's something wrong as there should be no payment owing. They popped the account on hold whilst I spoke with santander. I called them and they mentioned that according to their systems the only letter of complaint they can see was back in 2011 with regards to the default but not one previous, even though they see a refund on my currently used account back in 2008. So according to them I still owe this money for these bank charges that were applied to my closed account from nearly 6 years ago. I'm not entirely sure what to do because it's pretty ridiculous. Defaulting my name due to rolling bank charges which I was told that it was cleared. I just wish I had a letter stating this but it was mentioned over the phone I remember as I was quite relieved and happy at the time, was a nice weight off. So I'm not too sure what to do now, I still dispute this and I won't pay them a penny… I also know that if I do as I believe its not a full 6 years yet the default will reset. Does anyone have any advice on this? Many thanks for your time Jason
  4. I have had contact from Moorcroft over a debt with Cahoot now Santander. After a number of phone calls I requested they send me copy statements. All I received was a list of transactions on non headed paper. When I said that this was unacceptable they argued that they were not required to supply any further information until I spoke with a manager who said he would arrange proper statements. However I have now received the same statements with a Santander logo 'pasted' on the front page. Prior to the phone calls from Moorcroft I have had no correspondence from Cahoot/Santander advising me of a debt. I have today received two phone calls from Moorcroft one at 8.30 am and the next at 8.50am both of these I ignored. What should I do next?
  5. Hi Everyone I ve had a lot of charges from this bank I get 2 sets 1 for not having enough funds 25.00 and the other for going overdrawn another 25.00 I always clear them and move on and wait till the next lot . But today I got so upset I received my son s DLA Payment into bank bought some Christmas presents off my card today lovely then this morning I go to upload his dinner money it was declined . I log into internet banking to find the bank have taken a total of 150.00 in charges . I only cleared my account last week of 149.00 of charges . Im just so angry they took my sons DLA money its not my money they ve taken Im so worried that the Christmas items are either not going to arrive or my account is going to further overdrawn and im going to incur more charges which I simply cannot afford , My husband is currently not working and with being self employed no work means no wages im so stressed out with this bank Kymmie
  6. Hi Guys, I am typing this in a state of frustration after being on the phone to someone at Santander and them being not helpful at all. I am incurring charges month in month out with Santander if its not one thing its another. Today has pushed me over the edge as I had a credit of £100 put into my account by a friend which was taken due to the account being overdrawn due to 2x UNARRANGED OVERDRAFT USAGE FEE of £100 and £50. I have tried to be careful this month and was surprised to see these charges, then I was advised these charges are from last month. This now pushes me into the red again which means I can expect more of the same next month. Santander are charging me every month if its not for UNARRANGED OVERDRAFT USAGE FEE its for Failed direct debits etc (which I have now cancelled). I understand it may be my fault that I go overdrawn but I feel like they are keeping me in the red and I feel these charges are unfair. The advisors on the phone just keep telling me I had charges waivered 1.5 years ago and thats all they do as a goodwill gesture and the charges are outlined in my terms and conditions. Is there no way for me to fight these charges? today has really tipped me over the edge with Santander.
  7. Evening all Had some bad news that santander have placed a late payment on my loan that was paid over the phone 2 days late I rang the in arrears line which now might not of been the best idea I received a letter on the 11th saying my account was overdue but payment was made on 7th can a company really cause you so much trouble for being 2 days late what can I do your help will be appreciated! Matthew
  8. Hi i am after some help with this issue, i received a letter telling me that i was one of the mortgage people that had been unfairly capped, Santander said they would be in touch between July and Autumn, i have recently had a letter telling me that because i was in arrears with my mortgage in 2008 i would not have been able to move to another company, so i am not entitled to any compensation,
  9. Hi all I have been going through many posts on this site but was hoping that someone could give me their opinion on the following. I took at a personal unsecured loan back in April 2005 with A&L, over a 4 year period, which I had PPI on. I wrote to Santander advising that I believed that they mis-sold the PPI to me over the phone. They have just responded declining my claim stating the following: Santander undertook a customer contact exercise for customers who purchased A&L PPI via the telephone between 14 January 2005 & 31 December 2007. This exercise took place between January 2009 and October 2009 where we wrote to you at ***** for loan account *****. T he purpose was to advise that we had identified problems with the sales of some PPI products and that depending on your circumstances that you might be entitled to a refund. In order to investigate this possibility we requested that you contact us on the telephone number provided in our letter or write to us using the pre paid envelope we enclosed. As you did not respond to the letter, we sent you a follow up letter, enclosing a copy of the original letter, advising that if we did not hear back from you within 14 days we would consider the matter closed. For your reference, i have enclosed template copies of both the letters you would have received. Our records show that you chose not to register any complaint following either letter. The FCA (previously FSA), who regulate Santander, allow us to place a reasonable time limit on when we will accept complaints from customers we have written to advising that they may have been mis-sold and notifying them of what they need to do next in order for us to assess if any compensation is due. This is known as "time bar" and means that you can only complain about the sale of a policy if you do so within 6 years of the sale of your policy, or, if later, 3 years from the date of our letter sent to you. I am satisfied that 3 years have elapsed since we wrote to you in which you had the opportunity to decide whether or not you had any concerns over the way in which your PPI was sold, a nd to make a complaint about it, therefore your complaint is now time barred. I was going to respond stating that I am not happy with their decision but just wanted to run this by you guys to make sure what I am saying is correct: 1. I did not receive the letters that they state they sent to me between January & October 2009. The copy letters that they have provided do not have an address on or any of my loan details, they are merely templates. Can I state that this is not proof that they sent these letters to me unless they can provide actual evidence of the original letters and also the dates posted? The loan finished in April 2009 and I moved out of that address in September 2009 - if they sent the letters in September or October that year then I would not have received them. 2. They are stating that my claim is "time barred" so I am assuming they are referring to the Limitations Act and they say that I can not claim if 6 years have passed since the sale of my policy. Am I right in saying that the Limitations Act on time barring is 6 years after the last payment made (last payment date being April 2009) and not from the date of sale (April 2005)? 3. If point 2 is 6 years from the sale date then am I right in saying that as I did not receive the letters they "sent" in 2009 then I have 3 years from the time that I became aware of the mis-selling? That being 3 years from now and not from the date of the letters? 4. I take it that the wording in their reply also confirms that I did have PPI as I do not have any paperwork? Sorry for it being sooo long but hope someone can help! Many Thanks
  10. I have or had car finance through Santander where I paid monthly for 3 years then have the choice of giving back the car, exchanging it for a new one or paying £3-4k to owe the car outright. Due to a few problems, I missed a couple of months payments. Contacted Santander and made a partial payment. After that, they took no further monthly payments due to being in arrears so the arrears increased. Due to my own stupidity and factors in my life, this eventually increased to five missed payments or just over £1500 with charges. At the end of August / beginning of September, a couple of phonecalls were received from a company in Sheffield called Bluestone. Had to Google them as I had never heard of them. As I won't speak to or give out any information to random people phoning up, I had no idea who they were or what they wanted. Midway through September, I received a letter from Santander, dated 2nd September, than was nothing more than a statement and said I'd been charged £25 or similar for missing a payment and my arreas were over £1500. Contacted them using the 0845 number on their letter, which after 10 secs of silence, gave a BT recorded message saying the number had not been recognised. Took an hour after that of going through automated systems that wanted hundreds of key presses, account numbers I never had etc before I was able to speak to someone. They informed me the account had been sold on to Bluestone. Neither party had at any point bothered to inform me in writing of this. I tried to make a payment but Santader refused point blank and said I had to contact Bluestone as it was nothing to do with them anymore even though they had sent a letter after Bluestone had contacted me. The following afternoon, an agent from Bluestone arrived at my parents house (where I am residing at present) whilst I was at work and left a note saying to contact him about car finance. A few days later, he returned again whilst I was at work. On contacting him, he said that he was acting on Bluestone's behalf and needed to meet face-to-face to discuss matters. Nothing could be put into writing as he would only see me personally. Due to my working hours, he could only see me during the times I was at work (not actually at my workplace but somewhere like home). He did mention 12pm on the 1st October, which whilst not great for me, may be do able if my work commitments allowed. At 8:20am the following 3 days, Bluestone were ringing me up. The first time they had no record of me speaking to the person but then it suddenly appeared on their systems. The following day "no we haven't spoken to you before" etc. I then sent off the letter requesting they do not telephone me and respond in writing only. Yesterday, he turned up again, apparently at the request of Bluestone, once again whilst I was at work and left another letter which caused more embrasssment. I contacted him this morning and the same thing. He had to see me face-to-face, couldn't get to me until 12-1pm at the earliest and I even tried to compromise by saying that I would come to the Sheffield office etc (he apparently has things to do in the morning, works from home in Chesterfield which is just down the road from Sheffield, and would have had to collect things together first). As we couldn't reach a compromise, he said he would contact the office and get back to me shortly. A few minutes later, he was back on the phone saying that the office were due to start legal proceedings as of Monday and were drafting a response to my letter. Any ideas what to expect or to do?
  11. Hi, New to the site so please bear with me while I find my way around. Having some major issues with Santander cards & would appreciate some advice. My question is this: Can someone advise me as to when a letter of intention to file a default is sent "along with" a formal default notice, should the "actual default notice" still be fully compliant with the consumer credit act & contain all the prescribed terms?
  12. Hello, can anyone help me Last year i opened a Santander current account and arranged with them to transfer all by direct debits etc. from my Lloyds account. Unfortunately the direct debits were not set up in time. My wages were paid into Santander and my direct debits started to go out from LLoyds. I was quick to react and took all of my money from Santander and put it back into Lloyds. I decided to stay with Lloyds, arranged for my wages to be paid into Lloyds as before and thought nothing more of Santander. My balance was zero Around this time i split up with my wife and moved home and had no contact with Santander again. Recently i looked at my credit file and found that somehow i owed Santander £465 for bank charges and my file shows 6 late payments and default! I was shocked to say the least. I spoke to Santander and they informed me that they were charges for not depositing the minimum amount each month! I could understand if i had made my account go overdrawn but how can a bank charge me for not using my account!!? Please help my credit score is in tatters:-x
  13. Hi, I've made a F&F offer of 25% to Santander but all they wrote back to me was for me to fill in a income/expenditure form and asking me to let them know about the other debts I have and how much I am offering them. Is this legal? I feel that if I say no then I won't get any further with them. This might be just a generic letter as I have been in a DMP with the for 4 years. Should I just offer them again? I have nothing in particular to hide but I don't want that info to be used against me.
  14. hi im having serious financial difficulties i want to write to santander about but i cant find address anywhere i have 5k loan and overdrawn current acc with them thanks
  15. Hi All, I currently have an ongoing legal claim in the county court against Santander reclaiming credit card charges. All charges in question were applied to the account whilst PPI was on the account, this PPI has subsequently been accepted as having been miss-sold following another claim through the county court. Santander accepted all points in my POC but still managed to drag the case out for another year all the while applying penalty charges to the account. After unsuccessfully attempting to get the bank to repay the charges I filed in court & their new solicitors are playing all kinds of intimadatory hardball in attempts to either have me drop the case by intimidation or have the case set aside. I was just wondering if some of the greater minds on here could have a quick look at some of the paper work & offer some advice. Additionally it it possible to discontinue a case which has had no trial date set so has not been adjudges & the file a new claim at a later date? Thanks in advance.
  16. I had a conversation with this bank today and was told clearly that salary and benefits payments are not actually credited to your account until 5pm on the day of arrival . That means that even if is available at midnight its not actually there for 17 hours.During that time they will return cheques/direct debits etc if cleared funds are not available. How and why?????
  17. I just had a letter 10 mins ago from Santander to say they are offering me £2340 ppi on my overdraft, which I wasn't even aware they were taking til last month. WIN! But on reading further down the letter (dated 24th September and sent 2nd class post) they will deduct 20% of the interest, £132.50. due to new tax laws which came in to force on 1st August. The letter states that if I accepted this offer before 1st October I wouldn't have to pay the tax. So how could I accept it if the offer was only received today because it was sent 2nd class post? I rang the ppi complaints team about it and was told that as it would have taken 14 days after the acceptance was received to make the payment this wouldn't matter anyway as it would have passed the cutoff date. Very sorry, blah blah blah. But that's not what the letter says. It is if my acceptance was received after 1st October, not payment made. So should I fight this or what?
  18. Hello Everybody, Here is my story and I hope and beg anyone to give me suggestion: I m working abroad on contract jobs and renting out my flat. In Aug 2012, I received an email from Managing Agent of my flat saying that the residents on the same building block fall victim to a gang of ID thieves and asked permission to install the letter box at the flat individual door (the letterboxes used to be at communal area). About six months later I was back to my UK flat and greeted by the threatening letters from Santander Cards Ltd, asking for £6600. So I contacted them and reported that I was a victim. I checked my Equifax credit report and found that Santander had already flagged that I was a victim under CIFAS victim alert section. I thought it ended and went back abroad to work. In May 2013, I received a claim form from the Court. So I put in my defence online (since I am not in UK). I also provide the court the following evidence: 1. My passport visa entry stamps to show that I was not in the UK at the time the ID thief applied for Santander (Debenhams store card). 2. The letter from the Managing Agent of my flat regarding other residents were victims at the same time of the year 3. My credit report showing that I always have an excellent history and that Santander had flagged under CIFAS that I was a victim (why are they still chasing me then) I thought after providing these evidence, Howard Cohen (Santander's solicitor) will back off. But today I received a N180 form from the court asking me whether I want a court hearing or mediation. I am going to be in Thailand and I cannot do either of that. I am a victim and I feel really helpless. What should I do next???
  19. New user.. I have been a customer of Santander for 20 years. However, 2 yrs ago I started to fall into arrears with my mortgage. I stuck my head in the sand and didn't tell my wife. Towards the end of 2011 we were put into litigation and passed to HL Interactive, realising this was serious I contacted Santander to discuss affordability. Unfortunately once you are in litigation the bank wont talk to you and pass you back to HL interactive their solicitors. To cut a long story short i was paying £1529 per month, they removed my discounted mortgage rate and assessed from my gross salary that I could afford a further £500 in addition to this. compounded by moving to their standard variable rate this meant they wanted an additional £1000 per month a 65% increase on my original mortgage payment which I already could not afford. From November 2011 until now they have refused to discuss my plea to look at other ways I could work with them to keep my home, they have only every completed one affordability analysis and that was on the telephone and based on gross salary. I have been to court with them twice over repossession and have had to borrow money from friends and family to meet their demands. My wife finally became aware of the situation this March and with friends help we have now paid all our arrears. in order to pay back our friends we are now in the process of selling our home as we cannot face dealing with Santander again. We raised a complaint with the bank and 9 weeks on they have sent us a letter saying we can go to the FCA as they are stilling trying to get to the bottom of all our issues. I have also recently raised this with the director of their banking arm Steve Pateman and await his comments around his banks approach to customers in litigation, to this end their solicitors have this week confirmed they have not acted in our best interest and have sent a cheque to Santander for £433 as a part refund of their fees in recognition of this fact. Santander's CEO office have agreed to come back to me this week on my concerns. I would appreciate advise on what we have been through and what we should expect from our bank.
  20. Hi Folks, I was made redundant a few years ago and defaulted on my Santander/ASDA credit card. The debt was passed on to a collections firm and i then paid this in full as I had found a full time job. (£1200 iirc) As I paid the ballance in full, i would like to appeal to them my hardship at that time and request the default be removed/changed. I now have full time permanent job, 2 kids and would like to resolve so i can get better rate on morgage. I sent a generic letter on 19/08/13 as follows; I have recieved today the following; Where should I go from here ? I am unsure on what the legal requirements are for time scales on responses etc ? Your help and advice much appreciated. Best Regards, Mike
  21. Hi, my first time on here so please be gentle.... i need a little advice in that I sent off a SARS request for 2 Overdraft accounts that are now defaulted with Santander, however they have responded on both to say that the accounts were not regulated by the Consumer Credit Act and therefore does not have a credit agreement...is this correct?? Also reading my credit report for the first time and I have alerts for an overdraft and an unsecured loan that shows the Current Balance as Settled but a default status of 8, and the report shows as both being default with an outstanding balance?? Any help/guidance would be appreciated Thanks
  22. Hello, I had a loan with Santander which I included on a debt management plan I entered nearly a year ago now. Several months ago I had a statement through from Santander showing that I no longer owe anything and the debt has been written off. I presumed that my debt had been sold, after phoning them up this was confirmed. However to date I have not heard anything from Santander or any internal/external DCA. It clearly stated on the statement that the debt has been written off and there was no mention of a collection agency managing the debt going forward. I am no longer making any payments as part of my DMP as Stepchange have removed the debt. How long does it take for a debt to be sold or transferred? From what I have seen before this is usually pretty quick? I would like to know if I still owe the money so I can continue paying it back or make a F&F offer. Any advice as always is greatly appreciated! Cheers
  23. Someone please help me coz this whole thing is really unfair. I am on jsa so have hardly any money anyway without being robbed like this. I got a fine from Southern Rail of £20 a few months ago, and they asked for my bank details, saying they would take the £20 in 2 weeks time. which they did. Then a few months later, I find they have taken a further £25. I have no idea what to do about this, I've tried complaining to tfl but they said it's out of their hands and gave me a totally useless website that had no way of complaining. And ofcourse this put me in unarranged overdraft, so that was a £5 charge from santander. As if all this wasnt bad enough, after having got my bank account back to zero, and paying back the unarranged overdraft that i shouldnt have owed in the first place, santander have taken a further £45 from me as an 'unarranged overdraft fee'! AGAIN putting me in unnaranged overdraft which I will no doubt get more ridiculous fees for! When all along this is none of my fault, it's southern rail's for abusing my trust and taking money randomly out of my account, and santanders fault for letting them! Please someone help me I can't afford this and it is really unfair
  24. Good Afternoon In March I received a letter from Moorcroft saying that they are acting for Santander, and did I live at an address 10 years ago - yes it was me They the said there was an outstanding debt I asked for evidence but none was forthcoming - after phoning them last week and Santander (most unhelpful) some evidence / statements are in the process of being sent to me. In the mean time within the past month my credit reference has be negative marker placed on it - only found out when I went to get a mortgage quote. There has been no activity on this account since 2003 when I moved house, and there was a small amount outstanding I believe on an account - possibly credit card with Cahoot. the amount has increased because of interest and charges I am now about to send of a Subject Assess Request for all data held and a Statute barred letter to both Santander and Moorcroft If Moorcroft can find me after 10 years why didn`t Cahoot, I have had a mortgage and debit / credit cards / store cards I have not been a financial fugitive. Why has Morecroft sent me this letter when they know that it is Statute barred / limitations Wessex Warrior
  25. Ok. It seems that there is one debt, annoyingly in joint names, that is still outstanding between Mr B and myself. It is a Santander current account which is in debit to about £1000. I have never used this account, but digging around shows me that it dates back some 20 odd years and has been passed on from several different banks due to take overs. I went into my local branch of Santander where I was told the account had been closed but they couldn't tell me anymore. I was given a number for Santander Collections, so gave them a call. It turns out that the debt was sold on to Moorcroft last week, so I haven't received any letters of assignment to date. Santander refused point blank to take the account back so that I could deal with it. I have no intentions of phoning Moorcroft, nor of giving them my new address or phone number (my post is still being forwarded by the Post Office until the end of the year, so I will get the letters they send). However, I want the matter dealt with in the best way so that I can finally get an end to the whole sorry bl**dy saga of this marriage. What I would like is some sensible advice on what I should do next. I have dealt with plenty of debt collectors before but not for a debt relating to myself. Should I offer them some kind of full and final settlement, inwhich case what percentage would be an acceptable offer. Or should I tackle it another way? Any advice greatly appreciated. Many thanks, Mrs B.
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